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Created August 23, 2016 08:20
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Kotlin PolylineUtils - encoding/decoding of polylines, simplification with Ramer-Douglas–Peucker algorithm
data class Coordinate(val longitude: Double, val latitude: Double)
* Encodes a polyline using Google's polyline algorithm
* (See for more information).
* code derived from :
* @param (x,y)-Coordinates
* @return polyline-string
fun encode(coords: List<Coordinate>): String {
val result: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
var prevLat = 0
var prevLong = 0
for ((long,lat) in coords) {
val iLat = (lat * 1e5).toInt()
val iLong = (long * 1e5).toInt()
val deltaLat = encodeValue(iLat - prevLat)
val deltaLong = encodeValue(iLong - prevLong)
prevLat = iLat
prevLong = iLong
return result.joinToString("")
private fun encodeValue(value: Int): String {
// Step 2 & 4
var actualValue = if (value < 0) (value shl 1).inv() else (value shl 1)
// Step 5-8
val chunks: List<Int> = splitIntoChunks(actualValue)
// Step 9-10
return { (it + 63).toChar() }.joinToString("")
private fun splitIntoChunks(toEncode: Int): List<Int> {
// Step 5-8
val chunks = mutableListOf<Int>()
var value = toEncode
while(value >= 32) {
chunks.add((value and 31) or (0x20))
value = value shr 5
return chunks
* Decodes a polyline that has been encoded using Google's algorithm
* (
* code derived from :
* @param polyline-string
* @return (long,lat)-Coordinates
fun decode(polyline: String): List<Coordinate> {
val coordinateChunks: MutableList<MutableList<Int>> = mutableListOf()
for (char in polyline.toCharArray()) {
// convert each character to decimal from ascii
var value = char.toInt() - 63
// values that have a chunk following have an extra 1 on the left
val isLastOfChunk = (value and 0x20) == 0
value = value and (0x1F)
if (isLastOfChunk)
var coordinates: MutableList<Double> = mutableListOf()
for (coordinateChunk in coordinateChunks) {
var coordinate = coordinateChunk.mapIndexed { i, chunk -> chunk shl (i * 5) }.reduce { i, j -> i or j }
// there is a 1 on the right if the coordinate is negative
if (coordinate and 0x1 > 0)
coordinate = (coordinate).inv()
coordinate = coordinate shr 1
coordinates.add((coordinate).toDouble() / 100000.0)
val points: MutableList<Coordinate> = mutableListOf()
var previousX = 0.0
var previousY = 0.0
for(i in 0..coordinates.size-1 step 2) {
if(coordinates[i] == 0.0 && coordinates[i+1] == 0.0)
previousX += coordinates[i + 1]
previousY += coordinates[i]
points.add(Coordinate(round(previousX, 5), round(previousY, 5)))
return points
private fun round(value: Double, precision: Int) =
(value * Math.pow(10.0,precision.toDouble())).toInt().toDouble() / Math.pow(10.0,precision.toDouble())
fun simplify(points: List<Coordinate>, epsilon: Double): List<Coordinate> {
// Find the point with the maximum distance
var dmax = 0.0
var index = 0
var end = points.size
for(i in 1..(end - 2)) {
var d = perpendicularDistance(points[i], points[0], points[end-1])
if ( d > dmax ) {
index = i
dmax = d
// If max distance is greater than epsilon, recursively simplify
return if (dmax > epsilon) {
// Recursive call
val recResults1: List<Coordinate> = simplify(points.subList(0,index+1), epsilon)
val recResults2: List<Coordinate> = simplify(points.subList(index,end), epsilon)
// Build the result list
listOf(recResults1.subList(0,recResults1.lastIndex), recResults2).flatMap { it.toList() }
} else {
listOf(points[0], points[end - 1])
private fun perpendicularDistance(pt: Coordinate, lineFrom: Coordinate, lineTo: Coordinate): Double =
Math.abs((lineTo.longitude - lineFrom.longitude)*(lineFrom.latitude - pt.latitude) - (lineFrom.longitude- pt.longitude)*(lineTo.latitude - lineFrom.latitude))/
Math.sqrt(Math.pow(lineTo.longitude - lineFrom.longitude, 2.0) + Math.pow(lineTo.latitude - lineFrom.latitude, 2.0))
* how to use it
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val decoded = decode(polyline)
val simplified = simplify(decoded, 0.0001) // 0.0001 ~ 7-11m
val encoded = encode(simplified)
println("#pts original: ${decoded.size} - simplified: ${simplified.size}")
println("simplified polyline = $encoded")
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