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Last active March 19, 2018 01:58
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Property Factory in Vyper
# @author Ghilia Weldesselasie
# @title PropertyFactory
# Contract that creates a new building with condos in them that can be purchased
# This contract would have to be redeployed for every buolding you own
# You could have a central contract that controls several buildings but that would be complicated
# Condos can be purchased both in cash (ETH really), or by rent-to-own
# Using Vyper for prototyping cause I like it better
# Events of the token.
Transfer: __log__({_from: indexed(address), _to: indexed(address), _condoNum: num})
Approval: __log__({_owner: indexed(address), _approved: indexed(address), _condoNum: num})
Purchase: __log__({_condoNum: num, _purchaser: indexed(address)})
NewCondoForSale: __log__({_condoNum: num, _price: num})
# Variables of the contract.
name = "Ghili's Building"
symbol = "G-BUILD"
totalCondos: public(num) = 9001 # The number of condos inside this building
buildingOwner: public(address) = 0xAbcD # A single address initially owns all condos in a building
# Each condo is a struct which will later be a ERC-721 token as well
Condo: {
ownerName: bytes,
condoNumber: num,
price: num, # The price of the condo
balance: num, # How much money has been payed into the condo. amountOwed = price - balance
locked: bool, # Whether a property is owned or rented, locked will evaluate to true
condos: Condo[num] # An mapping of Condos tied to their condo number
condoToOwner: address[num] # Ties a condo number (suite #) to an owner (an address)
priceOfCondo: public(num[num]) # Each condo has a price, they key is the condo number and the value is the price
condoOwnershipCount: num[address] # Number of condos an address owns
# What is the condo balance of a particular account?
def balanceOf(_owner: address) -> (num256):
return as_num256(condoOwnershipCount[_owner])
# What condo is this address the owner of?
def ownerOf(_condoNum: num256) -> (address):
owner = condoToOwner[_condoNum]
assert owner != address(0)
return owner
def _owns(_claimant: address, _condoNum: num256) -> (bool):
return (condoToOwner[_condoNum] == _claimant)
# Send `_value` tokens to `_to` from your account
def _transfer( _from: address, _to: address, _condoNum: num256):
condoOwnershipCount[_to] += 1
condoToOwner[_condoNum] = _to
if _from != address(0):
condoOwnershipCount[_from] -= 1
log.Transfer(_from, _to, _condoNum)
def transfer(_to: address, _condoNum: num256):
assert _to != address(0)
assert _to != msg.sender
assert _owns(msg.sender, _condoNum))
_transfer(msg.sender, _to, _condoNum)
# Transfer allowed tokens from a specific account to another.
def transferFrom(_to: address, _condoNum: num256):
assert _to != address(0)
assert _to != msg.sender
assert _approvedFor(msg.sender, _condoNum)
assert _owns(msg.sender, _condoNum))
_transfer(msg.sender, _to, _condoNum)
def putForSale(_condoNum: num, _price: num):
assert msg.sender == buildingOwner # Only the building owner can put up a condo for sale
condo: Condo
condo.ownerName = "Ghili"
condo.condoNumber = _condoNum
condo.price = _price
condo.balance = 0
condo.locked = False
condos[_condoNum] = condo
condoToOwner[_condoNum] = buildingOwner
priceOfCondo[_condoNum] = _price
log.NewCondoForSale(_condoNum, _price)
_transfer(0, buildingOwner, condoNum)
def condosOfOwner(_owner: address) -> (num256[]):
balance: num256 = balanceOf(_owner)
if balance == 0
return num256[0]
result: num256[balance]
uint256 maxCondoNum = totalSupply()
idx: num256 = 0
condoNum: num256
for condoNum in range(0, maxCondoNum)
if condoToOwner[condoNum] == _owner:
result[idx] = condoNum
idx += 1
return result
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