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Last active February 27, 2018 14:37
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Implementation of the BUILD algorithm (Aho et al., 1981)
#Implementation of BUILD algorithm
from pptree import *
from blessings import Terminal
term = Terminal()
colFunctions = ["red","green","yellow","blue","magenta","cyan"]
def printTab(*args, **kwargs):
tab = kwargs.pop('tab')
tab = 0
args = [str(x) for x in args]
args = " ".join(args)
print(" "*tab+args)
def contraintToStr(c):
return "("+c[0][0] +","+ c[0][1] + ") < (" +c[1][0] +","+ c[1][1] + ")"
def partitionToStr(pi):
for i in range(len(pi)):
part = ["{"+",".join(s)+"}" for s in pi]
return ",".join(part)
def partition(S,C,tab=0):
#Apply first rule
#Add all S to pi as individual blocks
pi = [[n] for n in S]
#Apply first rule
for c in C:
#Find symbol in ith pos
for i in range(len(pi)):
if c[0][0] in pi[i]:
iIndex = i
#Find symbol in jth pos
for i in range(len(pi)):
if c[0][1] in pi[i]:
jIndex = i
#if not in same block -> merge
if iIndex != jIndex:
pi[min(iIndex,jIndex)] += pi.pop(max(iIndex,jIndex))
printTab("pi after Rule1:",partitionToStr(pi),tab=tab)
#Rule 2
performedMerge = True
while performedMerge:
performedMerge = False
for k,c in enumerate(C):
for idx,s in enumerate(pi):
if c[1][0] in s and c[1][1] in s: #if k,l are both in this block
for j in range(0,len(pi)):
if idx!=j:
if c[0][0] in pi[j] or c[0][1] in pi[j]: #if i or j are in the block
#Merge blocks
printTab(" USE C",k+1,tab=tab)
pi[min(idx,j)] += pi[max(idx,j)]
pi[max(idx,j)] = []
performedMerge = True
pi = [x for x in pi if x != []]
printTab("pi after Rule2:",partitionToStr(pi),"\n",tab=tab)
return pi
def build(S,C,tab=0):
cString = ",".join([contraintToStr(c) for c in C])
header = "BUILD({"+",".join(S)+"} , {"+cString+"})"
tab += 1
if len(S) == 1:
root = Node("")
print_tree(root,indent=' '*(tab))
return Node(S[0])
pi = partition(S,C,tab=tab)
r = len(pi)
if r == 1:
return None
t = []
for m in range(0,r):
#C_m:= {(i, j) < (k, l) in C]i,f,k,1 are in S.};
cm = []
constraintsString = ""
for c in C:
if c[0][0] in pi[m] and c[0][1] in pi[m] and c[1][0] in pi[m] and c[1][1] in pi[m]:
constraintsString += " "*(tab+1) + contraintToStr(c)+"\n"
if constraintsString != "":
printTab("The contraints germane to S_"+str(m+1)+":"+"{"+",".join(pi[m])+"}, are:",tab=tab)
printTab("There are no contraints germane to S_"+str(m+1)+":"+"{"+",".join(pi[m])+"}",tab=tab)
#Tm := BUILD(S_m, C_m);
if t[-1] == None:
return None
#/* if we reach here a tree exists */
root = Node("")
root.children = t
print_tree(root,indent=' '*(tab))
return root
C = [
(("e", "f"),("k", "d")),
(("c", "h"),("a", "n")),
(("j", "n"),("j", "l")),
(("c", "a"),("f", "h")),
(("j", "l"),("e", "n")),
(("n", "l"),("a", "f")),
(("d", "i"),("k", "n")),
(("d", "i"),("g", "i")),
(("c", "l"),("g", "k")),
(("g", "b"),("g", "i")),
(("g", "i"),("d", "m")),
(("c", "h"),("c", "a")),
(("e", "f"),("h", "l")),
(("j", "l"),("j", "a")),
(("k", "m"),("e", "i")),
(("j", "n"),("j", "f"))
tree = build(["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n"],C,tab=0)
#Example 1
C = [
(("3", "4"),("1", "5")),
(("3", "5"),("2", "4")),
#(("4", "5"),("1", "2"))
tree = build([str(d) for d in range(1,6)],C,tab=0)
#Example 3
C = [
(("1", "4"),("3", "7")),
(("2", "6"),("4", "8")),
(("3", "4"),("2", "6")),
(("4", "5"),("1", "9")),
(("7", "8"),("2", "10")),
(("7", "8"),("7", "10")),
(("8","10"),("5", "9")),
tree = build([str(d) for d in range(1,11)],C,tab=0)
'''C = [
#Orphan Leaves
(("4", "4"),("1", "3")),
(("5", "5"),("1", "2")),
(("6", "6"),("1", "2")),
(("1", "2"),("1","7")),
(("7", "10"),("1", "7")),
(("7", "8"),("1", "7")),
(("7", "8"),("7", "10")),
(("1", "3"),("1", "2"))
tree = build([str(d) for d in range(1,11)],C,tab=0)'''
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