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Created November 15, 2015 18:32
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work in progress simple matlab-like plotting API with multiple backends
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- | Some plotting utilities.
module HackPlotLib
( Plotter
-- * plotting functions
, figure, figure'
, plot, plot', plot3, plot3'
, subplot, hold
, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel
, title, legend
-- * run a plotter
, runMatlab--, runMatplotlib
) where
-- import Control.Lens ( (^.) )
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy ( State )
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy as State
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.List ( intercalate )
import Data.Sequence ( Seq, (|>) )
--import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Text.Lazy ( Text )
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder ( Builder, fromString, singleton, toLazyText )
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat ( realFloat )
import Text.Printf ( printf )
data PlotCommand =
Figure (Maybe Int)
| Plot [(Double, Double)] [String]
| Plot3 [(Double, Double, Double)] [String]
| Hold Bool
| Subplot Int Int Int
| XLabel String
| YLabel String
| ZLabel String
| Title String
| Legend [String]
data PlotterState = PlotterState (Seq PlotCommand)
-- | the plotter monad
newtype Plotter a = Plotter (State PlotterState a)
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, State.MonadState PlotterState
command :: PlotCommand -> Plotter ()
command c = do
PlotterState commands <- State.get
State.put (PlotterState (commands |> c))
-- | new figure
figure :: Plotter ()
figure = command (Figure Nothing)
-- | new figure with specific number
figure' :: Int -> Plotter ()
figure' k = command (Figure (Just k))
-- | plot a list of (x,y) pairs
plot :: [(Double, Double)] -> Plotter ()
plot v = plot' v []
-- | plot a list of (x,y) pairs with options
plot' :: [(Double, Double)] -> [String] -> Plotter ()
plot' v o = command (Plot v o)
-- | plot a list of (x,y,z) pairs
plot3 :: [(Double, Double, Double)] -> Plotter ()
plot3 v = plot3' v []
-- | plot a list of (x,y,z) pairs with options
plot3' :: [(Double, Double, Double)] -> [String] -> Plotter ()
plot3' v o = command (Plot3 v o)
-- | make a subplot
subplot :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Plotter ()
subplot kx ky kz = command (Subplot kx ky kz)
-- | change the hold state
hold :: Bool -> Plotter ()
hold = command . Hold
-- | X axis label
xlabel :: String -> Plotter ()
xlabel = command . XLabel
-- | Y axis label
ylabel :: String -> Plotter ()
ylabel = command . YLabel
-- | Z axis label
zlabel :: String -> Plotter ()
zlabel = command . ZLabel
-- | plot title
title :: String -> Plotter ()
title = command . Title
-- | plot legend
legend :: [String] -> Plotter ()
legend = command . Legend
-- | Turn [Double] into a comma seperated list
-- of doubles formatted with 'realFloat'.
fromArray :: [Double] -> Builder
fromArray v = singleton '[' `mappend` fromArray' v
-- close the end
fromArray' [] = singleton ']'
-- if there is at least one, use a comma
fromArray' (x0:xs@(_:_)) = realFloat x0 `mappend` fromString ", " `mappend` fromArray' xs
-- if there is only one left, don't use a comma
fromArray' (x:xs) = realFloat x `mappend` fromArray' xs
catBuilders :: [Builder] -> Builder
catBuilders (x:xs) = x `mappend` catBuilders xs
catBuilders [] = mempty
-- | export the plotter as text in matlab format
runMatlab :: Plotter a -> Text
runMatlab p = withPlotter p toMatlab
toOpts :: [String] -> String
toOpts = concatMap (\o -> ", '" ++ o ++ "'")
toMatlab :: PlotCommand -> Builder
toMatlab (Figure Nothing) = fromString "figure()\n"
toMatlab (Figure (Just k)) = fromString $ "figure(" ++ show k ++ ")\n"
toMatlab (Plot xys opts) =
[ fromString "plot("
, fromArray xs
, fromString ", "
, fromArray ys
, fromString (toOpts opts ++")\n")
(xs, ys) = unzip xys
toMatlab (Plot3 xyzs opts) =
fromString $ "plot3(" ++ show xs ++ ", " ++ show ys ++ ", " ++ show zs
++ toOpts opts ++")\n"
(xs, ys, zs) = unzip3 xyzs
toMatlab (Hold True) = fromString "hold on\n"
toMatlab (Hold False) = fromString "hold off\n"
toMatlab (Subplot kx ky kz) =
fromString $ printf "subplot(%d, %d, %d)\n" kx ky kz
toMatlab (XLabel name) = fromString ("xlabel('" ++ name ++ "')\n")
toMatlab (YLabel name) = fromString ("ylabel('" ++ name ++ "')\n")
toMatlab (ZLabel name) = fromString ("zlabel('" ++ name ++ "')\n")
toMatlab (Title name) = fromString ("title('" ++ name ++ "')\n")
toMatlab (Legend names) =
fromString ("legend(" ++ intercalate ", " names' ++ ")\n")
names' = map (\n -> "'" ++ n ++ "'") names
---- | export the plotter as text in matplotlib format
--runMatplotlib :: Plotter a -> Text
--runMatplotlib = undefined
withPlotter :: Plotter a -> (PlotCommand -> Builder) -> Text
withPlotter (Plotter p) toBuilder =
toLazyText $ catBuilders (map toBuilder (F.toList commands))
PlotterState commands = State.execState p (PlotterState mempty)
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