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Last active December 12, 2015 08:19
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Sample code from Pune Clojure Dojo Meetup session held at 8 feb 2013.
(ns ^{:doc "Word frequencies in a text file."
:author "Baishampayan Ghose <>"}
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as s]))
(def stop-word? #{"is" "the" "am" "i" "that" "if"}) ;; fill it up!
;;; all these functions are written in a "point free" style
(def get-lines (comp line-seq io/reader))
(def get-words (partial mapcat (partial re-seq #"\w+")))
(def lowercase-words (partial map s/lower-case))
(def remove-stop-words (partial remove stop-word?))
(defn count-freqs
(reduce (fn [res word]
(update-in res [word] (fnil inc 0)))
{} coll))
(def sort-map (partial sort-by (comp - val)))
(defn word-freqs
(word-freqs file 10))
([file n]
(->> file
(take n))))
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