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Last active April 22, 2016 08:05
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A concurrent prime sieve in Clojure using core.async
(ns prime-sieve
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [chan go <! >!]]))
;;; concurrent prime sieve in Clojure using core.async
;; inspired by a similar implementation in Go
(defmacro go-forever
"An infinite loop that runs in a go block."
[& body]
`(go (loop []
(defmacro go-loop
"Like clojure.core/loop but runs in a go block."
[bindings & body]
`(go (loop ~bindings
(defn filter-chan
"Somewhat like clojure.core/filter, but operates on a
channel and returns a new channel. "
[pred ch]
(let [out (chan)]
(let [val (<! ch)]
(when (pred val)
(>! out val))))
(defn generate
"Generate all numbers into channel."
(go-loop [n 2]
(>! ch n)
(recur (inc n))))
(defn sieve
"Generate n primes via a concurrent prime sieve.
Successive prime filtering is done by daisy-chaining channels."
(let [in (chan)]
(generate in)
(go-loop [i 0 ch in]
(when (< i n)
(let [prime (<! ch)
nxt (filter-chan #(pos? (rem % prime)) ch)]
(println prime)
(recur (inc i) nxt))))
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Neato - and thanks for the docstrings :-)

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