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Last active March 30, 2019 22:35
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Examples of Clojure's new clojure.spec library
(ns clj-spec-playground
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.spec :as s]
[clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]))
;;; examples of clojure.spec being used like a gradual/dependently typed system.
(defn make-user
"Create a map of inputs after splitting name."
([name email]
(let [[first-name last-name] (str/split name #"\ +")]
{::first-name first-name
::last-name last-name
::email email}))
([name email phone]
(assoc (make-user name email) ::phone (Long/parseLong phone))))
(defn cleanup-user
"Fix names, generate username and id for user."
(let [{:keys [::first-name ::last-name]} u
[lf-name ll-name] (map (comp str/capitalize str/lower-case)
[first-name last-name])]
(assoc u
::first-name lf-name
::last-name ll-name
::uuid (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)
::username (str/lower-case (str "@" ll-name)))))
;;; and now for something completely different!
;;; specs!
;;; Do NOT use this regexp in production!
(def ^:private email-re #"(?i)[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}")
(defn ^:private ^:dynamic valid-email?
(re-matches email-re e))
(defn ^:private valid-phone?
;; lame. do NOT copy
(<= 1000000000 n 9999999999))
;;; map specs
(s/def ::first-name (s/and string? #(<= (count %) 20)))
(s/def ::last-name (s/and string? #(<= (count %) 30)))
(s/def ::email (s/and string? valid-email?))
(s/def ::phone (s/and number? valid-phone?))
(def user-spec (s/keys :req [::first-name ::last-name ::email]
:opt [::phone]))
;;; play with the spec rightaway...
;;; conform can be used for parsing input, eg. in macros
(s/conform user-spec {::first-name "anthony"
::last-name "gOnsalves"
::email ""
::phone 9820740784})
;;; sequence specs
(s/def ::name (s/and string? #(< (count %) 45)))
(s/def ::phone-str (s/and string? #(= (count %) 10)))
(def form-spec (s/cat :name ::name
:email ::email
:phone (s/? ::phone-str)))
;;; Specify make-user
(s/fdef make-user
:args (s/cat :u form-spec)
:ret #(s/valid? user-spec %)
;; useful to map inputs to outputs. kinda dependent typing.
;; here we're asserting that the input and output emails must match
:fn #(= (-> % :args :u :email) (-> % :ret ::email)))
;;; more specs
(s/def ::uuid #(instance? java.util.UUID %))
(s/def ::username (s/and string? #(= % (str/lower-case %))))
;;; gladly reusing previous specs
;;; is there a better way to compose specs?
(def enriched-user-spec (s/keys :req [::first-name ::last-name ::email
::uuid ::username]
:opt [::phone]))
;;; Specify cleanup-user
(s/fdef cleanup-user
:args (s/cat :u user-spec)
:ret #(s/valid? enriched-user-spec %))
;;; try these inputs
(def good-inputs [["ANthony Gonsalves" ""]
["ANthony Gonsalves" "" "1234567890"]])
(def bad-inputs [["ANthony Gonsalves" "anthony@gmail"]
["ANthony Gonsalves" "" "12367890"]
["ANthony Gonsalves" "" 1234567890]])
;;; switch instrumentation on/off
;; (do (s/instrument #'make-user)
;; (s/instrument #'cleanup-user))
;; (do (s/unstrument #'make-user)
;; (s/unstrument #'cleanup-user))
;;; if you're working on the REPL, expect to reset instrumentation multiple
;;; times.
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viebel commented Jan 1, 2017

Would you like to make this gist interactive with klipse?

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sdave2 commented Jan 6, 2017

(defrecord Car [name type num-of-wheels make])

How would I generate random data for a record like the one above?

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sdave2 commented Jan 6, 2017

Okay, so this is what I came up with.

`(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def ::type keyword?)
(s/def ::wheels int?)
(s/def ::make string?)

(defn car-gen
(s/gen (s/spec (s/keys :req [::name ::type ::wheels ::make])))
#(gen/return (map->Car %))))

(s/def ::car (s/spec (s/keys :req [::name ::type ::wheels ::make])
:gen car-gen))

(gen/generate (car-gen))

(clojure.pprint/pprint (drop 198 (s/exercise ::car 200)))`

The code doesn't look too good. What would be a good alternative?


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bowd commented Feb 13, 2017

Unrelated, but I can't seem to figure out how to spec a collection of maps. I.e I'm getting something like this from an API:

  lines: [
    { text: "Some text", attachments: null},
    { text: null, attachments: [{type: "image", payload: { url: "http://some-url" }} ] }

I imagined I could do something like this, but I was wrong:

(s/def ::text string?)
(s/def ::type string?)
(s/def ::payload (s/keys :opt-un [::url]))
(s/def ::attachment (s/keys :req-un [::type ::payload]))
;; bad usage of coll-of
(s/def ::attachments (s/coll-of ::attachment))

(s/def ::line (s/keys :opt-un [::text :attachments]))
;; bad usage of coll-of
(s/def ::lines (s/coll-of ::line))

;; top-level object
(s/def ::note (s/keys :req-un [::lines]))

First of all I'm getting a wrong number of arguments on coll-of which is confusing given the examples I find online.
Secondly, I tried this as well and it doesn't work:

(def attachment? (partial s/valid? ::attachment))
(s/def ::attachments (s/coll-of attachment?))

Any input would be greatly appreciated

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bowd commented Feb 13, 2017

Never mind, I updated clojurescript to the latest version and this went away 🙅‍♂️

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selimober commented Feb 23, 2017


(s/def ::uuid #(instance? java.util.UUID %))

might be like this:

(s/def ::uuid uuid?)

in fact uuid? is it self a spec, like any predicate.

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Hi I am wondering how you would so a spec for the contents of a map where there are options:
The map must either contain :type and either :default or :value but at least one. Also I want to be able to check for the presence of map but not worry about its keys, but check its values that are in fact the map described above? (BTW I am trying to use this to validate input from a yaml file)

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Sandarr95 commented Apr 7, 2017

Hi, I ran into kind of an issue in understanding. What I thought was that conform is meant to be used to get some data which follows a certain pattern to be parsed/formatted to data that your application can handle or if thats not the case return :spec/invalid. I would assume then that calling conform with the same spec on consecutive results should either always fail or always succed.

 => (s/def ::spec-of-variant (s/alt ::number int? ::text string?))
 => (s/conform ::spec-of-variant (s/conform ::spec-of-variant [42]))

;; to my logic, should return [::number 42]

I understand what is going wrong, I just don't understand why it's made this way and if there is a alternative.
I wanted to use alt btw because I also like to try use core.match, so or seemed irrelevant there for me.

EDIT: Thought I'd try answering the question above me, although I have a little difficulty understanding exactly what behaviour you want.

Problem 1: A map can contain keys: :type, :default & :value. It must contain at least 1 of these.

(s/def ::problem1
    (s/keys :opt [:type :default :value])
    (comp not empty? (partial set/intersection #{:type :default :value}) keys))) ;; this could use a seperate def

Problem 2: only check values in a map, they should be following spec ::problem1?

(s/def ::problem2 (s/map-of (constantly true) ::problem1))

Automatic generation of (constantly true) is not supported but conforming works.

I hope this covers all things you got stuck on.

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