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Created December 4, 2017 16:07
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An example of polling using cljs and setInterval
;; Time between polling requests in milliseconds
(def TIMEOUT 1000)
(defn polling-request
[handler timeout]
;; Will call the handler every timeout interval
(js/setInterval handler timeout))
(fn []
;; do something ever poll timeout like check a db
;; (let [surveys (<! (api/get-all-surveys))]
;; (swap! state* assoc :surveys surveys))
;; Time between polling calls
;; I would imagine you could use the polling-request fn in something like
;; `:component-did-mount` of your surveys component to refresh all the surveys
;; every so often.
;; You should also keep track of the id of the setInterval call so you can stop it when you leave that page
;; Something like
(swap! state* assoc :polling-id (polling-request handler timeout))
;; This will store the id of the interval in state*
;; then on `:component-will-unmount` you can/should clear that with
(js/clearInterval (:polling-id @state*))
;; So high level
;; 1. Start a polling function call of whatever (handler) with setInterval
;; 2. Store the id returned from that to kill it later otherwise it will keep polling even when you leave the page
;; 3. Clear the interval when you unmount your page that's polling
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vxe commented Aug 18, 2020

thank you!

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