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Created February 12, 2012 01:49
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How to read session from Redis with Express + Socket.IO in CoffeeScript
class App
express = require 'express'
redis = require 'redis'
RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(express)
sessionStore = new RedisStore()
# These will be used only on ioController()
fs = require 'fs'
parseCookie = require('connect').utils.parseCookie
@app = module.exports = express.createServer()
@app.configure () =>
@app.use express.bodyParser()
@app.use express.cookieParser()
@app.use express.session(
secret: "any random thing that cross your mind"
store: sessionStore # Instead of the regular `new RedisStore()`
@app.listen 3000, => "Express server listening on port #{@app.address().port} in #{@app.settings.env} mode"
@io = require('').listen @app
@io.configure () =>
# This is the important part, reading the sessionStore
@io.set 'authorization', (data, callback) =>
if data.headers.cookie?
data.cookie = parseCookie data.headers.cookie
sessID = data.cookie['connect.sid'] # This could change, if you change the value while configuring the express server with the `key` param in express.session. is connect.sid by default in connect and express
sessionStore.get sessID, (err, session) =>
if err or not session
callback new Error "There's no session"
callback null, true
# Here's where you can read session info and know if the user is authenticated, or any kind of info you saved about your visitor on the cookie. So if you want to check req.session.user you just call session.user here, and so on.
callback new Error "No cookie transmitted!"
@io.on 'connection', (socket) => "Got connected to server!"
# Start the class!!
app = new App()
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