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Last active May 16, 2020 05:13
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package caliban
import caliban.GraphQL._
import zio.ZIO
import zio.console.putStrLn
import zio.zquery._
object Test2 extends zio.App {
case class User(firstName: UQuery[String], lastName: UQuery[String], age: UQuery[Int])
case class Query(getUser: String => User)
case class GetUser[+A](userId: String, field: String) extends Request[Nothing, A]
val UserDataSource: DataSource[Any, GetUser[Any]] =
DataSource.fromFunctionBatched[GetUser[Any], Any]("User") { requests =>
// build SQL query with only the fields in requests { req =>
req.field match {
case "first_name" => s"firstName of ${req.userId}"
case "last_name" => s"lastName of ${req.userId}"
case "age" => 35
def firstName(id: String): UQuery[String] = ZQuery.fromRequest(GetUser(id, "first_name"))(UserDataSource)
def lastName(id: String): UQuery[String] = ZQuery.fromRequest(GetUser(id, "last_name"))(UserDataSource)
def age(id: String): UQuery[Int] = ZQuery.fromRequest(GetUser(id, "age"))(UserDataSource)
val resolver = RootResolver(Query(id => User(firstName(id), lastName(id), age(id))))
val api = graphQL(resolver)
override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[zio.ZEnv, Nothing, Int] =
for {
interpreter <- api.interpreter.orDie
query = "{getUser(value:\"userA\"){firstName lastName age}}"
res <- interpreter.execute(query)
_ <- putStrLn(
} yield 0
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