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Created November 11, 2010 05:53
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MetaMegaProtoUser that uses Mongo
Copyright 2012 Matthew Henderson
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package code.lib
import _root_.scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Node, Text, Elem}
import net.liftweb.mongodb.record.field.MongoPasswordField
import net.liftweb.record.Field
import net.liftweb.common._
import{S, js, SHtml}
import js._
import JsCmds._
import _root_.scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Node, Text, Elem}
import _root_.scala.xml.transform._
import S._
import{ProtoUser => GenProtoUser}
import net.liftweb.mongodb.record.{MongoRecord, MongoId, MongoMetaRecord}
import net.liftweb.mongodb._
import net.liftweb.record.field._
trait UserIdAsString {
def userIdAsString: String
* ProtoUser is a base class that gives you a "User" that has a first name,
* last name, email, etc.
trait ProtoUser[T <: ProtoUser[T]] extends MongoRecord[T] with UserIdAsString with MongoId[T]{
self: T =>
* The primary key field for the User. You can override the behavior
* of this field:
* <pre name="code" class="scala">
* override lazy val id = new MyMappedLongClass(this) {
* println("I am doing something different")
* }
* </pre>
protected class MyMappedLongClass(obj: T) extends LongField(obj)
* Convert the id to a String
def userIdAsString: String =
* The first name field for the User. You can override the behavior
* of this field:
* <pre name="code" class="scala">
* override lazy val firstName = new MyFirstName(this, 32) {
* println("I am doing something different")
* }
* </pre>
lazy val firstName: StringField[T] = new MyFirstName(this, 32)
protected class MyFirstName(obj: T, size: Int) extends StringField(obj, size) {
override def displayName = owner.firstNameDisplayName
override val fieldId = Some(Text("txtFirstName"))
* The string name for the first name field
def firstNameDisplayName = ??("")
* The last field for the User. You can override the behavior
* of this field:
* <pre name="code" class="scala">
* override lazy val lastName = new MyLastName(this, 32) {
* println("I am doing something different")
* }
* </pre>
lazy val lastName: StringField[T] = new MyLastName(this, 32)
protected class MyLastName(obj: T, size: Int) extends StringField(obj, size) {
override def displayName = owner.lastNameDisplayName
override val fieldId = Some(Text("txtLastName"))
* The last name string
def lastNameDisplayName = ??("")
* The email field for the User. You can override the behavior
* of this field:
* <pre name="code" class="scala">
* override lazy val email = new MyEmail(this, 48) {
* println("I am doing something different")
* }
* </pre>
lazy val email: EmailField[T] = new MyEmail(this, 48)
protected class MyEmail(obj: T, size: Int) extends EmailField(obj, size) {
private def valUnique(emailValue: ValueType): List[FieldError] =
toBoxMyType(emailValue) match {
case Full(email) => {
owner.meta.findAll("email", email) match {
case Nil => Nil
case usr :: Nil if ( == => Empty
case _ => Text(S.??(""))
case _ => Text(S.??(""))
override def displayName = owner.emailDisplayName
override def validations = valUnique _ :: super.validations
override val fieldId = Some(Text("txtEmail"))
* The email first name
def emailDisplayName = ??("email.address")
* The password field for the User. You can override the behavior
* of this field:
* <pre name="code" class="scala">
* override lazy val password = new MyPassword(this) {
* println("I am doing something different")
* }
* </pre>
lazy val password: MongoPasswordField[T] = new MyPassword(this)
protected class MyPassword(obj: T) extends MongoPasswordField(obj) {
override def displayName = owner.passwordDisplayName
* The display name for the password field
def passwordDisplayName = ??("password")
* The superuser field for the User. You can override the behavior
* of this field:
* <pre name="code" class="scala">
* override lazy val superUser = new MySuperUser(this) {
* println("I am doing something different")
* }
* </pre>
lazy val superUser: BooleanField[T] = new MySuperUser(this)
protected class MySuperUser(obj: T) extends BooleanField(obj) {
override def defaultValue = false
def niceName: String = (,, match {
case (f, l, e) if f.length > 1 && l.length > 1 => f+" "+l+" ("+e+")"
case (f, _, e) if f.length > 1 => f+" ("+e+")"
case (_, l, e) if l.length > 1 => l+" ("+e+")"
case (_, _, e) => e
def shortName: String = (, match {
case (f, l) if f.length > 1 && l.length > 1 => f+" "+l
case (f, _) if f.length > 1 => f
case (_, l) if l.length > 1 => l
case _ =>
def niceNameWEmailLink = <a href={"mailto:"}>{niceName}</a>
trait MetaMegaProtoUser[ModelType <: MegaProtoUser[ModelType]] extends MongoMetaRecord[ModelType] with MongoId[ModelType] with GenProtoUser {
self: ModelType =>
type TheUserType = ModelType
//ensureIndex(("email" -> 1), true) // unique email
* What's a field pointer for the underlying CRUDify
type FieldPointerType = Field[_, TheUserType]
* Based on a FieldPointer, build a FieldPointerBridge
protected implicit def buildFieldBridge(from: FieldPointerType): FieldPointerBridge = new MyPointer(from)
protected class MyPointer(from: FieldPointerType) extends FieldPointerBridge {
* What is the display name of this field?
def displayHtml: NodeSeq = from.displayHtml
* Does this represent a pointer to a Password field
def isPasswordField_? : Boolean = from match {
case a: MongoPasswordField[_] => true
case _ => false
* Convert an instance of TheUserType to the Bridge trait
protected implicit def typeToBridge(in: TheUserType): UserBridge =
new MyUserBridge(in)
* Bridges from TheUserType to methods used in this class
protected class MyUserBridge(in: TheUserType) extends UserBridge {
* Convert the user's primary key to a String
def userIdAsString: String =
* Return the user's first name
def getFirstName: String =
* Return the user's last name
def getLastName: String =
* Get the user's email
def getEmail: String =
* Is the user a superuser
def superUser_? : Boolean =
* Has the user been validated?
def validated_? : Boolean =
* Does the supplied password match the actual password?
def testPassword(toTest: Box[String]): Boolean = openOr false
* Set the validation flag on the user and return the user
def setValidated(validation: Boolean): TheUserType =
* Set the unique ID for this user to a new value
def resetUniqueId(): TheUserType = {
* Return the unique ID for the user
def getUniqueId(): String = in._id.toString
* Validate the user
def validate: List[FieldError] = in.validate
* Given a list of string, set the password
def setPasswordFromListString(pwd: List[String]): TheUserType = {
pwd match {
case x1 :: x2 :: Nil if x1 == x2 => in.password.setPassword(x1)
case _ => Nil
* Save the user to backing store
def save(): Boolean = {
* Given a field pointer and an instance, get the field on that instance
protected def computeFieldFromPointer(instance: TheUserType, pointer: FieldPointerType): Box[BaseField] = {
* Given an username (probably email address), find the user
protected def findUserByEmail(email: String): Box[TheUserType] = {
var searchListHeadOption = meta.findAll(("email" -> email)).headOption
searchListHeadOption match {
case Some(x) => Full(x)
case None => return Empty
protected def findUserByUserName(email: String): Box[TheUserType] = findUserByEmail(email)
* Given a unique id, find the user
protected def findUserByUniqueId(id: String): Box[TheUserType] = {
var searchListHeadOption = meta.findAll(("_id" -> id)).headOption
searchListHeadOption match {
case Some(x) => Full(x)
case None => return Empty
* Create a new instance of the User
protected def createNewUserInstance(): TheUserType = createRecord
* Given a String representing the User ID, find the user
protected def userFromStringId(id: String): Box[TheUserType] = find(id)
* The list of fields presented to the user at sign-up
def signupFields: List[FieldPointerType] = List(firstName,
* The list of fields presented to the user for editing
def editFields: List[FieldPointerType] = List(firstName,
* ProtoUser is bare bones. MetaProtoUser contains a bunch
* more fields including a validated flag, locale, timezone, etc.
trait MegaProtoUser[T <: MegaProtoUser[T]] extends ProtoUser[T]{
self: T =>
* The has the user been validated.
* You can override the behavior
* of this field:
* <pre name="code" class="scala">
* override lazy val validated = new MyValidated(this, 32) {
* println("I am doing something different")
* }
* </pre>
lazy val validated: BooleanField[T] = new MyValidated(this)
protected class MyValidated(obj: T) extends BooleanField(obj) {
override def defaultValue = false
override val fieldId = Some(Text("txtValidated"))
* The locale field for the User.
* You can override the behavior
* of this field:
* <pre name="code" class="scala">
* override lazy val locale = new MyLocale(this, 32) {
* println("I am doing something different")
* }
* </pre>
lazy val locale = new MyLocale(this)
protected class MyLocale(obj: T) extends LocaleField(obj) {
override def displayName = owner.localeDisplayName
override val fieldId = Some(Text("txtLocale"))
* The time zone field for the User.
* You can override the behavior
* of this field:
* <pre name="code" class="scala">
* override lazy val timezone = new MyTimeZone(this, 32) {
* println("I am doing something different")
* }
* </pre>
lazy val timezone = new MyTimeZone(this)
protected class MyTimeZone(obj: T) extends TimeZoneField(obj) {
override def displayName = owner.timezoneDisplayName
override val fieldId = Some(Text("txtTimeZone"))
* The string for the timezone field
def timezoneDisplayName = ??("")
* The string for the locale field
def localeDisplayName = ??("locale")
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