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Last active June 29, 2024 17:47
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An unofficial list of discord app protocol routes

Discord app protocol routes


  • /: discord://-/
  • friends: discord://-/channels/@me/
  • nitro: discord://-/store
  • shop: discord://-/shop
  • message requests: discord://-/message-requests
  • family centre: discord://-/family-center


  • apps: discord://-/apps
  • discovery - guilds: discord://-/guild-discovery
  • gift: discord://-/gifts/<gift_code>
  • gift (with login screen): discord://-/gifts/<gift_code>/login
  • new server: discord://-/guilds/create
  • server invite: discord://-/invite/<invite_code>
  • server invite (with login screen): discord://-/invite/<invite_code>/login
  • developer portal: discord://-/developer


  • user settings: discord://-/settings/<setting_name>
    • with setting_name:
      • User settings - my account: account
      • User settings - profiles: profile-customization
      • User settings - privacy and safety: privacy-and-safety
      • User settings - family: family-center
      • User settings - authorized apps: authorized-apps
      • User settings - connections: connections
      • User settings - devices: sessions
      • User settings - friend requests: friend-requests
      • Payment settings - Discord Nitro: premium
      • Payment settings - server boost: guild-boosting
      • Payment settings - subscriptions: subscriptions
      • Payment settings - gift inventory: inventory
      • Payment settings - billing: billing
      • App settings - appearance: appearance
      • App settings - accessibility: accessibility
      • App settings - voice & video: voice
      • App settings - text & images: text
      • App settings - notifications: notifications
      • App settings - keybinds: keybinds
      • App settings - language: locale
      • App settings - windows settings: windows
      • App settings - linux settings: linux
      • App settings - steamer mode: streamer-mode
      • App settings - advanced: advanced
      • Activity settings - activity privacy - activity-privacy
      • Activity settings - registered games - registered-games
      • Activity settings - game overlay: overlay
      • Hypesquad: hypesquad-online
      • Changelog: changelogs
      • Experiments: experiments
      • Developer options: developer-options
      • Hotspot options: hotspot-options
      • Dismissible Contents: dismissible-content-options
  • guild settings: discord://-/guilds/<guild_id>/settings
    • overview: /overview
    • roles: /roles
    • emoji: /emoij
    • stickers: /stickers
    • widget: /widget
    • server template: /guild-templates
    • soundboard: /soundboard
    • custom invite link: /vanity-url
    • Apps - integrations: /integrations
    • Apps - app directory: /app-directory (empty page)
    • Moderation - safety setup: /safety
    • Moderation - audit log: /audit-log
    • Moderation - bans: /bans
    • Community - overview: /community
    • Community - onboarding: /onboarding
    • Community - server insights: /analytics
    • Community - partner programme: /partner
    • Community - discovery: /discovery
    • Community - server web page /discovery-landing-page
    • Community - welcome screen: /community-welcome
    • Monetization - Server subscriptions: /role-subscriptions
    • Server boost status: /guild-premium
    • User managament - members: /members
    • User managament - invites: /instant-invites
    • Delete: /delete


  • user profile: discord://-/users/<user_id>

Guilds and DMs:

  • dm channel: discord://-/channels/@me/<channel_id>
  • dm message: discord://-/channels/@me/<channel_id>/<message_id>
  • favorites: discord://-/channels/@favorites
  • favorites channel: discord://-/channels/@favorites/<channel_id>
  • guild: discord://-/channels/<guild_id>
  • guild channel: discord://-/channels/<guild_id>/<channel_id>
  • guild browse channels: discord://channels/<guild_id>/channel-browser
  • guild customise (onboarding): discord://channels/<guild_id>/customize-community
  • guild server guide channel: discord://-/channels/<guild_id>/@home
  • guild event: discord://-/events/<guild_id>/<event_id>
  • guild message: discord://-/channels/<guild_id>/<channel_id>/<message_id>
  • guild member safety: discord://-/channels/<guild_id>/member-safety
  • guild membership screening: discord://-/member-verification/<guild_id>
  • guild role subscriptions: discord://-/channels/<guild_id>/role-subscriptions
  • hub membership screening: discord://-/member-verification-for-hub/<hub_id>


  • library: discord://-/library/
  • library inventory: discord://-/library/inventory
  • library item actions: discord://-/library/<sku_id>/<action_name>
    • with action_name:
      • Launch: launch
  • library settings: discord://-/library/settings/
  • store page: discord://-/store/skus/<sku_id>
  • store page: discord://-/store/applications/<application_id>


  • login: discord://-/login (options: ?redirect_to=)
  • register: discord://-/register (options: ?redirect_to=)
  • reset: discord://-/reset
  • restore: discord://-/restore


If an event is over, the link might not work anymore

  • snowsgiving (Discord's yearly event in december): discord://-/snowsgiving
  • 8th birthday: discord://-/activities
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sylv256 commented Jun 9, 2024

Hey y'all, so I've figured something out: these only work on Windows.

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these only work on Windows.

For Linux try this. Also, Discord on Linux just sucks. (ArmCord enhances it a bit)

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lCyPh3r commented Jun 22, 2024

is there's a way to invite a discord bot with this protocol like : discord://-/oauth2/authorize?client_id=282859044593598464&scope=identify+guilds+bot+applications.commands+applications.commands.permissions.update&permissions=2080374975&response_type=code&redirect_uri=

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