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Forked from catm705/Gem for Development and Test
Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Rails setup for dev

Rails setup for dev

rails new app_name -d postgresql

Given that you want to use postgresql. exclude -d postgresql to setup with SQLite.

  • edit yml (if applicable)
  • edit gemfile --> see 'gemfile for dev/test' gist
bundle install


rails g rspec:install
bundle exec guard init
  • In the guard file:
guard :rspec, cmd: 'bundle exec rspec’ do
bundle exec guard
  • create spec folder (models) and file (user_spec.rb) --> spec/models/user_spec.rb
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test


rails g jasmine:install
rails g jasmine:examples (optional)
  • create file (js_file.js) in assets/javascript/js_file.js
  • create file (js_file_spec.js) in spec/javascript/js_file_spec.js
rake jasmine (starts server - check tests in browser at --> localhost:8888)

write a test!!


set up db:

rake db:create
rails g migration create_users
  • make table!!!
rake db:migrate

write a test!!_


commands for rails 3.2.12:

db:create --> creates the database for the current env
db:create:all --> creates the databases for all envs
db:drop --> drops the database for the current env
db:drop:all --> drops the databases for all envs
db:migrate --> runs migrations for the current env that have not run yet
db:migrate:up --> runs one specific migration
db:migrate:down --> rolls back one specific migration
db:migrate:status --> shows current migration status
db:migrate:rollback --> rolls back the last migration
db:forward --> advances the current schema version to the next one
db:seed --> runs the db/seed.rb file
db:schema:load --> loads the schema into the current env's database
db:schema:dump --> dumps the current env's schema (and seems to create the db as well)

db:setup --> runs db:schema:load, db:seed

db:reset --> runs db:drop db:setup
db:migrate:redo --> runs (db:migrate:down db:migrate:up) or (db:migrate:rollback db:migrate:migrate) depending on the specified migration
db:migrate:reset --> runs db:drop db:create db:migrate
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