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Last active March 17, 2022 23:31
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Definition of the Ackermann-Peter function in Coq, as an inductive relation and also a fixpoint
(* Let's look at the Ackermann-Peter function, the canonical example of a
total computable function that is not primitive recursive. As such it should
be possible to write it as a computation in Gallina but the normal Fixpoint
termination check won't work.
The function can be defined case-wise:
A(0, n) = n+1
A(m+1, 0) = A(m, 1)
A(m+1, n+1) = A(m,A(m+1,n))
Below is the "obvious" fixpoint definition but Coq won't accept it: "Cannot
guess decreasing argument of fix." *)
Fixpoint ack_fix1 (m n : nat) : nat :=
match m with
| O => S n
| S m' =>
match n with
| O => ack_fix1 m' 1
| S n' => ack_fix1 m' (ack_fix1 m n')
(* Some generic definitions about relations *)
Section Rel.
Variables A B : Type.
Definition Rel := A -> B -> Prop.
Definition partial_func (R : Rel) :=
forall x y1 y2, R x y1 -> R x y2 -> y1 = y2.
Definition left_total (R : Rel) :=
forall x, exists y, R x y.
Definition func (R : Rel) :=
forall x, exists! y, R x y.
Theorem partial_func_total__func :
forall R, partial_func R -> left_total R -> func R.
unfold partial_func, left_total, func.
intros R Hpf Hlt x.
specialize (Hlt x).
inversion Hlt as (y1, Hy1); subst; clear Hlt.
exists y1.
split; try assumption.
intros y2 Hy2.
apply Hpf with x; assumption.
End Rel.
(* Ackermann-Peter defined as an inductive relation. NB this follows pretty
directly from the definition. *)
Inductive ack_rel : nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| ack_1 : forall n,
ack_rel 0 n (S n)
| ack_2 : forall m o,
ack_rel m 1 o ->
ack_rel (S m) 0 o
| ack_3 : forall m n n' o,
ack_rel (S m) n n' ->
ack_rel m n' o ->
ack_rel (S m) (S n) o.
(* We should prove that we really did define a function *)
Lemma ack_rel_partial_func :
forall m n o1 o2, ack_rel m n o1 -> ack_rel m n o2 -> o1 = o2.
intros m n o1 o2 Ho1.
generalize dependent o2.
induction Ho1; intros o2 Ho2;
inversion Ho2; subst; clear Ho2; try auto.
specialize (IHHo1_1 n'0 H1); subst; auto.
Lemma ack_rel_left_total :
forall m n, exists o, ack_rel m n o.
intros m.
induction m.
- intros n; exists (S n); constructor.
- induction n.
+ specialize (IHm 1).
inversion IHm.
exists x.
apply ack_2; assumption.
+ inversion IHn as (n',Hn').
specialize (IHm n').
inversion IHm as (o, Ho).
exists o.
apply ack_3 with n'; assumption.
Theorem ack_rel_func :
forall m n, exists! o, ack_rel m n o.
intros m n.
assert (exists o, ack_rel m n o) by apply ack_rel_left_total.
inversion H as (o1, Ho1).
exists o1.
split; try assumption.
intros o2 Ho2.
apply (ack_rel_partial_func m n); assumption.
(* Here is a clever way to write the function as a fixpoint that avoids the
problem from the first fixpoint definition above. *)
Fixpoint ack (n m : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| O => S m
| S p => let fix ackn (m : nat) :=
match m with
| O => ack p 1
| S q => ack p (ackn q)
in ackn m
(* We can prove that our relation defines the same function. *)
Theorem ack__ack_rel :
forall x y z, ack_rel x y z <-> ack x y = z.
intros x y z.
split; intros H.
- induction H.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl; assumption.
+ simpl; subst; reflexivity.
- subst.
generalize dependent y.
induction x; intros y.
+ constructor.
+ induction y.
* simpl; constructor; apply IHx.
* apply ack_3 with (ack (S x) y); auto.
eapply IHx.
(* Using constructive definite description, we can turn our relation into a
"function" that we can use like normal and prove behaves as per the relational
spec. But note that we cannot actually compute values with this definition! *)
From Coq.Logic Require Import Description.
Definition ack_cdd_sig (x y : nat) : {z : nat | ack_rel x y z }.
apply constructive_definite_description.
apply ack_rel_func.
Definition ack_cdd (x y : nat) : nat := proj1_sig (ack_cdd_sig x y).
Check (ack_cdd 3 4).
(* ack_cdd 3 4 : nat *)
(* This version cannot actually compute *)
Compute (ack_cdd 3 4).
ack_cdd 3 4
: nat
= let (x, _) := ack_cdd_sig 3 4 in x
: nat
(* Contrast with the computable version: *)
Compute (ack 3 4).
(* = 125 : nat*)
Theorem ack_cdd__ack_rel :
forall x y z, ack_rel x y z <-> ack_cdd x y = z.
unfold ack_cdd.
intros x y z1.
destruct (ack_cdd_sig x y) as (z2, Hz2); simpl.
split; intros Hz1.
apply (ack_rel_partial_func x y); assumption.
subst; assumption.
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