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Last active September 24, 2022 21:09
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  • Save ghuntley/1914fd5d15aec638d6dbb8d32d00f1e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ghuntley/1914fd5d15aec638d6dbb8d32d00f1e5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Iterating on a reference Gitpod.yml that serves as a verbose 'documentation as code' which is intended to explain possibilities and how to configure them without folks needing to open a browser. Leave feedback on if you got any.
## Learn more about this file at ''
## This '.gitpod.yml' file when placed at the root of a project instructs
## Gitpod how to prepare & build the project, start development environments
## and configure continuous prebuilds. Prebuilds when enabled builds a project
## like a CI server so you can start coding right away - no more waiting for
## dependencies to download and builds to finish when reviewing pull-requests
## or hacking on something new.
## With Gitpod you can develop software from any device (even iPads) via
## desktop or browser based versions of VS Code or any JetBrains IDE and
## customise it to your individual needs - from themes to extensions, you
## have full control.
## The easiest way to try out Gitpod is install the browser extenion:
## '' or by prefixing
## '' to the source control URL of any project.
## For example: ''
## The 'image' section defines which Docker image Gitpod should use.
## By default, Gitpod uses a standard Docker Image called 'workspace-full'
## which can be found at ''
## Workspaces started based on this default image come pre-installed with
## Docker, Go, Java, Node.js, C/C++, Python, Ruby, Rust, PHP as well as
## tools such as Homebrew, Tailscale, Nginx and several more.
## If this image does not include the tools needed for your project then
## a public Docker image or your own Docker file can be configured.
## Learn more about images at ''
#image: node:buster # use ''
# file: .gitpod.Dockerfile
## The 'tasks' section defines how Gitpod prepares & builds this project
## and how it can start development servers. With Gitpod, there are three
## types of tasks:
## - before: Use this for tasks that need to run before init and before command.
## - init: Use this to configure prebuilds of heavy-lifting tasks such as
## downloading dependencies or compiling source code.
## - command: Use this to start your database or application when the workspace starts.
## Learn more about these tasks at ''
# - before: |
# # commands to execute...
# - init: |
# # sudo apt-get install python3 # can be used to install operating system which
# # dependencies but these are after the prebuild
# # completes thus Gitpod recommends moving
# # operating system dependency installation steps
# # to a custom Dockerfile to make prebuilds faster
# # and to keep your codebase DRY.
# # ''
# # pip install -r requirements.txt # install codebase dependencies
# # cmake # precompile codebase
# - name: Web Server
# openMode: split-left
# env:
# command: |
# python3 -m http.server $WEBSERVER_PORT
# - name: Web Browser
# openMode: split-right
# env:
# command: |
# gp await-port $WEBSERVER_PORT
# lynx `gp url`
## The 'ports' section defines various ports your may listen on are
## configured in Gitpod on an authenticated URL. By default, all ports
## are in private visibility state.
## Learn more about ports at ''
# - port: 8080 # alternatively configure entire ranges via '8080-8090'
# visibility: private # either 'public' or 'private' (default)
# onOpen: open-browser # either 'open-browser', 'open-preview' or 'ignore'
## The 'vscode' section defines a list of Visual Studio Code extensions from
## the registry to be installed upon workspace startup. OpenVSX
## is an open alternative to the proprietary Visual Studio Code Marketplace
## and extensions can be added by sending a pull-request with the extension
## identifier to
## The identifier of an extension is always ${publisher}.${name}.
## For example: 'vscodevim.vim'
## Learn more at ''
# extensions:
# - vscodevim.vim
# - esbenp.prettier-vscode@9.5.0
# -
## The 'github' section defines configuration of continuous prebuilds
## for GitHub repositories when the GitHub application
## '' is installed in GitHub and granted
## permissions to access the repository.
## Learn more at ''
# enable for the default branch
master: true
# enable for all branches in this repo
branches: true
# enable for pull requests coming from this repo
pullRequests: true
# enable for pull requests coming from forks
pullRequestsFromForks: true
# add a check to pull requests
addCheck: true
# add a "Review in Gitpod" button as a comment to pull requests
addComment: false
# add a "Review in Gitpod" button to the pull request's description
addBadge: true
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I like this! It reminds me of stable old things like the reference sendmail conf. 💌

One thing I'd find useful: several links to the docs, wherever applicable.
Can be tricky to maintain if the docs evolve over time 🤔 but it would be very useful I reckon.

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