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Created May 17, 2021 15:46
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nConf20 descriptor from Wicker and Cooper 2016 -
# Calculate nConf20 - from
# Jerome G. P. Wicker and Richard I. Cooper J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2016 56(12) pp. 2347-2352
# reformatted for Python3 by Geoffrey R. Hutchison
from collections import OrderedDict
import fileinput
import numpy as np
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
def GenerateConformers(mol, nConfs):
# Add H atoms to skeleton
molecule = Chem.AddHs(mol)
conformerIntegers = []
# Embed and optimise the conformers with MMFF94
conformers = AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(molecule, nConfs, pruneRmsThresh=0.5)
optimized_and_energies = AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMoleculeConfs(molecule, maxIters=600, nonBondedThresh=100.0)
EnergyDictionaryWithIDAsKey = {}
FinalConformersToUse = {}
# Only keep the conformers which were successfully fully optimised
for conformer in conformers:
optimised , energy = optimized_and_energies[conformer]
if optimised == 0:
EnergyDictionaryWithIDAsKey[conformer] = energy
# Keep the lowest energy conformer
lowestenergy = min( EnergyDictionaryWithIDAsKey.values() )
for k, v in EnergyDictionaryWithIDAsKey.items():
if v == lowestenergy:
lowestEnergyConformerID = k
FinalConformersToUse [ lowestEnergyConformerID ] = lowestenergy
# Remove H atoms to speed up substructure matching
molecule = AllChem.RemoveHs(molecule)
# Find all substructure matches of the molecule with itself , to account for symmetry
matches = molecule.GetSubstructMatches(molecule, uniquify=False)
maps = [ list (enumerate(match)) for match in matches]
# Loop over conformers other than the lowest energy one
for conformerID in EnergyDictionaryWithIDAsKey.keys() :
okayToAdd = True
# Loop over reference conformers already added to list
for finalconformerID in FinalConformersToUse.keys() :
# Calculate the best RMS of this conformer with the reference conformer in the list
RMS = AllChem.GetBestRMS(molecule, molecule , finalconformerID , conformerID , maps)
# Do not add if a match is found with a reference conformer
# (i.e., heavy-atom RMS within 1.0 Å)
if RMS< 1.0:
okayToAdd = False
# Add the conformer if the RMS is greater than 1.0 for every reference conformer
if okayToAdd :
FinalConformersToUse[conformerID] = EnergyDictionaryWithIDAsKey [conformerID]
# Sort the conformers by energy
sortedDictionary = OrderedDict (sorted( FinalConformersToUse.items(), key=lambda t: t[1]))
energies = [val for val in sortedDictionary.values()]
return energies
def CalcNConf20(energylist, upper=20):
# Count up the number of conformers under 20 kcal/mol
descriptor = 0
# Subtract the lowest energy found in the ordered list
relativeEnergies = np.array(energylist) - energylist[0]
# Only look at the energies of conformers other than the global minimum
for energy in relativeEnergies [1:]:
# Optimized lower and upper energy limits for conformer energy
if 0 <= energy < upper:
descriptor += 1
return descriptor
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Assume we're reading a bunch of SMILES from the stdin
for line in fileinput.input():
smiles = line.split()[0]
molecule = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
# maximum of 50 conformers was the limit in the paper
energyList = GenerateConformers(molecule, 50)
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