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Forked from juandopazo/result.js
Last active December 28, 2015 23:59
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Save giabao/7583139 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var fs = require('fs');
var http = require('http');
var ProgressBar = require('progress');
var Handlebars = require('handlebars');
var lineSep = '\r\n';
var typeSep = /\|+|\/|\sor\s|\:/g;
var invalidNameRegEx = /\.|\:|\-|\[|\]|\(\)/g;
var typeCleanupRegex = /\{|\}.*/g;
var indentation = ' ';
var dot = /\./g;
var template = Handlebars.compile(fs.readFileSync('template.handlebars', 'utf8'));
function clone(o) {
var result;
if (Array.isArray(o)) {
result =;
} else if (o && typeof o == 'object') {
result = {};
for (var p in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
result[p] = clone(o[p]);
} else {
result = o;
return result;
function typeToDef(type) {
var parts;
if (typeof type == 'string') {
type = type.trim().replace(typeCleanupRegex, '');
switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
case '':
case 'null':
case 'any':
case 'mixed':
case 'object':
case 'config':
case 'rangeobject':
case 'subscription':
case 'variant':
case 'xmldoc':
case 'plugin.tokeninput':
case 'objecxt':
return 'any';
case 'boolean':
return 'bool';
case 'array':
return 'any[]';
case 'string':
case 'html':
return 'string';
case 'number':
case 'num':
case 'integer':
case 'int':
case 'float':
return 'number';
case 'void':
return 'undefined';
case 'htmlnode':
case 'domnode':
return 'HTMLElement';
case 'callback':
case 'function':
return 'Function';
case 'event.custom':
return 'CustomEvent';
case 'regex':
return 'RegExp';
case 'drag':
return 'DD_Drag';
case '':
return 'IO';
case 'event.facade':
return 'EventFacade';
case 'node':
return 'Node';
case 'yuitest_testcase':
return 'Test_TestCase';
case 'bodyview':
case 'headerview':
case 'tableview':
return 'View';
if (type.indexOf('Array[') === 0) {
type = 'any[]';
} else if (type.indexOf('Y.') === 0) {
type = type.substr(2);
type = type.replace(/\./g, '_');
parts = type.split(typeSep);
return parts.length > 1 ? typeToDef(parts[0]) : type;
} else {
return 'any';
function toArgumentList(params) {
var hasOptional = false;
params.forEach(function (param) {
var name =\,/g, '');
if (name == '+') {
name = 'args';
} = name;
if (param.optional) {
hasOptional = true;
if (hasOptional) {
param.optional = true;
params = params.filter(function (param, j, list) {
for (var i = 0; i < j; i++) {
if ( == list[i].name) {
return false;
return true;
return (param) {
var type = param.type || 'any';
var name = || '';
var optional = !!param.optional;
name = name.replace(invalidNameRegEx, '');
if (!isNaN(parseInt(name.substr(0, 1)))) {
name = '_' + name;
if (name.substr(0, 1) == '*') {
optional = true;
name = name.substr(1);
if (param.props && param.type != 'Object') {
type = '(' + toArgumentList(param.props) + ') => any';
} else if (name.substr(-1) == '*') {
optional = false;
name = '...' + name.substr(0, name.length - 1);
type = typeToDef(param.type) + '[]';
} else if (type.substr(-1) == '*') {
optional = false;
name = '...' + name;
type = type.substr(0, type.length - 1) + '[]';
} else {
type = typeToDef(type);
if (!name) {
name = 'foo';
if (optional) {
name += '?';
return name + ': ' + type;
}).join(', ');
function addMethod(list, method, classname) {
var methods = [method],
i = 0,
j = 0,
next = true;
if (!method.return) {
method.return = {};
if (method.return.type && method.return.type.toLowerCase() == 'self') {
method.return.type = classname;
} else if (method.return.type) {
methods = method.return.type.split(typeSep).map(function (type) {
var m = clone(method);
m.return.type = typeToDef(type);
return m;
} else {
method.return.type = 'any';
if (method.chainable) {
method.return = {
type: classname
while (i < methods.length) {
next = true;
current = methods[i];
if (method.params) {
for (j = 0, len = current.params.length; j < len; j++) {
if (current.params[j].type) {
paramTypes = current.params[j].type.split(typeSep);
if (paramTypes.length > 1) {
methods.push.apply(methods, (type) {
var m = clone(current);
m.params[j].type = typeToDef(type);
return m;
methods.splice(i, 1);
next = false;
if (next) {
methods.forEach(function (method) {
if (method.params) {
method.argList = toArgumentList(method.params);
list.push.apply(list, methods);
function addProperty(list, prop) {
if (!isNaN(parseInt(, 1)))) { = '_' +;
prop.type = typeToDef(prop.type);
function addInheritance(classdata) {
var extensions = [];
if (classdata.is_constructor) {
if (classdata.extends) {
if (classdata.uses) {
extensions.push.apply(extensions, classdata.uses);
if (extensions.length > 0) {
classdata.inherits = 'extends ' + (use) {
return use.replace(dot, '_');
}).join(', ') + ' ';
function ready(result) {
var data = JSON.parse(result);
var classnames = Object.keys(data.classes);
var constructors = {};
var objects = {};
var classesStatic = {};
classnames.filter(function (name) {
return name.indexOf('.') < 0;
}).forEach(function (classname) {
if (classname.indexOf('YUI~') > -1) {
classname = 'YUI';
var classdata = data.classes[classname];
var staticName = classname + 'Static'; = classname;
classdata.methods = []; = [];
if (classdata.is_constructor) {
if (classdata.params) {
classdata.argList = toArgumentList(classdata.params);
constructors[classname] = classdata;
classesStatic[staticName] = {
constructorName: classname,
name: staticName,
argList: classdata.argList,
methods: [],
properties: []
} else {
objects[classname] = classdata;
.filter(function (name) {
return name.indexOf('.') > 0;
.sort(function (a, b) {
return (a.match(dot).length > b.match(dot).length) ? 1 : -1;
.forEach(function (classname) {
var namespaces = classname.split('.');
var longName = classname.replace(dot, '_');
var simpleName = namespaces.pop();
var containerClass = namespaces.pop();
var classdata = data.classes[classname];
var staticName = longName + 'Static';
var container;
if (!constructors[containerClass] && !objects[containerClass]) {
objects[containerClass] = {
name: containerClass,
methods: [],
properties: []
container = classesStatic[containerClass + 'Static'] || objects[containerClass]; = longName;
classdata.methods = []; = [];
if (classdata.is_constructor) {
if (classdata.params) {
classdata.argList = toArgumentList(classdata.params);
constructors[longName] = classdata;
classesStatic[staticName] = {
constructorName: longName,
name: staticName,
argList: classdata.argList,
methods: [],
properties: []
name: simpleName,
type: staticName
} else {
objects[longName] = classdata;{
name: simpleName,
type: longName
Object.keys(classesStatic).sort().forEach(function (classname) {
if (classname == 'YUIStatic') return{
name: classesStatic[classname].constructorName,
type: classname
Object.keys(objects).sort().forEach(function (classname) {{
name: classname,
type: classname
.filter(function (item) {
return !! &&
! &&
item.access != 'private' &&
item.access != 'protected';
.filter(function (item, j, list) {
var prev;
if (item.itemtype == 'method') {
for (var i = 0; i < j; i++) {
prev = list[i];
if (item.class == prev.class && == {
return false;
return true;
.sort(function (prev, next) {
return >;
.forEach(function (item) {
var classname = item.class.replace(dot, '_');
if (classname.indexOf('YUI~') > -1) {
classname = 'YUI';
} else if (classname == 'YUI' && == 'add') {
item.static = true;
var classdata = constructors[classname] || objects[classname];
if (item.static && classesStatic[classname + 'Static']) {
classname = classname + 'Static';
classdata = classesStatic[classname];
if (classdata &&'.') < 0) {
if (item.itemtype == 'method') {
addMethod(classdata.methods, item, classname);
} else {
addProperty(, item);
constructors.YUIStatic = classesStatic.YUIStatic;
delete classesStatic.YUIStatic;
var constructorList = Object.keys(constructors).sort().map(function (c) {
return constructors[c];
var classesStaticList = Object.keys(classesStatic).sort().map(function (c) {
return classesStatic[c];
var objectsList = Object.keys(objects).sort().map(function (c) {
return objects[c];
[constructorList, classesStaticList, objectsList].forEach(function (list) {
list.forEach(function (_class) { = (prop, j) {
var unique = true;
_class.methods.some(function (method) {
if ( == {
unique = false;
return true;
if (unique) {
for (var i = 0; i < j; i++) {
if ([i].name == {
unique = false;
return unique;
fs.writeFileSync('yui.d.ts', template({
constructors: constructorList,
classesStatic: classesStaticList,
objects: objectsList
}), 'utf8');
function getFromWebsite(callback) {
var req = http.get('', function (res) {
var len = parseInt(res.headers['content-length'], 10);
var data = '';
var bar = new ProgressBar(' downloading data.json [:bar] :percent :etas', {
complete: '=',
incomplete: ' ',
width: 20,
total: len
res.on('data', function (chunk) {
data += chunk;
res.on('end', function () {
console.log('\n Done!');
req.on('error', function (err) {
if (fs.existsSync('data.json')) {
//console.log(' Reading local data.json...');
fs.readFile('data.json', 'utf8', function (err, result) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
} else {
module Y {
interface {{name}} {{inherits}}{ {{#if argList}}
{{name}}: {{type}};{{/properties}}
{{name}}({{{argList}}): {{return.type}};{{/methods}}
interface {{name}} {
new ({{{argList}}): {{constructorName}};
{{name}}: {{type}};{{/properties}}
{{name}}({{{argList}}): {{return.type}};{{/methods}}
interface {{name}} {
{{name}}: {{type}};{{/properties}}
{{name}}({{{argList}}): {{return.type}};{{/methods}}
declare var YUI: Y.YUIStatic;
declare module Y {
interface Anim extends Base {
interface App extends App_Base, App_Content, App_Transitions, PjaxContent {
(config?: any);
interface App_Base extends Base, View, Router, PjaxBase {
(config?: any);
views: any;
createView(name: string, config?: any): View;
getViewInfo(view: View): any;
getViewInfo(view: string): any;
navigate(url: string, options?: any): any;
render(): App_Base;
showView(view: string, config?: any, options?: any, callback?: (view: View) => any): App_Base;
showView(view: View, config?: any, options?: any, callback?: (view: View) => any): App_Base;
interface Array {
(thing: any, startIndex?: number, force?: boolean);
interface ArrayList {
(items: any[]);
add(item: any, index: number): ArrayList;
filter(validator: Function): ArrayList;
each(fn: Function, context: any): ArrayList;
isEmpty(): boolean;
indexOf(needle: any): number;
item(i: number): any;
itemsAreEqual(a: any, b: any): boolean;
remove(needle: any, all: boolean, comparator: Function): ArrayList;
size(): number;
some(fn: Function, context: any): boolean;
toJSON(): any[];
interface AsyncQueue extends EventTarget {
(callback: Function);
defaults: any;
add(callback: Function): AsyncQueue;
add(callback: any): AsyncQueue;
next(): Function;
isRunning(): boolean;
indexOf(callback: string): number;
indexOf(callback: Function): number;
getCallback(id: string): any;
pause(): AsyncQueue;
run(): AsyncQueue;
promote(callback: string): AsyncQueue;
promote(callback: any): AsyncQueue;
remove(callback: string): AsyncQueue;
remove(callback: any): AsyncQueue;
size(): number;
stop(): AsyncQueue;
interface AttributeLite {
addAttrs(cfg: any): any;
get(name: string): any;
set(name: string, value: any): any;
set(name: any, value: any): any;
interface AutoCompleteList extends Widget, AutoCompleteBase, WidgetPosition, WidgetPositionAlign {
(config: any);
hide(): AutoCompleteList;
selectItem(itemNode?: Node, originEvent?: EventFacade): AutoCompleteList;
interface Base extends BaseCore, Attribute, AttributeCore, AttributeEvents, AttributeExtras, EventTarget {
(config: any);
destroy(... args: any[]): Base;
init(config: any): Base;
interface BaseCore extends AttributeCore {
(cfg: any);
name: string;
destroy(): BaseCore;
init(cfg: any): BaseCore;
toString(): string;
interface Button extends Widget {
(config: any);
bindUI(): any;
syncUI(): any;
interface ButtonCore {
(config: any);
enable(): any;
disable(): any;
getNode(): any;
interface ButtonGroup extends Widget {
(config: any);
bindUI(): any;
getButtons(): any;
getSelectedButtons(): any;
getSelectedValues(): any;
renderUI(): any;
interface ButtonPlugin {
(config: any);
createNode(node: any, config: any): any;
interface Cache extends Base {
interface CacheOffline extends Cache {
add(request: any, response: any): any;
retrieve(request: any): any;
interface Calendar extends CalendarBase {
(config: any);
addMonth(): any;
addYear(): any;
initializer(): any;
subtractMonth(): any;
subtractYear(): any;
interface CalendarBase extends Widget {
(config: any);
bindUI(): any;
deselectDates(dates?: Date): any;
deselectDates(dates?: any[]): any;
initializer(): any;
renderUI(): any;
selectDates(dates: Date): any;
selectDates(dates: any[]): any;
interface Circle extends Shape {
interface Controller extends Base {
interface CustomEvent {
(type: string, o: any);
bubbles: boolean;
defaultFn: Function;
async: boolean;
afters: Subscriber ;
broadcast: number;
context: any;
fired: boolean;
firedWith: any[];
fireOnce: boolean;
emitFacade: boolean;
monitored: boolean;
host: EventTarget;
prevented: number;
preventable: boolean;
preventedFn: Function;
queuable: boolean;
signature: number;
silent: boolean;
stoppedFn: Function;
stopped: number;
subscribers: Subscriber ;
type: string;
after(fn: Function, context: any, arg: any): EventHandle;
applyConfig(o: any, force: boolean): any;
detachAll(): number;
fire(...arguments: Object[]): boolean;
detach(fn: Function, context: any): number;
hasSubs(): any;
monitor(what: string): EventHandle;
getSubs(): any[];
on(fn: Function, context: any, arg: any): EventHandle;
log(msg: string, cat: string): any;
halt(immediate: boolean): any;
preventDefault(): any;
subscribe(fn: Function): EventHandle;
stopPropagation(): any;
stopImmediatePropagation(): any;
unsubscribe(fn: Function, context: any): number;
unsubscribeAll(): number;
interface DD_DDM extends Base {
activeDrop: any;
activeDrag: DD_Drag;
CSS_PREFIX: string;
_active: boolean;
otherDrops: any;
targets: any[];
validDrops: any[];
useHash: boolean;
clearCache(): any;
getBestMatch(drops: any[], all: boolean): any;
getDrag(node: string): any;
getDrag(node: any): any;
getNode(n: Node): Node;
getNode(n: any): Node;
getNode(n: string): Node;
isOverTarget(drop: any): boolean;
getDrop(node: string): any;
getDrop(node: any): any;
getDelegate(): any;
regDelegate(): any;
stopDrag(): DD_DDM;
swapPosition(n1: Node, n2: Node): Node;
swapNode(n1: Node, n2: Node): Node;
syncActiveShims(force: boolean): any;
interface DD_Delegate extends Base {
dd: any;
createDrop(node: Node, groups: any[]): any;
syncTargets(): DD_Delegate;
interface DD_Drag extends Base {
actXY: any[];
deltaXY: any[];
nodeXY: any[];
lastXY: any[];
mouseXY: any[];
realXY: any[];
region: any;
startXY: any[];
target: any;
addInvalid(str: string): DD_Drag;
addHandle(str: string): DD_Drag;
addToGroup(g: string): DD_Drag;
end(): DD_Drag;
removeFromGroup(g: string): DD_Drag;
removeHandle(str: string): DD_Drag;
removeInvalid(str: string): DD_Drag;
start(): DD_Drag;
stopDrag(): DD_Drag;
validClick(ev: EventFacade): boolean;
interface DD_Drop extends Base {
overTarget: boolean;
region: any;
shim: any;
addToGroup(g: string): DD_Drop;
inGroup(groups: any[]): any;
removeFromGroup(g: string): DD_Drop;
sizeShim(): any;
interface DD_Scroll extends Base {
align(): any;
end(): any;
start(): any;
interface DataSource_Function extends DataSource_Local {
interface DataSource_Get extends DataSource_Local {
interface DataSource_IO extends DataSource_Local {
interface DataSource_Local extends Base {
sendRequest(request?: any): number;
interface Dial extends Widget {
(config: any);
syncUI(): any;
interface Do_AlterArgs {
(msg: string, newArgs: any[]);
interface Do_AlterReturn {
(msg: string, newRetVal: any);
interface Do_Error {
(msg: string, retVal: any);
interface Do_Halt {
(msg: string, retVal: any);
interface Do_Method {
(obj: any, sFn: any);
exec(arg: any): any;
delete(sid: string, fn: Function, when: string): any;
register(sid: string, fn: Function, when: string): any;
interface Do_Prevent {
(msg: string);
interface Drawing {
drawRoundRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, ew: number, eh: number): any;
clear(): any;
curveTo(cp1x: number, cp1y: number, cp2x: number, cp2y: number, x: number, y: number): any;
end(): any;
drawRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): any;
lineTo(point1: number, point2: number): any;
moveTo(x: number, y: number): any;
quadraticCurveTo(cpx: number, cpy: number, x: number, y: number): any;
interface EditorBase extends Base {
frame: any;
copyStyles(from: Node, to: Node): any;
execCommand(cmd: string, val: string): any;//Node|NodeList
focus(fn: Function): EditorBase;
getDomPath(node: Node): any;
getInstance(): YUI;
hide(): EditorBase;
getContent(): string;
render(node: Selector): EditorBase;
render(node: HTMLElement): EditorBase;
render(node: Node): EditorBase;
show(): EditorBase;
interface EditorSelection {
anchorTextNode: Node;
anchorOffset: number;
anchorNode: Node;
focusNode: Node;
focusOffset: number;
focusTextNode: Node;
isCollapsed: boolean;
text: string;
createRange(): any;
focusCursor(): Node;
getCursor(): Node;
insertAtCursor(html: string, node: Node, offset: number, collapse: boolean): Node;
insertContent(html: string): Node;
getSelected(): NodeList;
removeCursor(keep: boolean): Node;
remove(): EditorSelection;
replace(se: string, re: string): Node;
setCursor(): Node;
selectNode(node: Node, collapse: boolean): EditorSelection;
toString(): string;
wrapContent(tag: string): NodeList;
interface Ellipse extends Shape {
interface EventHandle {
(evt: CustomEvent, sub: Subscriber);
evt: CustomEvent;
sub: Subscriber;
detach(): number;
monitor(what: string): EventHandle;
interface FileFlash extends Base {
(config: any);
cancelUpload(): any;
startUpload(url: string, parameters: any, fileFieldName: string): any;
interface FileHTML5 extends Base {
(config: any);
cancelUpload(): any;
startUpload(url: string, parameters: any, fileFieldName: string): any;
interface Frame extends Base {
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, cont: string, sel: string): EventHandle;
focus(fn: Function): Frame;
hide(): Frame;
getInstance(): YUI;
render(node: string): Frame;
render(node: HTMLElement): Frame;
render(node: Node): Frame;
show(): Frame;
use(): any;
interface Get_Transaction {
data: any;
id: number;
nodes: HTMLElement[];
options: any;
requests: any;
abort(msg?: string): any;
execute(callback: Function): any;
purge(): any;
interface Graphic {
batch(method: Function): any;
addShape(cfg: any): any;
destroy(): any;
getXY(): any;
getShapeById(id: string): any;
removeShape(shape: Shape): any;
removeShape(shape: string): any;
removeAllShapes(): any;
interface GraphicBase {
(cfg: any);
interface HistoryHTML5 extends HistoryBase {
(config: any);
interface IO {
(config: any);
complete(transaction: any, config: any): any;
error(transaction: any, error: any, config: any): any;
failure(transaction: any, config: any): any;
end(transaction: any, config: any): any;
load(transaction: any, load: any, config: any): any;
progress(transaction: any, progress: any, config: any): any;
send(uri: string, config: any, id: number): any;
setHeader(name: string, value: string): any;
start(transaction: any, config: any): any;
success(transaction: any, config: any): any;
transport(o: any): any;
xdrResponse(e: string, o: any, c: any): any;
xdr(uri: string, o: any, c: any): any;
interface ImgLoadGroup extends Base {
addCustomTrigger(name: string, obj: any): ImgLoadGroup;
addTrigger(obj: any, type: string): ImgLoadGroup;
fetch(): any;
registerImage(foo: any): any;
interface ImgLoadImgObj extends Base {
fetch(withinY: number): boolean;
interface LazyModelList extends ModelList {
free(model?: Model): LazyModelList;
free(model?: number): LazyModelList;
get(name: string): String[];
getAsHTML(name: string): String[];
getAsURL(name: string): String[];
indexOf(needle: Model): number;
indexOf(needle: any): number;
// reset(models?: Object[], options?: any): LazyModelList;
// reset(models?: Model[], options?: any): LazyModelList;
// reset(models?: ModelList, options?: any): LazyModelList;
revive(item?: number): any;//Model[]|Model
revive(item?: any): any;//Model[]|Model
toJSON(): Object[];
interface Loader {
(config: any);
async: any;
allowRollup: boolean;
comboSep: string;
combine: boolean;
comboBase: string;
base: string;
cssAttributes: any;
charset: string;
data: any;
context: any;
dirty: boolean;
filters: any;
filter: string;
force: string[];
insertBefore: string;
jsAttributes: any;
maxURLLength: number;
ignoreRegistered: any;
ignore: string[];
moduleInfo: any;
loaded: string;
loadOptional: boolean;
inserted: string;
patterns: any;
rollups: any;
required: string;
root: string;
skipped: any;
sorted: string[];
skin: any;
timeout: number;
calculate(o: any, type: string): any;
addModule(config: any, name?: string): any;
addGroup(config: any, name: string): any;
addAlias(use: any[], name: string): any;
filterRequires(r: any[]): any[];
formatSkin(skin: string, mod: string): string;
onSuccess(): any;
onFailure(): any;
onCSS(): any;
onProgress(): any;
onTimeout(): any;
getRequires(mod: any): any[];
isCSSLoaded(name: string): any;
getProvides(name: string): any;
getLangPackName(lang: string, mname: string): string;
getModule(mname: string): any;
insert(o: any, type: string): any;
loadNext(mname: string): any;
load(cb: Function): any;
resolve(calc?: boolean, s?: any[]): any;
require(what: String[]): any;
require(...what: string[]): any;
interface Matrix {
decompose(): any;
deg2rad(deg: number): any;
applyCSSText(val: string): any;
multiple(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, dx: number, dy: number): any;
getTransformArray(val: string): any;
init(config: any): any;
identity(): any;
getMatrixArray(): any;
getContentRect(width: number, height: number, x: number, y: number): any;
getDeterminant(): any;
inverse(): any;
rad2deg(rad: number): any;
scale(val: number): any;
rotate(deg: number): any;
skewY(y: number): any;
skewX(x: number): any;
skew(x: number, y: number): any;
translateY(y: number): any;
toFilterText(): any;
toCSSText(): any;
translate(x: number, y: number): any;
translateX(x: number): any;
transpose(): any;
interface Model extends Base {
changed: any;
idAttribute: string;
lastChange: any;
lists: ModelList[];
destroy(options?: any, callback?: (err: Error) => any): Model;
generateClientId(): string;
get(name: string): any;
getAsHTML(name: string): string;
getAsURL(name: string): string;
isModified(): boolean;
isNew(): boolean;
parse(response: any): any;
set(name: string, value: any, options?: any): Model;
setAttrs(attributes: any, options?: any): Model;
toJSON(): any;
sync(action: string, options?: any, callback?: (err: Error, response?: any) => any): any;
undo(attrNames?: any[], options?: any): Model;
validate(attrs: any, callback: (err?: any) => any): any;
interface ModelList extends Base, ArrayList {
(config: any);
model: Model;
comparator(model: Model): any;//string|number
each(callback: (model: Model, index: number, list: ModelList) => any, thisObj?: any): ModelList;
filter(validator: Function): ArrayList;
filter(options?: any, callback?: (model: Model, index: number, list: ModelList) => any): any[];//|ModelList
get(name: string): any;
getAsHTML(name: string): any;//string| string[]
getAsURL(name: string): any;//string| string[]
getByClientId(clientId: string): Model;
getById(id: string): Model;
getById(id: number): Model;
invoke(name: string, ...args: any[]): any[];
item(index: number): Model;
map(fn: (model: Model, index: number, models: Model[]) => any, thisObj?: any): any[];
parse(response: any): Object[];
some(callback: (model: Model, index: number, list: ModelList) => any, thisObj?: any): boolean;
sort(options?: any): ModelList;
toJSON(): Object[];
toArray(): any[];
sync(action: string, options?: any, callback?: (err: Error, response?: any) => any): any;
interface Node extends EventTarget {
(node: HTMLElement);
contains(needle: Node): boolean;
contains(needle: HTMLElement): boolean;
createCaption(): Node;
blur(): Node;
cloneNode(deep: boolean): Node;
clearData(name: string): Node;
appendTo(node: Node): Node;
appendTo(node: HTMLElement): Node;
appendChild(node: string): Node;
appendChild(node: HTMLElement): Node;
appendChild(node: Node): Node;
append(content: string): Node;
append(content: Node): Node;
append(content: HTMLElement): Node;
all(selector: string): NodeList;
ancestors(fn: string, testSelf: boolean): NodeList;
ancestors(fn: Function, testSelf: boolean): NodeList;
ancestor(fn: string, testSelf: boolean, stopFn: string): Node;
ancestor(fn: string, testSelf: boolean, stopFn: Function): Node;
ancestor(fn: Function, testSelf: boolean, stopFn: string): Node;
ancestor(fn: Function, testSelf: boolean, stopFn: Function): Node;
compareTo(refNode: HTMLElement): boolean;
compareTo(refNode: Node): boolean;
addClass(className: string): Node;
generateID(): string;
getAttribute(name: string): string;
focus(): Node;
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, spec: string, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, spec: Function, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
each(fn: Function, context: any): Node;
empty(): Node;
destroy(recursivePurge: boolean): any;
getAttrs(attrs: any[]): any;
get(attr: string): any;
hide(name: string, config: any, callback: Function): Node;
getComputedStyle(attr: string): string;
getStyle(attr: string): string;
getY(): number;
getX(): number;
getXY(): any[];
inRegion(node2: Node, all: boolean, altRegion: any): any;
inRegion(node2: any, all: boolean, altRegion: any): any;
intersect(node2: Node, altRegion: any): any;
intersect(node2: any, altRegion: any): any;
load(url: string, selector: string, callback: Function): Node;
getElementsByTagName(tagName: string): NodeList;
hasAttribute(attribute: string): boolean;
hasChildNodes(): boolean;
on(type: string, fn: Function, context?: any, ...arg: any[]): EventHandle;
item(index: number): Node;
getData(name: string): any;
getHTML(): string;
getContent(): string;
insertBefore(newNode: string, refNode: HTMLElement): Node;
insertBefore(newNode: string, refNode: Node): Node;
insertBefore(newNode: HTMLElement, refNode: HTMLElement): Node;
insertBefore(newNode: HTMLElement, refNode: Node): Node;
insertBefore(newNode: Node, refNode: HTMLElement): Node;
insertBefore(newNode: Node, refNode: Node): Node;
insert(content: string, where: number): Node;
insert(content: string, where: Node): Node;
insert(content: string, where: HTMLElement): Node;
insert(content: string, where: string): Node;
insert(content: Node, where: number): Node;
insert(content: Node, where: Node): Node;
insert(content: Node, where: HTMLElement): Node;
insert(content: Node, where: string): Node;
insert(content: HTMLElement, where: number): Node;
insert(content: HTMLElement, where: Node): Node;
insert(content: HTMLElement, where: HTMLElement): Node;
insert(content: HTMLElement, where: string): Node;
insert(content: NodeList, where: number): Node;
insert(content: NodeList, where: Node): Node;
insert(content: NodeList, where: HTMLElement): Node;
insert(content: NodeList, where: string): Node;
insert(content: HTMLCollection, where: number): Node;
insert(content: HTMLCollection, where: Node): Node;
insert(content: HTMLCollection, where: HTMLElement): Node;
insert(content: HTMLCollection, where: string): Node;
invoke(method: string, a: any): any;
next(fn: string): Node;
next(fn: Function): Node;
inDoc(doc: Node): boolean;
inDoc(doc: HTMLElement): boolean;
hasClass(className: string): boolean;
prepend(content: string): Node;
prepend(content: Node): Node;
prepend(content: HTMLElement): Node;
previous(fn: string): Node;
previous(fn: Function): Node;
remove(destroy: boolean): Node;
replace(newNode: Node): Node;
replace(newNode: HTMLElement): Node;
replaceChild(node: string, refNode: HTMLElement): Node;
replaceChild(node: string, refNode: Node): Node;
replaceChild(node: HTMLElement, refNode: HTMLElement): Node;
replaceChild(node: HTMLElement, refNode: Node): Node;
replaceChild(node: Node, refNode: HTMLElement): Node;
replaceChild(node: Node, refNode: Node): Node;
query(selector: string): Node;
queryAll(selector: string): NodeList;
purge(recurse: boolean, type: string): Node;
removeChild(node: HTMLElement): Node;
removeChild(node: Node): Node;
scrollIntoView(): Node;
reset(): Node;
removeAttribute(attribute: string): Node;
replaceClass(oldClassName: string, newClassName: string): Node;
removeClass(className: string): Node;
set(attr: string, val: any): Node;
setAttrs(attrMap: any): Node;
siblings(fn: string): NodeList;
siblings(fn: Function): NodeList;
setContent(content: string): Node;
setContent(content: Node): Node;
setContent(content: HTMLElement): Node;
setContent(content: NodeList): Node;
setContent(content: HTMLCollection): Node;
setHTML(content: string): Node;
setHTML(content: Node): Node;
setHTML(content: HTMLElement): Node;
setHTML(content: NodeList): Node;
setHTML(content: HTMLCollection): Node;
setData(name: string, val: any): Node;
size(): number;
simulate(type: string, options: any): void;
simulateGesture(name: string, options?: any, cb?: (err: Error) => any): void;
select(): Node;
setAttribute(name: string, value: string): Node;
setXY(xy: any[]): Node;
setX(x: number): Node;
setY(y: number): Node;
setStyle(attr: string, val: string): Node;
setStyle(attr: string, val: number): Node;
setStyles(hash: any): Node;
show(name: string, config: any, callback: Function): Node;
toString(): string;
toggleClass(className: string, force: boolean): Node;
transition(config: any, callback: Function): Node;
test(selector: string): boolean;
swap(otherNode: Node): Node;
toggleView(on?: boolean, callback?: Function): Node;
swapXY(otherNode: Node): Node;
swapXY(otherNode: HTMLElement): Node;
submit(): Node;
unwrap(): Node;
wrap(html: string): Node;
interface NodeList {
(nodes: string);
concat(valueN: NodeList): NodeList;
concat(valueN: any[]): NodeList;
after(type: string, fn: Function, context: any): EventHandle;
clearData(name: string): NodeList;
appendChild(): any;
append(): any;
addClass(className: string): NodeList;
get(): any;
empty(): NodeList;
destroy(recursivePurge: boolean): any;
even(): NodeList;
filter(selector: string): NodeList;
each(fn: Function, context: any): NodeList;
generateID(): string;
detachAll(): any;
detach(): any;
getAttribute(name: string): string;
isEmpty(): boolean;
odd(): NodeList;
modulus(n: number, r: number): NodeList;
indexOf(node: Node): number;
indexOf(node: HTMLElement): number;
item(index: number): Node;
hide(name: string, config: any, callback: Function): NodeList;
getComputedStyle(attr: string): any[];
getStyle(attr: string): any[];
onceAfter(type: string, fn: Function, context: any): EventHandle;
once(type: string, fn: Function, context: any): EventHandle;
on(type: string, fn: Function, context?: any, ...arg: any[]): EventHandle;
getData(name: string): any[];
getHTML(): any;
getContent(): any;
insertBefore(): any;
insert(): any;
hasClass(className: string): any[];
pop(): Node;
plug(P: Function, config: any): NodeList;
plug(P: any, config: any): NodeList;
plug(P: any[], config: any): NodeList;
prepend(): any;
replaceClass(oldClassName: string, newClassName: string): NodeList;
removeAttribute(name: string): any;
removeClass(className: string): NodeList;
push(nodes: Node): any;
push(nodes: HTMLElement): any;
refresh(): NodeList;
remove(destroy: boolean): NodeList;
setAttribute(name: string, value: string): NodeList;
setContent(): any;
setHTML(): any;
setData(name: string, val: any): NodeList;
setStyle(attr: string, val: string): NodeList;
setStyle(attr: string, val: number): NodeList;
setStyles(hash: any): NodeList;
show(name: string, config: any, callback: Function): NodeList;
shift(): Node;
slice(begin: number, end: number): NodeList;
splice(index: number, howMany: number): NodeList;
some(fn: Function, context: any): boolean;
size(): number;
set(attr: string, val: any): NodeList;
toFrag(): Node;
transition(config: any, callback: Function): NodeList;
toggleView(on?: boolean, callback?: Function): NodeList;
toggleClass(className: string): NodeList;
unwrap(): NodeList;
unshift(nodes: Node): any;
unshift(nodes: HTMLElement): any;
unplug(plugin: string): NodeList;
unplug(plugin: Function): NodeList;
wrap(html: string): NodeList;
interface Overlay extends Widget, WidgetStdMod, WidgetPosition, WidgetStack, WidgetPositionAlign, WidgetPositionConstrain {
(object: any);
interface Panel extends Widget, WidgetAutohide, WidgetButtons, WidgetModality, WidgetPosition, WidgetPositionAlign, WidgetPositionConstrain, WidgetStack, WidgetStdMod {
interface Path extends Shape, Drawing {
interface Pjax extends Router, PjaxBase, PjaxContent {
(config?: any);
interface Plugin_DDConstrained extends Base {
align(): any;
drag(): any;
getRegion(inc: boolean): any;
inRegion(xy: any[]): boolean;
resetCache(): any;
interface Plugin_DDNodeScroll extends DD_Scroll {
interface Plugin_DDProxy extends Base {
interface Plugin_DDWindowScroll extends DD_Scroll {
interface Plugin_Drag extends DD_Drag {
NS: string;
NAME: string;
interface Plugin_Drop extends DD_Drop {
NS: string;
NAME: string;
interface Plugin_EditorBR extends Base {
interface Plugin_EditorBidi extends Base {
interface Plugin_EditorLists extends Base {
interface Plugin_EditorPara extends Plugin_EditorParaBase {
interface Plugin_EditorParaBase extends Base {
interface Plugin_EditorParaIE extends Plugin_EditorParaBase {
interface Plugin_EditorTab extends Base {
interface Plugin_ExecCommand extends Base {
bidi: any;
command(action: string, value: string): any;//NodeList|Node
getInstance(): YUI;
interface Plugin_ResizeProxy extends Plugin_Base {
interface Plugin_ScrollViewList extends Plugin_Base {
initializer(): any;
interface Plugin_ScrollViewPaginator extends Plugin_Base {
next(): any;
initializer(Configuration: any): any;
prev(): any;
scrollToIndex(index: number, duration?: number, easing?: string): any;
interface Plugin_ScrollViewScrollbars extends Plugin_Base {
flash(): any;
hide(animated: boolean): any;
initializer(): any;
show(animated: boolean): any;
interface Plugin_SortScroll extends Base {
interface Queue {
(item: any);
add(item: any): any;
last(): any;
next(): any;
indexOf(needle: any): number;
promote(item: any): any;
remove(item: any): any;
size(): number;
interface Recordset extends Base, ArrayList {
(config: any);
_setRecords(items: Record[]): Record[];
_setRecords(items: Object[]): Record[];
getValuesByKey(key?: string): any[];
getLength(): number;
getRecordsByIndex(index: number, range: number): any[];
getRecordByIndex(i: number): Record;
getRecord(i: String, Number): Record;
interface Rect extends Shape {
interface Resize extends Base {
(config: any);
changeWidthHandles: boolean;
changeTopHandles: boolean;
changeLeftHandles: boolean;
changeHeightHandles: boolean;
ALL_HANDLES: string;
delegate: any;
nodeSurrounding: any;
totalHSurrounding: number;
totalVSurrounding: number;
wrapperSurrounding: any;
eachHandle(fn: Function): any;
interface Router extends Base {
(config?: any);
dispatch(): Router;
getPath(): string;
hasRoute(url: string): boolean;
match(path: string): Object[];
removeRoot(url: string): string;
removeQuery(url: string): string;
replace(url?: string): Router;
route(path: string, callbacks: (req: any, res: any, next: (err?: string) => any) => any): Router;
route(path: RegExp, callbacks: (req: any, res: any, next: (err?: string) => any) => any): Router;
save(url?: string): Router;
upgrade(): boolean;
interface SWF extends EventTarget {
(id: string, swfURL: string, p_oAttributes: any);
callSWF(func: string, args: any[]): any;
toString(): string;
interface SWFDetect {
isFlashVersionAtLeast(flashMajor: number, flashMinor: number, flashRev: number): boolean;
getFlashVersion(): any;
interface ScrollView extends Widget {
(config: any);
lastScrolledAmt: number;
bindUI(): any;
initializer(Configuration: any): any;
scrollTo(x: number, y: number, duration?: number, easing?: string, node?: string): any;
syncUI(): any;
interface Shape {
(cfg: any);
compareTo(refNode: HTMLElement): boolean;
compareTo(refNode: Node): boolean;
contains(needle: Shape): any;
contains(needle: HTMLElement): any;
addClass(className: string): any;
destroy(): any;
getXY(): any;
getBounds(): any;
removeClass(className: string): any;
rotate(deg: number): any;
scale(val: number): any;
setXY(Contains: any[]): any;
set(name: string, value: any): any;
set(name: any, value: any): any;
skew(x: number, y: number): any;
skewX(x: number): any;
skewY(y: number): any;
translateY(y: number): any;
translateX(x: number): any;
translate(x: number, y: number): any;
test(selector: string): any;
interface ShapeGroup {
interface Slider extends SliderBase, SliderValueRange, ClickableRail {
(config: any);
interface SliderBase extends Widget {
(config: any);
rail: Node;
thumb: Node;
renderThumb(): Node;
renderRail(): Node;
syncUI(): any;
interface Sortable extends Base {
drop: DD_Drop;
delegate: DD_Delegate;
getOrdering(Function: any): any;
join(Sortable: any, String: any): Sortable;
plug(Class: any, Object: any): Sortable;
sync(): Sortable;
interface State {
data: any;
add(name: string, key: string, val: any): any;
addAll(name: string, obj: any): any;
get(name: string, key: string): any;
getAll(name: string, reference: boolean): any;
remove(name: string, key: string): any;
removeAll(name: string, obj: any): any;
removeAll(name: string, obj: any[]): any;
interface StyleSheet {
(seed: string, name: string);
disable(): StyleSheet;
enable(): StyleSheet;
getCssText(sel: string): string;
isEnabled(): boolean;
getId(): number;
set(sel: string, css: any): StyleSheet;
unset(sel: string, css: string): StyleSheet;
unset(sel: string, css: any[]): StyleSheet;
interface Subscriber {
(fn: Function, context: any, args: any[]);
args: any[];
context: any;
events: EventTarget;
fn: Function;
id: string;
once: any;
contains(fn: Function, context: any): boolean;
notify(args: any[], ce: CustomEvent): any;
interface SynthRegistry {
(el: HTMLElement, yuid: string, key: string);
_unregisterSub(sub: any): any;
register(handle: EventHandle): any;
interface SyntheticEvent {
(cfg: any);
preventDups: boolean;
applyArgExtras(extra: any, sub: any): any;
detachDelegate(node: Node, sub: any, notifier: SyntheticEvent_Notifier, filter: string): any;
detachDelegate(node: Node, sub: any, notifier: SyntheticEvent_Notifier, filter: Function): any;
delegate(node: Node, sub: any, notifier: SyntheticEvent_Notifier, filter: string): any;
delegate(node: Node, sub: any, notifier: SyntheticEvent_Notifier, filter: Function): any;
detach(node: Node, sub: any, notifier: SyntheticEvent_Notifier): any;
on(node: Node, sub: any, notifier: SyntheticEvent_Notifier): any;
getSubs(node: Node, args: any[], filter: Function, first: boolean): EventHandle[];
processArgs(args: any[], delegate: boolean): any;
subMatch(sub: any, args: any[]): boolean;
interface SyntheticEvent_Notifier {
(handle: EventHandle, emitFacade: boolean);
interface Tab extends Widget, WidgetChild {
(config: any);
interface TabView extends Widget, WidgetParent {
(config: any);
interface Test_Reporter {
(url: string, format: Function);
format: Function;
url: string;
clearFields(): void;
addField(name: string, value: any): void;
destroy(): void;
report(results: any): void;
interface ToggleButton extends Button {
(config: any);
bindUI(): any;
toggle(): any;
syncUI(): any;
interface Transition {
interface UploaderFlash extends Widget {
(config: any);
queue: Uploader_Queue;
upload(file: FileFlash, url: string, postVars: any): any;
uploadAll(url: string, postVars: any): any;
uploadThese(files: any[], url: string, postVars: any): any;
interface UploaderHTML5 extends Widget {
queue: Uploader_Queue;
openFileSelectDialog(): any;
uploadThese(files: any[], url: string, postVars: any): any;
uploadAll(url: string, postVars: any): any;
upload(file: File, url: string, postVars: any): any;
interface Uploader_Queue extends Base {
(config: any);
bytesTotal: number;
bytesUploaded: number;
fileList: number;
errorAction: string;
simUploads: number;
cancelUpload(file: File): any;
addToQueueBottom(file: File): any;
addToQueueTop(file: File): any;
forceReupload(file: File): any;
pauseUpload(): any;
restartUpload(): any;
startUpload(): any;
interface View extends Base {
containerTemplate: string;
events: any;
template: any;
attachEvents(events?: any): View;
create(container?: HTMLElement): Node;
create(container?: Node): Node;
create(container?: string): Node;
destroy(options?: any): View;
detachEvents(): View;
remove(): View;
render(): View;
interface Widget extends Base {
(config: any);
DEF_UNIT: string;
blur(): Widget;
ancestor(depth: number): Widget;
disable(): Widget;
enable(): Widget;
focus(): Widget;
destroy(destroyAllNodes: boolean): Widget;
getSkinName(): string;
getDefaultLocale(): string;
getStrings(key: string): string;
getString(key: string): string;
hide(): Widget;
getClassName(...args: String[]): any;
isRoot(): boolean;
next(circular: boolean): Widget;
previous(circular: boolean): Widget;
show(): Widget;
toString(): string;
interface WidgetParent extends ArrayList {
(config: any);
add(child: Widget, index: number): ArrayList;
add(child: any, index: number): ArrayList;
deselectAll(): any;
destructor(): any;
removeAll(): ArrayList;
remove(index: number): Widget;
remove(needle: any, all: boolean, comparator: Function): ArrayList;
selectAll(): any;
selectChild(i: number): any;
interface WidgetPositionAlign {
(config: any);
interface YQL {
(sql: string, callback: Function, params: any, opts: any);
interface YQLRequest {
(sql: string, callback: Function, params: any, opts: any);
send(): YQLRequest;
interface YUI extends EventTarget {
(o?: any);
Anim: AnimStatic;
App: AppStatic;
App_Base: App_BaseStatic;
ArrayList: ArrayListStatic;
Array: ArrayStatic;
AsyncQueue: AsyncQueueStatic;
AttributeLite: AttributeLiteStatic;
AutoCompleteList: AutoCompleteListStatic;
BaseCore: BaseCoreStatic;
Base: BaseStatic;
ButtonCore: ButtonCoreStatic;
ButtonGroup: ButtonGroupStatic;
ButtonPlugin: ButtonPluginStatic;
Button: ButtonStatic;
CacheOffline: CacheOfflineStatic;
Cache: CacheStatic;
CalendarBase: CalendarBaseStatic;
Calendar: CalendarStatic;
Circle: CircleStatic;
Controller: ControllerStatic;
CustomEvent: CustomEventStatic;
DD_Delegate: DD_DelegateStatic;
DD_Drag: DD_DragStatic;
DD_Drop: DD_DropStatic;
DD_Scroll: DD_ScrollStatic;
DataSource_Function: DataSource_FunctionStatic;
DataSource_Get: DataSource_GetStatic;
DataSource_IO: DataSource_IOStatic;
DataSource_Local: DataSource_LocalStatic;
Dial: DialStatic;
Do_AlterArgs: Do_AlterArgsStatic;
Do_AlterReturn: Do_AlterReturnStatic;
Do_Error: Do_ErrorStatic;
Do_Halt: Do_HaltStatic;
Do_Method: Do_MethodStatic;
Do_Prevent: Do_PreventStatic;
Drawing: DrawingStatic;
EditorBase: EditorBaseStatic;
EditorSelection: EditorSelectionStatic;
Ellipse: EllipseStatic;
EventHandle: EventHandleStatic;
FileFlash: FileFlashStatic;
FileHTML5: FileHTML5Static;
Frame: FrameStatic;
Get_Transaction: Get_TransactionStatic;
GraphicBase: GraphicBaseStatic;
Graphic: GraphicStatic;
HistoryHTML5: HistoryHTML5Static;
IO: IOStatic;
ImgLoadGroup: ImgLoadGroupStatic;
ImgLoadImgObj: ImgLoadImgObjStatic;
LazyModelList: LazyModelListStatic;
Loader: LoaderStatic;
Matrix: MatrixStatic;
ModelList: ModelListStatic;
Model: ModelStatic;
NodeList: NodeListStatic;
Node: NodeStatic;
Overlay: OverlayStatic;
Panel: PanelStatic;
Path: PathStatic;
Pjax: PjaxStatic;
Plugin_DDConstrained: Plugin_DDConstrainedStatic;
Plugin_DDNodeScroll: Plugin_DDNodeScrollStatic;
Plugin_DDProxy: Plugin_DDProxyStatic;
Plugin_DDWindowScroll: Plugin_DDWindowScrollStatic;
Plugin_Drag: Plugin_DragStatic;
Plugin_Drop: Plugin_DropStatic;
Plugin_EditorBR: Plugin_EditorBRStatic;
Plugin_EditorBidi: Plugin_EditorBidiStatic;
Plugin_EditorLists: Plugin_EditorListsStatic;
Plugin_EditorParaBase: Plugin_EditorParaBaseStatic;
Plugin_EditorParaIE: Plugin_EditorParaIEStatic;
Plugin_EditorPara: Plugin_EditorParaStatic;
Plugin_EditorTab: Plugin_EditorTabStatic;
Plugin_ExecCommand: Plugin_ExecCommandStatic;
Plugin_ResizeProxy: Plugin_ResizeProxyStatic;
Plugin_ScrollViewList: Plugin_ScrollViewListStatic;
Plugin_ScrollViewPaginator: Plugin_ScrollViewPaginatorStatic;
Plugin_ScrollViewScrollbars: Plugin_ScrollViewScrollbarsStatic;
Plugin_SortScroll: Plugin_SortScrollStatic;
Queue: QueueStatic;
Recordset: RecordsetStatic;
Rect: RectStatic;
Resize: ResizeStatic;
Router: RouterStatic;
SWFDetect: SWFDetectStatic;
SWF: SWFStatic;
ScrollView: ScrollViewStatic;
ShapeGroup: ShapeGroupStatic;
Shape: ShapeStatic;
SliderBase: SliderBaseStatic;
Slider: SliderStatic;
Sortable: SortableStatic;
State: StateStatic;
StyleSheet: StyleSheetStatic;
Subscriber: SubscriberStatic;
SynthRegistry: SynthRegistryStatic;
SyntheticEvent: SyntheticEventStatic;
SyntheticEvent_Notifier: SyntheticEvent_NotifierStatic;
Tab: TabStatic;
TabView: TabViewStatic;
Test_Reporter: Test_ReporterStatic;
ToggleButton: ToggleButtonStatic;
Transition: TransitionStatic;
UploaderFlash: UploaderFlashStatic;
UploaderHTML5: UploaderHTML5Static;
Uploader_Queue: Uploader_QueueStatic;
View: ViewStatic;
WidgetParent: WidgetParentStatic;
WidgetPositionAlign: WidgetPositionAlignStatic;
Widget: WidgetStatic;
YQLRequest: YQLRequestStatic;
YQL: YQLStatic;
App_Content: App_Content;
App_Transitions: App_Transitions;
App_TransitionsNative: App_TransitionsNative;
AreaSeries: AreaSeries;
AreaSplineSeries: AreaSplineSeries;
ArraySort: ArraySort;
Attribute: Attribute;
AttributeCore: AttributeCore;
AttributeEvents: AttributeEvents;
AttributeExtras: AttributeExtras;
AutoComplete: AutoComplete;
AutoCompleteBase: AutoCompleteBase;
AutoCompleteFilters: AutoCompleteFilters;
AutoCompleteHighlighters: AutoCompleteHighlighters;
Axis: Axis;
AxisType: AxisType;
BarSeries: BarSeries;
BottomAxisLayout: BottomAxisLayout;
CanvasCircle: CanvasCircle;
CanvasDrawing: CanvasDrawing;
CanvasEllipse: CanvasEllipse;
CanvasGraphic: CanvasGraphic;
CanvasPath: CanvasPath;
CanvasPieSlice: CanvasPieSlice;
CanvasRect: CanvasRect;
CanvasShape: CanvasShape;
CartesianChart: CartesianChart;
CartesianSeries: CartesianSeries;
CategoryAxis: CategoryAxis;
Chart: Chart;
ChartBase: ChartBase;
ChartLegend: ChartLegend;
CircleGroup: CircleGroup;
ClassNameManager: ClassNameManager;
ClickableRail: ClickableRail;
ColumnSeries: ColumnSeries;
ComboSeries: ComboSeries;
ComboSplineSeries: ComboSplineSeries;
Console: Console;
Cookie: Cookie;
CurveUtil: CurveUtil;
DOMEventFacade: DOMEventFacade;
DataSchema: DataSchema;
DataSchema_Array: DataSchema_Array;
DataSchema_Base: DataSchema_Base;
DataSchema_JSON: DataSchema_JSON;
DataSchema_Text: DataSchema_Text;
DataSchema_XML: DataSchema_XML;
DataSource: DataSource;
DataSourceArraySchema: DataSourceArraySchema;
DataSourceCache: DataSourceCache;
DataSourceCacheExtension: DataSourceCacheExtension;
DataSourceJSONSchema: DataSourceJSONSchema;
DataSourceTextSchema: DataSourceTextSchema;
DataSourceXMLSchema: DataSourceXMLSchema;
DataTable: DataTable;
DataTable_Base: DataTable_Base;
DataTable_BodyView: DataTable_BodyView;
DataTable_ColumnWidths: DataTable_ColumnWidths;
DataTable_Core: DataTable_Core;
DataTable_HeaderView: DataTable_HeaderView;
DataTable_Message: DataTable_Message;
DataTable_Mutable: DataTable_Mutable;
DataTable_Scrollable: DataTable_Scrollable;
DataTable_Sortable: DataTable_Sortable;
DataTable_TableView: DataTable_TableView;
Date: Date;
Do: Do;
Easing: Easing;
EllipseGroup: EllipseGroup;
Escape: Escape;
Event: Event;
EventFacade: EventFacade;
EventTarget: EventTarget;
ExecCommand: ExecCommand;
Features: Features;
File: File;
Fills: Fills;
Get: Get;
GetNodeJS: GetNodeJS;
Graph: Graph;
Gridlines: Gridlines;
GroupDiamond: GroupDiamond;
GroupRect: GroupRect;
Handlebars: Handlebars;
Highlight: Highlight;
Histogram: Histogram;
HistoryBase: HistoryBase;
HistoryHash: HistoryHash;
HorizontalLegendLayout: HorizontalLegendLayout;
Intl: Intl;
JSONPRequest: JSONPRequest;
Lang: Lang;
LeftAxisLayout: LeftAxisLayout;
LineSeries: LineSeries;
Lines: Lines;
MarkerSeries: MarkerSeries;
Mock: Mock;
ModelSync: ModelSync;
ModelSync_REST: ModelSync_REST;
Number: Number;
NumericAxis: NumericAxis;
Object: Object;
Parallel: Parallel;
PieChart: PieChart;
PieSeries: PieSeries;
PjaxBase: PjaxBase;
PjaxContent: PjaxContent;
Plots: Plots;
Plugin: Plugin;
Plugin_Align: Plugin_Align;
Plugin_AutoComplete: Plugin_AutoComplete;
Plugin_Base: Plugin_Base;
Plugin_Cache: Plugin_Cache;
Plugin_CalendarNavigator: Plugin_CalendarNavigator;
Plugin_ConsoleFilters: Plugin_ConsoleFilters;
Plugin_CreateLinkBase: Plugin_CreateLinkBase;
Plugin_DataTableDataSource: Plugin_DataTableDataSource;
Plugin_Flick: Plugin_Flick;
Plugin_Host: Plugin_Host;
Plugin_NodeFX: Plugin_NodeFX;
Plugin_Pjax: Plugin_Pjax;
Plugin_Resize: Plugin_Resize;
Plugin_ResizeConstrained: Plugin_ResizeConstrained;
Plugin_ScrollInfo: Plugin_ScrollInfo;
Plugin_Shim: Plugin_Shim;
Plugin_WidgetAnim: Plugin_WidgetAnim;
Pollable: Pollable;
Profiler: Profiler;
QueryString: QueryString;
Record: Record;
RecordsetFilter: RecordsetFilter;
RecordsetIndexer: RecordsetIndexer;
RecordsetSort: RecordsetSort;
Renderer: Renderer;
RightAxisLayout: RightAxisLayout;
SVGCircle: SVGCircle;
SVGDrawing: SVGDrawing;
SVGEllipse: SVGEllipse;
SVGGraphic: SVGGraphic;
SVGPath: SVGPath;
SVGPieSlice: SVGPieSlice;
SVGRect: SVGRect;
SVGShape: SVGShape;
Selector: Selector;
SliderValueRange: SliderValueRange;
SplineSeries: SplineSeries;
StackedAreaSeries: StackedAreaSeries;
StackedAreaSplineSeries: StackedAreaSplineSeries;
StackedAxis: StackedAxis;
StackedBarSeries: StackedBarSeries;
StackedColumnSeries: StackedColumnSeries;
StackedComboSeries: StackedComboSeries;
StackedComboSplineSeries: StackedComboSplineSeries;
StackedLineSeries: StackedLineSeries;
StackedMarkerSeries: StackedMarkerSeries;
StackedSplineSeries: StackedSplineSeries;
StackingUtil: StackingUtil;
Test: Test;
Test_ArrayAssert: Test_ArrayAssert;
Test_Assert: Test_Assert;
Test_AssertionError: Test_AssertionError;
Test_ComparisonFailure: Test_ComparisonFailure;
Test_Console: Test_Console;
Test_CoverageFormat: Test_CoverageFormat;
Test_DateAssert: Test_DateAssert;
Test_EventTarget: Test_EventTarget;
Test_Mock: Test_Mock;
Test_Mock_Value: Test_Mock_Value;
Test_ObjectAssert: Test_ObjectAssert;
Test_Results: Test_Results;
Test_Runner: Test_Runner;
Test_ShouldError: Test_ShouldError;
Test_ShouldFail: Test_ShouldFail;
Test_TestCase: Test_TestCase;
Test_TestFormat: Test_TestFormat;
Test_TestNode: Test_TestNode;
Test_TestRunner: Test_TestRunner;
Test_TestSuite: Test_TestSuite;
Test_UnexpectedError: Test_UnexpectedError;
Test_UnexpectedValue: Test_UnexpectedValue;
Test_Wait: Test_Wait;
Text: Text;
Text_AccentFold: Text_AccentFold;
Text_WordBreak: Text_WordBreak;
TimeAxis: TimeAxis;
TopAxisLayout: TopAxisLayout;
Uploader: Uploader;
VMLCircle: VMLCircle;
VMLDrawing: VMLDrawing;
VMLEllipse: VMLEllipse;
VMLGraphic: VMLGraphic;
VMLPath: VMLPath;
VMLPieSlice: VMLPieSlice;
VMLRect: VMLRect;
VMLShape: VMLShape;
ValueChange: ValueChange;
VerticalLegendLayout: VerticalLegendLayout;
View_NodeMap: View_NodeMap;
WidgetAutohide: WidgetAutohide;
WidgetButtons: WidgetButtons;
WidgetChild: WidgetChild;
WidgetModality: WidgetModality;
WidgetPosition: WidgetPosition;
WidgetPositionConstrain: WidgetPositionConstrain;
WidgetStack: WidgetStack;
WidgetStdMod: WidgetStdMod;
config: config;
plugin: plugin;
plugin_NodeFocusManager: plugin_NodeFocusManager;
plugin_NodeMenuNav: plugin_NodeMenuNav;
YUI_config: any;
Global: EventTarget;
meta: any;
version: string;
applyTo(id: string, method: string, args: any[]): any;
applyConfig(o: any): any;
cached(source: Function, cache?: any, refetch?: any): Function;
bind(f: Function, c: any, args: any): Function;
bind(f: string, c: any, args: any): Function;
clone(o: any, safe: boolean, f: Function, c: any, owner: any, cloned: any): any;
aggregate(receiver: any, supplier: any, overwrite?: boolean, whitelist?: String[]): any;
augment(receiver: Function, supplier: Function, overwrite?: boolean, whitelist?: String[], args?: any[]): Function;
augment(receiver: Function, supplier: Function, overwrite?: boolean, whitelist?: String[], args?: any): Function;
augment(receiver: any, supplier: Function, overwrite?: boolean, whitelist?: String[], args?: any[]): Function;
augment(receiver: any, supplier: Function, overwrite?: boolean, whitelist?: String[], args?: any): Function;
all(selector: string): NodeList;
after(type: string, fn: Function, context?: any, ...args: any[]): EventHandle;
destroy(): any;
error(msg: string, e: Error, src: any): YUI;
error(msg: string, e: string, src: any): YUI;
each(o: any, f: Function, c: any, proto: boolean): YUI;
extend(r: Function, s: Function, px: any, sx: any): any;
dump(o: any, d: number): string;
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, el: string, filter: string, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, el: string, filter: Function, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, el: Node, filter: string, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, el: Node, filter: Function, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
instanceOf(o: any, type: any): any;
guid(pre: string): string;
namespace(namespace: string): any;
on(type: string, fn: Function, context?: any, ...arg: any[]): EventHandle;
once(type: string, fn: Function, context?: any, ...arg: any[]): EventHandle;
onceAfter(type: string, fn: Function, context?: any, ...arg: any[]): EventHandle;
message(msg: string, cat: string, src: string, silent: boolean): YUI;
log(msg: string, cat: string, src: string, silent: boolean): YUI;
later(when: number, o: any, fn: Function, data: any, periodic: boolean): any;
later(when: number, o: any, fn: string, data: any, periodic: boolean): any;
mix(receiver: Function, supplier: Function, overwrite?: boolean, whitelist?: String[], mode?: number, merge?: boolean): any;//Function|YUI
mix(receiver: Function, supplier: any, overwrite?: boolean, whitelist?: String[], mode?: number, merge?: boolean): any;//Function|YUI
mix(receiver: any, supplier: Function, overwrite?: boolean, whitelist?: String[], mode?: number, merge?: boolean): any;//Function|YUI
mix(receiver: any, supplier: any, overwrite?: boolean, whitelist?: String[], mode?: number, merge?: boolean): any;//Function|YUI
merge(objects: any): any;
getLocation(): Location;
one(node: string): any;//Node
one(node: HTMLElement): any;//Node
rbind(f: Function, c: any, args: any): Function;
rbind(f: string, c: any, args: any): Function;
stamp(o: any, readOnly: boolean): string;
some(o: any, f: Function, c: any, proto: boolean): boolean;
substitute(s: string, o: any, f: Function, recurse: boolean): string;
throttle(fn: Function, ms: number): Function;
use(modules: string, callback?: (Y: YUI, status: any) => any): YUI;
use(modules: any[], callback?: (Y: YUI, status: any) => any): YUI;
interface YUIStatic {
(o?: any);
GlobalConfig: any;
add(name: string, fn: (Y: YUI, name: string) => any, version: string, details?: any): YUI;
assert(condition: boolean, message: string): any;
fail(message: string): any;
get(node: string, doc: Node): any;
get(node: string, doc: HTMLElement): any;
get(node: HTMLElement, doc: Node): any;
get(node: HTMLElement, doc: HTMLElement): any;
io(url: string, config: any): any;
header(name: string, value: string): any;
jsonp(url: string, c: Function, args: any): JSONPRequest;
jsonp(url: string, c: any, args: any): JSONPRequest;
interface AnimStatic {
new (): Anim;
behaviors: any;
intervalTime: any;
getBezier(points: any[], t: number): any[];
pause(): any;
run(): any;
stop(): any;
interface AppStatic {
new (config?: any): App;
Base: App_BaseStatic;
Transitions: App_Transitions;
TransitionsNative: App_TransitionsNative;
Content: App_Content;
serverRouting: boolean;
interface App_BaseStatic {
new (config?: any): App_Base;
interface ArrayListStatic {
new (items: any[]): ArrayList;
addMethod(dest: any, name: string): any;
addMethod(dest: any, name: String[]): any;
interface ArrayStatic {
new (thing: any, startIndex?: number, force?: boolean): Array;
dedupe(array: String[]): any[];
forEach(): any;
each(array: any[], fn: (item: any, index: number, array: any[]) => any, thisObj?: any): YUI;
filter(a: any[], f: Function, o?: any): any[];
every(a: any[], f: Function, o?: any): boolean;
find(a: any[], f: Function, o?: any): any;
flatten(a: any[]): any[];
invoke(items: any[], name: string, ...args: any[]): any[];
grep(a: any[], pattern: RegExp): any[];
map(a: any[], f: Function, o?: any): any[];
lastIndexOf(a: any[], val: any, fromIndex?: number): number;
numericSort(a: number, b: number): number;
indexOf(array: any[], value: any, from?: number): number;
hash(keys: String[], values?: any[]): any;
partition(a: any[], f: (item: any, index: number, array: any[]) => any, o?: any): any;
reduce(a: any[], init: any, f: (previousValue: any, currentValue: any, index: number, array: any[]) => any, o?: any): any;
reject(a: any[], f: Function, o?: any): any[];
some(array: any[], fn: (value: any, index: number, array: any[]) => any, thisObj?: any): boolean;
test(obj: any): number;
unique(array: any[], testFn?: (a: any, b: any, index: number, array: any[]) => any): any[];
zip(a: any[], a2: any[]): any[];
interface AsyncQueueStatic {
new (callback: Function): AsyncQueue;
defaults: any;
interface AttributeLiteStatic {
new (): AttributeLite;
interface AutoCompleteListStatic {
new (config: any): AutoCompleteList;
interface BaseCoreStatic {
new (cfg: any): BaseCore;
NAME: string;
ATTRS: any;
interface BaseStatic {
new (config: any): Base;
NAME: string;
ATTRS: any;
build(name: Function, main: Function, extensions: Function[], cfg: any): Function;
create(name: Function, main: Function, extensions: Function[], px: any, sx: any): Function;
mix(main: Function, extensions: Function[]): Function;
plug(): any;
unplug(): any;
interface ButtonCoreStatic {
new (config: any): ButtonCore;
NAME: string;
interface ButtonGroupStatic {
new (config: any): ButtonGroup;
interface ButtonPluginStatic {
new (config: any): ButtonPlugin;
NAME: string;
NS: string;
interface ButtonStatic {
new (config: any): Button;
interface CacheOfflineStatic {
new (): CacheOffline;
NAME: string;
flushAll(): any;
interface CacheStatic {
new (): Cache;
NAME: string;
interface CalendarBaseStatic {
new (config: any): CalendarBase;
interface CalendarStatic {
new (config: any): Calendar;
interface CircleStatic {
new (): Circle;
interface ControllerStatic {
new (): Controller;
interface CustomEventStatic {
new (type: string, o: any): CustomEvent;
keepDeprecatedSubs: boolean;
interface DD_DDMStatic {
new (): DD_DDM;
interface DD_DelegateStatic {
new (): DD_Delegate;
interface DD_DragStatic {
new (): DD_Drag;
interface DD_DropStatic {
new (): DD_Drop;
interface DD_ScrollStatic {
new (): DD_Scroll;
interface DataSource_FunctionStatic {
new (): DataSource_Function;
NAME: string;
interface DataSource_GetStatic {
new (): DataSource_Get;
NAME: string;
interface DataSource_IOStatic {
new (): DataSource_IO;
NAME: string;
interface DataSource_LocalStatic {
new (): DataSource_Local;
NAME: string;
transactions: any;
issueCallback(e: EventFacade, caller: DataSource): any;
interface DialStatic {
new (config: any): Dial;
interface Do_AlterArgsStatic {
new (msg: string, newArgs: any[]): Do_AlterArgs;
interface Do_AlterReturnStatic {
new (msg: string, newRetVal: any): Do_AlterReturn;
interface Do_ErrorStatic {
new (msg: string, retVal: any): Do_Error;
interface Do_HaltStatic {
new (msg: string, retVal: any): Do_Halt;
interface Do_MethodStatic {
new (obj: any, sFn: any): Do_Method;
interface Do_PreventStatic {
new (msg: string): Do_Prevent;
interface DrawingStatic {
new (): Drawing;
interface EditorBaseStatic {
new (): EditorBase;
NAME: any;
USE: any[];
NC_KEYS: any;
TAG2CMD: any;
TABKEY: any;
FILTER_RGB(String: any): any;
interface EditorSelectionStatic {
new (): EditorSelection;
CURSOR: any;
TMP: any;
BLOCKS: any;
ALL: any;
REG_NON: any;
REG_CHAR: any;
cleanCursor(): any;
filter(): any;
filterBlocks(): any;
getText(node: Node): string;
removeFontFamily(): any;
resolve(n: HTMLElement): Node;
unfilter(): string;
interface EllipseStatic {
new (): Ellipse;
interface EventHandleStatic {
new (evt: CustomEvent, sub: Subscriber): EventHandle;
interface FileFlashStatic {
new (config: any): FileFlash;
interface FileHTML5Static {
new (config: any): FileHTML5;
canUpload(): any;
isValidFile(file: File): any;
interface FrameStatic {
new (): Frame;
NAME: string;
META: string;
DOC_TYPE: string;
PAGE_HTML: string;
HTML: string;
DEFAULT_CSS: string;
getDocType(): string;
interface Get_TransactionStatic {
new (): Get_Transaction;
interface GraphicBaseStatic {
new (cfg: any): GraphicBase;
interface GraphicStatic {
new (): Graphic;
interface HistoryHTML5Static {
new (config: any): HistoryHTML5;
interface IOStatic {
new (config: any): IO;
delay: number;
promote(): any;
queue(): any;
request(): any;
interface ImgLoadGroupStatic {
new (): ImgLoadGroup;
interface ImgLoadImgObjStatic {
new (): ImgLoadImgObj;
interface LazyModelListStatic {
new (): LazyModelList;
interface LoaderStatic {
new (config: any): Loader;
interface MatrixStatic {
new (): Matrix;
interface ModelListStatic {
new (config: any): ModelList;
interface ModelStatic {
new (): Model;
interface NodeListStatic {
new (nodes: string): NodeList;
getDOMNodes(nodelist: NodeList): any[];
interface NodeStatic {
new (node: HTMLElement): Node;
NAME: string;
ATTRS: any;
create(html: string, doc: HTMLDocument): Node;
DEFAULT_GETTER(name: string): any;
DEFAULT_SETTER(name: string, val: any): any;
addMethod(name: string, fn: Function, context: any): any;
plug(plugin: Function, config: any): any;
plug(plugin: any[], config: any): any;
one(node: string): any;//Node
one(node: HTMLElement): any;//Node
importMethod(host: any, name: string, altName: string, context: any): any;
getDOMNode(node: Node): HTMLElement;
getDOMNode(node: HTMLElement): HTMLElement;
scrubVal(node: any): any;//|Node|NodeList
unplug(plugin: Function): any;
unplug(plugin: any[]): any;
interface OverlayStatic {
new (object: any): Overlay;
interface PanelStatic {
new (): Panel;
interface PathStatic {
new (): Path;
interface PjaxStatic {
new (config?: any): Pjax;
defaultRoute: any[];
interface Plugin_DDConstrainedStatic {
new (): Plugin_DDConstrained;
interface Plugin_DDNodeScrollStatic {
new (): Plugin_DDNodeScroll;
interface Plugin_DDProxyStatic {
new (): Plugin_DDProxy;
interface Plugin_DDWindowScrollStatic {
new (): Plugin_DDWindowScroll;
interface Plugin_DragStatic {
new (): Plugin_Drag;
interface Plugin_DropStatic {
new (): Plugin_Drop;
interface Plugin_EditorBRStatic {
new (): Plugin_EditorBR;
NS: any;
NAME: any;
interface Plugin_EditorBidiStatic {
new (): Plugin_EditorBidi;
NS: any;
NAME: any;
BLOCKS: any;
EVENTS: any;
addParents(): any;
blockParent(): any;
removeTextAlign(): any;
interface Plugin_EditorListsStatic {
new (): Plugin_EditorLists;
NS: any;
NAME: any;
REMOVE: any;
NONSEL: any;
interface Plugin_EditorParaBaseStatic {
new (): Plugin_EditorParaBase;
NS: any;
NAME: any;
interface Plugin_EditorParaIEStatic {
new (): Plugin_EditorParaIE;
NS: any;
NAME: any;
interface Plugin_EditorParaStatic {
new (): Plugin_EditorPara;
NS: any;
NAME: any;
interface Plugin_EditorTabStatic {
new (): Plugin_EditorTab;
NS: any;
NAME: any;
interface Plugin_ExecCommandStatic {
new (): Plugin_ExecCommand;
NS: any;
NAME: any;
interface Plugin_ResizeProxyStatic {
new (): Plugin_ResizeProxy;
interface Plugin_ScrollViewListStatic {
new (): Plugin_ScrollViewList;
ATTRS: any;
NS: string;
NAME: string;
interface Plugin_ScrollViewPaginatorStatic {
new (): Plugin_ScrollViewPaginator;
ATTRS: any;
NS: string;
interface Plugin_ScrollViewScrollbarsStatic {
new (): Plugin_ScrollViewScrollbars;
ATTRS: any;
NS: string;
NAME: string;
interface Plugin_SortScrollStatic {
new (): Plugin_SortScroll;
interface QueueStatic {
new (item: any): Queue;
interface RecordsetStatic {
new (config: any): Recordset;
interface RectStatic {
new (): Rect;
interface ResizeStatic {
new (config: any): Resize;
ATTRS: any;
NAME: string;
interface RouterStatic {
new (config?: any): Router;
interface SWFDetectStatic {
new (): SWFDetect;
interface SWFStatic {
new (id: string, swfURL: string, p_oAttributes: any): SWF;
interface ScrollViewStatic {
new (config: any): ScrollView;
SNAP_EASING: string;
EASING: string;
FRAME_STEP: number;
UI_SRC: string;
interface ShapeGroupStatic {
new (): ShapeGroup;
interface ShapeStatic {
new (cfg: any): Shape;
interface SliderBaseStatic {
new (config: any): SliderBase;
interface SliderStatic {
new (config: any): Slider;
interface SortableStatic {
new (): Sortable;
_test(node: Node, test: string): any;
_test(node: Node, test: Node): any;
getSortable(node: string): any;
getSortable(node: Node): any;
reg(Sortable: any, String: any): any;
unreg(Sortable: any, String: any): any;
interface StateStatic {
new (): State;
interface StyleSheetStatic {
new (seed: string, name: string): StyleSheet;
isValidSelector(sel: string): boolean;
register(name: string, sheet: StyleSheet): boolean;
toCssText(css: any, cssText: string): string;
interface SubscriberStatic {
new (fn: Function, context: any, args: any[]): Subscriber;
interface SynthRegistryStatic {
new (el: HTMLElement, yuid: string, key: string): SynthRegistry;
interface SyntheticEventStatic {
new (cfg: any): SyntheticEvent;
Notifier: SyntheticEvent_NotifierStatic;
interface SyntheticEvent_NotifierStatic {
new (handle: EventHandle, emitFacade: boolean): SyntheticEvent_Notifier;
interface TabStatic {
new (config: any): Tab;
interface TabViewStatic {
new (config: any): TabView;
interface Test_ReporterStatic {
new (url: string, format: Function): Test_Reporter;
interface ToggleButtonStatic {
new (config: any): ToggleButton;
interface TransitionStatic {
new (): Transition;
interface UploaderFlashStatic {
new (config: any): UploaderFlash;
TYPE: string;
interface UploaderHTML5Static {
new (): UploaderHTML5;
TYPE: string;
interface Uploader_QueueStatic {
new (config: any): Uploader_Queue;
UPLOADING: string;
STOPPED: string;
STOP: string;
CONTINUE: string;
interface ViewStatic {
new (): View;
NodeMap: View_NodeMap;
interface WidgetParentStatic {
new (config: any): WidgetParent;
interface WidgetPositionAlignStatic {
new (config: any): WidgetPositionAlign;
CC: string;
LC: string;
BC: string;
RC: string;
TC: string;
BR: string;
BL: string;
TR: string;
TL: string;
interface WidgetStatic {
new (config: any): Widget;
ATTRS: any;
UI_SRC: string;
NAME: string;
getByNode(node: Node): Widget;
getByNode(node: string): Widget;
interface YQLRequestStatic {
new (sql: string, callback: Function, params: any, opts: any): YQLRequest;
ENV: any;
BASE_URL: any;
PROTO: any;
FORMAT: any;
interface YQLStatic {
new (sql: string, callback: Function, params: any, opts: any): YQL;
interface App_Content {
route: any[];
showContent(content: HTMLElement, options?: any, callback?: (view: View) => any): any;
showContent(content: Node, options?: any, callback?: (view: View) => any): any;
showContent(content: string, options?: any, callback?: (view: View) => any): any;
interface App_Transitions {
FX: any;
transitions: any;
showView(view: string, config?: any, options?: any, callback?: (view: View) => any): App_Transitions;
showView(view: View, config?: any, options?: any, callback?: (view: View) => any): App_Transitions;
interface App_TransitionsNative {
interface AreaSeries {
interface AreaSplineSeries {
interface ArraySort {
compare(a: any, b: any, desc: boolean): boolean;
interface Attribute {
interface AttributeCore {
addAttr(name: string, config: any, lazy: boolean): any;
attrAdded(name: string): boolean;
addAttrs(cfgs: any, values: any, lazy: boolean): any;
get(name: string): any;
getAttrs(attrs: any[]): any;
getAttrs(attrs: boolean): any;
set(name: string, value: any): any;
setAttrs(attrs: any): any;
interface AttributeEvents {
set(name: string, value: any, opts: any): any;
setAttrs(attrs: any, opts: any): any;
interface AttributeExtras {
modifyAttr(name: string, config: any): any;
removeAttr(name: string): any;
reset(name: string): any;
interface AutoComplete {
interface AutoCompleteBase {
clearCache(): AutoCompleteBase;
sendRequest(query?: string, requestTemplate?: Function): AutoCompleteBase;
interface AutoCompleteFilters {
charMatchFold(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
charMatch(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
charMatchCase(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
phraseMatchFold(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
phraseMatch(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
phraseMatchCase(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
startsWithFold(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
subWordMatchFold(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
startsWith(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
startsWithCase(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
subWordMatch(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
subWordMatchCase(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
wordMatch(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
wordMatchFold(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
wordMatchCase(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
interface AutoCompleteHighlighters {
charMatchFold(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
charMatch(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
charMatchCase(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
phraseMatchFold(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
phraseMatch(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
phraseMatchCase(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
startsWithFold(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
subWordMatchFold(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
subWordMatchCase(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
subWordMatch(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
startsWithCase(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
startsWith(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
wordMatch(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
wordMatchCase(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
wordMatchFold(query: string, results: any[]): any[];
interface Axis {
getMaxLabelBounds(): any;
getMinLabelBounds(): any;
interface AxisType {
addKey(value: any): any;
getKeyValueAt(key: string, index: number): any;
getDataByKey(value: string): any;
getTotalMajorUnits(): any;
getMajorUnitDistance(len: number, uiLen: number, majorUnit: any): any;
getEdgeOffset(ct: number, l: number): any;
getLabelByIndex(i: number, l: number): any;
getMinimumValue(): any;
getMaximumValue(): any;
removeKey(value: string): any;
interface BarSeries {
interface BottomAxisLayout {
interface CanvasCircle {
interface CanvasDrawing {
clear(): any;
closePath(): any;
curveTo(cp1x: number, cp1y: number, cp2x: number, cp2y: number, x: number, y: number): any;
end(): any;
drawRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): any;
lineTo(point1: number, point2: number): any;
moveTo(x: number, y: number): any;
relativeMoveTo(x: number, y: number): any;
quadraticCurveTo(cpx: number, cpy: number, x: number, y: number): any;
relativeQuadraticCurveTo(cpx: number, cpy: number, x: number, y: number): any;
interface CanvasEllipse {
interface CanvasGraphic {
batch(method: Function): any;
clear(): any;
addShape(cfg: any): any;
destroy(): any;
getXY(): any;
getShapeById(id: string): any;
removeShape(shape: Shape): any;
removeShape(shape: string): any;
removeAllShapes(): any;
set(name: string, value: any): any;
set(name: any, value: any): any;
interface CanvasPath {
end(): any;
interface CanvasPieSlice {
interface CanvasRect {
interface CanvasShape {
compareTo(refNode: HTMLElement): boolean;
compareTo(refNode: Node): boolean;
contains(needle: CanvasShape): any;
contains(needle: HTMLElement): any;
addClass(className: string): any;
destroy(): any;
getXY(): any;
getBounds(): any;
removeClass(className: string): any;
rotate(deg: number): any;
scale(val: number): any;
setXY(Contains: any[]): any;
set(name: string, value: any): any;
set(name: any, value: any): any;
skew(x: number, y: number): any;
skewX(x: number): any;
skewY(y: number): any;
toFront(): any;
translateY(y: number): any;
translateX(x: number): any;
translate(x: number, y: number): any;
test(selector: string): any;
interface CartesianChart {
_addToAxesCollection(position: string, axis: Axis): any;
_getAriaMessage(key: number): any;
getSeriesItems(series: CartesianSeries, index: number): any;
interface CartesianSeries {
getTotalValues(): any;
interface CategoryAxis {
formatLabel(value: any, format: any): any;
getMaximumValue(): any;
getMinimumValue(): any;
getLabelByIndex(i: number, l: number): any;
getKeyValueAt(key: string, index: number): any;
getEdgeOffset(ct: number, l: number): any;
getMajorUnitDistance(len: number, uiLen: number, majorUnit: any): any;
getTotalMajorUnits(majorUnit: any, len: number): any;
getDataByKey(value: string): any;
interface Chart {
interface ChartBase {
_getAllKeys(dp: any[]): any;
getAxisByKey(val: string): any;
hideTooltip(): any;
getCategoryAxis(): any;
getSeries(val: any): any;
toggleTooltip(e: any): any;
interface ChartLegend {
interface CircleGroup {
drawShape(cfg: any): any;
interface ClassNameManager {
classNamePrefix: string;
classNameDelimiter: string;
getClassName(args: string, skipPrefix: boolean): any;
interface ClickableRail {
interface ColumnSeries {
interface ComboSeries {
interface ComboSplineSeries {
interface Console {
NAME: string;
ATTRS: any;
clearConsole(): Console;
collapse(): Console;
expand(): Console;
log(arg: any): Console;
reset(): Console;
printBuffer(limit: number): Console;
scrollToLatest(): Console;
syncUI(): any;
interface Cookie {
get(name: string, options: Function): any;
get(name: string, options: any): any;
exists(name: string): boolean;
getSub(name: string, subName: string, converter: Function): any;
getSubs(name: string): any;
removeSub(name: string, subName: string, options: any): string;
remove(name: string, options: any): string;
setSubs(name: string, value: any, options: any): string;
setSub(name: string, subName: string, value: any, options: any): string;
set(name: string, value: any, options: any): string;
interface CurveUtil {
interface DD {
Scroll: DD_ScrollStatic;
Drop: DD_DropStatic;
Drag: DD_DragStatic;
Delegate: DD_DelegateStatic;
DDM: DD_DDMStatic;
interface DOM {
addHTML(node: HTMLElement, content: HTMLElement, where: HTMLElement): any;
addHTML(node: HTMLElement, content: any[], where: HTMLElement): any;
addHTML(node: HTMLElement, content: HTMLCollection, where: HTMLElement): any;
create(html: string, doc: HTMLDocument): HTMLElement; //|DocumentFragment
contains(element: HTMLElement, needle: HTMLElement): boolean;
byId(id: string, doc: any): HTMLElement;
addClass(element: HTMLElement, className: string): any;
getAttribute(el: HTMLElement, attr: string): string;
elementByAxis(element: HTMLElement, axis: string, fn: Function, all: boolean): HTMLElement;
docHeight(): number;
docWidth(): number;
docScrollX(): number;
docScrollY(): number;
getText(element: HTMLElement): string;
hasClass(element: HTMLElement, className: string): boolean;
inDoc(element: HTMLElement, doc: HTMLElement): boolean;
intersect(element: HTMLElement, element2: HTMLElement, altRegion: any): any;
intersect(element: HTMLElement, element2: any, altRegion: any): any;
inRegion(node: any, node2: any, all: boolean, altRegion: any): boolean;
inViewportRegion(element: HTMLElement, all: boolean, altRegion: any): boolean;
getXY(element: any): any[];
getScrollbarWidth(): number;
getX(element: any): number;
getY(element: any): number;
getStyle(An: HTMLElement, att: string): any;
getComputedStyle(An: HTMLElement, att: string): string;
region(element: HTMLElement): any;
removeClass(element: HTMLElement, className: string): any;
replaceClass(element: HTMLElement, oldClassName: string, newClassName: string): any;
setAttribute(el: HTMLElement, attr: string, val: string): any;
setText(element: HTMLElement, content: string): any;
setStyles(node: HTMLElement, hash: any): any;
setStyle(An: HTMLElement, att: string, val: string): any;
setStyle(An: HTMLElement, att: string, val: number): any;
setHeight(element: HTMLElement, size: string): any;
setHeight(element: HTMLElement, size: number): any;
setWidth(element: HTMLElement, size: string): any;
setWidth(element: HTMLElement, size: number): any;
setY(element: any, y: number): any;
setXY(element: any, xy: any[], noRetry: boolean): any;
setX(element: any, x: number): any;
swapXY(node: Node, otherNode: Node): Node;
toggleClass(element: HTMLElement, className: string, addClass: boolean): any;
viewportRegion(): any;
winWidth(): number;
winHeight(): number;
interface DOMEventFacade {
currentTarget: Node;
button: number;
charCode: number;
clientY: number;
clientX: number;
ctrlKey: boolean;
altKey: boolean;
changedTouches: DOMEventFacade[];
metaKey: boolean;
pageX: number;
pageY: number;
keyCode: number;
relatedTarget: Node;
shiftKey: boolean;
touches: DOMEventFacade[];
targetTouches: DOMEventFacade[];
type: string;
target: Node;
wheelDelta: number;
which: number;
halt(immediate: boolean): any;
preventDefault(returnValue: string): any;
stopPropagation(): any;
stopImmediatePropagation(): any;
interface DataSchema {
XML: DataSchema_XML;
Text: DataSchema_Text;
JSON: DataSchema_JSON;
Base: DataSchema_Base;
Array: DataSchema_Array;
interface DataSchema_Array {
apply(schema?: any, data?: any[]): any;
interface DataSchema_Base {
apply(schema: any, data: any): any;
parse(value: any, field: any): any;
interface DataSchema_JSON {
apply(schema?: any, data?: any): any;
apply(schema?: any, data?: any[]): any;
apply(schema?: any, data?: string): any;
getPath(locator: string): String[];
getLocationValue(path: String[], data: string): any;
interface DataSchema_Text {
apply(schema: any, data: string): any;
interface DataSchema_XML {
apply(schema: any, data: any): any;
interface DataSource {
Local: DataSource_LocalStatic;
IO: DataSource_IOStatic;
Get: DataSource_GetStatic;
Function: DataSource_FunctionStatic;
interface DataSourceArraySchema {
NS: string;
NAME: string;
interface DataSourceCache {
NS: string;
NAME: string;
interface DataSourceCacheExtension {
NS: string;
NAME: string;
interface DataSourceJSONSchema {
NS: string;
NAME: string;
interface DataSourceTextSchema {
NS: string;
NAME: string;
interface DataSourceXMLSchema {
NS: string;
NAME: string;
interface DataTable {
TableView: DataTable_TableView;
Sortable: DataTable_Sortable;
Scrollable: DataTable_Scrollable;
Mutable: DataTable_Mutable;
Message: DataTable_Message;
HeaderView: DataTable_HeaderView;
Core: DataTable_Core;
ColumnWidths: DataTable_ColumnWidths;
BodyView: DataTable_BodyView;
Base: DataTable_Base;
data: ModelList;
_messageNode: Node;
_getRecordType(val: Model): Model;
addColumn(config: any, index?: number): DataTable;
addColumn(config: any, index?: Number[]): DataTable;
addColumn(config: string, index?: number): DataTable;
addColumn(config: string, index?: Number[]): DataTable;
addRow(data: any, config?: any, callback?: (err: Error, response: any) => any): DataTable;
addRows(data: Object[], config?: any, callback?: (err: Error, response: any) => any): DataTable;
modifyRow(id: any, data: any, config?: any, callback?: (err: Error, response: any) => any): DataTable;
modifyRow(id: string, data: any, config?: any, callback?: (err: Error, response: any) => any): DataTable;
modifyRow(id: number, data: any, config?: any, callback?: (err: Error, response: any) => any): DataTable;
moveColumn(name: string, index: number): DataTable;
moveColumn(name: string, index: Number[]): DataTable;
moveColumn(name: number, index: number): DataTable;
moveColumn(name: number, index: Number[]): DataTable;
moveColumn(name: Number[], index: number): DataTable;
moveColumn(name: Number[], index: Number[]): DataTable;
moveColumn(name: any, index: number): DataTable;
moveColumn(name: any, index: Number[]): DataTable;
modifyColumn(name: string, config: any): DataTable;
modifyColumn(name: number, config: any): DataTable;
modifyColumn(name: Number[], config: any): DataTable;
modifyColumn(name: any, config: any): DataTable;
hideMessage(): DataTable;
getRecord(seed: number): Model;
getRecord(seed: string): Model;
getRecord(seed: Node): Model;
getColumn(name: string): any;
getColumn(name: number): any;
getColumn(name: Number[]): any;
scrollTo(id: string): DataTable;
scrollTo(id: number): DataTable;
scrollTo(id: Number[]): DataTable;
scrollTo(id: Node): DataTable;
removeRow(id: any, config?: any, callback?: (err: Error, response: any) => any): DataTable;
removeRow(id: string, config?: any, callback?: (err: Error, response: any) => any): DataTable;
removeRow(id: number, config?: any, callback?: (err: Error, response: any) => any): DataTable;
removeColumn(name: string): DataTable;
removeColumn(name: number): DataTable;
removeColumn(name: Number[]): DataTable;
removeColumn(name: any): DataTable;
sort(fields: string, payload?: any): DataTable;
sort(fields: String[], payload?: any): DataTable;
sort(fields: any, payload?: any): DataTable;
sort(fields: Object[], payload?: any): DataTable;
setColumnWidth(id: number, width: number): DataTable;
setColumnWidth(id: number, width: string): DataTable;
setColumnWidth(id: string, width: number): DataTable;
setColumnWidth(id: string, width: string): DataTable;
setColumnWidth(id: any, width: number): DataTable;
setColumnWidth(id: any, width: string): DataTable;
showMessage(message: string): DataTable;
toggleSort(fields: string, payload?: any): DataTable;
toggleSort(fields: String[], payload?: any): DataTable;
interface DataTable_Base {
_displayColumns: Object[];
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, spec: string, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, spec: Function, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
getRow(id: number): Node;
getRow(id: string): Node;
getRow(id: Model): Node;
getCell(seed: Number[], shift?: Number[]): Node;
getCell(seed: Number[], shift?: string): Node;
getCell(seed: Node, shift?: Number[]): Node;
getCell(seed: Node, shift?: string): Node;
syncUI(): any;
interface DataTable_BodyView {
CLASS_EVEN: string;
CLASS_ODD: string;
host: any;
getRow(id: number): Node;
getRow(id: string): Node;
getRow(id: Model): Node;
getRecord(seed: string): Model;
getRecord(seed: Node): Model;
getCell(seed: Number[], shift?: Number[]): Node;
getCell(seed: Number[], shift?: string): Node;
getCell(seed: Node, shift?: Number[]): Node;
getCell(seed: Node, shift?: string): Node;
render(): View;
interface DataTable_ColumnWidths {
interface DataTable_Core {
interface DataTable_HeaderView {
columns: any[];
source: any;
render(): View;
interface DataTable_Message {
interface DataTable_Mutable {
interface DataTable_Scrollable {
interface DataTable_Sortable {
interface DataTable_TableView {
body: any;
displayColumns: Object[];
foot: any;
head: any;
getRow(id: number): Node;
getRow(id: string): Node;
getRow(id: Model): Node;
getRecord(seed: string): Model;
getRecord(seed: Node): Model;
getCell(seed: Number[], shift?: Number[]): Node;
getCell(seed: Number[], shift?: string): Node;
getCell(seed: Node, shift?: Number[]): Node;
getCell(seed: Node, shift?: string): Node;
render(): View;
interface Date {
areEqual(aDate: Date, bDate: Date): boolean;
addDays(oDate: Date, numMonths: number): Date;
addMonths(oDate: Date, numMonths: number): Date;
addYears(oDate: Date, numYears: number): Date;
daysInMonth(oDate: Date): number;
format(oDate: Date, oConfig: any): string;
parse(data: string): Date;
parse(data: number): Date;
listOfDatesInMonth(oDate: Date): any[];
isInRange(aDate: Date, bDate: Date, cDate: Date): boolean;
isGreaterOrEqual(aDate: Date, bDate: Date): boolean;
isGreater(aDate: Date, bDate: Date): boolean;
isValidDate(oDate: Date): boolean;
interface Do {
AlterArgs: Do_AlterArgsStatic;
AlterReturn: Do_AlterReturnStatic;
Halt: Do_HaltStatic;
Prevent: Do_PreventStatic;
Error: Do_ErrorStatic;
Method: Do_MethodStatic;
currentRetVal: any;
objs: any;
originalRetVal: any;
after(fn: Function, obj: any, sFn: string, c: any, arg: any): string;
before(fn: Function, obj: any, sFn: string, c: any, arg: any): string;
detach(handle: string): any;
interface Easing {
backIn(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, s: number): number;
backOut(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, s: number): number;
backBoth(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, s: number): number;
bounceIn(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;
bounceOut(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;
bounceBoth(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;
easeIn(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;
easeOut(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;
easeBoth(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;
easeInStrong(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;
easeOutStrong(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;
easeBothStrong(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;
elasticIn(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, a: number, p: number): number;
elasticOut(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, a: number, p: number): number;
elasticBoth(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, a: number, p: number): number;
easeNone(t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): number;
interface EllipseGroup {
interface Escape {
html(string: string): string;
regex(string: string): string;
interface Event {
DOMReady: boolean;
POLL_RETRYS: number;
lastError: Error;
define(type: string, config: any, force: boolean): SyntheticEvent;
defineOutside(event: string, name: string): any;
attach(type: string, fn: Function, el: string, context: any, args: boolean): EventHandle;
attach(type: string, fn: Function, el: string, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
attach(type: string, fn: Function, el: HTMLElement, context: any, args: boolean): EventHandle;
attach(type: string, fn: Function, el: HTMLElement, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
attach(type: string, fn: Function, el: any[], context: any, args: boolean): EventHandle;
attach(type: string, fn: Function, el: any[], context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
attach(type: string, fn: Function, el: NodeList, context: any, args: boolean): EventHandle;
attach(type: string, fn: Function, el: NodeList, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
compileFilter(selector: string): Function;
flick(cb: Function, point: any[], axis: string, distance: number, duration: number): any;
detachDelegate(node: Node, subscription: any[], notifier: boolean): any;
generateId(el: any): string;
detach(type: string, fn: Function, el: string): boolean;
detach(type: string, fn: Function, el: HTMLElement): boolean;
detach(type: string, fn: Function, el: any[]): boolean;
detach(type: string, fn: Function, el: NodeList): boolean;
detach(type: string, fn: Function, el: EventHandle): boolean;
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, el: string, filter: string, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, el: string, filter: Function, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, el: Node, filter: string, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
delegate(type: string, fn: Function, el: Node, filter: Function, context: any, args: any): EventHandle;
onAvailable(id: string, fn: Function, p_obj: any, p_override: boolean, checkContent: boolean): any;
onAvailable(id: string, fn: Function, p_obj: any, p_override: any, checkContent: boolean): any;
onAvailable(id: string[], fn: Function, p_obj: any, p_override: boolean, checkContent: boolean): any;
onAvailable(id: string[], fn: Function, p_obj: any, p_override: any, checkContent: boolean): any;
onContentReady(id: string, fn: Function, obj: any, override: boolean): any;
onContentReady(id: string, fn: Function, obj: any, override: any): any;
getEvent(e: Event, el: HTMLElement): Event;
getListeners(el: HTMLElement, type: string): CustomEvent;
getListeners(el: string, type: string): CustomEvent;
on(node: Node, subscription: any[], notifier: boolean): any;
move(cb: Function, path: any, duration: number): any;
pinch(cb: Function, center: any[], startRadius: number, endRadius: number, duration: number, start: number, rotation: number): any;
purgeElement(el: HTMLElement, recurse: boolean, type: string): any;
rotate(cb: Function, center: any[], startRadius: number, endRadius: number, duration: number, start: number, rotation: number): any;
simulate(target: HTMLElement, type: string, options: any): void;
simulateGesture(node: HTMLElement, name: string, options?: any, cb?: (err: Error) => any): void;
simulateGesture(node: Node, name: string, options?: any, cb?: (err: Error) => any): void;
interface EventFacade {
currentTarget: Node;
details: any[];
relatedTarget: Node;
type: string;
target: Node;
halt(immediate: boolean): any;
preventDefault(): any;
stopPropagation(): any;
stopImmediatePropagation(): any;
interface EventTarget {
before(): any;
after(type: string, fn: Function, context?: any, ...arg: any[]): EventHandle;
bubble(evt: CustomEvent): boolean;
addTarget(o: EventTarget): any;
fire(type: string, ...arguments: Object[]): EventTarget;
fire(type: any, ...arguments: Object[]): EventTarget;
detachAll(type: string): any;
detach(type: string, fn: Function, context: any): EventTarget;
detach(type: any, fn: Function, context: any): EventTarget;
getTargets(): any;
once(type: string, fn: Function, context?: any, ...arg: any[]): EventHandle;
onceAfter(type: string, fn: Function, context?: any, ...arg: any[]): EventHandle;
on(type: string, fn: Function, context?: any, ...arg: any[]): EventHandle;
getEvent(type: string, prefixed: string): CustomEvent;
parseType(type: string, pre?: string): any[];
removeTarget(o: EventTarget): any;
publish(type: string, opts: any): CustomEvent;
subscribe(): any;
unsubscribe(): any;
unsubscribeAll(type: string): any;
interface ExecCommand {
interface Features {
tests: any;
all(cat: string, args: any[]): string;
add(cat: string, name: string, o: any): any;
test(cat: string, name: string, args: any[]): boolean;
interface File {
interface Fills {
interface Get {
Transaction: Get_TransactionStatic;
cssOptions: any;
jsOptions: any;
options: any;
css(urls: string, options?: any, callback?: (err: any[], transaction: Get_Transaction) => any): Get_Transaction;
css(urls: any, options?: any, callback?: (err: any[], transaction: Get_Transaction) => any): Get_Transaction;
css(urls: any[], options?: any, callback?: (err: any[], transaction: Get_Transaction) => any): Get_Transaction;
abort(transaction: Get_Transaction): any;
js(urls: string, options?: any, callback?: (err: any[], transaction: Get_Transaction) => any): Get_Transaction;
js(urls: any, options?: any, callback?: (err: any[], transaction: Get_Transaction) => any): Get_Transaction;
js(urls: any[], options?: any, callback?: (err: any[], transaction: Get_Transaction) => any): Get_Transaction;
load(urls: string, options?: any, callback?: Function, err?: any[], Transaction?: Get_Transaction): Get_Transaction;
load(urls: string, options?: any, callback?: Function, err?: any, Transaction?: Get_Transaction): Get_Transaction;
load(urls: any, options?: any, callback?: Function, err?: any[], Transaction?: Get_Transaction): Get_Transaction;
load(urls: any, options?: any, callback?: Function, err?: any, Transaction?: Get_Transaction): Get_Transaction;
load(urls: any[], options?: any, callback?: Function, err?: any[], Transaction?: Get_Transaction): Get_Transaction;
load(urls: any[], options?: any, callback?: Function, err?: any, Transaction?: Get_Transaction): Get_Transaction;
script(): any;
interface GetNodeJS {
js(s: any[], options: any): any;
js(s: string, options: any): any;
script(): any;
interface Graph {
getSeriesByKey(val: string): any;
getSeriesByIndex(val: number): any;
interface Gridlines {
interface GroupDiamond {
interface GroupRect {
interface Handlebars {
compile(string: string, options?: any): Function;
log(level: string, message: string): any;
precompile(string: string, options?: any): string;
render(string: string, context: any, options?: any): string;
registerPartial(name: string, partial: Function): any;
registerPartial(name: string, partial: string): any;
registerHelper(name: string, fn: Function, inverse?: boolean): any;
template(template: Function): Function;
interface Highlight {
allCase(haystack: string, needles: string, options?: any): string;
allCase(haystack: string, needles: String[], options?: any): string;
all(haystack: string, needles: string, options?: any): string;
all(haystack: string, needles: String[], options?: any): string;
allFold(haystack: string, needles: string, options?: any): string;
allFold(haystack: string, needles: String[], options?: any): string;
start(haystack: string, needles: string, options?: any): string;
start(haystack: string, needles: String[], options?: any): string;
startCase(haystack: string, needles: string): string;
startCase(haystack: string, needles: String[]): string;
startFold(haystack: string, needles: string): string;
startFold(haystack: string, needles: String[]): string;
wordsFold(haystack: string, needles: string): string;
wordsFold(haystack: string, needles: String[]): string;
wordsCase(haystack: string, needles: string): string;
wordsCase(haystack: string, needles: String[]): string;
words(haystack: string, needles: string, options?: any): string;
words(haystack: string, needles: String[], options?: any): string;
interface Histogram {
interface HistoryBase {
SRC_REPLACE: string;
SRC_ADD: string;
NAME: string;
force: boolean;
html5: boolean;
nativeHashChange: boolean;
addValue(key: string, value: string, options: any): HistoryBase;
add(state: any, options: any): HistoryBase;
get(key: string): any;
replaceValue(key: string, value: string, options: any): HistoryBase;
replace(state: any, options: any): HistoryBase;
interface HistoryHash {
SRC_HASH: string;
hashPrefix: string;
decode(string: string): string;
createHash(params: any): string;
encode(string: string): string;
getIframeHash(): string;
getHash(): string;
getUrl(): string;
parseHash(hash: string): any;
replaceHash(hash: string): any;
setHash(hash: string): any;
interface HorizontalLegendLayout {
interface Intl {
add(module: string, lang: string, strings: any): any;
getAvailableLangs(module: string): any[];
get(module: string, key: string, lang: string): any;
lookupBestLang(preferredLanguages: String[], availableLanguages: String[]): string;
lookupBestLang(preferredLanguages: string, availableLanguages: String[]): string;
getLang(module: string): string;
setLang(module: string, lang: string): any;
interface JSON {
charCacheThreshold: number;
_default: string;
transports: any;
useNativeStringify: boolean;
useNativeParse: boolean;
dateToString(d: Date): string;
customTransport(id: string): any;
defaultTransport(id?: string): any;
notify(event: string, transaction: any, config: any): any;
parse(s: string, reviver: Function): any;
stringify(o: any, w: any[], ind: number): string;
stringify(o: any, w: any[], ind: string): string;
stringify(o: any, w: Function, ind: number): string;
stringify(o: any, w: Function, ind: string): string;
interface JSONPRequest {
_defaultCallback(url: string, config: any): Function;
send(args: any): JSONPRequest;
interface Lang {
now(): number;
isValue(o: any): boolean;
isUndefined(o: any): boolean;
isString(o: any): boolean;
isObject(o: any, failfn: boolean): boolean;
isNumber(o: any): boolean;
isNull(o: any): boolean;
isFunction(o: any): boolean;
isDate(o: any): boolean;
isBoolean(o: any): boolean;
isArray(o: any): boolean;
type(o: any): string;
trimRight(s: string): string;
trimLeft(s: string): string;
trim(s: string): string;
sub(s: string, o: any): string;
interface LeftAxisLayout {
interface LineSeries {
interface Lines {
interface MarkerSeries {
interface Mock {
Value: Test_Mock_Value;
interface ModelSync {
REST: ModelSync_REST;
interface ModelSync_REST {
CSRF_TOKEN: string;
EMULATE_HTTP: boolean;
root: string;
url: string;
getURL(action?: string, options?: any): string;
parseIOResponse(response: any): any;
serialize(action?: string): string;
sync(action: string, options?: any, callback?: (err: Error, response?: any) => any): any;
interface Number {
format(data: number, config: any): string;
parse(data: string): number;
parse(data: number): number;
parse(data: boolean): number;
interface NumericAxis {
formatLabel(value: any, format: any): any;
getLabelByIndex(i: number, l: number): any;
getTotalByKey(key: string): any;
interface Object {
each(obj: any, fn: (value: any, key: string, obj: any) => any, thisObj?: any, proto?: boolean): YUI;
isEmpty(obj: any): boolean;
getValue(o: any, path: any[]): any;
hasValue(obj: any, value: any): boolean;
keys(obj: any): String[];
hasKey(obj: any, key: string): boolean;
owns(obj: any, key: string): boolean;
setValue(o: any, path: any[], val: any): any;
some(obj: any, fn: (value: any, key: string, obj: any) => any, thisObj?: any, proto?: boolean): boolean;
size(obj: any): number;
values(obj: any): any[];
interface Parallel {
finished: number;
results: any[];
total: number;
add(fn: Function): any;
done(callback: (results: any, data?: any) => any, data: any): any;
test(): any;
interface PieChart {
_getAriaMessage(key: number): any;
getSeriesItem(series: any, index: any): any;
interface PieSeries {
interface PjaxBase {
interface PjaxContent {
loadContent(req: any, res: any, next: Function): any;
getContent(responseText: string): any;
interface Plots {
interface Plugin {
NodeFX: Plugin_NodeFX;
EditorParaIE: Plugin_EditorParaIEStatic;
EditorPara: Plugin_EditorParaStatic;
EditorTab: Plugin_EditorTabStatic;
EditorLists: Plugin_EditorListsStatic;
EditorParaBase: Plugin_EditorParaBaseStatic;
EditorBR: Plugin_EditorBRStatic;
ExecCommand: Plugin_ExecCommandStatic;
EditorBidi: Plugin_EditorBidiStatic;
Flick: Plugin_Flick;
CreateLinkBase: Plugin_CreateLinkBase;
DDNodeScroll: Plugin_DDNodeScrollStatic;
DDWindowScroll: Plugin_DDWindowScrollStatic;
ScrollInfo: Plugin_ScrollInfo;
Align: Plugin_Align;
DDProxy: Plugin_DDProxyStatic;
Shim: Plugin_Shim;
Pjax: Plugin_Pjax;
Base: Plugin_Base;
Host: Plugin_Host;
Drag: Plugin_DragStatic;
ResizeConstrained: Plugin_ResizeConstrained;
Drop: Plugin_DropStatic;
Resize: Plugin_Resize;
ResizeProxy: Plugin_ResizeProxyStatic;
DDConstrained: Plugin_DDConstrainedStatic;
ScrollViewList: Plugin_ScrollViewListStatic;
ScrollViewPaginator: Plugin_ScrollViewPaginatorStatic;
ScrollViewScrollbars: Plugin_ScrollViewScrollbarsStatic;
SortScroll: Plugin_SortScrollStatic;
DataTableDataSource: Plugin_DataTableDataSource;
ConsoleFilters: Plugin_ConsoleFilters;
CalendarNavigator: Plugin_CalendarNavigator;
Cache: Plugin_Cache;
AutoComplete: Plugin_AutoComplete;
WidgetAnim: Plugin_WidgetAnim;
interface Plugin_Align {
center(region: Node): any;
center(region: HTMLElement): any;
center(region: any): any;
destroy(): any;
to(region: string, regionPoint: string, point: string, resize: boolean): any;
to(region: Node, regionPoint: string, point: string, resize: boolean): any;
to(region: HTMLElement, regionPoint: string, point: string, resize: boolean): any;
to(region: any, regionPoint: string, point: string, resize: boolean): any;
interface Plugin_AutoComplete {
interface Plugin_Base {
NS: string;
NAME: string;
ATTRS: any;
afterHostMethod(method: string, fn: Function, context: any): EventHandle;
beforeHostMethod(method: string, fn: Function, context: any): EventHandle;
afterHostEvent(type: string, fn: Function, context: any): EventHandle;
afterHostEvent(type: any, fn: Function, context: any): EventHandle;
doAfter(strMethod: string, fn: Function, context: any): EventHandle;
doBefore(strMethod: string, fn: Function, context: any): EventHandle;
destructor(): any;
onHostEvent(type: string, fn: Function, context: any): EventHandle;
onHostEvent(type: any, fn: Function, context: any): EventHandle;
initializer(config: any): any;
interface Plugin_Cache {
NS: string;
NAME: string;
interface Plugin_CalendarNavigator {
NS: string;
NAME: string;
ATTRS: any;
destructor(): any;
initializer(config: any): any;
interface Plugin_ConsoleFilters {
NAME: string;
NS: string;
hideCategory(cat: string): any;
hideSource(src: string): any;
refreshConsole(): any;
showCategory(cat: string): any;
showSource(src: string): any;
syncUI(): any;
interface Plugin_CreateLinkBase {
PROMPT: any;
interface Plugin_DataTableDataSource {
NS: string;
NAME: string;
onDataReturnInitializeTable(e: EventFacade): any;
load(config: any): any;
interface Plugin_Flick {
SNAP_EASING: string;
EASING: string;
NS: string;
NAME: string;
transformMethods: any;
compareTransformSequence(list1: any[], list2: any[]): any;
decompose(_3x3: any[]): any;
angle2rad(val: any): any;
deg2rad(deg: number): any;
getnxn(): any;
getDeterminant(matrix: any[]): any;
inverse(Array: any): any;
getMinors(matrix: any[], columnIndex: number, rowIndex: number): any;
getTransformArray(val: string): any;
getTransformFunctionArray(): any;
initializer(config: any): any;
scalarMultiply(matrix: any[], multiplier: number): any;
rad2deg(rad: number): any;
setBounds(): any;
sign(val: number): any;
vectorMatrixProduct(vector: any[], matrix: any[]): any;
transpose(matrix: any): any;
interface Plugin_Host {
hasPlugin(ns: string): Plugin;
plug(P: Function, config: any): Base;
plug(P: any, config: any): Base;
plug(P: any[], config: any): Base;
unplug(plugin: string): Base;
unplug(plugin: Function): Base;
interface Plugin_NodeFX {
interface Plugin_Pjax {
interface Plugin_Resize {
ATTRS: any;
NS: string;
NAME: string;
interface Plugin_ResizeConstrained {
constrainSurrounding: any;
interface Plugin_ScrollInfo {
getScrollInfo(): any;
getOnscreenNodes(selector?: string, margin?: number): NodeList;
getOffscreenNodes(selector?: string, margin?: number): NodeList;
refreshDimensions(): any;
interface Plugin_Shim {
TEMPLATE: string;
CLASS_NAME: string;
destroy(): any;
sync(): any;
interface Plugin_WidgetAnim {
ATTRS: any;
NAME: string;
NS: string;
destructor(): any;
initializer(config: any): any;
interface Pollable {
clearInterval(id: number): any;
clearAllIntervals(): any;
setInterval(msec: number, request?: any): number;
interface Profiler {
clear(name: string): void;
getAverage(name: string): number;
getFullReport(): any;
getReport(): any;
getFunctionReport(): any;
getMin(name: string): number;
getMax(name: string): number;
getCallCount(name: string): number;
instrument(name: string, method: Function): Function;
getOriginal(name: string): Function;
pause(name: string): void;
registerConstructor(name: string, owner: any): void;
registerFunction(name: string, owner: any, registerPrototype: boolean): void;
registerObject(name: string, owner: any, recurse: boolean): void;
start(name: string): void;
stop(name: string): void;
unregisterObject(name: string, recurse: boolean): void;
unregisterFunction(name: string): void;
interface QueryString {
stringify(obj: any, cfg: any, name: string): any;
interface Record {
getValue(field: string): any;
interface RecordsetFilter {
filter(filter: Function, value?: any): Recordset;
filter(filter: string, value?: any): Recordset;
grep(pattern: RegExp): Recordset;
reject(filter: Function): Recordset;
interface RecordsetIndexer {
createTable(key: string): any;
getTable(key: string): any;
interface RecordsetSort {
flip(): any;
resort(): any;
reverse(): any;
sort(field: string, desc: boolean): any;
interface Renderer {
interface RightAxisLayout {
interface SVGCircle {
interface SVGDrawing {
closePath(): any;
clear(): any;
curveTo(cp1x: number, cp1y: number, cp2x: number, cp2y: number, x: number, y: number): any;
end(): any;
drawRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): any;
lineTo(point1: number, point2: number): any;
moveTo(x: number, y: number): any;
relativeCurveTo(cp1x: number, cp1y: number, cp2x: number, cp2y: number, x: number, y: number): any;
quadraticCurveTo(cpx: number, cpy: number, x: number, y: number): any;
relativeLineTo(point1: number, point2: number): any;
relativeMoveTo(x: number, y: number): any;
interface SVGEllipse {
interface SVGGraphic {
batch(method: Function): any;
clear(): any;
addShape(cfg: any): any;
destroy(): any;
getXY(): any;
getShapeById(id: string): any;
removeShape(shape: Shape): any;
removeShape(shape: string): any;
removeAllShapes(): any;
set(name: string, value: any): any;
set(name: any, value: any): any;
interface SVGPath {
interface SVGPieSlice {
interface SVGRect {
interface SVGShape {
compareTo(refNode: HTMLElement): boolean;
compareTo(refNode: Node): boolean;
contains(needle: SVGShape): any;
contains(needle: HTMLElement): any;
addClass(className: string): any;
destroy(): any;
getXY(): any;
getBounds(): any;
removeClass(className: string): any;
rotate(deg: number): any;
scale(val: number): any;
skewY(y: number): any;
skewX(x: number): any;
skew(x: number, y: number): any;
set(name: string, value: any): any;
set(name: any, value: any): any;
setXY(Contains: any[]): any;
test(selector: string): any;
translate(x: number, y: number): any;
translateX(x: number): any;
translateY(y: number): any;
toFront(): any;
interface Selector {
operators: any;
shorthand: any;
ancestor(element: HTMLElement, selector: string, testSelf: boolean): HTMLElement;
query(selector: string, root: HTMLElement, firstOnly: boolean): any[];
interface SliderValueRange {
getValue(): number;
setValue(val: number): Slider;
interface SplineSeries {
interface StackedAreaSeries {
interface StackedAreaSplineSeries {
interface StackedAxis {
interface StackedBarSeries {
interface StackedColumnSeries {
interface StackedComboSeries {
interface StackedComboSplineSeries {
interface StackedLineSeries {
interface StackedMarkerSeries {
interface StackedSplineSeries {
interface StackingUtil {
interface Test {
Console: Test_Console;
ArrayAssert: Test_ArrayAssert;
Assert: Test_Assert;
AssertionError: Test_AssertionError;
ComparisonFailure: Test_ComparisonFailure;
CoverageFormat: Test_CoverageFormat;
DateAssert: Test_DateAssert;
EventTarget: Test_EventTarget;
Mock: Test_Mock;
ObjectAssert: Test_ObjectAssert;
Reporter: Test_ReporterStatic;
Results: Test_Results;
ShouldError: Test_ShouldError;
ShouldFail: Test_ShouldFail;
TestCase: Test_TestCase;
TestFormat: Test_TestFormat;
TestRunner: Test_TestRunner;
TestNode: Test_TestNode;
Runner: Test_Runner;
TestSuite: Test_TestSuite;
UnexpectedError: Test_UnexpectedError;
UnexpectedValue: Test_UnexpectedValue;
Wait: Test_Wait;
interface Test_ArrayAssert {
containsMatch(matcher: Function, haystack: any[], message: string): any;
containsItems(needles: Object[], haystack: any[], message: string): any;
contains(needle: any, haystack: any[], message: string): any;
doesNotContainMatch(matcher: Function, haystack: any[], message: string): any;
doesNotContainItems(needles: Object[], haystack: any[], message: string): any;
doesNotContain(needle: any, haystack: any[], message: string): any;
lastIndexOf(needle: any, haystack: any[], index: number, message: string): any;
itemsAreSame(expected: any[], actual: any[], message: string): any;
isNotEmpty(actual: any[], message: string): any;
isEmpty(actual: any[], message: string): any;
itemsAreEquivalent(expected: any[], actual: any[], comparator: Function, message: string): void;
itemsAreEqual(expected: any[], actual: any[], message: string): any;
indexOf(needle: any, haystack: any[], index: number, message: string): any;
interface Test_Assert {
areSame(expected: any, actual: any, message: string): any;
areNotSame(unexpected: any, actual: any, message: string): any;
areNotEqual(unexpected: any, actual: any, message: string): any;
areEqual(expected: any, actual: any, message: string): any;
fail(message: string): any;
isTypeOf(expectedType: string, actualValue: any, message: string): any;
isString(actual: any, message: string): any;
isObject(actual: any, message: string): any;
isNumber(actual: any, message: string): any;
isInstanceOf(expected: Function, actual: any, message: string): any;
isFunction(actual: any, message: string): any;
isBoolean(actual: any, message: string): any;
isArray(actual: any, message: string): any;
isUndefined(actual: any, message: string): any;
isNull(actual: any, message: string): any;
isNotUndefined(actual: any, message: string): any;
isNotNull(actual: any, message: string): any;
isNotNaN(actual: any, message: string): any;
isNaN(actual: any, message: string): any;
isTrue(actual: any, message: string): any;
isFalse(actual: any, message: string): any;
pass(): any;
throwsError(expectedError: string, method: Function, message: string): void;
throwsError(expectedError: Function, method: Function, message: string): void;
throwsError(expectedError: any, method: Function, message: string): void;
interface Test_AssertionError {
name: string;
message: string;
getMessage(): string;
toString(): string;
interface Test_ComparisonFailure {
actual: any;
expected: any;
name: string;
getMessage(): string;
interface Test_Console {
interface Test_CoverageFormat {
XdebugJSON(coverage: any): string;
JSON(coverage: any): string;
interface Test_DateAssert {
datesAreEqual(expected: Date, actual: Date, message: string): any;
timesAreEqual(expected: Date, actual: Date, message: string): any;
interface Test_EventTarget {
attach(type: string, listener: Function): void;
detach(type: string, listener: Function): void;
fire(event: any): void;
fire(event: string): void;
subscribe(type: string, listener: Function): void;
unsubscribe(type: string, listener: Function): void;
interface Test_Mock {
expect(mock: any, expectation: any): void;
verify(mock: any): void;
interface Test_Mock_Value {
Function: Function;
Object: Function;
String: Function;
Number: Function;
Boolean: Function;
Any: Function;
interface Test_ObjectAssert {
areEqual(expected: any, actual: any, message: string): any;
ownsOrInheritsKeys(properties: any[], object: any, message: string): any;
ownsOrInheritsKey(propertyName: string, object: any, message: string): any;
ownsNoKeys(object: any, message: string): any;
ownsKeys(properties: any[], object: any, message: string): any;
ownsKey(propertyName: string, object: any, message: string): any;
inheritsKeys(properties: any[], object: any, message: string): any;
inheritsKey(propertyName: string, object: any, message: string): any;
hasKeys(properties: any[], object: any, message: string): any;
hasKey(propertyName: string, object: any, message: string): any;
interface Test_Results {
duration: number;
errors: number;
failed: number;
ignored: number;
name: string;
passed: number;
total: number;
include(result: Test_Results): void;
interface Test_Runner {
clear(): void;
add(testObject: any): void;
getCoverage(format: Function): any;
getResults(format: Function): any;
isRunning(): boolean;
isWaiting(): boolean;
getName(): string;
run(options: any): void;
run(options: boolean): void;
resume(segment: Function): void;
setName(name: string): void;
interface Test_ShouldError {
name: string;
interface Test_ShouldFail {
name: string;
interface Test_TestCase {
assert(condition: boolean, message: string): any;
callback(): Function;
destroy(): any;
fail(message: string): any;
init(): any;
resume(segment: Function): void;
setUp(): void;
tearDown(): void;
wait(segment: Function, delay: number): void;
interface Test_TestFormat {
TAP(result: any): string;
JUnitXML(result: any): string;
XML(result: any): string;
JSON(result: any): string;
interface Test_TestNode {
interface Test_TestRunner {
interface Test_TestSuite {
name: string;
add(testObject: Test_TestSuite): void;
add(testObject: Test_TestCase): void;
setUp(): void;
tearDown(): void;
interface Test_UnexpectedError {
cause: Error;
name: string;
stack: string;
interface Test_UnexpectedValue {
name: string;
unexpected: any;
getMessage(): string;
interface Test_Wait {
delay: number;
segment: Function;
interface Text {
AccentFold: Text_AccentFold;
WordBreak: Text_WordBreak;
interface Text_AccentFold {
compare(a: string, b: string, func: Function): boolean;
canFold(string: string): boolean;
fold(input: string): string;
fold(input: any[]): string;
filter(haystack: any[], func: Function): any[];
interface Text_WordBreak {
isWordBoundary(string: string, index: number): boolean;
getUniqueWords(string: string, options: any): any[];
getWords(string: string, options: any): any[];
interface TimeAxis {
formatLabel(value: any, format: any): any;
getLabelByIndex(i: number, l: number): any;
interface TopAxisLayout {
interface UA {
caja: number;
accel: boolean;
android: number;
air: number;
chrome: number;
gecko: number;
nodejs: number;
os: string;
ios: boolean;
ipod: number;
iphone: number;
ipad: number;
mobile: string;
opera: number;
ie: number;
phantomjs: number;
safari: number;
secure: boolean;
silk: number;
userAgent: string;
webos: number;
webkit: number;
compareVersions(a: number, b: number): any;
compareVersions(a: number, b: string): any;
compareVersions(a: string, b: number): any;
compareVersions(a: string, b: string): any;
parseUA(subUA?: string): any;
interface Uploader {
Queue: Uploader_QueueStatic;
TYPE: string;
interface VMLCircle {
interface VMLDrawing {
clear(): any;
closePath(): any;
curveTo(cp1x: number, cp1y: number, cp2x: number, cp2y: number, x: number, y: number): any;
end(): any;
drawRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): any;
lineTo(point1: number, point2: number): any;
moveTo(x: number, y: number): any;
relativeCurveTo(cp1x: number, cp1y: number, cp2x: number, cp2y: number, x: number, y: number): any;
quadraticCurveTo(cpx: number, cpy: number, x: number, y: number): any;
relativeQuadraticCurveTo(cpx: number, cpy: number, x: number, y: number): any;
relativeLineTo(point1: number, point2: number): any;
relativeMoveTo(x: number, y: number): any;
interface VMLEllipse {
interface VMLGraphic {
batch(method: Function): any;
clear(): any;
addShape(cfg: any): any;
destroy(): any;
getXY(): any;
getShapeById(id: string): any;
removeShape(shape: Shape): any;
removeShape(shape: string): any;
removeAllShapes(): any;
setPosition(x: number, y: number): any;
setSize(w: number, h: number): any;
set(name: string, value: any): any;
set(name: any, value: any): any;
interface VMLPath {
interface VMLPieSlice {
interface VMLRect {
interface VMLShape {
compareTo(refNode: HTMLElement): boolean;
compareTo(refNode: Node): boolean;
contains(needle: VMLShape): any;
contains(needle: HTMLElement): any;
addClass(className: string): any;
destroy(): any;
getXY(): any;
getBounds(): any;
scale(val: number): any;
rotate(deg: number): any;
removeClass(className: string): any;
setXY(Contains: any[]): any;
skew(x: number, y: number): any;
skewX(x: number): any;
skewY(y: number): any;
set(name: string, value: any): any;
set(name: any, value: any): any;
test(selector: string): any;
translate(x: number, y: number): any;
translateX(x: number): any;
translateY(y: number): any;
toFront(): any;
interface ValueChange {
TIMEOUT: number;
interface VerticalLegendLayout {
interface View_NodeMap {
getByNode(node: Node): View;
getByNode(node: HTMLElement): View;
getByNode(node: string): View;
interface WidgetAutohide {
ATTRS: any;
_afterHideOnChange(): any;
interface WidgetButtons {
addButton(button: (action?: Function, classNames?: string, context?: any, disabled?: boolean, events?: string, isDefault?: boolean, label?: string, name?: string, section?: string, srcNode?: Node, template?: string) => any, section?: string, index?: number): WidgetButtons;
getButton(name: number, section?: string): Node;
getButton(name: string, section?: string): Node;
removeButton(button: Node, section?: string): WidgetButtons;
removeButton(button: number, section?: string): WidgetButtons;
removeButton(button: string, section?: string): WidgetButtons;
interface WidgetChild {
interface WidgetModality {
STACK: any;
ATTRS: any;
_afterFocusOnChange(): any;
_repositionMask(nextElem: Widget): any;
_afterHostZIndexChangeModal(e: EventFacade): any;
_afterHostVisibleChangeModal(e: EventFacade): any;
_detachUIHandlesModal(): any;
_attachUIHandlesModal(): any;
_uiSetHostZIndexModal(ZIndex: number): any;
_uiSetHostVisibleModal(Whether: boolean): any;
_getMaskNode(): Node;
_blur(): any;
_focus(): any;
_GET_MASK(): any;
isNested(): any;
interface WidgetPosition {
ATTRS: any;
move(x: number, y: number): any;
syncXY(): any;
interface WidgetPositionConstrain {
ATTRS: any;
getConstrainedXY(xy: any[], node: Node): any[];
getConstrainedXY(xy: any[], node: boolean): any[];
interface WidgetStack {
ATTRS: any;
sizeShim(): any;
interface WidgetStdMod {
ATTRS: any;
REPLACE: string;
BEFORE: string;
AFTER: string;
FOOTER: string;
BODY: string;
HEADER: string;
getStdModNode(section: string, forceCreate: boolean): Node;
setStdModContent(section: string, content: string, where: string): any;
setStdModContent(section: string, content: Node, where: string): any;
interface XML {
format(data: any): string;
parse(data: string): any;
interface config {
delayUntil: string;
cacheUse: boolean;
_2in3: string;
aliases: any;
cssAttributes: string;
combine: boolean;
comboBase: string;
base: string;
dateFormat: string;
core: any[];
debug: boolean;
bootstrap: boolean;
errorFn: Function;
gallery: string;
fetchCSS: boolean;
force: string[];
filters: any;
filter: string;
doc: Document;
loadErrorFn: Function;
logFn: Function;
loaderPath: string;
groups: any;
modules: any;
onCSS: Function;
jsAttributes: string;
insertBefore: string;
ignore: string[];
locale: string;
lang: string;
injected: boolean;
logExclude: any;
logInclude: any;
pollInterval: number;
requireRegistration: boolean;
root: string;
purgethreshold: number;
skin: any;
timeout: number;
throwFail: boolean;
useNativeES5: boolean;
useHistoryHTML5: boolean;
useBrowserConsole: boolean;
windowResizeDelay: number;
win: Window;
yui2: string;
interface plugin {
NodeFocusManager: plugin_NodeFocusManager;
NodeMenuNav: plugin_NodeMenuNav;
interface plugin_NodeFocusManager {
blur(): any;
focus(index: number): any;
refresh(): any;
start(): any;
stop(): any;
interface plugin_NodeMenuNav {
declare var YUI: Y.YUIStatic;
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