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Last active March 6, 2024 20:07
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Handy thin wrapper around the fetch Api
const _toQueryString = params =>
([key, value]) =>
// EDIT here if you prefer a storage implementation or a store subscription etc.
// you could actually also remove the getToken function and directly call it in the header below
const methods = {
getToken: () => null
const _makeCancelable = promise => {
let hasCanceled = false;
const cancelablePromise = () =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
val => (hasCanceled ? reject(Error("Request canceled")) : resolve(val)),
error =>
hasCanceled ? reject(Error("Request canceled")) : reject(error)
return {
cancel() {
hasCanceled = true;
const _call = (method, route, params, setAbortMethod, auth) => {
// EDIT you can always strip abortcontroller from here if you need different usages
// since it can be tricky to handle the cancel function passed to setAbortMethod for specific usage
// sadly this is the best I could think of
const controller = AbortController ? new AbortController() : null;
if (method === "GET" && params) {
route += _toQueryString(params);
const url = "" + route;
const options = {
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
...(auth && methods.getToken() && { Authorization: `Bearer ${methods.getToken()}` }) // EDIT here based on your api
...(params && method !== "GET" && { body: JSON.stringify(params) }),
...(controller && { signal: controller.signal })
const currentFetch = () => {
return fetch(url, options).then(
res => (res.ok ? res.json() : Promise.reject(res)) // ERROR handling highly depends on your api
if (controller) {
setAbortMethod && setAbortMethod(() => controller.abort());
return currentFetch();
} else {
const { cancelablePromise, cancel } = _makeCancelable(currentFetch);
setAbortMethod && setAbortMethod(cancel);
return cancelablePromise();
["POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "GET"].forEach(
el => (methods[el.toLowerCase()] = ( => _call(el,
export default methods;
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