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Created June 12, 2012 21:53
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Save gialloporpora/2920361 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Upload image on ImgUr (anonymous) with history using commandline. It requires sed and curl.
@echo off
set apikey=your_apikey_here
REM Usage:
REM img file_path [title] [caption]
REM img url [title] [caption]
REM title and caption are optional, quote them if they contains spaces or strange characters
REM Set the path where are located curl.exe and sed.exe
REM is you use Cygwin, install the curl's package (sed is included by default in standard installation) and uncomment this line
REM PATH=%PATH%;C:\cygwin\bin
REM Removing quotes from parameters to avoid problems with curl
set image=%~1
set prefix=%image:~0,4%
set title=%~2
set caption=%~3
set historyfile="%~dp0imgur_history.txt"
echo imgur uploader via CURL version 1.0 by @gialloporpora
if "%image%"=="" goto help
if /i %1==help goto help
if /i %1==-h goto help
if /i %1==view goto showhistory
if /i %1==-v goto showhistory
REM /i case insensitive match
if /i %prefix%==http goto urlupload
if not exist %1 goto filenotfound
curl -F "title=%title%" -F "caption=%caption%" -F "image=@%image%" -F "key=%apikey%" > curl.html
goto success
echo File not found
goto end
curl -d "image=%image%" -d "title=%title%" -d "caption=%caption%" -d "key=%apikey%" > curl.html
sed -n -e "/<original>/{s/.*<original>\(.*\)<\/original><imgur_page>\(.*\)<\/imgur_page><delete_page>\(.*\)<\/delete_page>.*<large_thumbnail>\(.*\)<\/large_thumbnail>.*/Original image:\t\1\nImage page:\t\2\nThumbnail:\t\4\nDeletion Page:\t\3\n/;p}" curl.html > temp.txt
type temp.txt
date /T >> %historyfile%
time /T >> %historyfile%
echo Title: %title% >> %historyfile%
echo Caption: %caption% >> %historyfile%
type temp.txt >> %historyfile%
del temp.txt
del curl.html
goto end
echo Usage:
echo img filename [title] [caption]
echo img url [title] [caption]
echo title and caption are optional, if you use spaces inside them remember to quote them
echo * Type `img help' to show this help
echo * Type `img view' to show all your uploaded images
goto end
type %historyfile%
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