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Created December 20, 2008 01:59
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Ubiquity Digg Command
/* I prefere to define the Digg Topic in a variable to avoid to slow command calling the Digg API
* to make this I use a little bookmarklet to make easy this operation. Go to this page to find the complete Digg containers
* */
var digg_dict={ "Apple" : "apple", "Design" : "design", "Gadgets" : "gadgets", "Hardware" : "hardware", "Tech Industry News" : "tech_news", "Linux/Unix" : "linux_unix", "Microsoft" : "microsoft", "Mods" : "mods", "Programming" : "programming", "Security" : "security", "Software" : "software", "Business & Finance" : "business_finance", "World News" : "world_news", "Political News" : "politics", "Political Opinion" : "political_opinion", "US Elections 2008" : "2008_us_elections", "Environment" : "environment", "General Sciences" : "general_sciences", "Space" : "space", "Gaming Industry News" : "gaming_news", "PC Games" : "pc_games", "Playable Web Games" : "playable_web_games", "Nintendo" : "nintendo", "PlayStation" : "playstation", "Xbox" : "xbox", "Arts & Culture" : "arts_culture", "Autos" : "autos", "Educational" : "educational", "Food & Drink" : "food_drink", "Health" : "health", "Travel & Places" : "travel_places", "Celebrity" : "celebrity", "Movies" : "movies", "Music" : "music", "Television" : "television", "Comics & Animation" : "comics_animation", "Baseball" : "baseball", "Basketball" : "basketball", "Extreme" : "extreme_sports", "American & Canadian Football" : "football", "Golf" : "golf", "Hockey" : "hockey", "Motorsport" : "motorsport", "Olympics" : "olympics", "Soccer" : "soccer", "Tennis" : "tennis", "Other Sports" : "other_sports", "Comedy" : "comedy", "Odd Stuff" : "odd_stuff", "People" : "people", "Pets & Animals" : "pets_animals"};
var digg_array=[];
for (i in digg_dict) digg_array.push(i);
var noun_type_diggmedia= new CmdUtils.NounType( "diggmedia",
var noun_type_diggcategories = new CmdUtils.NounType( "diggtopic",
/* messages displayed by this command */
var digg_command_msg={
"default" : "Submit or digg this page. Checking if this page has already been submitted...",
"already_digged_story" : "Digg this page. This page already has <b>${diggs_number}</b> diggs.",
"submit_page" : "Submit this page to Digg",
"submit_description" : " with the description:<br/> <i style='padding:10px;color: #CCC;display:block;'>${selected_text}</i>",
"submit_truncated_description" :"<br/> Description can only be 375 characters. The last <b>${truncated}</b> characters will be truncated."
name: "dugg",
synonyms: ["dugg-this-story"],
icon: "",
homepage: "",
description: "If not yet submitted, submits the page to Digg. Otherwise, it takes you to the story's Digg page.",
author: { name: "Sandro Della Giustina", email: ""},
license: "MPL,GPL",
takes: {input: noun_arb_text},
modifiers: {in: noun_type_diggcategories, media: noun_type_diggmedia},
preview: function(pblock, input) {
var doc = CmdUtils.getDocument();
var selected_text=input.text;
var api_url=""
var link=doc.location.href;
var params = Utils.paramsToString({
appkey: "",
link: link
pblock.innerHTML = digg_command_msg["default"];
CmdUtils.previewAjax(pblock, {
type: "GET",
url: api_url+params,
error: function(){
//pblock.innerHTML= 'Digg API seems to be unavailable or the URI is incorrect.<br/>';
success: function(xml){
var el = jQuery(xml).find("story");
var diggs = el.attr("diggs");
if (diggs == null){
html =digg_command_msg["submit_page"];
if (selected_text.length > 0) {
html +=CmdUtils.renderTemplate(digg_command_msg["submit_description"],{"selected_text" : selected_text.substring(0,375)});
if (selected_text.length > 375){
html +=CmdUtils.renderTemplate(digg_command_msg["submit_truncated_description"], {"truncated" : (selected_text.length - 375)});
else {
html=CmdUtils.renderTemplate(digg_command_msg["already_digged_story"], {"diggs_number": diggs});
execute: function( input , modifiers) {
var doc = CmdUtils.getDocument();
var sel = input.text.substring(0,375);
var link= doc.location.href;
var digg_tp=digg_dict[] || "";
var || "news";
var params = Utils.paramsToString({
phase: "2",
url: link,
title: doc.title,
bodytext: sel,
topic: digg_tp,
media: digg_md
story_url='' + params;
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