Designing Event-Driven Systems book by Ben Stopford contains a lot of useful links to papers, books, documentation and definitions related to event driven design and Kafka. I just extracted them as reference for the future and added some groups to show them better.
You can read the book for free
- A Crystal Ball to Prioritise Technical Debt in Monoliths or Microservices: Adam Tornhill's Thoughts
- Brewer's CAP Theorem <= :julianbrowne
- Building Evolutionary Architectures - O'Reilly Media
- Building Microservices - O'Reilly Media
- Building Reliable Reprocessing and Dead Letter Queues with Kafka
- Business events in a world of independently deployable services
- DSpace@MIT: ACTORS: A Model of Concurrent Computation in Distributed Systems
- Distributed Snapshots: Determining Global States of Distributed Systems | the morning paper
- Druid | Interactive Analytics at Scale
- ESB | Technology Radar | ThoughtWorks
- Enterprise Integration Patterns - Process Manager
- Event streaming as the source of truth | Technology Radar | ThoughtWorks
- Finagle
- Functional Core, Imperative Shell
- Google Cloud Platform Blog: Why you should pick strong consistency, whenever possible
- HDFS Snapshots
- Dead letter queues - IBM Knowledge Center
- Infrastructure as Code: A Reason to Smile | ThoughtWorks
- Introducing Badger: A fast key-value store written purely in Go - Dgraph Blog
- Inverse Conway Maneuver | Technology Radar | ThoughtWorks
- JSON Schema | The home of JSON Schema
- KIP-98 perf testing - Fogli Google
- Kafka Inside Keystone Pipeline – Netflix TechBlog – Medium
- Large messages depths on your WebSphere MQ queues could cause performance issues (Application Integration Middleware Support Blog)
- Log Structured Merge Trees - ben stopford
- Mechanical Sympathy: Single Writer Principle
- Microservices as an Evolutionary Architecture | ThoughtWorks
- Mobile Mapping Spatial Database Framework
- Monitoring Kafka Without Losing Your Mind
- Only 3% of Companies’ Data Meets Basic Quality Standards
- Performance Benchmarks · facebook/rocksdb Wiki · GitHub
- Protocol Buffers | Google Developers
- Questioning the Lambda Architecture - O'Reilly Media
- RabbitMQ - Dead Letter Exchanges
- Reactive Microservices Architecture: free O'Reilly report by Lightbend CTO Jonas Bonér | @lightbend
- Recreating ESB antipatterns with Kafka | Technology Radar | ThoughtWorks
- Scaling Microservices with an Event Stream | ThoughtWorks
- Schema On Read vs. Schema On Write Explained - Thomas Henson
- Seam Types | Testing Effectively With Legacy Code | InformIT
- Sidecar pattern | Microsoft Docs
- Software (r)Evolution — Part 3: Time - The Hidden Dimension of Software Design | Empear
- Spanner: Google's Globally-Distributed Database – Google AI
- Statement of Editorial Independence - O'Reilly Media
- Stevey's Google Platforms Rant · GitHub
- Structured design - IBM Journals & Magazine
- The Calculus of Service Availability - ACM Queue
- The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data's unifying abstraction | LinkedIn Engineering
- The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data's unifying abstraction | LinkedIn Engineering
- Things You Should Never Do, Part I – Joel on Software
- Wayback Machine
- What is HTTP Long Polling? | PubNub
- What is Mifid II and how will it affect EU’s financial industry? | Financial Times
- Rich Hickey: Deconstructing the Database
- grpc /
- A Brief Tour of FLP Impossibility
- Apache ActiveMQ ™ -- Should I use XA
- Apache Kafka - Consumers
- Apache Kafka - Number of standby replicas parameter
- Apache Kafka - State restoration during workload rebalance
- Apache Kafka - Log Compaction
- Developer Guide for Kafka Streams
- Clients - Apache Kafka - Apache Software Foundation
- Kafka Streams Application Reset Tool - Apache Kafka - Apache Software Foundation
- Welcome to Apache Avro!
- [KAFKA-4113] Allow KTable bootstrap - ASF JIRA
- Apache Kafka Security 101 - Confluent
- Apache Kafka, Samza, and the Unix Philosophy of Distributed Data - Confluent
- Authorization and ACLs — Confluent Platform
- Chain Services with Exactly-Once Guarantees | Confluent
- Concepts — Confluent Platform 3.3.0 documentation
- Concepts — Confluent Platform
- Data Reprocessing with the Streams API in Kafka: Resetting a Streams Application - Confluent
- How to Write a User Defined Function (UDF) for KSQL | Confluent
- Interactive Queries — Confluent Platform
- It's Okay To Store Data In Kafka
- KSQL: Streaming SQL for Apache Kafka | Confluent
- Kafka Connect | Confluent
- Kafka Producers — Confluent Platform
- Post Deployment — Confluent Platform
- Putting Apache Kafka To Use: A Practical Guide To Building a Streaming Platform
- Schema Registry — Confluent Platform
- Streams DSL — Confluent Platform
- Toward a Functional Programming Analogy for Microservices
- Transactions in Apache Kafka | Confluent
- Turning the database inside-out with Apache Samza - Confluent
- Kafka Streams - Developer guide
- Kafka Streams Examples
- CQRS - Martin Fowler
- CommandQuerySeparation - Martin Fowler
- Event Collaboration - Martin Fowler
- Event Sourcing - Martin Fowler
- IntegrationDatabase - Martin Fowler
- MemoryImage - Martin Fowler
- What do you mean by “Event-Driven”? - Martin Fowler
- Data on the Outside versus Data on the Inside - Pat Helland
- Comparing Techniques by Means of Encapsulation and Connascence - Mellir Page-Jones
- “One Size Fits All”: An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone - Michael Stonebraker and Uğur Çetintemel
- On Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control - H.T. Kung and John T. Robinson
- The End of an Architectural Era (It’s Time for a Complete Rewrite) - Michael Stonebraker et al.
- The VoltDB Main Memory DBMS - Michael Stonebraker and Ariel Weisberg
- Data Platform Landscape Map - February 2014
- Sagas - Hector Garcaa-Molrna Kenneth Salem
- ACID (computer science) - Wikipedia
- Actor model - Wikipedia
- Advanced Message Queuing Protocol - Wikipedia
- Big ball of mud - Wikipedia
- Bitemporal Modeling - Wikipedia
- Change data capture - Wikipedia
- Conflict-free replicated data type - Wikipedia
- Connascence - Wikipedia
- Create, read, update and delete - Wikipedia
- Crypto-shredding - Wikipedia
- Data degradation - Wikipedia
- Data integration - Wikipedia
- Data-driven programming - Wikipedia
- Database trigger - Wikipedia
- Divide and rule - Wikipedia
- Domain-driven design - Wikipedia
- End-to-end principle - Wikipedia
- Eventual consistency - Wikipedia
- Idempotence - Wikipedia
- Infrastructure as Code - Wikipedia
- Java Message Service - Wikipedia
- Master data management - Wikipedia
- Purely functional programming - Wikipedia
- Separation of concerns - Wikipedia
- Single responsibility principle - Wikipedia
- Staging (data) - Wikipedia
- Star schema - Wikipedia
- Strong consistency - Wikipedia
- Transaction log - Wikipedia
- Two Generals' Problem - Wikipedia
- Two-phase commit protocol - Wikipedia
- Write-ahead logging - Wikipedia
- X/Open XA - Wikipedia
Great list of resources. Really appreciate your work.