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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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List of most useful Algorithms in Objc (work in progress..)
//Begin test Bubble Sorting Code
NSArray *dArray =@[@101, @201, @301,@121,@11,@123,@21,@14,@32,@76,@89,@987,@65];
NSMutableArray *dataArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:dArray];
//Check Bubble Sort
NSArray *bubbleSortedArray = [self bubbleSort:dataArray];
NSLog(@"bubbleSortCount %d",bubbleSortCount); //Number of Iterations //bubbleSortCount is a static variable initialized to 0 //Gives the average & worst case of n^2
NSLog(@"bubbleSortedArray %@",bubbleSortedArray); //Prints the sorted array
bubbleSortCount =0; //Reinitialize the static variable to 0 to retest
NSLog(@"bubbleSortedArray %@",[self bubbleSort:bubbleSortedArray]); //Resort the already sorted array
NSLog(@"bubbleSortCount %d",bubbleSortCount); //Gives the best case count of n
//End test Bubble Sorting Code
-(NSArray *)bubbleSort:(NSMutableArray *)unsortedDataArray
long count = unsortedDataArray.count;
int i;
bool swapped = TRUE;
while (swapped){
swapped = FALSE;
for (i=1; i<count;i++)
if ([unsortedDataArray objectAtIndex:(i-1)] > [unsortedDataArray objectAtIndex:i])
[unsortedDataArray exchangeObjectAtIndex:(i-1) withObjectAtIndex:i];
swapped = TRUE;
//bubbleSortCount ++; //Increment the count everytime a switch is done, this line is not required in the production implementation.
return unsortedDataArray;
NSMutableArray *mArray = [NSMutableArray new];
NSNumber *fibNum1 = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:1];
NSNumber *fibNum2 = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:1];
[mArray addObject:fibNum1];
[mArray addObject:fibNum2];
for (int i=2; i<20; i++)
[mArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[[mArray objectAtIndex:i-1] doubleValue] +[[mArray objectAtIndex:i-2] doubleValue]]];
NSLog(@"mArray %@",mArray);
-(NSArray *)insertionSort:(NSMutableArray *)unsortedDataArray
long count = unsortedDataArray.count;
int i,j;
for (i=1; i<count;i++)
while(j>0 && [[unsortedDataArray objectAtIndex:(j-1)] intValue] > [[unsortedDataArray objectAtIndex:j] intValue])
[unsortedDataArray exchangeObjectAtIndex:j withObjectAtIndex:(j-1)];
return unsortedDataArray;
-(NSArray *)mergeSort:(NSArray *)unsortedArray
if ([unsortedArray count] < 2)
return unsortedArray;
long middle = ([unsortedArray count]/2);
NSRange left = NSMakeRange(0, middle);
NSRange right = NSMakeRange(middle, ([unsortedArray count] - middle));
NSArray *rightArr = [unsortedArray subarrayWithRange:right];
NSArray *leftArr = [unsortedArray subarrayWithRange:left];
//Or iterate through the unsortedArray and create your left and right array
//for left array iteration starts at index =0 and stops at middle, for right array iteration starts at midde and end at the end of the unsorted array
NSArray *resultArray =[self merge:[self mergeSort:leftArr] andRight:[self mergeSort:rightArr]];
return resultArray;
-(NSArray *)merge:(NSArray *)leftArr andRight:(NSArray *)rightArr
NSMutableArray *result = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
int right = 0;
int left = 0;
while (left < [leftArr count] && right < [rightArr count])
if ([[leftArr objectAtIndex:left] intValue] < [[rightArr objectAtIndex:right] intValue])
[result addObject:[leftArr objectAtIndex:left++]];
[result addObject:[rightArr objectAtIndex:right++]];
NSRange leftRange = NSMakeRange(left, ([leftArr count] - left));
NSRange rightRange = NSMakeRange(right, ([rightArr count] - right));
NSArray *newRight = [rightArr subarrayWithRange:rightRange];
NSArray *newLeft = [leftArr subarrayWithRange:leftRange];
newLeft = [result arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:newLeft];
return [newLeft arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:newRight];
-(NSArray *)quickSort:(NSMutableArray *)unsortedDataArray
NSMutableArray *lessArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
NSMutableArray *greaterArray =[[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
if ([unsortedDataArray count] <1)
return nil;
int randomPivotPoint = arc4random() % [unsortedDataArray count];
NSNumber *pivotValue = [unsortedDataArray objectAtIndex:randomPivotPoint];
[unsortedDataArray removeObjectAtIndex:randomPivotPoint];
for (NSNumber *num in unsortedDataArray)
quickSortCount++; //This is required to see how many iterations does it take to sort the array using quick sort
if (num < pivotValue)
[lessArray addObject:num];
[greaterArray addObject:num];
NSMutableArray *sortedArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
[sortedArray addObjectsFromArray:[self quickSort:lessArray]];
[sortedArray addObject:pivotValue];
[sortedArray addObjectsFromArray:[self quickSort:greaterArray]];
return sortedArray;
-(NSArray *)selectionSort:(NSMutableArray *)unsortedDataArray{
int pointerMin;
int i,j;
long count = unsortedDataArray.count;
for (j=0; j<count;j++ )
//for each element in the array, assume that the first element is the minimum number
pointerMin =j;
for (i=j+1;i<count;i++)
//Iterate through each element in the array starting from the next element and compare with minimum number set from the outer for loop
if ([unsortedDataArray objectAtIndex:i] < [unsortedDataArray objectAtIndex:pointerMin] )
pointerMin = i; //Change pointer to minimum number if new min found
if (pointerMin !=j) //if new pointer is not same as the old pointer then swap
[unsortedDataArray exchangeObjectAtIndex:j withObjectAtIndex:pointerMin];
return unsortedDataArray;
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