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August 1, 2023 12:48
NAVIGATE vetting (global)
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--- | |
title: "NAVIGATE Vetting" | |
author: "Anastasis Giannousakis (E3Modelling)" | |
output: | |
pdf_document: default | |
html_document: default | |
--- | |
The R code (R Markdown document) that computes these checks can be found here: | |
The code reads a file called `dataset.rds` containing the data for the region "World" of the NAVIGATE vetting dataset as a long-format data-frame. The file `dataset.rds` has to be present in the same folder as the R code. For the summation check, a table (`summation_groups.csv`) needs to be present in the folder. The summation table has the form: column A contains the "parent" variables, and column B the "children" (i.e. variables whose sum must be the value of the "parent"). | |
```{r setup, include=FALSE} | |
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) | |
``` | |
```{r package preliminaries, include=FALSE} | |
# add additional R package repository (in case it is needed) | |
if (!any(grepl("", getOption("repos")))) | |
options(repos = c(getOption("repos"), pik = "")) | |
``` | |
```{r check installed, include=FALSE} | |
#define packages to install | |
packages <- c("dplyr", "quitte", "tidyr") | |
#install all packages that are not already installed | |
install.packages(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages()))) | |
``` | |
```{r load packages, include=FALSE} | |
# load packages | |
lapply(packages, require, character.only = TRUE) | |
``` | |
```{r load data, include=FALSE} | |
# load data | |
if (file.exists("dataset.rds")) { | |
x <- readRDS("dataset.rds") | |
x$Region <- "GLO" | |
} else { | |
error("Error: file dataset.rds not found, it has to be in the same folder as this script") | |
} | |
``` | |
# Check aggregate emissions | |
Aggregate global CO2 emissions from 2020 to the time of net-zero. These should be lower than 650 Gt in 1p5C scenarios and lower than 1150 in the 2C family of scenarios (30 / 50 Gt tolerance is used for 1.5 and 2 C scenarios, respectively). These models and scenarios are off: | |
```{r filter data, include=FALSE} | |
# filter data (keep only total CO2 emissions, and time period after 2020) | |
tmp <- filter(x, `Variable` == "Emissions|CO2", `Year` >= 2015) %>% | |
as.quitte() %>% # convert to "quitte" dataframe, to use built-in interpolation function (data has 5-year resolution) #nolint | |
interpolate_missing_periods(expand.values = TRUE, period = seq(2015, max(x[["Year"]]), 1)) | |
``` | |
```{r, include=FALSE} | |
tmp2 <- filter(tmp, `period` >= 2020) %>% mutate(.by = c("model", "scenario"), cum_sum = cumsum(value)) | |
tmp2[["cum_sum"]] <- tmp2[["cum_sum"]] / 1000 | |
``` | |
```{r find year of net-zero, echo=FALSE} | |
tmp3 <- mutate(tmp, .by = c("scenario", "model"), minemi = min(abs(value))) | |
tmp4 <- tmp3[abs(tmp3$value) - tmp3$minemi < 0.01, ] | |
for (i in levels(x$Model)) { | |
for (j in levels(x$Scenario)) { | |
if (![tmp$model == i & tmp$scenario == j & tmp$period == 2020, "value"]))) { | |
if (grepl("1p5C", j)) { | |
nzp <- as.numeric(tmp4[tmp4$model == i & tmp4$scenario == j, "period"]) | |
tae <- as.numeric(tmp2[tmp2$model == i & tmp2$scenario == j & tmp2$period == nzp, "cum_sum"]) | |
if (tae > 680) print(paste("not OK: ", i, j, round(tae, 2))) | |
} | |
if (grepl("_2C", j)) { | |
nzp <- as.numeric(tmp4[tmp4$model == i & tmp4$scenario == j, "period"]) | |
tae <- as.numeric(tmp2[tmp2$model == i & tmp2$scenario == j & tmp2$period == nzp, "cum_sum"]) | |
if (tae > 1200) print(paste("not OK: ", i, j, round(tae, 2))) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
``` | |
# Check short term behavior | |
2025 Emissions|CO2|Energy and Industrial Processes should be no lower than 0.95 * 2019 levels. 2019 level from IEA is 36200 Mt. These models and scenarios are off:: | |
```{r echo=FALSE, paged.print=TRUE} | |
# filter data (keep only "Emissions|CO2|Energy and Industrial Processes", and time period 2025) | |
tmp <- filter(x, `Variable` == "Emissions|CO2|Energy and Industrial Processes", `Year` == 2025) | |
# 2025 Emissions|CO2|Energy and Industrial Processes should be no lower than 0.95 * 2019 levels… 2019 level from IEA is 36.2 Gt | |
print(select(tmp[tmp$value < 0.95 * 36.2 * 1000, ], -c("Region")), n = 1e3) | |
``` | |
# Check primary energy | |
Primary energy from fossils should be < 20% / 10% of primary energy supply (excl. non energy use of fossils) in 2100 in 2C and 1p5C scenarios, respectively. These 1p5C scenarios are off: | |
```{r echo=FALSE, paged.print=TRUE} | |
# filter data (keep only "Primary Energy"&"Primary Energy|Fossil", and time period 2100) | |
tmp <- filter(x, `Variable` %in% c("Primary Energy", "Primary Energy|Fossil"), `Year` == 2100, `Scenario` %in% grep("1p5C", levels(x$Scenario), v = T)) | |
print(select(tmp[tmp$Variable=="Primary Energy",][c(tmp[tmp$Variable=="Primary Energy|Fossil", "value"] > 0.1 * tmp[tmp$Variable=="Primary Energy", "value"]),],-c("Region")),n=1e3) | |
``` | |
These 2C scenarios are off: | |
```{r echo=FALSE, paged.print=TRUE} | |
# filter data (keep only "Primary Energy"&"Primary Energy|Fossil", and time period 2100) | |
tmp <- filter(x, `Variable` %in% c("Primary Energy", "Primary Energy|Fossil"), `Year` == 2100, `Scenario` %in% grep("_2C", levels(x$Scenario), v = T)) | |
print(select(tmp[tmp$Variable == "Primary Energy", ][c(tmp[tmp$Variable=="Primary Energy|Fossil", "value"] > 0.2 * tmp[tmp$Variable == "Primary Energy", "value"]), ], -c("Region")), n=1e3) | |
``` | |
# Check model behavior | |
CO2 emissions are lower in 1p5C&2C scenarios than NPi: | |
```{r echo=FALSE} | |
# filter data (keep only "Emissions|CO2") | |
tmp <- filter(x, `Variable` == "Emissions|CO2") | |
tmp5<-tidyr::pivot_wider(tmp, names_from = "Scenario") | |
for (i in grep("NPi", levels(x$Scenario), v = T, invert = T)) tmp5[[i]] <- tmp5[[i]] < tmp5$SUP_NPi_Default | |
tmp5 <- tidyr::pivot_longer(tmp5, values_to = "check", cols = c(6:10, 12:30)) | |
names(tmp5) <- sub("name", "Scenario", names(tmp5)) | |
tmp5 <- select(tmp5[tmp5$Year>2020, ], -c("Unit", "Variable", "Region")) | |
if (any(!tmp5$check, na.rm = T)) { | |
print(tmp5[which(!tmp5$check), ], n = 1e3) | |
} else { | |
print("All models and scenarios pass the test") | |
} | |
``` | |
CO2 emissions are lower in 1p5C scenarios than in 2C: | |
```{r echo=FALSE} | |
# filter data (keep only "Emissions|CO2") | |
tmp <- filter(x, `Variable` == "Emissions|CO2") | |
tmp5<-tidyr::pivot_wider(tmp, names_from = "Scenario") | |
for (i in grep("1p5C", levels(x$Scenario), v = T)) tmp5[[i]] <- tmp5[[i]] < tmp5[[paste0("SUP_2C_", strsplit(i, split = "_1p5C_")[[1]][2])]] | |
tmp5 <- tidyr::pivot_longer(tmp5, values_to = "check", cols = grep("1p5C", names(tmp5))) | |
tmp5 <- select(tmp5, -grep("SUP", names(tmp5))) | |
names(tmp5) <- sub("name", "Scenario", names(tmp5)) | |
tmp5 <- select(tmp5[tmp5$Year>2020,], -c("Unit", "Variable", "Region")) | |
if (any(!tmp5$check, na.rm = T)) { | |
print(tmp5[which(!tmp5$check), ], n = 1e3) | |
} else { | |
print("All models and scenarios pass the test") | |
} | |
``` | |
Final energy is lower in 2C&1p5C than in NPi | |
```{r echo=FALSE} | |
# filter data (keep only "Final Energy") | |
tmp <- filter(x, `Variable` == "Final Energy") | |
tmp5 <- tidyr::pivot_wider(tmp, names_from = "Scenario") | |
for (i in grep("NPi", levels(x$Scenario), v = T, invert = T)) tmp5[[i]] <- tmp5[[i]] < tmp5$SUP_NPi_Default | |
tmp5 <- tidyr::pivot_longer(select(tmp5, -c("SUP_NPi_Default")), values_to = "check", cols = c(6:29)) | |
names(tmp5) <- sub("name", "Scenario", names(tmp5)) | |
tmp5 <- select(tmp5[tmp5$Year>2020,], -c("Unit", "Variable", "Region")) | |
if (any(!tmp5$check, na.rm = T)) { | |
print(tmp5[which(!tmp5$check), ], n = 1e3) | |
} else { | |
print("All models and scenarios pass the test") | |
} | |
``` | |
# Check summation groups | |
```{r echo=FALSE} | |
checkSum <- function(name,x) { | |
tmp <- x %>% | |
group_by(Model, Scenario, Region, Year) %>% | |
summarise(grsum = sum(value), .groups = "drop") %>% | |
ungroup() | |
tmp$Variable <- name | |
return(tmp) | |
} | |
tmp <- read.csv("summation_groups.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) | |
xt <- filter(x, Variable %in% unique(c(tmp$child, tmp$parent))) | |
check_variables <- list() | |
for (i in unique(tmp[, "parent"])) check_variables[[i]] <- tmp[which(tmp[,"parent"] ==i), "child"] | |
tmp <- tmp %>% mutate(Variable = child) | |
xt <- left_join(xt, tmp, by = "Variable", relationship = "many-to-many") | |
tmp2 <- NULL | |
for (i in names(check_variables)) tmp2 <- rbind(tmp2, checkSum(i, filter(xt, parent == i, Variable %in% check_variables[[i]]))) | |
#tmp2$Variable <- gsub(" [1-9]$", "", tmp2$Variable) | |
tmp2 <- suppressWarnings(left_join(tmp2, xt, c("Scenario", "Region", "Variable", "Year", "Model"), relationship = "many-to-many") %>% | |
mutate(diff = abs(grsum - value), reldiff = 100*abs((grsum - value)/value)) %>% | |
select(-c("parent", "child"))) | |
tmp2 <- tmp2[, c(1:10)] | |
tmp2_tiny <- filter(tmp2, reldiff < 3, diff < 0.001) | |
tmp2 <- filter(tmp2, reldiff >= 3, diff >= 0.001) | |
message("Summation groups:") | |
sg<-read.csv("summation_groups.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) | |
options(width = 80) | |
for (i in unique(sg$parent)) { | |
message("parent:") | |
print(i) | |
message("children:") | |
print(filter(sg,parent==i)[,"child"]) | |
message("") | |
} | |
options(width = 125) | |
for (i in levels(x$Model)) { | |
for (j in levels(x$Scenario)) { | |
pt <- select(, Model==i, Scenario == j)), -c(Region, Unit, diff, Model, Scenario)) | |
if (nrow(pt) > 0 ) { | |
message(paste0("Summation check for model ", i, " and scenario ", j, ".", "\n", "Shown are > 3% differences (reldiff) between group sum (grsum) and parent variable (value):")) | |
print(pt, row.names = F) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
``` |
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