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Last active May 8, 2018 15:59
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Test Driven Development

Test Driven Development


What is it?

  • Write tests before you write code
  • Tests drive the code structure

A Brief History

Kent Beck

The original description of TDD was in an ancient book about programming.

Kent Beck

It said you take the input tape, manually type in the output tape you expect, then program until the actual output tape matches the expected output.

Extreme Programming


Test-Driven Development:

By Example


Behavior Driven Development



Is TDD Dead?

2014 Debate

David Heinemeier Hansson

I don't know how/what to test before I've seen the program.

Kent Beck

I have no business programming something before I know how to test it.

How to do it

Red Green Refactor

Red Green Refactor

  1. Write a failing test
  2. Make the test pass
  3. Clean-up code
  4. Repeat until desired logic
public void TestMyStack()
    var example = new Example();
    var result = example.Add(1);
    Assert.Equal(1, result);
class Example
    public int Store = 0;
    internal int Add(int i)
        throw new NotImplementedException();


class Example
    public int Store = 0;
    internal int Add(int i)
        Store = Store + i;
        return Store;


class Example
    public int Store = 0;
    internal bool Add(int i)
        return Store + i; // inline



...until you're done


  • Tests are already created
  • Drives great architecture
  • Easier to change
  • Lets you known when you are "done"


  • Tests and code are only as good as what the developer anticipates

  • Changes to the code require more changes to the unit tests

  • Longer time spent on single feature

But like anything, this improves with practice

Great for "greenfield" code

But what about "legacy" code?

Michal Feathers

Legacy Code is Code Without Tests

The Problem: Tight coupling

Loose Coupling

Tight Coupling

TDD to the rescue!

  • Tests drive loose coupling
  • Write tests you'd expect to pass
  • Break up code using "safe refactors"
  • Get your classes out of tight dependencies

Avoid heavy mocking!

use interfaces when possible

Behavior Driven Development


BDD focuses on tests which describe behavior. Rather than single units of code.

System Testing vs Unit Testing

Feature: search Wikipedia
  Scenario: direct search article
    Given Enter search term 'Cucumber'
    When Do search
    Then Single result is shown for 'Cucumber'


  • Test Driven Development
  • Red Green Refactor
  • Better, more changable code
  • Trade-off in time spent developing


  • Great for greenfield AND legacy code!
  • Aim for loosely-coupled code
  • Avoid heavy mocking!
  • Look at BDD for a TDD approach to E2E


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