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Created July 12, 2014 19:06
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MODX MarkItUp extension JSON for Markdown editing
nameSpace : "resourceEditor",
onShiftEnter : {
keepDefault : false,
replaceWith : '<br />\n'
onCtrlEnter : {
keepDefault : false,
openWith : '\n',
closeWith : '\n'
onTab : {
keepDefault : false,
openWith : ' '
markupSet : [{
name : _('markitup.modx_tag'),
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name : _('markitup.modx_tag_id'),
className : 'modx-id',
replaceWith : '[[*id]]'
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name : _('markitup.modx_tag_link'),
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name : _('markitup.tag_p'),
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name : _('markitup.tag_em'),
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name : _('markitup.tag_h5'),
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separator : '---------------'
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name : _('markitup.tag_blockquote'),
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separator : '---------------'
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name : _('markitup.tag_code'),
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closeWith : '```\n\n'
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name : _('markitup.callback_clean'),
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return h.selection.replace(/<(.*?)>/g, "")
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separator : '---------------'
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name : _('markitup.callback_createtable'),
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var cols = prompt(_('markitup.callback_createtable_cols')),
rows = prompt(_('markitup.callback_createtable_rows')),
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html += " <tr>\n";
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html += "! [![TH" + (c + 1) + " text:]!]\n";
html += " </tr>\n";
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html += " <tr>\n";
for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
html += " <td>" + (markItUp.placeholder || "") + "</td>\n";
html += " </tr>\n";
html += "<table>\n";
return html;
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name : _('markitup.tag_table'),
openWith : '<table>',
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separator : '---------------'
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name : _('markitup.tag_ul'),
className : 'ul',
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name : _('markitup.tag_ol'),
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separator : '---------------'
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className : 'css'
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name : _('markitup.css_class'),
className : 'class',
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openWith : '.[![Class name]!] {\n',
closeWith : '\n}'
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name : _('markitup.css_align'),
className : 'alignments',
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name : _('markitup.css_align_left'),
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name : _('markitup.css_align_center'),
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name : _('markitup.css_align_right'),
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name : _('markitup.css_padding_left'),
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separator : '---------------'
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name : _('speller_check'),
afterInsert : function (h) {
className : 'spelling'
}, {
name : _('markitup.speller_options'),
afterInsert : function (h) {
className : 'spellingoptions'
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