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Created March 20, 2018 12:42
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  • Save gibfahn/152d8b88fc823ffd13f76a5c01998028 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gibfahn/152d8b88fc823ffd13f76a5c01998028 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
v8.10.1 release

Release Notes for 8.10.1

Regenerate this script with:

  tools/kraken -b v8.x -c Carbon -d 2018-04-03 -u DANGER 8.10.1

Your settings:

  • Version: 8.10.1
  • Previous version: 10.0.0
  • Remote branch: DANGER/v8.x
  • Release type: LTS
  • Release date: 2018-04-03

Note: If you haven't used this script before, check out the requirements by running: tools/kraken -h

  • Get on the right branch and update it
    git fetch DANGER; git checkout v8.x; git merge --fast-forward DANGER/v8.x
  • Look at semver-minor commits:
    branch-diff v8.x-staging DANGER/v9.x --exclude-label semver-major,semver-minor,dont-land-on-v8.x,backport-requested-v8.x, backported-to-v8.x --filter-release | tee
  • Cherry-pick semver-patch commits:
    branch-diff v8.x-staging DANGER/v9.x --exclude-label semver-major,semver-minor,dont-land-on-v8.x,backport-requested-v8.x, backported-to-v8.x --filter-release |
  • Check out the proposal branch
    git checkout -b v8.10.1-proposal v8.x-staging # TODO(gib): Confirm this.
  • Create an initial release commit
    git commit -am "2018-04-03, Version 8.10.1 'Carbon' (LTS)"
  • Raise a PR with your changes, copy the PR-URL or PR number, and rerun the script. # TODO(gib): Make this conditional on PR being unset.
    tools/kraken -b v8.x -c Carbon -d 2018-04-03 -u DANGER 8.10.1 -p <PR>
  • Update src/node_version.h with the new version and set release bit.
    # TODO(gib): Make sure these work.
    sed -i "s/NODE_MAJOR_VERSION [0-9]\+$/NODE_MAJOR_VERSION 8/" src/node_version.h
    sed -i "s/NODE_MINOR_VERSION [0-9]\+$/NODE_MINOR_VERSION 10/" src/node_version.h
    sed -i "s/NODE_PATCH_VERSION [0-9]\+$/NODE_PATCH_VERSION 1/" src/node_version.h
    sed -i "s/NODE_VERSION_IS_LTS [0-1]$/NODE_VERSION_IS_LTS 1/" src/node_version.h # TODO(gib): This is broken.
    sed -i "s/NODE_VERSION_LTS_CODENAME \"$/NODE_VERSION_LTS_CODENAME 1/" src/node_version.h
    sed -i "s/NODE_VERSION_IS_RELEASE [0-1]$/NODE_VERSION_IS_RELEASE 1/" src/node_version.h
  • Generate the changelog for the release.
    changelog-maker --group --filter-release --start-ref v10.0.0 >release-8.10.1-changelog
    cp release-8.10.1-changelog release-8.10.1-notable
  • Add changelog to doc/changelogs/
    # TODO(gib): Finish this.
    sed -i ""
  • Manually edit the notable changes file
    $VISUAL release-8.10.1-notable
  • Add notable changes to doc/changelogs/
    # TODO(gib): Finish this.
    sed -i ""
  • Update REPLACEME tags:
    grep REPLACEME doc/api/*.md
    sed -i "s/REPLACEME/8.10.1/g" doc/api/*.md
  • Check for DEP00XX tags:
    grep DEP00XX doc/api/*.md
  • Add changes to release commit
    git commit --amend -am "2018-04-03, Version 8.10.1 'Carbon' (LTS)
    Notable changes:
    $(cat release-8.10.1-notable)
    PR-URL: "
    git push -u  v8.10.1-proposal

YYYY-MM-DD, Version x.y.z (Release Type), @releaser

Notable changes

  • List interesting changes here
  • Particularly changes that are responsible for minor or major version bumps
  • Also be sure to look at any changes introduced by dependencies such as npm
  • ... and include any notable items from there


  • Run node-test-pull-request, citgm-smoker, and iojs-release to create and test the rc.
  • Generate the tag:
    git secure-tag v8.10.1 $(git rev-parse --short HEAD) -sm "2018-04-03 Node.js v8.10.1 'Carbon' (LTS) Release"
  • Push to the upstream repo
    git push DANGER v8.10.1
  • Update src/node_version.h with the new version and unset release bit.
    sed -i "s/NODE_PATCH_VERSION [0-9]\+$/NODE_PATCH_VERSION 2/" src/node_version.h
    sed -i "s/NODE_VERSION_IS_RELEASE [0-1]$/NODE_VERSION_IS_RELEASE 0/" src/node_version.h
  • Create Working on... commit, and merge v8.10.1-proposal into v8.x
    git commit -am "Working on v8.10.2
    PR-URL: "
    git push DANGER v8.10.1-proposal
    git branch -d v8.x || true
    git checkout -b v8 DANGER/v8.x
    git fetch --all
    git merge --ff-only v8.10.1-proposal
    git push DANGER v8.x
    git checkout v8.x-staging
    git rebase v8.x
    git push --force-with-lease  v8-staging
  • Delete the v8.10.1-proposal branch in
  • Merge v8.10.1-proposal into master, and rebase v8.x-staging on it.
    git fetch --all
    git checkout master
    git reset --hard DANGER/master
    git cherry-pick v8.10.1
    git reset src/node_version.h doc/api/*.md
    git checkout src/node_version.h doc/api/*.md
    git add -A
    git cherry-pick --continue # If you have Changelog conflicts, fix them manually.
    git push DANGER master
  • Workaround the bug in tools/
    echo "Could not find signed tag for \"\" or GPG key is not yours"
    -exit 1
    +# exit 1
  • Promote and sign the release builds.
  • Check the release is at
  • Create a blog post:
    # cd /path/to/
    git fetch --all
    git checkout master
    git reset --hard up/master # TODO(gib): Fix this for other remotes.
    git checkout -b v8.10.1
    npm i
    node scripts/release-post.js 8.10.1
    $VISUAL locale/en/blog/release/
    npm run serve # Check that the post looks okay when rendered.
    xdg-open localhost:8080/en/blog/release/v8.10.1
    git add locale/en/blog/release/
    git commit -m "Blog: v8.10.1 release post
    Refs: "
    git push -u fork v8.10.1
  • Create and Squash and Merge the PR.
  • Tweet about it:
    πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ v8.10.1 of @nodejs is out! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    Updates to V8 and libuv, and a host of others.
    Get it with `nvm i --lts`
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