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Created April 11, 2017 16:30
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"s:13404:\"\nJetpack simplifică gestionarea siturilor WordPress dându-ți statistici despre vizitatori, servicii de securitate, accelerarea utilizării imaginilor și ajutor în a obține mai mult trafic. Jetpack e un modul gratuit.\n\nCreșterea traficului și informații\n\nJetpack îți spune câte vizite a primit situl tău și te ajută să ai mai mult trafic folosind unelte ca Articole similare, Publicitate, Distribuție îmbunătățită sau Partajare.\n\nSecuritate\n\nJetpack îți protejează situl împotriva atacurilor cu forță brută sau autentificări neautorizate. Îți monitorizăm de asemenea situl pentru căderi și-ți menținem modulele actualizate.\n\nPerformanță imagine\n\nJetpack optimizează și accelerează automat utilizarea imaginilor folosind rețeaua de distribuție de conținut (CDN - content delivery network) a Poți face astfel economii la costurile de găzduire prin reducerea lățimii de bandă.\n\nManagement centralizat\n\nCu Jetpack vine și un panou de control centralizat pe Gestiunea modulelor și meniurilor, articolelor publicate și statistici de sit îmbunătățite pentru toate siturile tale.\n\nÎncă câteva lucruri ce le plac utilizatorilor noștri\n\nJetpack include și alte funcționalități ce te ajută să-ți personalizezi situl, cum ar fi CSS personalizat, Formulare de contact, Galerii și Carusele, Notificări și Abonări, Piese configurabile și multe altele.\n\nSuport dedicat\n\nWe have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nContribuții la Jetpack\n\nJetpack este open-source iar noi încurajăm activ contribuțiile comunității: fie că sunt un compliment, semnalarea unei erori, cod, sau o idee, le întâmpinăm pe toate cu brațele deschise! Află mai multe despre cum să contribui sau gândește-te să te alături programului nostru beta.\n\n\nInstalează Jetpack de pe situl nostru introducând adresa sitului tău.\n\nAlternativ, poți instala Jetpack via directorul de module, sau încărcând manual fișierele pe serverul tău. După ce ai activat Jetpack, conectează-te la pentru a valida funcționalitățile lui Jetpack.\n\nDacă ai nevoie de ajutor suplimentar citește instrucțiunile noastre detaliate (inclusiv un video de prezentare).\n\n\n\nEste Jetpack gratuit?\nYes! The core features of Jetpack are and always will be free. Jetpack also integrates with paid services like Akismet (anti-spam), VaultPress (backups), and VideoPress (video hosting) but these are not required for Jetpack to function.\nDe ce am nevoie de un cont\nMulte din facilitățile de bază (cum ar fi Foton, Statistici și Protecție) folosesc norul Pentru ca aceasta să se întâmple Jetpack necesită un cont (gratuit) Dacă nu ai deja unul poți să ți-l creezi cu ușurință în timpul procesului de conectare al Jetpack.\nAm deja un cont WordPress, dar ei nu funcționează. Ce se întâmplă?\nA account is different to the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\nCum pot să-mi văd statisticile?\nDupă ce ai instalat Jetpack statisticile tale vor fi disponibile la \"Statistici sit\", care apar în meniul Jetpack (sub meniul Panou control din WordPress).\nCum pot să contribui la Jetpack?\nSunt oportunități pentru contribuții ale dezvoltatorilor la toate nivelurile. Află mai multe despre cum să contribui la Jetpack sau gândește-te să te alături programului nostru beta.\n\n\n\n\n4.3.2\n \nRelease date: October 13, 2016\n\n Enhancements\n \nUnsaved changes were getting lost when users were navigating away from settings so we put in a confirmation message to prevent this from happening.\nWe've stopped counting carousel views in stats by default, you can use the jetpack_enable_carousel_stats filter to enable counting them again.\nStats are now responding faster.\nThere were several improvements and repairs made to sync including additional endpoints, performance enhancements, whitelisted data, better decision making around"
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"s:162:\"افزایش ترافیک، مشاهده آمار،افزایش سرعت سایت و حفظ امنیت شما درمقابل هکرها با افزونه Jetpack.\";"
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"s:4128:\"\nJetpack simplifies managing WordPress sites by giving you visitor stats, security services, speeding up images, and helping you get more traffic. Jetpack is a free plugin.\n\nافزایش ترافیک & اهداف\n\nJetpack tells you how many visits your site gets and helps you get more traffic with tools like Related Posts, Publicize, Enhanced Distribution, and Sharing.\n\nامنیت\n\nJetpack protects your site against brute force attacks and unauthorised logins. We also monitor your site for downtime and keep your plugins updated.\n\nعملکرد تصویر\n\nJetpack automatically optimizes and speeds up images using the global content delivery network. This saves you hosting costs by reducing bandwidth.\n\nمدیریت متمرکز\n\nWith Jetpack comes a centralized dashboard on Manage plugins and menus, publish posts, and view enhanced site stats for all of your sites.\n\nچیزهایی که کاربران ما علاقمندند\n\nJetpack includes other features that help you customize your site including Custom CSS, Contact Forms, Galleries and Carousels, Notifications and Subscriptions, Configurable Widgets, and many more.\n\nپشتیبانی اختصاصی\n\nWe have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nمشارکت در Jetpack\n\nJetpack is open-source and we actively encourage community contributions: whether it's a compliment, bug report, code, or an idea we welcome it with open arms! Learn about contributing or consider joining our beta program.\n\n\nنصب افزونه از سایت ما با تایپ آدرس سایت.\n\nمی توانید افزونه Jetpack را در دایرکتوری افزونه‌ها نصب کنید یا شخصا از طریق بارگذاری پرونده در سرور نصب کنید. بعدازفعال کردن افزونه برای فعالسازی ویژگی‌ها به متصل شوید.\n\nIf you need additional help read our detailed instructions (including a video walkthrough).\n\n\n\nآیا افزونه Jetpack رایگانه؟\nYes! The core features of Jetpack are and always will be free. Jetpack also integrates with paid services like Akismet (anti-spam), VaultPress (backups), and VideoPress (video hosting) but these are not required for Jetpack to function.\nچرا من به حساب‌کاربری نیاز دارم؟\nMany of our core features (like Photon, Stats, and Protect) make use of the cloud. For this to happen Jetpack requires a (free) account. If you don't have one already you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\nI already have a WordPress account, but it's not working. What's going on?\nA account is different to the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\nHow do I view my stats?\nOnce you've installed Jetpack your stats will be available via \"Site Stats\" which appears in the Jetpack menu (under your Dashboard menu within WordPress).\nچطور میتوانم در Jetpack مشارکت کنم؟\nThere are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. Learn more about contributing to Jetpack or consider joining our beta program.\n\n\n\n\";"
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"s:130:\"Shtoni trafikun tuaj, shihni statistikat tuaja, bëjeni sajtin tuaj më të shpejtë, dhe mbroni veten nga hacker-ët, me Jetpack.\";"
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"s:13434:\"\nJetpack-u e thjeshtëzon administrimin e sajteve WordPress duke ju dhënë statistika vizitorësh, shërbime sigurie, përshpejtim të shërbimit të figurave, dhe duke ju ndihmuar të keni më tepër trafik. Jetpack-u është një shtojcë falas.\n\nShtim & Tendenca Trafiku\n\nJetpack-u ju tregon se sa vizita i vijnë sajtit tuaj dhe ju ndihmon të keni më tepër trafik, me mjete të tilla si Postime të Afërta, Publicizo, Shpërndarje e Zgjeruar, dhe Ndarje Me të Tjerë.\n\nSiguri\n\nJetpack-u e mbron sajtin tuaj nga sulme brute force dhe hyrje të paautorizuara. Sajtin tuaj e mbajmë gjithashtu nën vëzhgim për kohë mospunimi dhe që shtojcat tuaja të jenë të përditësuara.\n\nPerformancë Figurash\n\nJetpack-u i optimizon dhe përshpjeton shërbimin e figurave vetvetiu, duke përdorur rrjetin global të shpërndarjes së lëndës. Kjo ju kursen kosto strehimi, duke ulur harxhimin e bandës.\n\nAdministrim i Centralizuar\n\nBashkë me Jetpack-un ju vjen një pult i centralizuar në Administroni shtojca dhe menu, botoni postime, dhe shihni statistika të thelluara sajti, për krejt sajtet tuaj.\n\nEdhe pak gjëra të tjera që përdoruesit tanë i duan fort\n\nJetpack përfshin veçori të tjera që ju ndihmojnë ta bëni sajtin si ta doni, përfshi CSS Vetjake, Formularë Kontaktesh, Galeri dhe Rrotullame, Njoftime dhe Pajtime, Widget-e të Formësueshëm, dhe mjaft të tjera.\n\nAsistencë e Përkushtuar\n\nWe have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nNdihmesë në Jetpack\n\nJetpack-u është me burim të hapur dhe e nxisim vazhdimisht kontributin e bashkësisë: qoftë kur bëhet fjalë për një plotësim, njoftim të metash, kod, ose një ide, e presim me krahë hapur! Mësoni si të jepni ndihmesë ose shihni mundësinë e pjesëmarrjes në programin tonë beta.\n\n\nInstalojeni Jetpack-un prej sajtit tuaj duke shkruar adresën e tij\n\nMënyrë tjetër, instalojeni Jetpack-un përmes listës së shtojcave, ose duke i ngarkuar kartelat dorazi te shërbyesi juaj. Pas aktivizimit të Jetpack-ut, lidhuni me që të aktivizoni veçoritë Jetpack.\n\nNëse ju duhet ndihmë shtesë lexoni udhëzimet tona të hollësishme (përfshi një video ilustruese).\n\n\n\nA është falas Jetpack-u?\nPo! Veçoritë bazë të Jetpack-ut janë dhe do të jenë përherë falas. Jetpack-u integrohet edhe me shërbime me pagesë, të tillë si Akismet (anti-mesazhe të padëshiruar), VaultPress (kopjeruajtje), dhe VideoPress (strehim videosh), por këto s’janë të domosdoshme për funksionimin e Jetpack-ut.\nPse më duhet një llogari\nMjaft nga veçoritë toan bazë (si Photon, Statistika, dhe Protect) përdorin renë Që të arrihet kjo Jetpack-u lyp një llogari (falas) Nëse nuk keni një të tillë tashmë, mund të krijoni një lehtësisht gjatë procesit të lidhjes së Jetpack-ut.\nKam tashmë një llogari WordPress, por nuk funksionon. Ç’po ndodh?\nA account is different to the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\nSi t’i shoh statistikat e mia?\nPasi të keni instaluar Jetpack-un, statistikat tuaja do të gjenden te \"Statistika Sajti\" që duket te menuja Jetpack (nën menunë Pult, brenda WordPress-it).\nSi të kontribuoj te Jetpack-u?\nKa mundësi pjesëmarrjeje për zhvilluesit e të gjitha niveleve. Mësoni më tepër rreth dhënies së ndihmesës në Jetpack ose shihni mundësinë e pjesëmarrjes në programin tonë beta.\n\n\n\n\n4.3.2\n \nRelease date: October 13, 2016\n\n Enhancements\n \nUnsaved changes were getting lost when users were navigating away from settings so we put in a confirmation message to prevent this from happening.\nWe've stopped counting carousel views in stats by default, you can use the jetpack_enable_carousel_stats filter to enable counting them again.\nStats are now responding faster.\nThere were several improvements and repairs made to sync including additional endpoints, performance enhancements, whitelisted data, better decision making around w"
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"s:114:\"Aumenta tu tráfico, mira tus estadísticas, aumenta la velocidad de tu sitio, y protégete de hackers con Jetpack\";"
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"s:15575:\"\nJetpack simplifica la gestión de sitios de WordPress porque aporta estadísticas de visitantes, servicios de seguridad, aceleración de imágenes y, además, te ayuda a conseguir un mayor tráfico. Jetpack es un plugin gratuito.\n\nCrecimiento del tráfico y análisis\n\nJetpack te indica cuántas visitas recibe tu sitio y te ayuda a conseguir más tráfico mediante herramientas como Entradas relacionadas, Difundir, Distribución mejorada y Compartir.\n\nSeguridad\n\nJetpack protege tu sitio frente a ataques de fuerza bruta y accesos no autorizados. También supervisamos los tiempos de inactividad de tu sitio y mantenemos los plugins actualizados.\n\nRendimiento de la imagen\n\nJetpack optimiza y acelera automáticamente las imágenes mediante la red de entrega de contenido global De este modo, te ahorrarás los costes de alojamiento al reducir el ancho de banda.\n\nGestión centralizada\n\nCon Jetpack se suministra un escritorio centralizado en Gestiona plugins y menús, publica entradas y visualiza estadísticas mejoradas de todos tus sitios.\n\nVarias cosas más que les encantan a nuestros usuarios\n\nJetpack incluye otras funciones que te ayudan a personalizar tu sitio, incluido CSS personalizados, formularios de contacto, galerías y carruseles, notificaciones y suscripciones, widgets configurables y mucho más.\n\nAyuda específica\n\nWe have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nColaboración con Jetpack\n\nJetpack es un plugin de código abierto; de modo que animamos a que se hagan aportaciones a la comunidad: tanto si se trata de cumplidos, como de informes de errores, códigos o ideas. Todas son recibidas con los brazos abiertos. Obtén información acerca de cómo participar o piensa en la posibilidad de unirte a nuestro programa beta.\n\n\nEn nuestro sitio, podrás escribir la dirección del tuyo e instalar Jetpack.\n\nTambién puedes instalar Jetpack a través del directorio de plugins o cargando los archivos de forma manual en tu servidor. Tras activar Jetpack, conéctate a para habilitar las funciones de Jetpack.\n\nSi necesitas más ayuda, lee nuestras instrucciones detalladas (incluido un tutorial en vídeo).\n\n\n\n¿Es Jetpack gratis?\n¡Sí! Las funcionalidades básicas de Jetpack son y siempre serán gratuitas. Jetpack también integra servicios de pago como Akismet (antispam), Vaultpress (copias de seguridad), y VideoPress(alojamiento de vídeos), pero no son necesarias para que Jetpack funcione.\n¿Por qué necesito una cuenta de\nMuchos de nuestras funcionalidades principales (como Photon, estadísticas y Protect) hace uso de la la nube de Por esa razón Jetpack necesita una cuenta (gratuita) de Si no tienes ninguna todavía puedes crearla fácilmente durante el proceso de conexión de Jetpack.\nYa tengo una cuenta de WordPress, pero no funciona. ¿Qué está pasando?\nA account is different to the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\n¿Cómo ver mis estadísticas?\nEn cuanto instales Jetpack, tus estadísticas estarán disponibles a través de \"Estadísticas del sitio\", que aparece en el menú de Jetpack (en el menú del Escritorio de WordPress).\n¿Cómo puedo contribuir a Jetpack?\nHay oportunidades para contribuir para desarrolladores a todos los niveles. Aprende cómo contribuir a Jetpack o considera unirte a nuestro programa beta.\n\n\n\n\n4.4.1\n\n\nRelease date: November 22, 2016\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nFixed an issue where some users with slower servers would get an error on the Jetpack dashboard when WP_DEBUG was enabled.\nFixed an issue where users on a Jetpack Professional plan who were paying monthly (as opposed to annually) wouldn’t be able to enable SEO Tools.\n\n\n4.4\n\n\nRelease date: November 21, 2016\nRelease post:\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nAdditional unit tests have been added to improve Jetpack's development process and"
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"title_en": "Jetpack by",
"excerpt_en": "The one plugin you need for stats, related posts, search engine optimization, social sharing, protection, backups, speed, and email list management.",
"content_en": "\nKeep any WordPress site secure, increase traffic, and engage your readers.\n\nTraffic and SEO Tools\n\nTraffic is the lifeblood of any website. Jetpack includes:\n\n\n[free] Site stats and analytics\n[free] Automatic sharing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, and WhatsApp\n[free] Related posts\n[paid] Search engine optimization tools for Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, and\n[paid] Advertising program that includes the best of AdSense, Facebook Ads, AOL, Amazon, Google AdX, and Yahoo\n\n\nSecurity and Backup Services\n\nStop worrying about data loss, downtime, and hacking. Jetpack provides:\n\n\n[free] Brute force attack protection\n[free] Downtime and uptime monitoring\n[free] Secured logins and two-factor authentication\n[paid] Malware scanning, code scanning, and threat resolution\n[paid] Site backups, restores, and migrations\n\n\nContent Creation\n\nAdd rich, beautifully-presented media -- no graphic design expertise necessary:\n\n\n[free] A high-speed CDN for your images\n[free] Carousels, slideshows, and tiled galleries\n[free] Simple embeds from YouTube, Google Documents, Spotify and more\n[free] Sidebar customization including Facebook, Twitter, and RSS feeds\n[free] Extra sidebar widgets including blog stats, calendar, and author widgets\n[paid] High-speed, ad-free, and high-definition video hosting\n\n\nDiscussion and Community\n\nCreate a connection with your readers and keep them coming back to your site with:\n\n\n[free] Email subscriptions\n[free] Comment login with Facebook, Twitter, and Google\n[free] Fully-customizable contact forms\n[free] Infinite scroll for your posts\n\n\nExpert Support\n\nWe have an entire team of Happiness Engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nPaid Services\n\nMost of Jetpack's features and services are free. Jetpack also provides advanced security and backup services, video hosting, site monetization, priority support, and more SEO tools in three simple and affordable plans.\n\nGet Started\n\nInstallation is free, quick, and easy. Set up the free plan in minutes.\n\n\n\nInstallation Instructions\nAutomated Installation\n\nInstallation is free, quick, and easy. Install Jetpack from our site in minutes.\n\nManual Alternatives\n\nAlternatively, install Jetpack via the plugin directory, or upload the files manually to your server and follow the on-screen instructions. If you need additional help read our detailed instructions.\nIs Jetpack Free?\nYes! Jetpack's core features are and always will be free.\n\nThese include: site stats, a high-speed CDN for images, related posts, downtime monitoring, brute force attack protection, automated sharing to social networks, sidebar customization, and many more.\nShould I purchase a paid plan?\nJetpack's paid services include automated backups, security scanning, spam filtering, video hosting, site monetization, SEO tools, and priority support.\n\nIf you're interested in learning more about the extra layers of protection and advanced tools available, learn more about our paid plans.\nWhy do I need a account?\nSince Jetpack and its services are provided and hosted by, a account is required for Jetpack to function.\nI already have a WordPress account, but Jetpack isn't working. What's going on?\nA account is different from the account you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into, then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during installation.\nHow do I view my stats?\nOnce you've installed Jetpack your stats will be available on, on the official WordPress mobile apps, and on your Jetpack dashboard.\nHow do I contribute to Jetpack?\nThere are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. Learn more about contributing to Jetpack or consider joining our beta program.\n\n\n\n\n4.8.2\n\n\nRelease date: April 7th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nFixed a bug that prevented activating/deactivating of some features in PHP versions below 5.4.\nRemoved an unused function that was also incompatible with PHP versions below 5.4.\nFixed a bug that was causing a blank Jetpack admin area.\n\n\n4.8.1\n\n\nRelease date: April 5th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nAn incompatibility with PHP versions lower than 5.4 was introduced in the last release, causing a fatal error and we've immediately fixed this.\nSitemaps: Some plugins were relying on a function that was removed in the last release, which has been fixed.\nGeneral: Clicking on the info icon in the settings area will no longer jump to the top of the page.\nGeneral: The Anti-spam card will always display the correct status in the Jetpack dashboard.\n\n\n4.8\n\n\nRelease date: April 4th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nMajor Enhancements\n\n\nEasier to navigate Jetpack's feature settings in your dashboard and\nNew Toolbar provides quick access to site management, stats, and other services.\nNew MailChimp Subscribe Popup widget.\nSitemaps are faster and now support sites with a very large amount of posts.\nContact Form now has a plain-text alternative and better avoids spam filters.\nDebug form includes extra information to better prioritize your support requests.\nPhoton can now be used within the dashboard, and supports bbPress topics and replies.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Enhancements\n\n\nImproved previously confusing wording in Stats dashboard, and Featured Content options.\nYou can now embed Apple Keynotes straight from in your posts and pages.\nChanged Infinite Scroll button text on taxonomy page and added a new filter to short-circuit the is_last_batch() method.\nOpen Graph now uses transients to save image IDs.\nYou can now use full URLs in the Social Media Icons widget.\nMilestone widget now allows custom links to open in a new window.\nVideoPress videos can be used as headers in themes that support it, like Twenty Seventeen.\nExtracted the timezone offset method from the Upcoming Events widget so it can be used by other features.\n\n\nPerformance Improvements\n\n\nDatabase load is reduced during updates on large sites with multiple servers by retaining hashes for current and current-1 versions.\nDisk storage is reduced on large multisite networks by storing the jetpack_file_data option in the wp_sitemeta table.\nJetpack plan data now uses the REST API.\nSlovakian language files now rely on's language packs.\n\n\nAccessibility Improvements\n\n\nImproved post details clipping for better screen reader support.\nUpdated custom language packs for multiple languages.\n\n\nSecurity Improvements\n\n\nWe now avoid path disclosure via cookies in PHP error messages.\n\n\nCompatibility Improvements\n\n\nRemoved deprecated functions get_theme and get_current_theme.\nPublicize now works with third-party plugins like WP Recipe Maker.\nOpen Graph Meta Tags are now enabled when you use the \"Head, Footer and Post Injections\" plugin.\nBetter support for WooCommerce data sync and backup.\nWe now also sync the sync_via_cron setting, the user's chosen language, and WP Super Cache's globals and constants.\nWe no longer sync post types from the WordPress Automatic Plugin and RSS AutoPilot to avoid synchronization issues.\nSync settings can now be edited from the REST API to better troubleshoot sync issues.\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nGravatar is always displayed in Settings.\nSubmenu items always use relative links.\nContact Form avoids PHP notices when using the form in a Text widget.\nContent Options now correctly displays single characters word count on sites with multibyte languages.\nAdministrator area translations fixed for several languages.\nAdded proper support for Formal/Informal translation versions for languages that support them.\nSite Icons are always used as fallback Open Graph Image tags.\nProtect removes port number when server returns a port alongside a stored IP address.\nFilters ensure that more than 1,024 posts can be excluded from Related Posts.\nWhen the email is already subscribed we now show the correct notification in the subscription form.\nWhen using the Email sharing button, we now avoid syntax errors due to unexpected characters in the from name.\nRemove deprecated jetpack_publicize_post action.\nVideoPress now avoids PHP Notices when fetching video information.\nInstagram base URL now uses www in the Social Media Icons widget.\nAll values entered in Facebook Page Plugin widget settings are now escaped.\nWidget Visibility now avoids memory issues on sites with a lot of registered users.\n\n\n4.7.1\n\n\nRelease date: March 14th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nCarousel: avoid javascript errors that may cause issues with Slideshows or Tiled Galleries.\nMarkdown: always enable Markdown for posts whenever the module is active.\nSharing: make sure that sharing buttons open in a small pop-up instead of a separate window.\nSSO: Avoid token or nonce errors when trying to log in to your site via the Secure Sign On option.\nVideoPress: add in the ability to get video thumbnails from the REST API.\nWidgets: improve rendering of the Image Widget via Photon.\nWidget Visibility: avoid empty widget visibility rules after updating to Jetpack 4.7.\nWidget Visibility: restore the option to make widgets appear on archive pages of different Custom Post Types.\nWidget Visibility: migrate widget visibility settings to the new major Page rule for Custom Post Types.\nWidget Visibility: add missing CSS for widget visibility settings on sites using an RTL language.\n\n\n4.7\n\n\nRelease date: March 7th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nQuickly jump to post specific stats on with a new link.\nWe've added more information to our debug tools to improve your support experience.\nNew HTML5 versions of our house ads are out.\nDisplay custom copyright EXIF information in the Carousel with this new filter.\nWe've highlighted the ability to export Contact Form feedback as it was being overlooked.\nIf you have images on we're going to skip using Photon when the images include resize parameters.\nIt is now possible to use the Sharing filter to customize the emails sent from the Email Sharing button.\nWe've updated the library powering the Print link in the Recipe shortcode.\nCustomize the speed and display of your slideshows with new Slideshow shortcode filters.\nThe shortcode now uses Twitch's new embedded player.\nSocial Menus now come with the option to use SVG icons.\nCustomize the content of the Display Posts Widget with a new filter.\nWe've added a new email field to the Contact Info Widget.\nThe Image and the Text widgets now use Photon if it is enabled.\nThe REST API got several updates including using register_rest_route() consistently for registering, new date and time format settings, a filter for theme info results, new links and endpoints, and more.\nWe cleaned up the Google+ Shortcode JS library and added a way to filter the SlideShare shortcode.\n\n\nPerformance Improvements\n\n\nExperience better performance with single page load caching of the media summary.\nWe made some improvements to avoid slow queries on sites with thousands of images.\nThe Top Posts widget now utilizes an endpoint from the REST API improving performance.\nImprove development mode performance by only calling site_url() once.\nWe rewrote the way major/minor rules lists are generated to save bandwidth, and memory for sites using Widget Visibility.\nWe've removed sync options that weren't needed to save memory during the sync process.\n\n\nAccessibility\n\n\nWe've improved the highlight of the stats range for a better visual experience and to make it consistent with other areas of the dashboard.\nAdded a missing label to one of the fields in the Email sharing dialog.\nWe've enabled keyboard focus styling in the new admin interface.\nIncreased padding to sharing buttons on mobile to avoid usability issues.\nWe've replaced Widget Visibility text labels with icons to improve usability on smaller devices.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Enhancements:\n\n\nWe've added a filter to allow you to remove the Comment Form title.\nThe Development Mode notice got an update to include all possible options to activate Development mode.\nJetpack registration function got an update and cleanup.\nA notice displayed to WooCommerce store owners now detects when WooCommerce Services is installed, but not active.\nWe've removed the Holiday Snow settings until you need them.\nImproved Infinite Scroll settings to reduce confusion.\nThe HTML classes infinite-scroll and neverending are now applied using JS instead of PHP.\nWe've updated the support link appearing when you're locked out of your site.\nNew Unit Tests were added to make sure Publicize doesn't break when making changes to the Publicize process.\nWe've added a sync filter to allow customizing timeout.\nThe Top Posts widget now supports non-square image sizes.\nAdded the Video GUID to the media API endpoint.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility\n\n\nFixed some W3C validation errors in Comments.\nInfinite Scroll now works beautifully with the Twenty Seventeen Theme.\nTranslate new terms easier with an improvement to the translator comments.\nWe switched to use Core functions to retrieve the list of sites in a multisite network for more accurate results.\nWe added Product visibility to post meta whitelist, for better control of products displayed in Related Posts.\nWe no longer sync specific post meta data added by Postman or WP RSS Mutli Importer to avoid performance issues during the sync process.\nWe're now avoiding conflicts with plugins adding the core Video upload library to the post editor.\nRemoved deprecated compatibility code for older versions of WordPress.\nWe had some Shortcode conflicts with WordPress Post embeds, but that's been fixed.\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nThe Carousel jp_carousel_load_for_images_linked_to_file filter wasn't working well with Photon, this has been fixed.\nCarousel is now working well when loaded from infinite scroll.\nWe removed double slashes from file paths in the Contact Form to avoid errors in specific server environments.\nFixed a problem where CSS was being stripped when migrating from Jetpack's Custom CSS to Core's CSS editor.\nOur Debug Tool is now reporting the correct URL when WordPress lives in a subdirectory.\nFound and fixed a PHP error when uninstalling Jetpack.\nInfinite Scroll is no longer buggy when displaying the last page, and is more compatible with certain themes that were returning posts when there were none left to show.\nWe're now skipping Photon for .ashx files.\nThe Twitter character counter in Publicize got a fix to display info correctly.\nRelated Posts are now displaying correctly for everyone, and we brought back the jetpack_sharing_headline_html filter.\nWe've improved Sharing to render custom sharing services correctly, include Open Graph Meta Tags, and avoid JavaScript errors when jQuery is enqueued in the footer.\nSynchronization scheduling issues have been resolved.\nWe're now trimming spaces in URLs for Image and Display Posts Widgets.\nWidget Visibility wasn't playing nice on taxonomy pages, this is no longer the case.\nThe REST API received a couple of fixes to remove PHP errors when editing via the interface, authentication errors when using third-party apps, and permission errors when trying to preview edited posts in the editor.\n\n\n4.6\n\n\nRelease date: February 7, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nNew Features and Improvements\n\n\nEnable Google Analytics without touching a line of code with this new Jetpack feature.\n\n\nPerformance Improvements\n\n\nWe've updated all outbound links to use HTTPS to improve performance and security.\nPhoton now leverages a new WordPress core function to improve performance a bit.\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nKeep an eye out for a note from WooCommerce on how your e-commerce store may benefit from our new USPS and CanadaPost shipping functionality.\nWe've added an error message if Publicize isn't functioning as it should be.\nThe Twitter Widget timeline now displays the tweet limit count as 20, prior to this it appeared to have no limit.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Enhancements:\n\n\nIn an effort to help us better understand features that are being used, Twitter's timeline widget and Twitter's shortcodes now pass Jetpack's partner ID.\nWe've added new API endpoints allowing us to enable translation auto-updates and pull post rows and metadata for backups.\nWe're now retrieving all feature settings in the readable /settings endpoint.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility\n\n\nWe've eliminated some notices and warnings when using Jetpack on a server running PHP 7.1 or on servers where print_r() is disabled.\nPhoton now avoids PHP notices when your site is using plugins that do srcset CDN replacement.\nWhen the sharing options appear to be incorrect due to site configuration issues we force it to retrieve the right options avoiding potential fatal errors.\nWe've added some shortcode CSS and widget class names prefixes to avoid conflicts with other plugins.\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nSome sites were using illegal multibyte characters and failing to sync posts, this has been fixed.\nIE11 was giving our admin layout a bit of a problem but we rectified that.\nThere were some PHP notices popping up when a site has no posts so we got rid of them.\nThe new Jetpack Ads feature will auto disable itself if your Jetpack plan doesn't support the feature.\nWe fixed a few PHP notices and warnings related to the Custom CSS feature.\nThe connection banner's \"dismiss\" icon was giving us a little trouble, but we got it fixed right up.\nThe Likes feature was showing a PHP notice when there was no $post object, this has been fixed.\nWe've brought back the Twitter Widget \"noscrollbar\" option.\nWe're now forcing only Photon URLs to HTTPS as your custom CDN URLs may use a different protocol.\nIf a Publicize connection is not shared with all users on the site, do not trigger Publicize for the other users.\nPublicize was having trouble working with scheduled posts, this should be fixed now.\nSSO may not have been displaying the login form when using JSON API authorization. Sorry about that, we've fixed it.\nWe've eliminated some PHP notices that were showing with some Shortcodes.\nThere was a Top Posts Widget image size issue when using list layouts, but is no longer causing issues.\nWe fixed some notices and warnings when updating data from the central interface.\n\n\n4.5\n\n\nRelease date: January 17, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nThis release introduces a brand-new module, Jetpack Ads, a brand-new VideoPress feature, and a lot of new shortcodes and widgets.\n\nExciting New Features and Improvements:\n\n\nGenerate revenue from your site with an all-new WordAds feature, which when enabled displays high-quality ads for your visitors.\nToday we are proud to release a fully redesigned VideoPress interface for easy uploading, management, and add-free playback of your fantastic videos now fully integrated with your Jetpack Premium or Professional plans.\nSpice up your sidebar with new widgets that display blog stats, author info, \"Follow my blog\" buttons, and even an event countdown.\nEmbed your amazing 360° photos with the VR shortcode\nLink your visitors to your Tumblr or Twitch pages using the new icons in the Social Media Icons Widget.\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nUse the beautiful Jetpack carousel feature to display single images.\nTurn on and update Related Posts right from the Customizer.\nCustomize the output of the Related Posts headline using a new filter.\n\n\nPerformance and Security Improvements:\n\n\nYour Custom CSS will now be served in a separate stylesheet when it is more than 2,000 characters.\nYour Stats queries are now always being made over HTTPS.\nHoliday Snow files now load in the footer, but rest assured the snow still falls from above.\nWe have improved Jetpack's synchronization process to support more plugins and use less resources.\nThe jQuery Cycle script used by slideshow galleries is now minified, resulting in faster loading times.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Enhancements:\n\n\nThe JSON API now allows updating translations and alternative theme installation methods.\nPublic Custom Post Types are now automatically available via the REST API.\nWe've added a token-based authentication mechanism to the REST API in order for the site to be able to receive authenticated requests from\nUse sync commands in Jetpack's WP CLI.\nYou can now set the value for options directly in the Contact Form shortcode.\nUpdated some verbiage around IP Whitelisting on the Protect settings screen.\nCustom sharing buttons got some new variables.\nRIP — we've removed your shortcode.\nImproved Image and Display Posts Widget settings to provide more explanation and better error messages.\nWe've added a few new Content Options to the Customizer for supported themes.\nImproved the Facebook Widget to avoid confusion when editing width and height settings.\nAdded and improved a few shortcodes.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility:\n\n\nIf your server is misconfigured and we can't get an IP address we're going to deactivate Protect and send you a notice so you're in the loop.\nThe WPML compatibility file wasn't loading at the right time, but we've fixed that.\nWe've improved compatibility with tools like Cavalcade to avoid stuck Cron jobs.\nSome selected WooCommerce data (order items and order item meta) are now syncing to\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nYou'll notice numerous design improvements to the Jetpack UI.\nAccessibility is important to us so we've made some improvements there.\nMissing attachments in the Carousel were causing an infinite loop, but we've corrected that.\nEliminated a PHP Notice when running the CLI wp jetpack command.\nPHP warnings in the Restaurant Menu Post type have seen their last day with us.\nFixed a bug that displayed the wrong connected user for up to 24 hours after they disconnected.\nRemoved a deprecated function to prevent notices when using Infinite Scroll in the Customizer.\nLong titles in Jetpack widgets weren't looking so great, so we cleaned them up.\nBefore now you weren't able to create a child category from Now you can!\nRogue colons were showing up in the related posts area on sites with the Twenty Fourteen and Twenty Sixteen themes.\nFixed a ReCaptcha error on the Email sharing button.\nConfirmed Instagram embeds actually load when using Infinite Scroll.\nSite Icons now display on the site management interface.\nSet a default time limit of 30 seconds when sending sync requests via Cron.\nSynchronized supported shortcodes on a site.\nFixed an issue where empty categories weren't showing with the Widget Visibility feature dropdown.\nFixed various little bugs when working with multiple widgets in the Customizer and in the Widgets admin screen.\nAdded a Translate Widget default title in case you haven't defined one.\nThe Top Posts Widget now avoids layout issues when using the Grid layout while displaying a post without an image.\n\n\n4.4.2\n\n\nRelease date: December 6, 2016\nRelease post:\n\n\nThis release improves Jetpack compatibility with WordPress 4.7.\n\nCompatibility changes\n\n\nCustom CSS: Made the Custom CSS feature of Jetpack compatible with the CSS Customizer editor in WordPress 4.7.\nSync: improved compatibility with the wp-missed-schedule plugin.\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nFeatured Content: made sure there is no infinite loop when removing the featured tag from the tag list.\nAdmin: made sure help tabs are not being hidden.\nAdmin: made At a Glance page work nicely when there is no backup data yet.\nSync: now making sure that needed classes are loaded, preventing errors.\nSync: cleared out unneeded scheduled jobs.\n\n\n4.4.1\n\n\nRelease date: November 22, 2016\nRelease post:\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nFixed an issue where some users with slower servers would get an error on the Jetpack dashboard when WP_DEBUG was enabled.\nFixed an issue where users on a Jetpack Professional plan who were paying monthly (as opposed to annually) wouldn’t be able to enable SEO Tools.\n\n\n4.4\n\n\nRelease date: November 21, 2016\nRelease post:\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nAdditional unit tests have been added to improve Jetpack's development process and stability.\nCustom post types have been added to the WP REST API output.\nMany of the screenshots throughout the plugin have been replaced by SVGs in order to make Jetpack smaller.\nNew endpoints have been added to allow the installation of plugin and theme zip files via the API.\nTwelve new filters to make Jetpack more extensible! See:\nNew widget: \"Google Translate\" to allow users to translate your site into their own language.\nNew widget: \"My Community\" where you can see who recently interacted with your site.\nOne of the biggest issues facing Jetpack users for years now has been difficulties in moving sites from one domain name to another. This update makes strides towards improving that process.\nPhoton now uses HTTPS by default. Secure all the things!\nThere are now helpful hints throughout the admin interface to make Jetpack easier to use.\nWe now allow you to embed pins, boards and profiles from Pinterest.\nWe've added a new feature: SEO Tools, available to Jetpack Professional subscribers. You can read more about our plans here:\nWe've made numerous improvements to the data sync process.\n\n\nBug Fixes:\n\n\nFixed link to Akismet settings.\nImproved compatibility between Infinite Scroll and WPML.\nMove email notification settings back with the other email settings in the Discussion Settings.\nVarious minor performance/compatibility fixes.\n\n\n4.3.2\n\n\nRelease date: October 13, 2016\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nUnsaved changes were getting lost when users were navigating away from settings so we put in a confirmation message to prevent this from happening.\nWe've stopped counting carousel views in stats by default, you can use the jetpack_enable_carousel_stats filter to enable counting them again.\nStats are now responding faster.\nThere were several improvements and repairs made to sync including additional endpoints, performance enhancements, whitelisted data, better decision making around when to sync information, and more.\nMarkdown now has a CSS class on footnotes.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility:\n\n\nWe've improved compatibility with Kinsta by automatically turning on Staging Mode for Jetpack when in a staging environment.\n\n\nBug Fixes:\n\n\nSeveral fixes have been made to sync to repair issues with Publicize, Notifications, and Subscriptions.\nWe removed PHP warnings by checking to make sure json language files like jetpack-en_US.json are readable before we load them.\nWe found an unused option in Gravatar Hovercard settings and removed it.\nThe correct support link is now being used to make it easier for you to connect with the Jetpack team if you need us.\nThe permissions check for plugin information retrieval was fixed as well.\nSome plugins were adding content on outbound http requests causing an infinite loop we fixed this right up.\nWe removed some warnings that were occurring when translations didn't exist by adding a fallback.\nWe've added Moroccan Arabic translations, and switched to language packs for Croatian, Spanish (Chile) and Greek.\nSync was running into issues so we've limited dequeue time to 1/3 of PHP's max execution time, which has unclogged the problem.\nWe're now sending full and incremental queues separately so that a failure in one doesn't block the other.\nThere was a JavaScript enqueuing error with our Sharing feature that has been repaired.\nThe Top Posts widget now includes the ability to list attachment (media) pages.\nWe weren't building CPT links correctly resulting in bad navigation, which is now fixed.\nWe removed the form legend for default Tiled Gallery settings as it doesn't relate.\nWith shortcodes we now return early from processing them if no string is passed, as they are required.\n",
"all_content_en": " Jetpack by jetpack Automattic Performance comments gallery sharing contact Widgets shortcodes security Stats subscriptions jet pack The one plugin you need for stats, related posts, search engine optimization, social sharing, protection, backups, speed, and email list management. \nKeep any WordPress site secure, increase traffic, and engage your readers.\n\nTraffic and SEO Tools\n\nTraffic is the lifeblood of any website. Jetpack includes:\n\n\n[free] Site stats and analytics\n[free] Automatic sharing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, and WhatsApp\n[free] Related posts\n[paid] Search engine optimization tools for Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, and\n[paid] Advertising program that includes the best of AdSense, Facebook Ads, AOL, Amazon, Google AdX, and Yahoo\n\n\nSecurity and Backup Services\n\nStop worrying about data loss, downtime, and hacking. Jetpack provides:\n\n\n[free] Brute force attack protection\n[free] Downtime and uptime monitoring\n[free] Secured logins and two-factor authentication\n[paid] Malware scanning, code scanning, and threat resolution\n[paid] Site backups, restores, and migrations\n\n\nContent Creation\n\nAdd rich, beautifully-presented media -- no graphic design expertise necessary:\n\n\n[free] A high-speed CDN for your images\n[free] Carousels, slideshows, and tiled galleries\n[free] Simple embeds from YouTube, Google Documents, Spotify and more\n[free] Sidebar customization including Facebook, Twitter, and RSS feeds\n[free] Extra sidebar widgets including blog stats, calendar, and author widgets\n[paid] High-speed, ad-free, and high-definition video hosting\n\n\nDiscussion and Community\n\nCreate a connection with your readers and keep them coming back to your site with:\n\n\n[free] Email subscriptions\n[free] Comment login with Facebook, Twitter, and Google\n[free] Fully-customizable contact forms\n[free] Infinite scroll for your posts\n\n\nExpert Support\n\nWe have an entire team of Happiness Engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nPaid Services\n\nMost of Jetpack's features and services are free. Jetpack also provides advanced security and backup services, video hosting, site monetization, priority support, and more SEO tools in three simple and affordable plans.\n\nGet Started\n\nInstallation is free, quick, and easy. Set up the free plan in minutes.\n\n\n\nInstallation Instructions\nAutomated Installation\n\nInstallation is free, quick, and easy. Install Jetpack from our site in minutes.\n\nManual Alternatives\n\nAlternatively, install Jetpack via the plugin directory, or upload the files manually to your server and follow the on-screen instructions. If you need additional help read our detailed instructions.\nIs Jetpack Free?\nYes! Jetpack's core features are and always will be free.\n\nThese include: site stats, a high-speed CDN for images, related posts, downtime monitoring, brute force attack protection, automated sharing to social networks, sidebar customization, and many more.\nShould I purchase a paid plan?\nJetpack's paid services include automated backups, security scanning, spam filtering, video hosting, site monetization, SEO tools, and priority support.\n\nIf you're interested in learning more about the extra layers of protection and advanced tools available, learn more about our paid plans.\nWhy do I need a account?\nSince Jetpack and its services are provided and hosted by, a account is required for Jetpack to function.\nI already have a WordPress account, but Jetpack isn't working. What's going on?\nA account is different from the account you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into, then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during installation.\nHow do I view my stats?\nOnce you've installed Jetpack your stats will be available on, on the official WordPress mobile apps, and on your Jetpack dashboard.\nHow do I contribute to Jetpack?\nThere are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. Learn more about contributing to Jetpack or consider joining our beta program.\n\n\n\n\n4.8.2\n\n\nRelease date: April 7th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nFixed a bug that prevented activating/deactivating of some features in PHP versions below 5.4.\nRemoved an unused function that was also incompatible with PHP versions below 5.4.\nFixed a bug that was causing a blank Jetpack admin area.\n\n\n4.8.1\n\n\nRelease date: April 5th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nAn incompatibility with PHP versions lower than 5.4 was introduced in the last release, causing a fatal error and we've immediately fixed this.\nSitemaps: Some plugins were relying on a function that was removed in the last release, which has been fixed.\nGeneral: Clicking on the info icon in the settings area will no longer jump to the top of the page.\nGeneral: The Anti-spam card will always display the correct status in the Jetpack dashboard.\n\n\n4.8\n\n\nRelease date: April 4th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nMajor Enhancements\n\n\nEasier to navigate Jetpack's feature settings in your dashboard and\nNew Toolbar provides quick access to site management, stats, and other services.\nNew MailChimp Subscribe Popup widget.\nSitemaps are faster and now support sites with a very large amount of posts.\nContact Form now has a plain-text alternative and better avoids spam filters.\nDebug form includes extra information to better prioritize your support requests.\nPhoton can now be used within the dashboard, and supports bbPress topics and replies.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Enhancements\n\n\nImproved previously confusing wording in Stats dashboard, and Featured Content options.\nYou can now embed Apple Keynotes straight from in your posts and pages.\nChanged Infinite Scroll button text on taxonomy page and added a new filter to short-circuit the is_last_batch() method.\nOpen Graph now uses transients to save image IDs.\nYou can now use full URLs in the Social Media Icons widget.\nMilestone widget now allows custom links to open in a new window.\nVideoPress videos can be used as headers in themes that support it, like Twenty Seventeen.\nExtracted the timezone offset method from the Upcoming Events widget so it can be used by other features.\n\n\nPerformance Improvements\n\n\nDatabase load is reduced during updates on large sites with multiple servers by retaining hashes for current and current-1 versions.\nDisk storage is reduced on large multisite networks by storing the jetpack_file_data option in the wp_sitemeta table.\nJetpack plan data now uses the REST API.\nSlovakian language files now rely on's language packs.\n\n\nAccessibility Improvements\n\n\nImproved post details clipping for better screen reader support.\nUpdated custom language packs for multiple languages.\n\n\nSecurity Improvements\n\n\nWe now avoid path disclosure via cookies in PHP error messages.\n\n\nCompatibility Improvements\n\n\nRemoved deprecated functions get_theme and get_current_theme.\nPublicize now works with third-party plugins like WP Recipe Maker.\nOpen Graph Meta Tags are now enabled when you use the \"Head, Footer and Post Injections\" plugin.\nBetter support for WooCommerce data sync and backup.\nWe now also sync the sync_via_cron setting, the user's chosen language, and WP Super Cache's globals and constants.\nWe no longer sync post types from the WordPress Automatic Plugin and RSS AutoPilot to avoid synchronization issues.\nSync settings can now be edited from the REST API to better troubleshoot sync issues.\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nGravatar is always displayed in Settings.\nSubmenu items always use relative links.\nContact Form avoids PHP notices when using the form in a Text widget.\nContent Options now correctly displays single characters word count on sites with multibyte languages.\nAdministrator area translations fixed for several languages.\nAdded proper support for Formal/Informal translation versions for languages that support them.\nSite Icons are always used as fallback Open Graph Image tags.\nProtect removes port number when server returns a port alongside a stored IP address.\nFilters ensure that more than 1,024 posts can be excluded from Related Posts.\nWhen the email is already subscribed we now show the correct notification in the subscription form.\nWhen using the Email sharing button, we now avoid syntax errors due to unexpected characters in the from name.\nRemove deprecated jetpack_publicize_post action.\nVideoPress now avoids PHP Notices when fetching video information.\nInstagram base URL now uses www in the Social Media Icons widget.\nAll values entered in Facebook Page Plugin widget settings are now escaped.\nWidget Visibility now avoids memory issues on sites with a lot of registered users.\n\n\n4.7.1\n\n\nRelease date: March 14th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nCarousel: avoid javascript errors that may cause issues with Slideshows or Tiled Galleries.\nMarkdown: always enable Markdown for posts whenever the module is active.\nSharing: make sure that sharing buttons open in a small pop-up instead of a separate window.\nSSO: Avoid token or nonce errors when trying to log in to your site via the Secure Sign On option.\nVideoPress: add in the ability to get video thumbnails from the REST API.\nWidgets: improve rendering of the Image Widget via Photon.\nWidget Visibility: avoid empty widget visibility rules after updating to Jetpack 4.7.\nWidget Visibility: restore the option to make widgets appear on archive pages of different Custom Post Types.\nWidget Visibility: migrate widget visibility settings to the new major Page rule for Custom Post Types.\nWidget Visibility: add missing CSS for widget visibility settings on sites using an RTL language.\n\n\n4.7\n\n\nRelease date: March 7th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nQuickly jump to post specific stats on with a new link.\nWe've added more information to our debug tools to improve your support experience.\nNew HTML5 versions of our house ads are out.\nDisplay custom copyright EXIF information in the Carousel with this new filter.\nWe've highlighted the ability to export Contact Form feedback as it was being overlooked.\nIf you have images on we're going to skip using Photon when the images include resize parameters.\nIt is now possible to use the Sharing filter to customize the emails sent from the Email Sharing button.\nWe've updated the library powering the Print link in the Recipe shortcode.\nCustomize the speed and display of your slideshows with new Slideshow shortcode filters.\nThe shortcode now uses Twitch's new embedded player.\nSocial Menus now come with the option to use SVG icons.\nCustomize the content of the Display Posts Widget with a new filter.\nWe've added a new email field to the Contact Info Widget.\nThe Image and the Text widgets now use Photon if it is enabled.\nThe REST API got several updates including using register_rest_route() consistently for registering, new date and time format settings, a filter for theme info results, new links and endpoints, and more.\nWe cleaned up the Google+ Shortcode JS library and added a way to filter the SlideShare shortcode.\n\n\nPerformance Improvements\n\n\nExperience better performance with single page load caching of the media summary.\nWe made some improvements to avoid slow queries on sites with thousands of images.\nThe Top Posts widget now utilizes an endpoint from the REST API improving performance.\nImprove development mode performance by only calling site_url() once.\nWe rewrote the way major/minor rules lists are generated to save bandwidth, and memory for sites using Widget Visibility.\nWe've removed sync options that weren't needed to save memory during the sync process.\n\n\nAccessibility\n\n\nWe've improved the highlight of the stats range for a better visual experience and to make it consistent with other areas of the dashboard.\nAdded a missing label to one of the fields in the Email sharing dialog.\nWe've enabled keyboard focus styling in the new admin interface.\nIncreased padding to sharing buttons on mobile to avoid usability issues.\nWe've replaced Widget Visibility text labels with icons to improve usability on smaller devices.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Enhancements:\n\n\nWe've added a filter to allow you to remove the Comment Form title.\nThe Development Mode notice got an update to include all possible options to activate Development mode.\nJetpack registration function got an update and cleanup.\nA notice displayed to WooCommerce store owners now detects when WooCommerce Services is installed, but not active.\nWe've removed the Holiday Snow settings until you need them.\nImproved Infinite Scroll settings to reduce confusion.\nThe HTML classes infinite-scroll and neverending are now applied using JS instead of PHP.\nWe've updated the support link appearing when you're locked out of your site.\nNew Unit Tests were added to make sure Publicize doesn't break when making changes to the Publicize process.\nWe've added a sync filter to allow customizing timeout.\nThe Top Posts widget now supports non-square image sizes.\nAdded the Video GUID to the media API endpoint.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility\n\n\nFixed some W3C validation errors in Comments.\nInfinite Scroll now works beautifully with the Twenty Seventeen Theme.\nTranslate new terms easier with an improvement to the translator comments.\nWe switched to use Core functions to retrieve the list of sites in a multisite network for more accurate results.\nWe added Product visibility to post meta whitelist, for better control of products displayed in Related Posts.\nWe no longer sync specific post meta data added by Postman or WP RSS Mutli Importer to avoid performance issues during the sync process.\nWe're now avoiding conflicts with plugins adding the core Video upload library to the post editor.\nRemoved deprecated compatibility code for older versions of WordPress.\nWe had some Shortcode conflicts with WordPress Post embeds, but that's been fixed.\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nThe Carousel jp_carousel_load_for_images_linked_to_file filter wasn't working well with Photon, this has been fixed.\nCarousel is now working well when loaded from infinite scroll.\nWe removed double slashes from file paths in the Contact Form to avoid errors in specific server environments.\nFixed a problem where CSS was being stripped when migrating from Jetpack's Custom CSS to Core's CSS editor.\nOur Debug Tool is now reporting the correct URL when WordPress lives in a subdirectory.\nFound and fixed a PHP error when uninstalling Jetpack.\nInfinite Scroll is no longer buggy when displaying the last page, and is more compatible with certain themes that were returning posts when there were none left to show.\nWe're now skipping Photon for .ashx files.\nThe Twitter character counter in Publicize got a fix to display info correctly.\nRelated Posts are now displaying correctly for everyone, and we brought back the jetpack_sharing_headline_html filter.\nWe've improved Sharing to render custom sharing services correctly, include Open Graph Meta Tags, and avoid JavaScript errors when jQuery is enqueued in the footer.\nSynchronization scheduling issues have been resolved.\nWe're now trimming spaces in URLs for Image and Display Posts Widgets.\nWidget Visibility wasn't playing nice on taxonomy pages, this is no longer the case.\nThe REST API received a couple of fixes to remove PHP errors when editing via the interface, authentication errors when using third-party apps, and permission errors when trying to preview edited posts in the editor.\n\n\n4.6\n\n\nRelease date: February 7, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nNew Features and Improvements\n\n\nEnable Google Analytics without touching a line of code with this new Jetpack feature.\n\n\nPerformance Improvements\n\n\nWe've updated all outbound links to use HTTPS to improve performance and security.\nPhoton now leverages a new WordPress core function to improve performance a bit.\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nKeep an eye out for a note from WooCommerce on how your e-commerce store may benefit from our new USPS and CanadaPost shipping functionality.\nWe've added an error message if Publicize isn't functioning as it should be.\nThe Twitter Widget timeline now displays the tweet limit count as 20, prior to this it appeared to have no limit.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Enhancements:\n\n\nIn an effort to help us better understand features that are being used, Twitter's timeline widget and Twitter's shortcodes now pass Jetpack's partner ID.\nWe've added new API endpoints allowing us to enable translation auto-updates and pull post rows and metadata for backups.\nWe're now retrieving all feature settings in the readable /settings endpoint.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility\n\n\nWe've eliminated some notices and warnings when using Jetpack on a server running PHP 7.1 or on servers where print_r() is disabled.\nPhoton now avoids PHP notices when your site is using plugins that do srcset CDN replacement.\nWhen the sharing options appear to be incorrect due to site configuration issues we force it to retrieve the right options avoiding potential fatal errors.\nWe've added some shortcode CSS and widget class names prefixes to avoid conflicts with other plugins.\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nSome sites were using illegal multibyte characters and failing to sync posts, this has been fixed.\nIE11 was giving our admin layout a bit of a problem but we rectified that.\nThere were some PHP notices popping up when a site has no posts so we got rid of them.\nThe new Jetpack Ads feature will auto disable itself if your Jetpack plan doesn't support the feature.\nWe fixed a few PHP notices and warnings related to the Custom CSS feature.\nThe connection banner's \"dismiss\" icon was giving us a little trouble, but we got it fixed right up.\nThe Likes feature was showing a PHP notice when there was no $post object, this has been fixed.\nWe've brought back the Twitter Widget \"noscrollbar\" option.\nWe're now forcing only Photon URLs to HTTPS as your custom CDN URLs may use a different protocol.\nIf a Publicize connection is not shared with all users on the site, do not trigger Publicize for the other users.\nPublicize was having trouble working with scheduled posts, this should be fixed now.\nSSO may not have been displaying the login form when using JSON API authorization. Sorry about that, we've fixed it.\nWe've eliminated some PHP notices that were showing with some Shortcodes.\nThere was a Top Posts Widget image size issue when using list layouts, but is no longer causing issues.\nWe fixed some notices and warnings when updating data from the central interface.\n\n\n4.5\n\n\nRelease date: January 17, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nThis release introduces a brand-new module, Jetpack Ads, a brand-new VideoPress feature, and a lot of new shortcodes and widgets.\n\nExciting New Features and Improvements:\n\n\nGenerate revenue from your site with an all-new WordAds feature, which when enabled displays high-quality ads for your visitors.\nToday we are proud to release a fully redesigned VideoPress interface for easy uploading, management, and add-free playback of your fantastic videos now fully integrated with your Jetpack Premium or Professional plans.\nSpice up your sidebar with new widgets that display blog stats, author info, \"Follow my blog\" buttons, and even an event countdown.\nEmbed your amazing 360° photos with the VR shortcode\nLink your visitors to your Tumblr or Twitch pages using the new icons in the Social Media Icons Widget.\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nUse the beautiful Jetpack carousel feature to display single images.\nTurn on and update Related Posts right from the Customizer.\nCustomize the output of the Related Posts headline using a new filter.\n\n\nPerformance and Security Improvements:\n\n\nYour Custom CSS will now be served in a separate stylesheet when it is more than 2,000 characters.\nYour Stats queries are now always being made over HTTPS.\nHoliday Snow files now load in the footer, but rest assured the snow still falls from above.\nWe have improved Jetpack's synchronization process to support more plugins and use less resources.\nThe jQuery Cycle script used by slideshow galleries is now minified, resulting in faster loading times.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Enhancements:\n\n\nThe JSON API now allows updating translations and alternative theme installation methods.\nPublic Custom Post Types are now automatically available via the REST API.\nWe've added a token-based authentication mechanism to the REST API in order for the site to be able to receive authenticated requests from\nUse sync commands in Jetpack's WP CLI.\nYou can now set the value for options directly in the Contact Form shortcode.\nUpdated some verbiage around IP Whitelisting on the Protect settings screen.\nCustom sharing buttons got some new variables.\nRIP — we've removed your shortcode.\nImproved Image and Display Posts Widget settings to provide more explanation and better error messages.\nWe've added a few new Content Options to the Customizer for supported themes.\nImproved the Facebook Widget to avoid confusion when editing width and height settings.\nAdded and improved a few shortcodes.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility:\n\n\nIf your server is misconfigured and we can't get an IP address we're going to deactivate Protect and send you a notice so you're in the loop.\nThe WPML compatibility file wasn't loading at the right time, but we've fixed that.\nWe've improved compatibility with tools like Cavalcade to avoid stuck Cron jobs.\nSome selected WooCommerce data (order items and order item meta) are now syncing to\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nYou'll notice numerous design improvements to the Jetpack UI.\nAccessibility is important to us so we've made some improvements there.\nMissing attachments in the Carousel were causing an infinite loop, but we've corrected that.\nEliminated a PHP Notice when running the CLI wp jetpack command.\nPHP warnings in the Restaurant Menu Post type have seen their last day with us.\nFixed a bug that displayed the wrong connected user for up to 24 hours after they disconnected.\nRemoved a deprecated function to prevent notices when using Infinite Scroll in the Customizer.\nLong titles in Jetpack widgets weren't looking so great, so we cleaned them up.\nBefore now you weren't able to create a child category from Now you can!\nRogue colons were showing up in the related posts area on sites with the Twenty Fourteen and Twenty Sixteen themes.\nFixed a ReCaptcha error on the Email sharing button.\nConfirmed Instagram embeds actually load when using Infinite Scroll.\nSite Icons now display on the site management interface.\nSet a default time limit of 30 seconds when sending sync requests via Cron.\nSynchronized supported shortcodes on a site.\nFixed an issue where empty categories weren't showing with the Widget Visibility feature dropdown.\nFixed various little bugs when working with multiple widgets in the Customizer and in the Widgets admin screen.\nAdded a Translate Widget default title in case you haven't defined one.\nThe Top Posts Widget now avoids layout issues when using the Grid layout while displaying a post without an image.\n\n\n4.4.2\n\n\nRelease date: December 6, 2016\nRelease post:\n\n\nThis release improves Jetpack compatibility with WordPress 4.7.\n\nCompatibility changes\n\n\nCustom CSS: Made the Custom CSS feature of Jetpack compatible with the CSS Customizer editor in WordPress 4.7.\nSync: improved compatibility with the wp-missed-schedule plugin.\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nFeatured Content: made sure there is no infinite loop when removing the featured tag from the tag list.\nAdmin: made sure help tabs are not being hidden.\nAdmin: made At a Glance page work nicely when there is no backup data yet.\nSync: now making sure that needed classes are loaded, preventing errors.\nSync: cleared out unneeded scheduled jobs.\n\n\n4.4.1\n\n\nRelease date: November 22, 2016\nRelease post:\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nFixed an issue where some users with slower servers would get an error on the Jetpack dashboard when WP_DEBUG was enabled.\nFixed an issue where users on a Jetpack Professional plan who were paying monthly (as opposed to annually) wouldn’t be able to enable SEO Tools.\n\n\n4.4\n\n\nRelease date: November 21, 2016\nRelease post:\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nAdditional unit tests have been added to improve Jetpack's development process and stability.\nCustom post types have been added to the WP REST API output.\nMany of the screenshots throughout the plugin have been replaced by SVGs in order to make Jetpack smaller.\nNew endpoints have been added to allow the installation of plugin and theme zip files via the API.\nTwelve new filters to make Jetpack more extensible! See:\nNew widget: \"Google Translate\" to allow users to translate your site into their own language.\nNew widget: \"My Community\" where you can see who recently interacted with your site.\nOne of the biggest issues facing Jetpack users for years now has been difficulties in moving sites from one domain name to another. This update makes strides towards improving that process.\nPhoton now uses HTTPS by default. Secure all the things!\nThere are now helpful hints throughout the admin interface to make Jetpack easier to use.\nWe now allow you to embed pins, boards and profiles from Pinterest.\nWe've added a new feature: SEO Tools, available to Jetpack Professional subscribers. You can read more about our plans here:\nWe've made numerous improvements to the data sync process.\n\n\nBug Fixes:\n\n\nFixed link to Akismet settings.\nImproved compatibility between Infinite Scroll and WPML.\nMove email notification settings back with the other email settings in the Discussion Settings.\nVarious minor performance/compatibility fixes.\n\n\n4.3.2\n\n\nRelease date: October 13, 2016\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nUnsaved changes were getting lost when users were navigating away from settings so we put in a confirmation message to prevent this from happening.\nWe've stopped counting carousel views in stats by default, you can use the jetpack_enable_carousel_stats filter to enable counting them again.\nStats are now responding faster.\nThere were several improvements and repairs made to sync including additional endpoints, performance enhancements, whitelisted data, better decision making around when to sync information, and more.\nMarkdown now has a CSS class on footnotes.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility:\n\n\nWe've improved compatibility with Kinsta by automatically turning on Staging Mode for Jetpack when in a staging environment.\n\n\nBug Fixes:\n\n\nSeveral fixes have been made to sync to repair issues with Publicize, Notifications, and Subscriptions.\nWe removed PHP warnings by checking to make sure json language files like jetpack-en_US.json are readable before we load them.\nWe found an unused option in Gravatar Hovercard settings and removed it.\nThe correct support link is now being used to make it easier for you to connect with the Jetpack team if you need us.\nThe permissions check for plugin information retrieval was fixed as well.\nSome plugins were adding content on outbound http requests causing an infinite loop we fixed this right up.\nWe removed some warnings that were occurring when translations didn't exist by adding a fallback.\nWe've added Moroccan Arabic translations, and switched to language packs for Croatian, Spanish (Chile) and Greek.\nSync was running into issues so we've limited dequeue time to 1/3 of PHP's max execution time, which has unclogged the problem.\nWe're now sending full and incremental queues separately so that a failure in one doesn't block the other.\nThere was a JavaScript enqueuing error with our Sharing feature that has been repaired.\nThe Top Posts widget now includes the ability to list attachment (media) pages.\nWe weren't building CPT links correctly resulting in bad navigation, which is now fixed.\nWe removed the form legend for default Tiled Gallery settings as it doesn't relate.\nWith shortcodes we now return early from processing them if no string is passed, as they are required.\n",
"description_en": "\nKeep any WordPress site secure, increase traffic, and engage your readers.\n\nTraffic and SEO Tools\n\nTraffic is the lifeblood of any website. Jetpack includes:\n\n\n[free] Site stats and analytics\n[free] Automatic sharing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, and WhatsApp\n[free] Related posts\n[paid] Search engine optimization tools for Google, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, and\n[paid] Advertising program that includes the best of AdSense, Facebook Ads, AOL, Amazon, Google AdX, and Yahoo\n\n\nSecurity and Backup Services\n\nStop worrying about data loss, downtime, and hacking. Jetpack provides:\n\n\n[free] Brute force attack protection\n[free] Downtime and uptime monitoring\n[free] Secured logins and two-factor authentication\n[paid] Malware scanning, code scanning, and threat resolution\n[paid] Site backups, restores, and migrations\n\n\nContent Creation\n\nAdd rich, beautifully-presented media -- no graphic design expertise necessary:\n\n\n[free] A high-speed CDN for your images\n[free] Carousels, slideshows, and tiled galleries\n[free] Simple embeds from YouTube, Google Documents, Spotify and more\n[free] Sidebar customization including Facebook, Twitter, and RSS feeds\n[free] Extra sidebar widgets including blog stats, calendar, and author widgets\n[paid] High-speed, ad-free, and high-definition video hosting\n\n\nDiscussion and Community\n\nCreate a connection with your readers and keep them coming back to your site with:\n\n\n[free] Email subscriptions\n[free] Comment login with Facebook, Twitter, and Google\n[free] Fully-customizable contact forms\n[free] Infinite scroll for your posts\n\n\nExpert Support\n\nWe have an entire team of Happiness Engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nPaid Services\n\nMost of Jetpack's features and services are free. Jetpack also provides advanced security and backup services, video hosting, site monetization, priority support, and more SEO tools in three simple and affordable plans.\n\nGet Started\n\nInstallation is free, quick, and easy. Set up the free plan in minutes.\n\n",
"installation_en": "",
"faq_en": "\n\nInstallation Instructions\nAutomated Installation\n\nInstallation is free, quick, and easy. Install Jetpack from our site in minutes.\n\nManual Alternatives\n\nAlternatively, install Jetpack via the plugin directory, or upload the files manually to your server and follow the on-screen instructions. If you need additional help read our detailed instructions.\nIs Jetpack Free?\nYes! Jetpack's core features are and always will be free.\n\nThese include: site stats, a high-speed CDN for images, related posts, downtime monitoring, brute force attack protection, automated sharing to social networks, sidebar customization, and many more.\nShould I purchase a paid plan?\nJetpack's paid services include automated backups, security scanning, spam filtering, video hosting, site monetization, SEO tools, and priority support.\n\nIf you're interested in learning more about the extra layers of protection and advanced tools available, learn more about our paid plans.\nWhy do I need a account?\nSince Jetpack and its services are provided and hosted by, a account is required for Jetpack to function.\nI already have a WordPress account, but Jetpack isn't working. What's going on?\nA account is different from the account you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into, then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during installation.\nHow do I view my stats?\nOnce you've installed Jetpack your stats will be available on, on the official WordPress mobile apps, and on your Jetpack dashboard.\nHow do I contribute to Jetpack?\nThere are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. Learn more about contributing to Jetpack or consider joining our beta program.\n\n\n\n",
"changelog_en": "\n4.8.2\n\n\nRelease date: April 7th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nFixed a bug that prevented activating/deactivating of some features in PHP versions below 5.4.\nRemoved an unused function that was also incompatible with PHP versions below 5.4.\nFixed a bug that was causing a blank Jetpack admin area.\n\n\n4.8.1\n\n\nRelease date: April 5th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nAn incompatibility with PHP versions lower than 5.4 was introduced in the last release, causing a fatal error and we've immediately fixed this.\nSitemaps: Some plugins were relying on a function that was removed in the last release, which has been fixed.\nGeneral: Clicking on the info icon in the settings area will no longer jump to the top of the page.\nGeneral: The Anti-spam card will always display the correct status in the Jetpack dashboard.\n\n\n4.8\n\n\nRelease date: April 4th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nMajor Enhancements\n\n\nEasier to navigate Jetpack's feature settings in your dashboard and\nNew Toolbar provides quick access to site management, stats, and other services.\nNew MailChimp Subscribe Popup widget.\nSitemaps are faster and now support sites with a very large amount of posts.\nContact Form now has a plain-text alternative and better avoids spam filters.\nDebug form includes extra information to better prioritize your support requests.\nPhoton can now be used within the dashboard, and supports bbPress topics and replies.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Enhancements\n\n\nImproved previously confusing wording in Stats dashboard, and Featured Content options.\nYou can now embed Apple Keynotes straight from in your posts and pages.\nChanged Infinite Scroll button text on taxonomy page and added a new filter to short-circuit the is_last_batch() method.\nOpen Graph now uses transients to save image IDs.\nYou can now use full URLs in the Social Media Icons widget.\nMilestone widget now allows custom links to open in a new window.\nVideoPress videos can be used as headers in themes that support it, like Twenty Seventeen.\nExtracted the timezone offset method from the Upcoming Events widget so it can be used by other features.\n\n\nPerformance Improvements\n\n\nDatabase load is reduced during updates on large sites with multiple servers by retaining hashes for current and current-1 versions.\nDisk storage is reduced on large multisite networks by storing the jetpack_file_data option in the wp_sitemeta table.\nJetpack plan data now uses the REST API.\nSlovakian language files now rely on's language packs.\n\n\nAccessibility Improvements\n\n\nImproved post details clipping for better screen reader support.\nUpdated custom language packs for multiple languages.\n\n\nSecurity Improvements\n\n\nWe now avoid path disclosure via cookies in PHP error messages.\n\n\nCompatibility Improvements\n\n\nRemoved deprecated functions get_theme and get_current_theme.\nPublicize now works with third-party plugins like WP Recipe Maker.\nOpen Graph Meta Tags are now enabled when you use the \"Head, Footer and Post Injections\" plugin.\nBetter support for WooCommerce data sync and backup.\nWe now also sync the sync_via_cron setting, the user's chosen language, and WP Super Cache's globals and constants.\nWe no longer sync post types from the WordPress Automatic Plugin and RSS AutoPilot to avoid synchronization issues.\nSync settings can now be edited from the REST API to better troubleshoot sync issues.\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nGravatar is always displayed in Settings.\nSubmenu items always use relative links.\nContact Form avoids PHP notices when using the form in a Text widget.\nContent Options now correctly displays single characters word count on sites with multibyte languages.\nAdministrator area translations fixed for several languages.\nAdded proper support for Formal/Informal translation versions for languages that support them.\nSite Icons are always used as fallback Open Graph Image tags.\nProtect removes port number when server returns a port alongside a stored IP address.\nFilters ensure that more than 1,024 posts can be excluded from Related Posts.\nWhen the email is already subscribed we now show the correct notification in the subscription form.\nWhen using the Email sharing button, we now avoid syntax errors due to unexpected characters in the from name.\nRemove deprecated jetpack_publicize_post action.\nVideoPress now avoids PHP Notices when fetching video information.\nInstagram base URL now uses www in the Social Media Icons widget.\nAll values entered in Facebook Page Plugin widget settings are now escaped.\nWidget Visibility now avoids memory issues on sites with a lot of registered users.\n\n\n4.7.1\n\n\nRelease date: March 14th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nCarousel: avoid javascript errors that may cause issues with Slideshows or Tiled Galleries.\nMarkdown: always enable Markdown for posts whenever the module is active.\nSharing: make sure that sharing buttons open in a small pop-up instead of a separate window.\nSSO: Avoid token or nonce errors when trying to log in to your site via the Secure Sign On option.\nVideoPress: add in the ability to get video thumbnails from the REST API.\nWidgets: improve rendering of the Image Widget via Photon.\nWidget Visibility: avoid empty widget visibility rules after updating to Jetpack 4.7.\nWidget Visibility: restore the option to make widgets appear on archive pages of different Custom Post Types.\nWidget Visibility: migrate widget visibility settings to the new major Page rule for Custom Post Types.\nWidget Visibility: add missing CSS for widget visibility settings on sites using an RTL language.\n\n\n4.7\n\n\nRelease date: March 7th, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nQuickly jump to post specific stats on with a new link.\nWe've added more information to our debug tools to improve your support experience.\nNew HTML5 versions of our house ads are out.\nDisplay custom copyright EXIF information in the Carousel with this new filter.\nWe've highlighted the ability to export Contact Form feedback as it was being overlooked.\nIf you have images on we're going to skip using Photon when the images include resize parameters.\nIt is now possible to use the Sharing filter to customize the emails sent from the Email Sharing button.\nWe've updated the library powering the Print link in the Recipe shortcode.\nCustomize the speed and display of your slideshows with new Slideshow shortcode filters.\nThe shortcode now uses Twitch's new embedded player.\nSocial Menus now come with the option to use SVG icons.\nCustomize the content of the Display Posts Widget with a new filter.\nWe've added a new email field to the Contact Info Widget.\nThe Image and the Text widgets now use Photon if it is enabled.\nThe REST API got several updates including using register_rest_route() consistently for registering, new date and time format settings, a filter for theme info results, new links and endpoints, and more.\nWe cleaned up the Google+ Shortcode JS library and added a way to filter the SlideShare shortcode.\n\n\nPerformance Improvements\n\n\nExperience better performance with single page load caching of the media summary.\nWe made some improvements to avoid slow queries on sites with thousands of images.\nThe Top Posts widget now utilizes an endpoint from the REST API improving performance.\nImprove development mode performance by only calling site_url() once.\nWe rewrote the way major/minor rules lists are generated to save bandwidth, and memory for sites using Widget Visibility.\nWe've removed sync options that weren't needed to save memory during the sync process.\n\n\nAccessibility\n\n\nWe've improved the highlight of the stats range for a better visual experience and to make it consistent with other areas of the dashboard.\nAdded a missing label to one of the fields in the Email sharing dialog.\nWe've enabled keyboard focus styling in the new admin interface.\nIncreased padding to sharing buttons on mobile to avoid usability issues.\nWe've replaced Widget Visibility text labels with icons to improve usability on smaller devices.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Enhancements:\n\n\nWe've added a filter to allow you to remove the Comment Form title.\nThe Development Mode notice got an update to include all possible options to activate Development mode.\nJetpack registration function got an update and cleanup.\nA notice displayed to WooCommerce store owners now detects when WooCommerce Services is installed, but not active.\nWe've removed the Holiday Snow settings until you need them.\nImproved Infinite Scroll settings to reduce confusion.\nThe HTML classes infinite-scroll and neverending are now applied using JS instead of PHP.\nWe've updated the support link appearing when you're locked out of your site.\nNew Unit Tests were added to make sure Publicize doesn't break when making changes to the Publicize process.\nWe've added a sync filter to allow customizing timeout.\nThe Top Posts widget now supports non-square image sizes.\nAdded the Video GUID to the media API endpoint.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility\n\n\nFixed some W3C validation errors in Comments.\nInfinite Scroll now works beautifully with the Twenty Seventeen Theme.\nTranslate new terms easier with an improvement to the translator comments.\nWe switched to use Core functions to retrieve the list of sites in a multisite network for more accurate results.\nWe added Product visibility to post meta whitelist, for better control of products displayed in Related Posts.\nWe no longer sync specific post meta data added by Postman or WP RSS Mutli Importer to avoid performance issues during the sync process.\nWe're now avoiding conflicts with plugins adding the core Video upload library to the post editor.\nRemoved deprecated compatibility code for older versions of WordPress.\nWe had some Shortcode conflicts with WordPress Post embeds, but that's been fixed.\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nThe Carousel jp_carousel_load_for_images_linked_to_file filter wasn't working well with Photon, this has been fixed.\nCarousel is now working well when loaded from infinite scroll.\nWe removed double slashes from file paths in the Contact Form to avoid errors in specific server environments.\nFixed a problem where CSS was being stripped when migrating from Jetpack's Custom CSS to Core's CSS editor.\nOur Debug Tool is now reporting the correct URL when WordPress lives in a subdirectory.\nFound and fixed a PHP error when uninstalling Jetpack.\nInfinite Scroll is no longer buggy when displaying the last page, and is more compatible with certain themes that were returning posts when there were none left to show.\nWe're now skipping Photon for .ashx files.\nThe Twitter character counter in Publicize got a fix to display info correctly.\nRelated Posts are now displaying correctly for everyone, and we brought back the jetpack_sharing_headline_html filter.\nWe've improved Sharing to render custom sharing services correctly, include Open Graph Meta Tags, and avoid JavaScript errors when jQuery is enqueued in the footer.\nSynchronization scheduling issues have been resolved.\nWe're now trimming spaces in URLs for Image and Display Posts Widgets.\nWidget Visibility wasn't playing nice on taxonomy pages, this is no longer the case.\nThe REST API received a couple of fixes to remove PHP errors when editing via the interface, authentication errors when using third-party apps, and permission errors when trying to preview edited posts in the editor.\n\n\n4.6\n\n\nRelease date: February 7, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nNew Features and Improvements\n\n\nEnable Google Analytics without touching a line of code with this new Jetpack feature.\n\n\nPerformance Improvements\n\n\nWe've updated all outbound links to use HTTPS to improve performance and security.\nPhoton now leverages a new WordPress core function to improve performance a bit.\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nKeep an eye out for a note from WooCommerce on how your e-commerce store may benefit from our new USPS and CanadaPost shipping functionality.\nWe've added an error message if Publicize isn't functioning as it should be.\nThe Twitter Widget timeline now displays the tweet limit count as 20, prior to this it appeared to have no limit.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Enhancements:\n\n\nIn an effort to help us better understand features that are being used, Twitter's timeline widget and Twitter's shortcodes now pass Jetpack's partner ID.\nWe've added new API endpoints allowing us to enable translation auto-updates and pull post rows and metadata for backups.\nWe're now retrieving all feature settings in the readable /settings endpoint.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility\n\n\nWe've eliminated some notices and warnings when using Jetpack on a server running PHP 7.1 or on servers where print_r() is disabled.\nPhoton now avoids PHP notices when your site is using plugins that do srcset CDN replacement.\nWhen the sharing options appear to be incorrect due to site configuration issues we force it to retrieve the right options avoiding potential fatal errors.\nWe've added some shortcode CSS and widget class names prefixes to avoid conflicts with other plugins.\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nSome sites were using illegal multibyte characters and failing to sync posts, this has been fixed.\nIE11 was giving our admin layout a bit of a problem but we rectified that.\nThere were some PHP notices popping up when a site has no posts so we got rid of them.\nThe new Jetpack Ads feature will auto disable itself if your Jetpack plan doesn't support the feature.\nWe fixed a few PHP notices and warnings related to the Custom CSS feature.\nThe connection banner's \"dismiss\" icon was giving us a little trouble, but we got it fixed right up.\nThe Likes feature was showing a PHP notice when there was no $post object, this has been fixed.\nWe've brought back the Twitter Widget \"noscrollbar\" option.\nWe're now forcing only Photon URLs to HTTPS as your custom CDN URLs may use a different protocol.\nIf a Publicize connection is not shared with all users on the site, do not trigger Publicize for the other users.\nPublicize was having trouble working with scheduled posts, this should be fixed now.\nSSO may not have been displaying the login form when using JSON API authorization. Sorry about that, we've fixed it.\nWe've eliminated some PHP notices that were showing with some Shortcodes.\nThere was a Top Posts Widget image size issue when using list layouts, but is no longer causing issues.\nWe fixed some notices and warnings when updating data from the central interface.\n\n\n4.5\n\n\nRelease date: January 17, 2017\nRelease post:\n\n\nThis release introduces a brand-new module, Jetpack Ads, a brand-new VideoPress feature, and a lot of new shortcodes and widgets.\n\nExciting New Features and Improvements:\n\n\nGenerate revenue from your site with an all-new WordAds feature, which when enabled displays high-quality ads for your visitors.\nToday we are proud to release a fully redesigned VideoPress interface for easy uploading, management, and add-free playback of your fantastic videos now fully integrated with your Jetpack Premium or Professional plans.\nSpice up your sidebar with new widgets that display blog stats, author info, \"Follow my blog\" buttons, and even an event countdown.\nEmbed your amazing 360° photos with the VR shortcode\nLink your visitors to your Tumblr or Twitch pages using the new icons in the Social Media Icons Widget.\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nUse the beautiful Jetpack carousel feature to display single images.\nTurn on and update Related Posts right from the Customizer.\nCustomize the output of the Related Posts headline using a new filter.\n\n\nPerformance and Security Improvements:\n\n\nYour Custom CSS will now be served in a separate stylesheet when it is more than 2,000 characters.\nYour Stats queries are now always being made over HTTPS.\nHoliday Snow files now load in the footer, but rest assured the snow still falls from above.\nWe have improved Jetpack's synchronization process to support more plugins and use less resources.\nThe jQuery Cycle script used by slideshow galleries is now minified, resulting in faster loading times.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Enhancements:\n\n\nThe JSON API now allows updating translations and alternative theme installation methods.\nPublic Custom Post Types are now automatically available via the REST API.\nWe've added a token-based authentication mechanism to the REST API in order for the site to be able to receive authenticated requests from\nUse sync commands in Jetpack's WP CLI.\nYou can now set the value for options directly in the Contact Form shortcode.\nUpdated some verbiage around IP Whitelisting on the Protect settings screen.\nCustom sharing buttons got some new variables.\nRIP — we've removed your shortcode.\nImproved Image and Display Posts Widget settings to provide more explanation and better error messages.\nWe've added a few new Content Options to the Customizer for supported themes.\nImproved the Facebook Widget to avoid confusion when editing width and height settings.\nAdded and improved a few shortcodes.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility:\n\n\nIf your server is misconfigured and we can't get an IP address we're going to deactivate Protect and send you a notice so you're in the loop.\nThe WPML compatibility file wasn't loading at the right time, but we've fixed that.\nWe've improved compatibility with tools like Cavalcade to avoid stuck Cron jobs.\nSome selected WooCommerce data (order items and order item meta) are now syncing to\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nYou'll notice numerous design improvements to the Jetpack UI.\nAccessibility is important to us so we've made some improvements there.\nMissing attachments in the Carousel were causing an infinite loop, but we've corrected that.\nEliminated a PHP Notice when running the CLI wp jetpack command.\nPHP warnings in the Restaurant Menu Post type have seen their last day with us.\nFixed a bug that displayed the wrong connected user for up to 24 hours after they disconnected.\nRemoved a deprecated function to prevent notices when using Infinite Scroll in the Customizer.\nLong titles in Jetpack widgets weren't looking so great, so we cleaned them up.\nBefore now you weren't able to create a child category from Now you can!\nRogue colons were showing up in the related posts area on sites with the Twenty Fourteen and Twenty Sixteen themes.\nFixed a ReCaptcha error on the Email sharing button.\nConfirmed Instagram embeds actually load when using Infinite Scroll.\nSite Icons now display on the site management interface.\nSet a default time limit of 30 seconds when sending sync requests via Cron.\nSynchronized supported shortcodes on a site.\nFixed an issue where empty categories weren't showing with the Widget Visibility feature dropdown.\nFixed various little bugs when working with multiple widgets in the Customizer and in the Widgets admin screen.\nAdded a Translate Widget default title in case you haven't defined one.\nThe Top Posts Widget now avoids layout issues when using the Grid layout while displaying a post without an image.\n\n\n4.4.2\n\n\nRelease date: December 6, 2016\nRelease post:\n\n\nThis release improves Jetpack compatibility with WordPress 4.7.\n\nCompatibility changes\n\n\nCustom CSS: Made the Custom CSS feature of Jetpack compatible with the CSS Customizer editor in WordPress 4.7.\nSync: improved compatibility with the wp-missed-schedule plugin.\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nFeatured Content: made sure there is no infinite loop when removing the featured tag from the tag list.\nAdmin: made sure help tabs are not being hidden.\nAdmin: made At a Glance page work nicely when there is no backup data yet.\nSync: now making sure that needed classes are loaded, preventing errors.\nSync: cleared out unneeded scheduled jobs.\n\n\n4.4.1\n\n\nRelease date: November 22, 2016\nRelease post:\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nFixed an issue where some users with slower servers would get an error on the Jetpack dashboard when WP_DEBUG was enabled.\nFixed an issue where users on a Jetpack Professional plan who were paying monthly (as opposed to annually) wouldn’t be able to enable SEO Tools.\n\n\n4.4\n\n\nRelease date: November 21, 2016\nRelease post:\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nAdditional unit tests have been added to improve Jetpack's development process and stability.\nCustom post types have been added to the WP REST API output.\nMany of the screenshots throughout the plugin have been replaced by SVGs in order to make Jetpack smaller.\nNew endpoints have been added to allow the installation of plugin and theme zip files via the API.\nTwelve new filters to make Jetpack more extensible! See:\nNew widget: \"Google Translate\" to allow users to translate your site into their own language.\nNew widget: \"My Community\" where you can see who recently interacted with your site.\nOne of the biggest issues facing Jetpack users for years now has been difficulties in moving sites from one domain name to another. This update makes strides towards improving that process.\nPhoton now uses HTTPS by default. Secure all the things!\nThere are now helpful hints throughout the admin interface to make Jetpack easier to use.\nWe now allow you to embed pins, boards and profiles from Pinterest.\nWe've added a new feature: SEO Tools, available to Jetpack Professional subscribers. You can read more about our plans here:\nWe've made numerous improvements to the data sync process.\n\n\nBug Fixes:\n\n\nFixed link to Akismet settings.\nImproved compatibility between Infinite Scroll and WPML.\nMove email notification settings back with the other email settings in the Discussion Settings.\nVarious minor performance/compatibility fixes.\n\n\n4.3.2\n\n\nRelease date: October 13, 2016\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nUnsaved changes were getting lost when users were navigating away from settings so we put in a confirmation message to prevent this from happening.\nWe've stopped counting carousel views in stats by default, you can use the jetpack_enable_carousel_stats filter to enable counting them again.\nStats are now responding faster.\nThere were several improvements and repairs made to sync including additional endpoints, performance enhancements, whitelisted data, better decision making around when to sync information, and more.\nMarkdown now has a CSS class on footnotes.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility:\n\n\nWe've improved compatibility with Kinsta by automatically turning on Staging Mode for Jetpack when in a staging environment.\n\n\nBug Fixes:\n\n\nSeveral fixes have been made to sync to repair issues with Publicize, Notifications, and Subscriptions.\nWe removed PHP warnings by checking to make sure json language files like jetpack-en_US.json are readable before we load them.\nWe found an unused option in Gravatar Hovercard settings and removed it.\nThe correct support link is now being used to make it easier for you to connect with the Jetpack team if you need us.\nThe permissions check for plugin information retrieval was fixed as well.\nSome plugins were adding content on outbound http requests causing an infinite loop we fixed this right up.\nWe removed some warnings that were occurring when translations didn't exist by adding a fallback.\nWe've added Moroccan Arabic translations, and switched to language packs for Croatian, Spanish (Chile) and Greek.\nSync was running into issues so we've limited dequeue time to 1/3 of PHP's max execution time, which has unclogged the problem.\nWe're now sending full and incremental queues separately so that a failure in one doesn't block the other.\nThere was a JavaScript enqueuing error with our Sharing feature that has been repaired.\nThe Top Posts widget now includes the ability to list attachment (media) pages.\nWe weren't building CPT links correctly resulting in bad navigation, which is now fixed.\nWe removed the form legend for default Tiled Gallery settings as it doesn't relate.\nWith shortcodes we now return early from processing them if no string is passed, as they are required.\n",
"title_es_ES": "Jetpack por",
"excerpt_es_ES": "Aumenta tu tráfico, mira tus estadísticas, aumenta la velocidad de tu sitio, y protégete de hackers con Jetpack",
"content_es_ES": "\nJetpack simplifica la gestión de sitios de WordPress porque aporta estadísticas de visitantes, servicios de seguridad, aceleración de imágenes y, además, te ayuda a conseguir un mayor tráfico. Jetpack es un plugin gratuito.\n\nCrecimiento del tráfico y análisis\n\nJetpack te indica cuántas visitas recibe tu sitio y te ayuda a conseguir más tráfico mediante herramientas como Entradas relacionadas, Difundir, Distribución mejorada y Compartir.\n\nSeguridad\n\nJetpack protege tu sitio frente a ataques de fuerza bruta y accesos no autorizados. También supervisamos los tiempos de inactividad de tu sitio y mantenemos los plugins actualizados.\n\nRendimiento de la imagen\n\nJetpack optimiza y acelera automáticamente las imágenes mediante la red de entrega de contenido global De este modo, te ahorrarás los costes de alojamiento al reducir el ancho de banda.\n\nGestión centralizada\n\nCon Jetpack se suministra un escritorio centralizado en Gestiona plugins y menús, publica entradas y visualiza estadísticas mejoradas de todos tus sitios.\n\nVarias cosas más que les encantan a nuestros usuarios\n\nJetpack incluye otras funciones que te ayudan a personalizar tu sitio, incluido CSS personalizados, formularios de contacto, galerías y carruseles, notificaciones y suscripciones, widgets configurables y mucho más.\n\nAyuda específica\n\nWe have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nColaboración con Jetpack\n\nJetpack es un plugin de código abierto; de modo que animamos a que se hagan aportaciones a la comunidad: tanto si se trata de cumplidos, como de informes de errores, códigos o ideas. Todas son recibidas con los brazos abiertos. Obtén información acerca de cómo participar o piensa en la posibilidad de unirte a nuestro programa beta.\n\n\nEn nuestro sitio, podrás escribir la dirección del tuyo e instalar Jetpack.\n\nTambién puedes instalar Jetpack a través del directorio de plugins o cargando los archivos de forma manual en tu servidor. Tras activar Jetpack, conéctate a para habilitar las funciones de Jetpack.\n\nSi necesitas más ayuda, lee nuestras instrucciones detalladas (incluido un tutorial en vídeo).\n\n\n\n¿Es Jetpack gratis?\n¡Sí! Las funcionalidades básicas de Jetpack son y siempre serán gratuitas. Jetpack también integra servicios de pago como Akismet (antispam), Vaultpress (copias de seguridad), y VideoPress(alojamiento de vídeos), pero no son necesarias para que Jetpack funcione.\n¿Por qué necesito una cuenta de\nMuchos de nuestras funcionalidades principales (como Photon, estadísticas y Protect) hace uso de la la nube de Por esa razón Jetpack necesita una cuenta (gratuita) de Si no tienes ninguna todavía puedes crearla fácilmente durante el proceso de conexión de Jetpack.\nYa tengo una cuenta de WordPress, pero no funciona. ¿Qué está pasando?\nA account is different to the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\n¿Cómo ver mis estadísticas?\nEn cuanto instales Jetpack, tus estadísticas estarán disponibles a través de \"Estadísticas del sitio\", que aparece en el menú de Jetpack (en el menú del Escritorio de WordPress).\n¿Cómo puedo contribuir a Jetpack?\nHay oportunidades para contribuir para desarrolladores a todos los niveles. Aprende cómo contribuir a Jetpack o considera unirte a nuestro programa beta.\n\n\n\n\n4.4.1\n\n\nRelease date: November 22, 2016\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nFixed an issue where some users with slower servers would get an error on the Jetpack dashboard when WP_DEBUG was enabled.\nFixed an issue where users on a Jetpack Professional plan who were paying monthly (as opposed to annually) wouldn’t be able to enable SEO Tools.\n\n\n4.4\n\n\nRelease date: November 21, 2016\nRelease post:\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nAdditional unit tests have been added to improve Jetpack's development process and stability.\nCustom post types have been added to the WP REST API output.\nMany of the screenshots throughout the plugin have been replaced by SVGs in order to make Jetpack smaller.\nNew endpoints have been added to allow the installation of plugin and theme zip files via the API.\nTwelve new filters to make Jetpack more extensible! See:\nNew widget: \"Google Translate\" to allow users to translate your site into their own language.\nNew widget: \"My Community\" where you can see who recently interacted with your site.\nOne of the biggest issues facing Jetpack users for years now has been difficulties in moving sites from one domain name to another. This update makes strides towards improving that process.\nPhoton now uses HTTPS by default. Secure all the things!\nThere are now helpful hints throughout the admin interface to make Jetpack easier to use.\nWe now allow you to embed pins, boards and profiles from Pinterest.\nWe've added a new feature: SEO Tools, available to Jetpack Professional subscribers. You can read more about our plans here:\nWe've made numerous improvements to the data sync process.\n\n\nCorrección de errores:\n\n\nFixed link to Akismet settings.\nImproved compatibility between Infinite Scroll and WPML.\nMove email notification settings back with the other email settings in the Discussion Settings.\nVarious minor performance/compatibility fixes.\n\n\n4.3.2\n\n\nRelease date: October 13, 2016\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nUnsaved changes were getting lost when users were navigating away from settings so we put in a confirmation message to prevent this from happening.\nWe've stopped counting carousel views in stats by default, you can use the jetpack_enable_carousel_stats filter to enable counting them again.\nStats are now responding faster.\nThere were several improvements and repairs made to sync including additional endpoints, performance enhancements, whitelisted data, better decision making around when to sync information, and more.\nMarkdown now has a CSS class on footnotes.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility:\n\n\nWe've improved compatibility with Kinsta by automatically turning on Staging Mode for Jetpack when in a staging environment.\n\n\nCorrección de errores:\n\n\nSeveral fixes have been made to sync to repair issues with Publicize, Notifications, and Subscriptions.\nWe removed PHP warnings by checking to make sure json language files like jetpack-en_US.json are readable before we load them.\nWe found an unused option in Gravatar Hovercard settings and removed it.\nThe correct support link is now being used to make it easier for you to connect with the Jetpack team if you need us.\nThe permissions check for plugin information retrieval was fixed as well.\nSome plugins were adding content on outbound http requests causing an infinite loop we fixed this right up.\nWe removed some warnings that were occurring when translations didn't exist by adding a fallback.\nWe've added Moroccan Arabic translations, and switched to language packs for Croatian, Spanish (Chile) and Greek.\nSync was running into issues so we've limited dequeue time to 1/3 of PHP's max execution time, which has unclogged the problem.\nWe're now sending full and incremental queues separately so that a failure in one doesn't block the other.\nThere was a JavaScript enqueuing error with our Sharing feature that has been repaired.\nThe Top Posts widget now includes the ability to list attachment (media) pages.\nWe weren't building CPT links correctly resulting in bad navigation, which is now fixed.\nWe removed the form legend for default Tiled Gallery settings as it doesn't relate.\nWith shortcodes we now return early from processing them if no string is passed, as they are required.\n\n\n4.3.1\n\n\nRelease date: September 8, 2016\n\n\nSupport Enhancements\n\n\nWe're now syncing data about hosts so that we can provide better support when needed.\nMinor update to inline docs to match version numbers.\n\n\nCorrección de errores:\n\n\nAdmin Page: fix error when Admin Page resources could not be fetched with wp_remote_get due to unique host configurations.\nAdmin Page: fix error when Post By Email could not be enabled when the browser's dev console was enabled.\nAdmin Page: make sure all translated strings are encoded properly.\nAdmin Page: only use POST requests for updating the state of Jetpack, to avoid issues on servers not allowing PUT requests.\nAdmin Page: search icon no longer overlaps the global notices.\nAdmin Page: make sure that non-admins can also modify Spellchecking settings.\nGeneral: Improve random number generation for compatibility with more hosts.\nGeneral: Add deprecated PHP file (class.jetpack-landing-page.php) back as an empty file, to avoid generating fatal errors on sites with aggressive caching.\nGeneral: Ensure concatenated CSS is generated for RTL languages.\nSecurity: Ensure that all options are included on the security tab.\nStats: fix display for sites with pretty permalinks disabled.\nSubscriptions: ensure that no email is sent when updating a published post.\nSync: To improve performance, add snapTW to the list of post meta data that won't be synchronized for each post.\nSync: do not schedule a full sync after each import.\nVerification Tools: in the Settings card, use appropriate link for each service.\n\n\n4.3\n\n\nRelease date: September 6th, 2016\n\n\nExciting Performance and UI Improvements:\n\n\nWe have launched the all new React powered interface, a year in the making, designed to give you better control of your favorite Jetpack features.\n\n\n4.2.2\n\n\nRelease date: August 19th, 2016\n\n\nCorrección de errores:\n\n\nWe fixed the code which displays the Facebook share count to accomodate Facebook's new data structure.\nWe fixed an issue which caused PHP notices to get logged for users of the Twenty Fourteen theme.\nWe fixed an issue with the Minileven mobile theme which was preventing it from loading.\nImproved Sync performance.\nIncrease security by sanitizing a URL used in the SSO process.\n\n\n4.2.1\n\n\nRelease date: August 17th, 2016\n\n\nCorrección de errores:\n\n\nWe fixed a conflict between Jetpack and W3 Total Cache.\nWe fixed some issues with Publicize and Custom Post Types.\nVery large Multisite networks with lots of users can now be synchronized with\nWe improved the synchronization process between your site and\n\n\n4.2\n\n\nRelease date: August 10th, 2016\n\n\nMejoras en el rendimiento:\n\n\nWe’ve improved Jetpack’s performance by making calls to the database more efficient; essentially, Jetpack is doing less on each page load, making things faster. #4281, #4316\nWe’ve ensured that every feature uses information that is up to date by completely refactoring the way information was synchronized between your site and\nWe've improved the way Jetpack queries for information about features, which results in less overall queries.\n\n\nExciting Feature and UI Improvements:\n\n\nWe now track your visitor views of Carousel images in stats.\nYou can now customize advanced typographic settings like ligatures in the Custom CSS editor with new support for the font-feature-settings property.\nWe’ve improved the experience when you don’t actually have enough posts to Infinitely Scroll.\nOur Contact Info Widget allows you to enter a Google Maps API Key which is now required by Google if you want to display a map.\n\n\nSecurity:\n\n\nWe’re continuing our efforts to harden Jetpack security, by implementing the hash_equals() function to avoid timing attacks when comparing strings. We also improved security on CSVs exported from your contact form.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Feature Improvements:\n\n\nThe Cartodb shortcode has been changed to match the new product name, Carto.\nThe YouTube shortcode now uses the content width defined by the theme when available, even if an embed size was defined in an old version of WordPress.\nBreadcrumbs now support hierarchical post types and taxonomies.\nWe’ve added the Portfolio Post Type to the REST API whitelist.\nThere are a few new parameters for the Dailymotion shortcode.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility:\n\n\nWe now work well with WP Stagecoach staging sites, so you should not see any future impact on production sites.\nWe had some PHP notices popping up in the WooCommerce plugin wizard screen, these are gone.\n\n\nCorrección de errores:\n\n\nWe stopped loading compatibility stylesheets on the default theme's singular views for Infinite Scroll.\nDebug tests forwarded through the contact form in the Jetpack Debug menu are now successfully sent to the support team.\nWe’ve removed the PHP notices you might have seen when moderating comments.\nThere are no longer PHP notices cropping up when publishing via Cron.\nWe’ve fixed the official Sharing buttons so they now line up just right.\nThe PHP warnings of Sitemaps stylesheets have been eliminated.\nWe’ve done away with the warnings that appeared when Tonesque processes a file which claims to be one filetype, but is actually another.\nWe’ve exterminated PHP notices that appeared when using Random Redirect, as well as when the author wasn't set.\n",
"all_content_es_ES": " Jetpack por jetpack Automattic Performance comments gallery sharing contact Widgets shortcodes security Stats subscriptions jet pack Aumenta tu tráfico, mira tus estadísticas, aumenta la velocidad de tu sitio, y protégete de hackers con Jetpack \nJetpack simplifica la gestión de sitios de WordPress porque aporta estadísticas de visitantes, servicios de seguridad, aceleración de imágenes y, además, te ayuda a conseguir un mayor tráfico. Jetpack es un plugin gratuito.\n\nCrecimiento del tráfico y análisis\n\nJetpack te indica cuántas visitas recibe tu sitio y te ayuda a conseguir más tráfico mediante herramientas como Entradas relacionadas, Difundir, Distribución mejorada y Compartir.\n\nSeguridad\n\nJetpack protege tu sitio frente a ataques de fuerza bruta y accesos no autorizados. También supervisamos los tiempos de inactividad de tu sitio y mantenemos los plugins actualizados.\n\nRendimiento de la imagen\n\nJetpack optimiza y acelera automáticamente las imágenes mediante la red de entrega de contenido global De este modo, te ahorrarás los costes de alojamiento al reducir el ancho de banda.\n\nGestión centralizada\n\nCon Jetpack se suministra un escritorio centralizado en Gestiona plugins y menús, publica entradas y visualiza estadísticas mejoradas de todos tus sitios.\n\nVarias cosas más que les encantan a nuestros usuarios\n\nJetpack incluye otras funciones que te ayudan a personalizar tu sitio, incluido CSS personalizados, formularios de contacto, galerías y carruseles, notificaciones y suscripciones, widgets configurables y mucho más.\n\nAyuda específica\n\nWe have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nColaboración con Jetpack\n\nJetpack es un plugin de código abierto; de modo que animamos a que se hagan aportaciones a la comunidad: tanto si se trata de cumplidos, como de informes de errores, códigos o ideas. Todas son recibidas con los brazos abiertos. Obtén información acerca de cómo participar o piensa en la posibilidad de unirte a nuestro programa beta.\n\n\nEn nuestro sitio, podrás escribir la dirección del tuyo e instalar Jetpack.\n\nTambién puedes instalar Jetpack a través del directorio de plugins o cargando los archivos de forma manual en tu servidor. Tras activar Jetpack, conéctate a para habilitar las funciones de Jetpack.\n\nSi necesitas más ayuda, lee nuestras instrucciones detalladas (incluido un tutorial en vídeo).\n\n\n\n¿Es Jetpack gratis?\n¡Sí! Las funcionalidades básicas de Jetpack son y siempre serán gratuitas. Jetpack también integra servicios de pago como Akismet (antispam), Vaultpress (copias de seguridad), y VideoPress(alojamiento de vídeos), pero no son necesarias para que Jetpack funcione.\n¿Por qué necesito una cuenta de\nMuchos de nuestras funcionalidades principales (como Photon, estadísticas y Protect) hace uso de la la nube de Por esa razón Jetpack necesita una cuenta (gratuita) de Si no tienes ninguna todavía puedes crearla fácilmente durante el proceso de conexión de Jetpack.\nYa tengo una cuenta de WordPress, pero no funciona. ¿Qué está pasando?\nA account is different to the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\n¿Cómo ver mis estadísticas?\nEn cuanto instales Jetpack, tus estadísticas estarán disponibles a través de \"Estadísticas del sitio\", que aparece en el menú de Jetpack (en el menú del Escritorio de WordPress).\n¿Cómo puedo contribuir a Jetpack?\nHay oportunidades para contribuir para desarrolladores a todos los niveles. Aprende cómo contribuir a Jetpack o considera unirte a nuestro programa beta.\n\n\n\n\n4.4.1\n\n\nRelease date: November 22, 2016\n\n\nBug Fixes\n\n\nFixed an issue where some users with slower servers would get an error on the Jetpack dashboard when WP_DEBUG was enabled.\nFixed an issue where users on a Jetpack Professional plan who were paying monthly (as opposed to annually) wouldn’t be able to enable SEO Tools.\n\n\n4.4\n\n\nRelease date: November 21, 2016\nRelease post:\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nAdditional unit tests have been added to improve Jetpack's development process and stability.\nCustom post types have been added to the WP REST API output.\nMany of the screenshots throughout the plugin have been replaced by SVGs in order to make Jetpack smaller.\nNew endpoints have been added to allow the installation of plugin and theme zip files via the API.\nTwelve new filters to make Jetpack more extensible! See:\nNew widget: \"Google Translate\" to allow users to translate your site into their own language.\nNew widget: \"My Community\" where you can see who recently interacted with your site.\nOne of the biggest issues facing Jetpack users for years now has been difficulties in moving sites from one domain name to another. This update makes strides towards improving that process.\nPhoton now uses HTTPS by default. Secure all the things!\nThere are now helpful hints throughout the admin interface to make Jetpack easier to use.\nWe now allow you to embed pins, boards and profiles from Pinterest.\nWe've added a new feature: SEO Tools, available to Jetpack Professional subscribers. You can read more about our plans here:\nWe've made numerous improvements to the data sync process.\n\n\nCorrección de errores:\n\n\nFixed link to Akismet settings.\nImproved compatibility between Infinite Scroll and WPML.\nMove email notification settings back with the other email settings in the Discussion Settings.\nVarious minor performance/compatibility fixes.\n\n\n4.3.2\n\n\nRelease date: October 13, 2016\n\n\nEnhancements\n\n\nUnsaved changes were getting lost when users were navigating away from settings so we put in a confirmation message to prevent this from happening.\nWe've stopped counting carousel views in stats by default, you can use the jetpack_enable_carousel_stats filter to enable counting them again.\nStats are now responding faster.\nThere were several improvements and repairs made to sync including additional endpoints, performance enhancements, whitelisted data, better decision making around when to sync information, and more.\nMarkdown now has a CSS class on footnotes.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility:\n\n\nWe've improved compatibility with Kinsta by automatically turning on Staging Mode for Jetpack when in a staging environment.\n\n\nCorrección de errores:\n\n\nSeveral fixes have been made to sync to repair issues with Publicize, Notifications, and Subscriptions.\nWe removed PHP warnings by checking to make sure json language files like jetpack-en_US.json are readable before we load them.\nWe found an unused option in Gravatar Hovercard settings and removed it.\nThe correct support link is now being used to make it easier for you to connect with the Jetpack team if you need us.\nThe permissions check for plugin information retrieval was fixed as well.\nSome plugins were adding content on outbound http requests causing an infinite loop we fixed this right up.\nWe removed some warnings that were occurring when translations didn't exist by adding a fallback.\nWe've added Moroccan Arabic translations, and switched to language packs for Croatian, Spanish (Chile) and Greek.\nSync was running into issues so we've limited dequeue time to 1/3 of PHP's max execution time, which has unclogged the problem.\nWe're now sending full and incremental queues separately so that a failure in one doesn't block the other.\nThere was a JavaScript enqueuing error with our Sharing feature that has been repaired.\nThe Top Posts widget now includes the ability to list attachment (media) pages.\nWe weren't building CPT links correctly resulting in bad navigation, which is now fixed.\nWe removed the form legend for default Tiled Gallery settings as it doesn't relate.\nWith shortcodes we now return early from processing them if no string is passed, as they are required.\n\n\n4.3.1\n\n\nRelease date: September 8, 2016\n\n\nSupport Enhancements\n\n\nWe're now syncing data about hosts so that we can provide better support when needed.\nMinor update to inline docs to match version numbers.\n\n\nCorrección de errores:\n\n\nAdmin Page: fix error when Admin Page resources could not be fetched with wp_remote_get due to unique host configurations.\nAdmin Page: fix error when Post By Email could not be enabled when the browser's dev console was enabled.\nAdmin Page: make sure all translated strings are encoded properly.\nAdmin Page: only use POST requests for updating the state of Jetpack, to avoid issues on servers not allowing PUT requests.\nAdmin Page: search icon no longer overlaps the global notices.\nAdmin Page: make sure that non-admins can also modify Spellchecking settings.\nGeneral: Improve random number generation for compatibility with more hosts.\nGeneral: Add deprecated PHP file (class.jetpack-landing-page.php) back as an empty file, to avoid generating fatal errors on sites with aggressive caching.\nGeneral: Ensure concatenated CSS is generated for RTL languages.\nSecurity: Ensure that all options are included on the security tab.\nStats: fix display for sites with pretty permalinks disabled.\nSubscriptions: ensure that no email is sent when updating a published post.\nSync: To improve performance, add snapTW to the list of post meta data that won't be synchronized for each post.\nSync: do not schedule a full sync after each import.\nVerification Tools: in the Settings card, use appropriate link for each service.\n\n\n4.3\n\n\nRelease date: September 6th, 2016\n\n\nExciting Performance and UI Improvements:\n\n\nWe have launched the all new React powered interface, a year in the making, designed to give you better control of your favorite Jetpack features.\n\n\n4.2.2\n\n\nRelease date: August 19th, 2016\n\n\nCorrección de errores:\n\n\nWe fixed the code which displays the Facebook share count to accomodate Facebook's new data structure.\nWe fixed an issue which caused PHP notices to get logged for users of the Twenty Fourteen theme.\nWe fixed an issue with the Minileven mobile theme which was preventing it from loading.\nImproved Sync performance.\nIncrease security by sanitizing a URL used in the SSO process.\n\n\n4.2.1\n\n\nRelease date: August 17th, 2016\n\n\nCorrección de errores:\n\n\nWe fixed a conflict between Jetpack and W3 Total Cache.\nWe fixed some issues with Publicize and Custom Post Types.\nVery large Multisite networks with lots of users can now be synchronized with\nWe improved the synchronization process between your site and\n\n\n4.2\n\n\nRelease date: August 10th, 2016\n\n\nMejoras en el rendimiento:\n\n\nWe’ve improved Jetpack’s performance by making calls to the database more efficient; essentially, Jetpack is doing less on each page load, making things faster. #4281, #4316\nWe’ve ensured that every feature uses information that is up to date by completely refactoring the way information was synchronized between your site and\nWe've improved the way Jetpack queries for information about features, which results in less overall queries.\n\n\nExciting Feature and UI Improvements:\n\n\nWe now track your visitor views of Carousel images in stats.\nYou can now customize advanced typographic settings like ligatures in the Custom CSS editor with new support for the font-feature-settings property.\nWe’ve improved the experience when you don’t actually have enough posts to Infinitely Scroll.\nOur Contact Info Widget allows you to enter a Google Maps API Key which is now required by Google if you want to display a map.\n\n\nSecurity:\n\n\nWe’re continuing our efforts to harden Jetpack security, by implementing the hash_equals() function to avoid timing attacks when comparing strings. We also improved security on CSVs exported from your contact form.\n\n\nSlightly Less Exciting Feature Improvements:\n\n\nThe Cartodb shortcode has been changed to match the new product name, Carto.\nThe YouTube shortcode now uses the content width defined by the theme when available, even if an embed size was defined in an old version of WordPress.\nBreadcrumbs now support hierarchical post types and taxonomies.\nWe’ve added the Portfolio Post Type to the REST API whitelist.\nThere are a few new parameters for the Dailymotion shortcode.\n\n\nImproved Compatibility:\n\n\nWe now work well with WP Stagecoach staging sites, so you should not see any future impact on production sites.\nWe had some PHP notices popping up in the WooCommerce plugin wizard screen, these are gone.\n\n\nCorrección de errores:\n\n\nWe stopped loading compatibility stylesheets on the default theme's singular views for Infinite Scroll.\nDebug tests forwarded through the contact form in the Jetpack Debug menu are now successfully sent to the support team.\nWe’ve removed the PHP notices you might have seen when moderating comments.\nThere are no longer PHP notices cropping up when publishing via Cron.\nWe’ve fixed the official Sharing buttons so they now line up just right.\nThe PHP warnings of Sitemaps stylesheets have been eliminated.\nWe’ve done away with the warnings that appeared when Tonesque processes a file which claims to be one filetype, but is actually another.\nWe’ve exterminated PHP notices that appeared when using Random Redirect, as well as when the author wasn't set.\n",
"title_fa_IR": "Jetpack کاری از",
"excerpt_fa_IR": "افزایش ترافیک، مشاهده آمار،افزایش سرعت سایت و حفظ امنیت شما درمقابل هکرها با افزونه Jetpack.",
"content_fa_IR": "\nJetpack simplifies managing WordPress sites by giving you visitor stats, security services, speeding up images, and helping you get more traffic. Jetpack is a free plugin.\n\nافزایش ترافیک & اهداف\n\nJetpack tells you how many visits your site gets and helps you get more traffic with tools like Related Posts, Publicize, Enhanced Distribution, and Sharing.\n\nامنیت\n\nJetpack protects your site against brute force attacks and unauthorised logins. We also monitor your site for downtime and keep your plugins updated.\n\nعملکرد تصویر\n\nJetpack automatically optimizes and speeds up images using the global content delivery network. This saves you hosting costs by reducing bandwidth.\n\nمدیریت متمرکز\n\nWith Jetpack comes a centralized dashboard on Manage plugins and menus, publish posts, and view enhanced site stats for all of your sites.\n\nچیزهایی که کاربران ما علاقمندند\n\nJetpack includes other features that help you customize your site including Custom CSS, Contact Forms, Galleries and Carousels, Notifications and Subscriptions, Configurable Widgets, and many more.\n\nپشتیبانی اختصاصی\n\nWe have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nمشارکت در Jetpack\n\nJetpack is open-source and we actively encourage community contributions: whether it's a compliment, bug report, code, or an idea we welcome it with open arms! Learn about contributing or consider joining our beta program.\n\n\nنصب افزونه از سایت ما با تایپ آدرس سایت.\n\nمی توانید افزونه Jetpack را در دایرکتوری افزونه‌ها نصب کنید یا شخصا از طریق بارگذاری پرونده در سرور نصب کنید. بعدازفعال کردن افزونه برای فعالسازی ویژگی‌ها به متصل شوید.\n\nIf you need additional help read our detailed instructions (including a video walkthrough).\n\n\n\nآیا افزونه Jetpack رایگانه؟\nYes! The core features of Jetpack are and always will be free. Jetpack also integrates with paid services like Akismet (anti-spam), VaultPress (backups), and VideoPress (video hosting) but these are not required for Jetpack to function.\nچرا من به حساب‌کاربری نیاز دارم؟\nMany of our core features (like Photon, Stats, and Protect) make use of the cloud. For this to happen Jetpack requires a (free) account. If you don't have one already you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\nI already have a WordPress account, but it's not working. What's going on?\nA account is different to the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\nHow do I view my stats?\nOnce you've installed Jetpack your stats will be available via \"Site Stats\" which appears in the Jetpack menu (under your Dashboard menu within WordPress).\nچطور میتوانم در Jetpack مشارکت کنم؟\nThere are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. Learn more about contributing to Jetpack or consider joining our beta program.\n\n\n\n",
"all_content_fa_IR": " Jetpack کاری از jetpack Automattic Performance comments gallery sharing contact Widgets shortcodes security Stats subscriptions jet pack افزایش ترافیک، مشاهده آمار،افزایش سرعت سایت و حفظ امنیت شما درمقابل هکرها با افزونه Jetpack. \nJetpack simplifies managing WordPress sites by giving you visitor stats, security services, speeding up images, and helping you get more traffic. Jetpack is a free plugin.\n\nافزایش ترافیک & اهداف\n\nJetpack tells you how many visits your site gets and helps you get more traffic with tools like Related Posts, Publicize, Enhanced Distribution, and Sharing.\n\nامنیت\n\nJetpack protects your site against brute force attacks and unauthorised logins. We also monitor your site for downtime and keep your plugins updated.\n\nعملکرد تصویر\n\nJetpack automatically optimizes and speeds up images using the global content delivery network. This saves you hosting costs by reducing bandwidth.\n\nمدیریت متمرکز\n\nWith Jetpack comes a centralized dashboard on Manage plugins and menus, publish posts, and view enhanced site stats for all of your sites.\n\nچیزهایی که کاربران ما علاقمندند\n\nJetpack includes other features that help you customize your site including Custom CSS, Contact Forms, Galleries and Carousels, Notifications and Subscriptions, Configurable Widgets, and many more.\n\nپشتیبانی اختصاصی\n\nWe have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nمشارکت در Jetpack\n\nJetpack is open-source and we actively encourage community contributions: whether it's a compliment, bug report, code, or an idea we welcome it with open arms! Learn about contributing or consider joining our beta program.\n\n\nنصب افزونه از سایت ما با تایپ آدرس سایت.\n\nمی توانید افزونه Jetpack را در دایرکتوری افزونه‌ها نصب کنید یا شخصا از طریق بارگذاری پرونده در سرور نصب کنید. بعدازفعال کردن افزونه برای فعالسازی ویژگی‌ها به متصل شوید.\n\nIf you need additional help read our detailed instructions (including a video walkthrough).\n\n\n\nآیا افزونه Jetpack رایگانه؟\nYes! The core features of Jetpack are and always will be free. Jetpack also integrates with paid services like Akismet (anti-spam), VaultPress (backups), and VideoPress (video hosting) but these are not required for Jetpack to function.\nچرا من به حساب‌کاربری نیاز دارم؟\nMany of our core features (like Photon, Stats, and Protect) make use of the cloud. For this to happen Jetpack requires a (free) account. If you don't have one already you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\nI already have a WordPress account, but it's not working. What's going on?\nA account is different to the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\nHow do I view my stats?\nOnce you've installed Jetpack your stats will be available via \"Site Stats\" which appears in the Jetpack menu (under your Dashboard menu within WordPress).\nچطور میتوانم در Jetpack مشارکت کنم؟\nThere are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. Learn more about contributing to Jetpack or consider joining our beta program.\n\n\n\n",
"title_ro_RO": "Jetpack de",
"excerpt_ro_RO": "Cu Jetpack îți mărești traficul, îți vizualizezi statisticile, îți crești viteza sitului și ești protejat de hackeri.",
"content_ro_RO": "\nJetpack simplifică gestionarea siturilor WordPress dându-ți statistici despre vizitatori, servicii de securitate, accelerarea utilizării imaginilor și ajutor în a obține mai mult trafic. Jetpack e un modul gratuit.\n\nCreșterea traficului și informații\n\nJetpack îți spune câte vizite a primit situl tău și te ajută să ai mai mult trafic folosind unelte ca Articole similare, Publicitate, Distribuție îmbunătățită sau Partajare.\n\nSecuritate\n\nJetpack îți protejează situl împotriva atacurilor cu forță brută sau autentificări neautorizate. Îți monitorizăm de asemenea situl pentru căderi și-ți menținem modulele actualizate.\n\nPerformanță imagine\n\nJetpack optimizează și accelerează automat utilizarea imaginilor folosind rețeaua de distribuție de conținut (CDN - content delivery network) a Poți face astfel economii la costurile de găzduire prin reducerea lățimii de bandă.\n\nManagement centralizat\n\nCu Jetpack vine și un panou de control centralizat pe Gestiunea modulelor și meniurilor, articolelor publicate și statistici de sit îmbunătățite pentru toate siturile tale.\n\nÎncă câteva lucruri ce le plac utilizatorilor noștri\n\nJetpack include și alte funcționalități ce te ajută să-ți personalizezi situl, cum ar fi CSS personalizat, Formulare de contact, Galerii și Carusele, Notificări și Abonări, Piese configurabile și multe altele.\n\nSuport dedicat\n\nWe have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nContribuții la Jetpack\n\nJetpack este open-source iar noi încurajăm activ contribuțiile comunității: fie că sunt un compliment, semnalarea unei erori, cod, sau o idee, le întâmpinăm pe toate cu brațele deschise! Află mai multe despre cum să contribui sau gândește-te să te alături programului nostru beta.\n\n\nInstalează Jetpack de pe situl nostru introducând adresa sitului tău.\n\nAlternativ, poți instala Jetpack via directorul de module, sau încărcând manual fișierele pe serverul tău. După ce ai activat Jetpack, conectează-te la pentru a valida funcționalitățile lui Jetpack.\n\nDacă ai nevoie de ajutor suplimentar citește instrucțiunile noastre detaliate (inclusiv un video de prezentare).\n\n\n\nEste Jetpack gratuit?\nYes! The core features of Jetpack are and always will be free. Jetpack also integrates with paid services like Akismet (anti-spam), VaultPress (backups), and VideoPress (video hosting) but these are not required for Jetpack to function.\nDe ce am nevoie de un cont\nMulte din facilitățile de bază (cum ar fi Foton, Statistici și Protecție) folosesc norul Pentru ca aceasta să se întâmple Jetpack necesită un cont (gratuit) Dacă nu ai deja unul poți să ți-l creezi cu ușurință în timpul procesului de conectare al Jetpack.\nAm deja un cont WordPress, dar ei nu funcționează. Ce se întâmplă?\nA account is different to the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\nCum pot să-mi văd statisticile?\nDupă ce ai instalat Jetpack statisticile tale vor fi disponibile la \"Statistici sit\", care apar în meniul Jetpack (sub meniul Panou control din WordPress).\nCum pot să contribui la Jetpack?\nSunt oportunități pentru contribuții ale dezvoltatorilor la toate nivelurile. Află mai multe despre cum să contribui la Jetpack sau gândește-te să te alături programului nostru beta.\n\n\n\n\n4.3.2\n \nRelease date: October 13, 2016\n\n Enhancements\n \nUnsaved changes were getting lost when users were navigating away from settings so we put in a confirmation message to prevent this from happening.\nWe've stopped counting carousel views in stats by default, you can use the jetpack_enable_carousel_stats filter to enable counting them again.\nStats are now responding faster.\nThere were several improvements and repairs made to sync including additional endpoints, performance enhancements, whitelisted data, better decision making around when to sync information, and more.\nMarkdown now has a CSS class on footnotes.\nSite stats have been restored to the Jetpack submenu.\n\n Improved Compatibility:\n \nWe've improved compatibility with Kinsta by automatically turning on Staging Mode for Jetpack when in a staging environment.\n\n Corecții de erori:\n \nSeveral fixes have been made to sync to repair issues with Publicize, Notifications, and Subscriptions.\nWe removed PHP warnings by checking to make sure json language files like jetpack-en_US.json are readable before we load them.\nWe found an unused option in Gravatar Hovercard settings and removed it.\nThe correct support link is now being used to make it easier for you to connect with the Jetpack team if you need us.\nThe permissions check for plugin information retrieval was fixed as well.\nSome plugins were adding content on outbound http requests causing an infinite loop we fixed this right up.\nWe removed some warnings that were occurring when translations didn't exist by adding a fallback.\nWe've added Moroccan Arabic translations, and switched to language packs for Croatian, Spanish (Chile) and Greek.\nSync was running into issues so we've limited dequeue time to 1/3 of PHP's max execution time, which has unclogged the problem.\nWe're now sending full and incremental queues separately so that a failure in one doesn't block the other.\nThere was a JavaScript enqueuing error with our Sharing feature that has been repaired.\nThe Top Posts widget now includes the ability to list attachment (media) pages.\nWe weren't building CPT links correctly resulting in bad navigation, which is now fixed.\nWe removed the form legend for default Tiled Gallery settings as it doesn't relate.\nWith shortcodes we now return early from processing them if no string is passed, as they are required.\n\n 4.3.1\n \nRelease date: September 8, 2016\n\n Support Enhancements\n \nWe're now syncing data about hosts so that we can provide better support when needed.\nMinor update to inline docs to match version numbers.\n\n Corecții de erori:\n \nAdmin Page: fix error when Admin Page resources could not be fetched with wp_remote_get due to unique host configurations.\nAdmin Page: fix error when Post By Email could not be enabled when the browser's dev console was enabled.\nAdmin Page: make sure all translated strings are encoded properly.\nAdmin Page: only use POST requests for updating the state of Jetpack, to avoid issues on servers not allowing PUT requests.\nAdmin Page: search icon no longer overlaps the global notices.\nAdmin Page: make sure that non-admins can also modify Spellchecking settings.\nGeneral: Improve random number generation for compatibility with more hosts.\nGeneral: Add deprecated PHP file (class.jetpack-landing-page.php) back as an empty file, to avoid generating fatal errors on sites with aggressive caching.\nGeneral: Ensure concatenated CSS is generated for RTL languages.\nSecurity: Ensure that all options are included on the security tab.\nStats: fix display for sites with pretty permalinks disabled.\nSubscriptions: ensure that no email is sent when updating a published post.\nSync: To improve performance, add snapTW to the list of post meta data that won't be synchronized for each post.\nSync: do not schedule a full sync after each import.\nVerification Tools: in the Settings card, use appropriate link for each service.\n\n 4.3\n \nRelease date: September 6th, 2016\n\n Exciting Performance and UI Improvements:\n \nWe have launched the all new React powered interface, a year in the making, designed to give you better control of your favorite Jetpack features.\n\n 4.2.2\n \nRelease date: August 19th, 2016\n\n Corecții de erori:\n \nWe fixed the code which displays the Facebook share count to accomodate Facebook's new data structure.\nWe fixed an issue which caused PHP notices to get logged for users of the Twenty Fourteen theme.\nWe fixed an issue with the Minileven mobile theme which was preventing it from loading.\nImproved Sync performance.\nIncrease security by sanitizing a URL used in the SSO process.\n\n 4.2.1\n \nRelease date: August 17th, 2016\n\n Corecții de erori:\n \nWe fixed a conflict between Jetpack and W3 Total Cache.\nWe fixed some issues with Publicize and Custom Post Types.\nVery large Multisite networks with lots of users can now be synchronized with\nWe improved the synchronization process between your site and\n\n 4.2\n \nRelease date: August 10th, 2016\n\n Îmbunătățiri pentru performanță:\n \nWe’ve improved Jetpack’s performance by making calls to the database more efficient; essentially, Jetpack is doing less on each page load, making things faster. #4281, #4316\nWe’ve ensured that every feature uses information that is up to date by completely refactoring the way information was synchronized between your site and\nWe've improved the way Jetpack queries for information about features, which results in less overall queries.\n\n Exciting Feature and UI Improvements:\n \nWe now track your visitor views of Carousel images in stats.\nYou can now customize advanced typographic settings like ligatures in the Custom CSS editor with new support for the font-feature-settings property.\nWe’ve improved the experience when you don’t actually have enough posts to Infinitely Scroll.\nOur Contact Info Widget allows you to enter a Google Maps API Key which is now required by Google if you want to display a map.\n\n Security:\n \nWe’re continuing our efforts to harden Jetpack security, by implementing the hash_equals() function to avoid timing attacks when comparing strings. We also improved security on CSVs exported from your contact form.\n\n Slightly Less Exciting Feature Improvements:\n \nThe Cartodb shortcode has been changed to match the new product name, Carto.\nThe YouTube shortcode now uses the content width defined by the theme when available, even if an embed size was defined in an old version of WordPress.\nBreadcrumbs now support hierarchical post types and taxonomies.\nWe’ve added the Portfolio Post Type to the REST API whitelist.\nThere are a few new parameters for the Dailymotion shortcode.\n\n Improved Compatibility:\n \nWe now work well with WP Stagecoach staging sites, so you should not see any future impact on production sites.\nWe had some PHP notices popping up in the WooCommerce plugin wizard screen, these are gone.\n\n Corecții de erori:\n \nWe stopped loading compatibility stylesheets on the default theme's singular views for Infinite Scroll.\nDebug tests forwarded through the contact form in the Jetpack Debug menu are now successfully sent to the support team.\nWe’ve removed the PHP notices you might have seen when moderating comments.\nThere are no longer PHP notices cropping up when publishing via Cron.\nWe’ve fixed the official Sharing buttons so they now line up just right.\nThe PHP warnings of Sitemaps stylesheets have been eliminated.\nWe’ve done away with the warnings that appeared when Tonesque processes a file which claims to be one filetype, but is actually another.\nWe’ve exterminated PHP notices that appeared when using Random Redirect, as well as when the author wasn't set.\n",
"all_content_ro_RO": " Jetpack de jetpack Automattic Performance comments gallery sharing contact Widgets shortcodes security Stats subscriptions jet pack Cu Jetpack îți mărești traficul, îți vizualizezi statisticile, îți crești viteza sitului și ești protejat de hackeri. \nJetpack simplifică gestionarea siturilor WordPress dându-ți statistici despre vizitatori, servicii de securitate, accelerarea utilizării imaginilor și ajutor în a obține mai mult trafic. Jetpack e un modul gratuit.\n\nCreșterea traficului și informații\n\nJetpack îți spune câte vizite a primit situl tău și te ajută să ai mai mult trafic folosind unelte ca Articole similare, Publicitate, Distribuție îmbunătățită sau Partajare.\n\nSecuritate\n\nJetpack îți protejează situl împotriva atacurilor cu forță brută sau autentificări neautorizate. Îți monitorizăm de asemenea situl pentru căderi și-ți menținem modulele actualizate.\n\nPerformanță imagine\n\nJetpack optimizează și accelerează automat utilizarea imaginilor folosind rețeaua de distribuție de conținut (CDN - content delivery network) a Poți face astfel economii la costurile de găzduire prin reducerea lățimii de bandă.\n\nManagement centralizat\n\nCu Jetpack vine și un panou de control centralizat pe Gestiunea modulelor și meniurilor, articolelor publicate și statistici de sit îmbunătățite pentru toate siturile tale.\n\nÎncă câteva lucruri ce le plac utilizatorilor noștri\n\nJetpack include și alte funcționalități ce te ajută să-ți personalizezi situl, cum ar fi CSS personalizat, Formulare de contact, Galerii și Carusele, Notificări și Abonări, Piese configurabile și multe altele.\n\nSuport dedicat\n\nWe have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nContribuții la Jetpack\n\nJetpack este open-source iar noi încurajăm activ contribuțiile comunității: fie că sunt un compliment, semnalarea unei erori, cod, sau o idee, le întâmpinăm pe toate cu brațele deschise! Află mai multe despre cum să contribui sau gândește-te să te alături programului nostru beta.\n\n\nInstalează Jetpack de pe situl nostru introducând adresa sitului tău.\n\nAlternativ, poți instala Jetpack via directorul de module, sau încărcând manual fișierele pe serverul tău. După ce ai activat Jetpack, conectează-te la pentru a valida funcționalitățile lui Jetpack.\n\nDacă ai nevoie de ajutor suplimentar citește instrucțiunile noastre detaliate (inclusiv un video de prezentare).\n\n\n\nEste Jetpack gratuit?\nYes! The core features of Jetpack are and always will be free. Jetpack also integrates with paid services like Akismet (anti-spam), VaultPress (backups), and VideoPress (video hosting) but these are not required for Jetpack to function.\nDe ce am nevoie de un cont\nMulte din facilitățile de bază (cum ar fi Foton, Statistici și Protecție) folosesc norul Pentru ca aceasta să se întâmple Jetpack necesită un cont (gratuit) Dacă nu ai deja unul poți să ți-l creezi cu ușurință în timpul procesului de conectare al Jetpack.\nAm deja un cont WordPress, dar ei nu funcționează. Ce se întâmplă?\nA account is different to the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\nCum pot să-mi văd statisticile?\nDupă ce ai instalat Jetpack statisticile tale vor fi disponibile la \"Statistici sit\", care apar în meniul Jetpack (sub meniul Panou control din WordPress).\nCum pot să contribui la Jetpack?\nSunt oportunități pentru contribuții ale dezvoltatorilor la toate nivelurile. Află mai multe despre cum să contribui la Jetpack sau gândește-te să te alături programului nostru beta.\n\n\n\n\n4.3.2\n \nRelease date: October 13, 2016\n\n Enhancements\n \nUnsaved changes were getting lost when users were navigating away from settings so we put in a confirmation message to prevent this from happening.\nWe've stopped counting carousel views in stats by default, you can use the jetpack_enable_carousel_stats filter to enable counting them again.\nStats are now responding faster.\nThere were several improvements and repairs made to sync including additional endpoints, performance enhancements, whitelisted data, better decision making around when to sync information, and more.\nMarkdown now has a CSS class on footnotes.\nSite stats have been restored to the Jetpack submenu.\n\n Improved Compatibility:\n \nWe've improved compatibility with Kinsta by automatically turning on Staging Mode for Jetpack when in a staging environment.\n\n Corecții de erori:\n \nSeveral fixes have been made to sync to repair issues with Publicize, Notifications, and Subscriptions.\nWe removed PHP warnings by checking to make sure json language files like jetpack-en_US.json are readable before we load them.\nWe found an unused option in Gravatar Hovercard settings and removed it.\nThe correct support link is now being used to make it easier for you to connect with the Jetpack team if you need us.\nThe permissions check for plugin information retrieval was fixed as well.\nSome plugins were adding content on outbound http requests causing an infinite loop we fixed this right up.\nWe removed some warnings that were occurring when translations didn't exist by adding a fallback.\nWe've added Moroccan Arabic translations, and switched to language packs for Croatian, Spanish (Chile) and Greek.\nSync was running into issues so we've limited dequeue time to 1/3 of PHP's max execution time, which has unclogged the problem.\nWe're now sending full and incremental queues separately so that a failure in one doesn't block the other.\nThere was a JavaScript enqueuing error with our Sharing feature that has been repaired.\nThe Top Posts widget now includes the ability to list attachment (media) pages.\nWe weren't building CPT links correctly resulting in bad navigation, which is now fixed.\nWe removed the form legend for default Tiled Gallery settings as it doesn't relate.\nWith shortcodes we now return early from processing them if no string is passed, as they are required.\n\n 4.3.1\n \nRelease date: September 8, 2016\n\n Support Enhancements\n \nWe're now syncing data about hosts so that we can provide better support when needed.\nMinor update to inline docs to match version numbers.\n\n Corecții de erori:\n \nAdmin Page: fix error when Admin Page resources could not be fetched with wp_remote_get due to unique host configurations.\nAdmin Page: fix error when Post By Email could not be enabled when the browser's dev console was enabled.\nAdmin Page: make sure all translated strings are encoded properly.\nAdmin Page: only use POST requests for updating the state of Jetpack, to avoid issues on servers not allowing PUT requests.\nAdmin Page: search icon no longer overlaps the global notices.\nAdmin Page: make sure that non-admins can also modify Spellchecking settings.\nGeneral: Improve random number generation for compatibility with more hosts.\nGeneral: Add deprecated PHP file (class.jetpack-landing-page.php) back as an empty file, to avoid generating fatal errors on sites with aggressive caching.\nGeneral: Ensure concatenated CSS is generated for RTL languages.\nSecurity: Ensure that all options are included on the security tab.\nStats: fix display for sites with pretty permalinks disabled.\nSubscriptions: ensure that no email is sent when updating a published post.\nSync: To improve performance, add snapTW to the list of post meta data that won't be synchronized for each post.\nSync: do not schedule a full sync after each import.\nVerification Tools: in the Settings card, use appropriate link for each service.\n\n 4.3\n \nRelease date: September 6th, 2016\n\n Exciting Performance and UI Improvements:\n \nWe have launched the all new React powered interface, a year in the making, designed to give you better control of your favorite Jetpack features.\n\n 4.2.2\n \nRelease date: August 19th, 2016\n\n Corecții de erori:\n \nWe fixed the code which displays the Facebook share count to accomodate Facebook's new data structure.\nWe fixed an issue which caused PHP notices to get logged for users of the Twenty Fourteen theme.\nWe fixed an issue with the Minileven mobile theme which was preventing it from loading.\nImproved Sync performance.\nIncrease security by sanitizing a URL used in the SSO process.\n\n 4.2.1\n \nRelease date: August 17th, 2016\n\n Corecții de erori:\n \nWe fixed a conflict between Jetpack and W3 Total Cache.\nWe fixed some issues with Publicize and Custom Post Types.\nVery large Multisite networks with lots of users can now be synchronized with\nWe improved the synchronization process between your site and\n\n 4.2\n \nRelease date: August 10th, 2016\n\n Îmbunătățiri pentru performanță:\n \nWe’ve improved Jetpack’s performance by making calls to the database more efficient; essentially, Jetpack is doing less on each page load, making things faster. #4281, #4316\nWe’ve ensured that every feature uses information that is up to date by completely refactoring the way information was synchronized between your site and\nWe've improved the way Jetpack queries for information about features, which results in less overall queries.\n\n Exciting Feature and UI Improvements:\n \nWe now track your visitor views of Carousel images in stats.\nYou can now customize advanced typographic settings like ligatures in the Custom CSS editor with new support for the font-feature-settings property.\nWe’ve improved the experience when you don’t actually have enough posts to Infinitely Scroll.\nOur Contact Info Widget allows you to enter a Google Maps API Key which is now required by Google if you want to display a map.\n\n Security:\n \nWe’re continuing our efforts to harden Jetpack security, by implementing the hash_equals() function to avoid timing attacks when comparing strings. We also improved security on CSVs exported from your contact form.\n\n Slightly Less Exciting Feature Improvements:\n \nThe Cartodb shortcode has been changed to match the new product name, Carto.\nThe YouTube shortcode now uses the content width defined by the theme when available, even if an embed size was defined in an old version of WordPress.\nBreadcrumbs now support hierarchical post types and taxonomies.\nWe’ve added the Portfolio Post Type to the REST API whitelist.\nThere are a few new parameters for the Dailymotion shortcode.\n\n Improved Compatibility:\n \nWe now work well with WP Stagecoach staging sites, so you should not see any future impact on production sites.\nWe had some PHP notices popping up in the WooCommerce plugin wizard screen, these are gone.\n\n Corecții de erori:\n \nWe stopped loading compatibility stylesheets on the default theme's singular views for Infinite Scroll.\nDebug tests forwarded through the contact form in the Jetpack Debug menu are now successfully sent to the support team.\nWe’ve removed the PHP notices you might have seen when moderating comments.\nThere are no longer PHP notices cropping up when publishing via Cron.\nWe’ve fixed the official Sharing buttons so they now line up just right.\nThe PHP warnings of Sitemaps stylesheets have been eliminated.\nWe’ve done away with the warnings that appeared when Tonesque processes a file which claims to be one filetype, but is actually another.\nWe’ve exterminated PHP notices that appeared when using Random Redirect, as well as when the author wasn't set.\n",
"title_sq": "Jetpack nga",
"excerpt_sq": "Shtoni trafikun tuaj, shihni statistikat tuaja, bëjeni sajtin tuaj më të shpejtë, dhe mbroni veten nga hacker-ët, me Jetpack.",
"content_sq": "\nJetpack-u e thjeshtëzon administrimin e sajteve WordPress duke ju dhënë statistika vizitorësh, shërbime sigurie, përshpejtim të shërbimit të figurave, dhe duke ju ndihmuar të keni më tepër trafik. Jetpack-u është një shtojcë falas.\n\nShtim & Tendenca Trafiku\n\nJetpack-u ju tregon se sa vizita i vijnë sajtit tuaj dhe ju ndihmon të keni më tepër trafik, me mjete të tilla si Postime të Afërta, Publicizo, Shpërndarje e Zgjeruar, dhe Ndarje Me të Tjerë.\n\nSiguri\n\nJetpack-u e mbron sajtin tuaj nga sulme brute force dhe hyrje të paautorizuara. Sajtin tuaj e mbajmë gjithashtu nën vëzhgim për kohë mospunimi dhe që shtojcat tuaja të jenë të përditësuara.\n\nPerformancë Figurash\n\nJetpack-u i optimizon dhe përshpjeton shërbimin e figurave vetvetiu, duke përdorur rrjetin global të shpërndarjes së lëndës. Kjo ju kursen kosto strehimi, duke ulur harxhimin e bandës.\n\nAdministrim i Centralizuar\n\nBashkë me Jetpack-un ju vjen një pult i centralizuar në Administroni shtojca dhe menu, botoni postime, dhe shihni statistika të thelluara sajti, për krejt sajtet tuaj.\n\nEdhe pak gjëra të tjera që përdoruesit tanë i duan fort\n\nJetpack përfshin veçori të tjera që ju ndihmojnë ta bëni sajtin si ta doni, përfshi CSS Vetjake, Formularë Kontaktesh, Galeri dhe Rrotullame, Njoftime dhe Pajtime, Widget-e të Formësueshëm, dhe mjaft të tjera.\n\nAsistencë e Përkushtuar\n\nWe have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nNdihmesë në Jetpack\n\nJetpack-u është me burim të hapur dhe e nxisim vazhdimisht kontributin e bashkësisë: qoftë kur bëhet fjalë për një plotësim, njoftim të metash, kod, ose një ide, e presim me krahë hapur! Mësoni si të jepni ndihmesë ose shihni mundësinë e pjesëmarrjes në programin tonë beta.\n\n\nInstalojeni Jetpack-un prej sajtit tuaj duke shkruar adresën e tij\n\nMënyrë tjetër, instalojeni Jetpack-un përmes listës së shtojcave, ose duke i ngarkuar kartelat dorazi te shërbyesi juaj. Pas aktivizimit të Jetpack-ut, lidhuni me që të aktivizoni veçoritë Jetpack.\n\nNëse ju duhet ndihmë shtesë lexoni udhëzimet tona të hollësishme (përfshi një video ilustruese).\n\n\n\nA është falas Jetpack-u?\nPo! Veçoritë bazë të Jetpack-ut janë dhe do të jenë përherë falas. Jetpack-u integrohet edhe me shërbime me pagesë, të tillë si Akismet (anti-mesazhe të padëshiruar), VaultPress (kopjeruajtje), dhe VideoPress (strehim videosh), por këto s’janë të domosdoshme për funksionimin e Jetpack-ut.\nPse më duhet një llogari\nMjaft nga veçoritë toan bazë (si Photon, Statistika, dhe Protect) përdorin renë Që të arrihet kjo Jetpack-u lyp një llogari (falas) Nëse nuk keni një të tillë tashmë, mund të krijoni një lehtësisht gjatë procesit të lidhjes së Jetpack-ut.\nKam tashmë një llogari WordPress, por nuk funksionon. Ç’po ndodh?\nA account is different to the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\nSi t’i shoh statistikat e mia?\nPasi të keni instaluar Jetpack-un, statistikat tuaja do të gjenden te \"Statistika Sajti\" që duket te menuja Jetpack (nën menunë Pult, brenda WordPress-it).\nSi të kontribuoj te Jetpack-u?\nKa mundësi pjesëmarrjeje për zhvilluesit e të gjitha niveleve. Mësoni më tepër rreth dhënies së ndihmesës në Jetpack ose shihni mundësinë e pjesëmarrjes në programin tonë beta.\n\n\n\n\n4.3.2\n \nRelease date: October 13, 2016\n\n Enhancements\n \nUnsaved changes were getting lost when users were navigating away from settings so we put in a confirmation message to prevent this from happening.\nWe've stopped counting carousel views in stats by default, you can use the jetpack_enable_carousel_stats filter to enable counting them again.\nStats are now responding faster.\nThere were several improvements and repairs made to sync including additional endpoints, performance enhancements, whitelisted data, better decision making around when to sync information, and more.\nMarkdown now has a CSS class on footnotes.\nSite stats have been restored to the Jetpack submenu.\n\n Improved Compatibility:\n \nWe've improved compatibility with Kinsta by automatically turning on Staging Mode for Jetpack when in a staging environment.\n\n Ndreqje të Metash:\n \nSeveral fixes have been made to sync to repair issues with Publicize, Notifications, and Subscriptions.\nWe removed PHP warnings by checking to make sure json language files like jetpack-en_US.json are readable before we load them.\nWe found an unused option in Gravatar Hovercard settings and removed it.\nThe correct support link is now being used to make it easier for you to connect with the Jetpack team if you need us.\nThe permissions check for plugin information retrieval was fixed as well.\nSome plugins were adding content on outbound http requests causing an infinite loop we fixed this right up.\nWe removed some warnings that were occurring when translations didn't exist by adding a fallback.\nWe've added Moroccan Arabic translations, and switched to language packs for Croatian, Spanish (Chile) and Greek.\nSync was running into issues so we've limited dequeue time to 1/3 of PHP's max execution time, which has unclogged the problem.\nWe're now sending full and incremental queues separately so that a failure in one doesn't block the other.\nThere was a JavaScript enqueuing error with our Sharing feature that has been repaired.\nThe Top Posts widget now includes the ability to list attachment (media) pages.\nWe weren't building CPT links correctly resulting in bad navigation, which is now fixed.\nWe removed the form legend for default Tiled Gallery settings as it doesn't relate.\nWith shortcodes we now return early from processing them if no string is passed, as they are required.\n\n 4.3.1\n \nRelease date: September 8, 2016\n\n Support Enhancements\n \nWe're now syncing data about hosts so that we can provide better support when needed.\nMinor update to inline docs to match version numbers.\n\n Ndreqje të Metash:\n \nAdmin Page: fix error when Admin Page resources could not be fetched with wp_remote_get due to unique host configurations.\nAdmin Page: fix error when Post By Email could not be enabled when the browser's dev console was enabled.\nAdmin Page: make sure all translated strings are encoded properly.\nAdmin Page: only use POST requests for updating the state of Jetpack, to avoid issues on servers not allowing PUT requests.\nAdmin Page: search icon no longer overlaps the global notices.\nAdmin Page: make sure that non-admins can also modify Spellchecking settings.\nGeneral: Improve random number generation for compatibility with more hosts.\nGeneral: Add deprecated PHP file (class.jetpack-landing-page.php) back as an empty file, to avoid generating fatal errors on sites with aggressive caching.\nGeneral: Ensure concatenated CSS is generated for RTL languages.\nSecurity: Ensure that all options are included on the security tab.\nStats: fix display for sites with pretty permalinks disabled.\nSubscriptions: ensure that no email is sent when updating a published post.\nSync: To improve performance, add snapTW to the list of post meta data that won't be synchronized for each post.\nSync: do not schedule a full sync after each import.\nVerification Tools: in the Settings card, use appropriate link for each service.\n\n 4.3\n \nRelease date: September 6th, 2016\n\n Exciting Performance and UI Improvements:\n \nWe have launched the all new React powered interface, a year in the making, designed to give you better control of your favorite Jetpack features.\n\n 4.2.2\n \nRelease date: August 19th, 2016\n\n Ndreqje të Metash:\n \nWe fixed the code which displays the Facebook share count to accomodate Facebook's new data structure.\nWe fixed an issue which caused PHP notices to get logged for users of the Twenty Fourteen theme.\nWe fixed an issue with the Minileven mobile theme which was preventing it from loading.\nImproved Sync performance.\nIncrease security by sanitizing a URL used in the SSO process.\n\n 4.2.1\n \nRelease date: August 17th, 2016\n\n Ndreqje të Metash:\n \nWe fixed a conflict between Jetpack and W3 Total Cache.\nWe fixed some issues with Publicize and Custom Post Types.\nVery large Multisite networks with lots of users can now be synchronized with\nWe improved the synchronization process between your site and\n\n 4.2\n \nRelease date: August 10th, 2016\n\n Thellim Punimi:\n \nWe’ve improved Jetpack’s performance by making calls to the database more efficient; essentially, Jetpack is doing less on each page load, making things faster. #4281, #4316\nWe’ve ensured that every feature uses information that is up to date by completely refactoring the way information was synchronized between your site and\nWe've improved the way Jetpack queries for information about features, which results in less overall queries.\n\n Exciting Feature and UI Improvements:\n \nWe now track your visitor views of Carousel images in stats.\nYou can now customize advanced typographic settings like ligatures in the Custom CSS editor with new support for the font-feature-settings property.\nWe’ve improved the experience when you don’t actually have enough posts to Infinitely Scroll.\nOur Contact Info Widget allows you to enter a Google Maps API Key which is now required by Google if you want to display a map.\n\n Security:\n \nWe’re continuing our efforts to harden Jetpack security, by implementing the hash_equals() function to avoid timing attacks when comparing strings. We also improved security on CSVs exported from your contact form.\n\n Slightly Less Exciting Feature Improvements:\n \nThe Cartodb shortcode has been changed to match the new product name, Carto.\nThe YouTube shortcode now uses the content width defined by the theme when available, even if an embed size was defined in an old version of WordPress.\nBreadcrumbs now support hierarchical post types and taxonomies.\nWe’ve added the Portfolio Post Type to the REST API whitelist.\nThere are a few new parameters for the Dailymotion shortcode.\n\n Improved Compatibility:\n \nWe now work well with WP Stagecoach staging sites, so you should not see any future impact on production sites.\nWe had some PHP notices popping up in the WooCommerce plugin wizard screen, these are gone.\n\n Ndreqje të Metash:\n \nWe stopped loading compatibility stylesheets on the default theme's singular views for Infinite Scroll.\nDebug tests forwarded through the contact form in the Jetpack Debug menu are now successfully sent to the support team.\nWe’ve removed the PHP notices you might have seen when moderating comments.\nThere are no longer PHP notices cropping up when publishing via Cron.\nWe’ve fixed the official Sharing buttons so they now line up just right.\nThe PHP warnings of Sitemaps stylesheets have been eliminated.\nWe’ve done away with the warnings that appeared when Tonesque processes a file which claims to be one filetype, but is actually another.\nWe’ve exterminated PHP notices that appeared when using Random Redirect, as well as when the author wasn't set.\n",
"all_content_sq": " Jetpack nga jetpack Automattic Performance comments gallery sharing contact Widgets shortcodes security Stats subscriptions jet pack Shtoni trafikun tuaj, shihni statistikat tuaja, bëjeni sajtin tuaj më të shpejtë, dhe mbroni veten nga hacker-ët, me Jetpack. \nJetpack-u e thjeshtëzon administrimin e sajteve WordPress duke ju dhënë statistika vizitorësh, shërbime sigurie, përshpejtim të shërbimit të figurave, dhe duke ju ndihmuar të keni më tepër trafik. Jetpack-u është një shtojcë falas.\n\nShtim & Tendenca Trafiku\n\nJetpack-u ju tregon se sa vizita i vijnë sajtit tuaj dhe ju ndihmon të keni më tepër trafik, me mjete të tilla si Postime të Afërta, Publicizo, Shpërndarje e Zgjeruar, dhe Ndarje Me të Tjerë.\n\nSiguri\n\nJetpack-u e mbron sajtin tuaj nga sulme brute force dhe hyrje të paautorizuara. Sajtin tuaj e mbajmë gjithashtu nën vëzhgim për kohë mospunimi dhe që shtojcat tuaja të jenë të përditësuara.\n\nPerformancë Figurash\n\nJetpack-u i optimizon dhe përshpjeton shërbimin e figurave vetvetiu, duke përdorur rrjetin global të shpërndarjes së lëndës. Kjo ju kursen kosto strehimi, duke ulur harxhimin e bandës.\n\nAdministrim i Centralizuar\n\nBashkë me Jetpack-un ju vjen një pult i centralizuar në Administroni shtojca dhe menu, botoni postime, dhe shihni statistika të thelluara sajti, për krejt sajtet tuaj.\n\nEdhe pak gjëra të tjera që përdoruesit tanë i duan fort\n\nJetpack përfshin veçori të tjera që ju ndihmojnë ta bëni sajtin si ta doni, përfshi CSS Vetjake, Formularë Kontaktesh, Galeri dhe Rrotullame, Njoftime dhe Pajtime, Widget-e të Formësueshëm, dhe mjaft të tjera.\n\nAsistencë e Përkushtuar\n\nWe have an entire team of happiness engineers ready to help you. Ask your questions in the support forum, or contact us directly.\n\nNdihmesë në Jetpack\n\nJetpack-u është me burim të hapur dhe e nxisim vazhdimisht kontributin e bashkësisë: qoftë kur bëhet fjalë për një plotësim, njoftim të metash, kod, ose një ide, e presim me krahë hapur! Mësoni si të jepni ndihmesë ose shihni mundësinë e pjesëmarrjes në programin tonë beta.\n\n\nInstalojeni Jetpack-un prej sajtit tuaj duke shkruar adresën e tij\n\nMënyrë tjetër, instalojeni Jetpack-un përmes listës së shtojcave, ose duke i ngarkuar kartelat dorazi te shërbyesi juaj. Pas aktivizimit të Jetpack-ut, lidhuni me që të aktivizoni veçoritë Jetpack.\n\nNëse ju duhet ndihmë shtesë lexoni udhëzimet tona të hollësishme (përfshi një video ilustruese).\n\n\n\nA është falas Jetpack-u?\nPo! Veçoritë bazë të Jetpack-ut janë dhe do të jenë përherë falas. Jetpack-u integrohet edhe me shërbime me pagesë, të tillë si Akismet (anti-mesazhe të padëshiruar), VaultPress (kopjeruajtje), dhe VideoPress (strehim videosh), por këto s’janë të domosdoshme për funksionimin e Jetpack-ut.\nPse më duhet një llogari\nMjaft nga veçoritë toan bazë (si Photon, Statistika, dhe Protect) përdorin renë Që të arrihet kjo Jetpack-u lyp një llogari (falas) Nëse nuk keni një të tillë tashmë, mund të krijoni një lehtësisht gjatë procesit të lidhjes së Jetpack-ut.\nKam tashmë një llogari WordPress, por nuk funksionon. Ç’po ndodh?\nA account is different to the one you use to log into your self-hosted WordPress. If you can log into then you already have a account. If you can't, you can easily create one during Jetpack's connection process.\nSi t’i shoh statistikat e mia?\nPasi të keni instaluar Jetpack-un, statistikat tuaja do të gjenden te \"Statistika Sajti\" që duket te menuja Jetpack (nën menunë Pult, brenda WordPress-it).\nSi të kontribuoj te Jetpack-u?\nKa mundësi pjesëmarrjeje për zhvilluesit e të gjitha niveleve. Mësoni më tepër rreth dhënies së ndihmesës në Jetpack ose shihni mundësinë e pjesëmarrjes në programin tonë beta.\n\n\n\n\n4.3.2\n \nRelease date: October 13, 2016\n\n Enhancements\n \nUnsaved changes were getting lost when users were navigating away from settings so we put in a confirmation message to prevent this from happening.\nWe've stopped counting carousel views in stats by default, you can use the jetpack_enable_carousel_stats filter to enable counting them again.\nStats are now responding faster.\nThere were several improvements and repairs made to sync including additional endpoints, performance enhancements, whitelisted data, better decision making around when to sync information, and more.\nMarkdown now has a CSS class on footnotes.\nSite stats have been restored to the Jetpack submenu.\n\n Improved Compatibility:\n \nWe've improved compatibility with Kinsta by automatically turning on Staging Mode for Jetpack when in a staging environment.\n\n Ndreqje të Metash:\n \nSeveral fixes have been made to sync to repair issues with Publicize, Notifications, and Subscriptions.\nWe removed PHP warnings by checking to make sure json language files like jetpack-en_US.json are readable before we load them.\nWe found an unused option in Gravatar Hovercard settings and removed it.\nThe correct support link is now being used to make it easier for you to connect with the Jetpack team if you need us.\nThe permissions check for plugin information retrieval was fixed as well.\nSome plugins were adding content on outbound http requests causing an infinite loop we fixed this right up.\nWe removed some warnings that were occurring when translations didn't exist by adding a fallback.\nWe've added Moroccan Arabic translations, and switched to language packs for Croatian, Spanish (Chile) and Greek.\nSync was running into issues so we've limited dequeue time to 1/3 of PHP's max execution time, which has unclogged the problem.\nWe're now sending full and incremental queues separately so that a failure in one doesn't block the other.\nThere was a JavaScript enqueuing error with our Sharing feature that has been repaired.\nThe Top Posts widget now includes the ability to list attachment (media) pages.\nWe weren't building CPT links correctly resulting in bad navigation, which is now fixed.\nWe removed the form legend for default Tiled Gallery settings as it doesn't relate.\nWith shortcodes we now return early from processing them if no string is passed, as they are required.\n\n 4.3.1\n \nRelease date: September 8, 2016\n\n Support Enhancements\n \nWe're now syncing data about hosts so that we can provide better support when needed.\nMinor update to inline docs to match version numbers.\n\n Ndreqje të Metash:\n \nAdmin Page: fix error when Admin Page resources could not be fetched with wp_remote_get due to unique host configurations.\nAdmin Page: fix error when Post By Email could not be enabled when the browser's dev console was enabled.\nAdmin Page: make sure all translated strings are encoded properly.\nAdmin Page: only use POST requests for updating the state of Jetpack, to avoid issues on servers not allowing PUT requests.\nAdmin Page: search icon no longer overlaps the global notices.\nAdmin Page: make sure that non-admins can also modify Spellchecking settings.\nGeneral: Improve random number generation for compatibility with more hosts.\nGeneral: Add deprecated PHP file (class.jetpack-landing-page.php) back as an empty file, to avoid generating fatal errors on sites with aggressive caching.\nGeneral: Ensure concatenated CSS is generated for RTL languages.\nSecurity: Ensure that all options are included on the security tab.\nStats: fix display for sites with pretty permalinks disabled.\nSubscriptions: ensure that no email is sent when updating a published post.\nSync: To improve performance, add snapTW to the list of post meta data that won't be synchronized for each post.\nSync: do not schedule a full sync after each import.\nVerification Tools: in the Settings card, use appropriate link for each service.\n\n 4.3\n \nRelease date: September 6th, 2016\n\n Exciting Performance and UI Improvements:\n \nWe have launched the all new React powered interface, a year in the making, designed to give you better control of your favorite Jetpack features.\n\n 4.2.2\n \nRelease date: August 19th, 2016\n\n Ndreqje të Metash:\n \nWe fixed the code which displays the Facebook share count to accomodate Facebook's new data structure.\nWe fixed an issue which caused PHP notices to get logged for users of the Twenty Fourteen theme.\nWe fixed an issue with the Minileven mobile theme which was preventing it from loading.\nImproved Sync performance.\nIncrease security by sanitizing a URL used in the SSO process.\n\n 4.2.1\n \nRelease date: August 17th, 2016\n\n Ndreqje të Metash:\n \nWe fixed a conflict between Jetpack and W3 Total Cache.\nWe fixed some issues with Publicize and Custom Post Types.\nVery large Multisite networks with lots of users can now be synchronized with\nWe improved the synchronization process between your site and\n\n 4.2\n \nRelease date: August 10th, 2016\n\n Thellim Punimi:\n \nWe’ve improved Jetpack’s performance by making calls to the database more efficient; essentially, Jetpack is doing less on each page load, making things faster. #4281, #4316\nWe’ve ensured that every feature uses information that is up to date by completely refactoring the way information was synchronized between your site and\nWe've improved the way Jetpack queries for information about features, which results in less overall queries.\n\n Exciting Feature and UI Improvements:\n \nWe now track your visitor views of Carousel images in stats.\nYou can now customize advanced typographic settings like ligatures in the Custom CSS editor with new support for the font-feature-settings property.\nWe’ve improved the experience when you don’t actually have enough posts to Infinitely Scroll.\nOur Contact Info Widget allows you to enter a Google Maps API Key which is now required by Google if you want to display a map.\n\n Security:\n \nWe’re continuing our efforts to harden Jetpack security, by implementing the hash_equals() function to avoid timing attacks when comparing strings. We also improved security on CSVs exported from your contact form.\n\n Slightly Less Exciting Feature Improvements:\n \nThe Cartodb shortcode has been changed to match the new product name, Carto.\nThe YouTube shortcode now uses the content width defined by the theme when available, even if an embed size was defined in an old version of WordPress.\nBreadcrumbs now support hierarchical post types and taxonomies.\nWe’ve added the Portfolio Post Type to the REST API whitelist.\nThere are a few new parameters for the Dailymotion shortcode.\n\n Improved Compatibility:\n \nWe now work well with WP Stagecoach staging sites, so you should not see any future impact on production sites.\nWe had some PHP notices popping up in the WooCommerce plugin wizard screen, these are gone.\n\n Ndreqje të Metash:\n \nWe stopped loading compatibility stylesheets on the default theme's singular views for Infinite Scroll.\nDebug tests forwarded through the contact form in the Jetpack Debug menu are now successfully sent to the support team.\nWe’ve removed the PHP notices you might have seen when moderating comments.\nThere are no longer PHP notices cropping up when publishing via Cron.\nWe’ve fixed the official Sharing buttons so they now line up just right.\nThe PHP warnings of Sitemaps stylesheets have been eliminated.\nWe’ve done away with the warnings that appeared when Tonesque processes a file which claims to be one filetype, but is actually another.\nWe’ve exterminated PHP notices that appeared when using Random Redirect, as well as when the author wasn't set.\n",
"number_of_translations": 165,
"plugin_modified": "2017-04-07 17:28:47",
"update_age_in_months": 75,
"tested": 4.7,
"requires": 4.6,
"stable_tag": "4.8.2",
"tagged_versions": [
"number_of_versions": 38,
"num_months_updated": 38,
"disabled": false,
"percent_on_stable": 19.35,
"active_installs": 3000000,
"contributors_active_installs": 1,
"support_resolution_yes": 0,
"support_resolution_no": 0,
"support_resolution_mu": 0,
"support_resolution_percentage": 1,
"support_threads": 339,
"support_threads_resolved": 230,
"support_threads_percentage": 0.67846607669617,
"support_threads_percentage_p1": 1.6784660766962,
"rating": 4.1,
"rating_1": 188,
"rating_2": 47,
"rating_3": 74,
"rating_4": 125,
"rating_5": 878,
"num_ratings": 1312
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