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Last active September 29, 2019 16:06
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An EV3dev2 Python Script that uses a PID algorithm to correct drift.
from import GyroSensor
gyro = GyroSensor()
gyro.mode = GYRO-ANG
def gyroPID(ki,kp,kd,target,wheel,speed,distance)
while True:
error = target - gyro.mode
integral = integral + error
error - last_error = derivative
integralResult = integral*ki
porportionResult = kp*error
derivResult = kd*derivative
result = integralResult+derivResult+porportionResult
tank_drive = MoveTank(OUTPUT_A, OUTPUT_B)
r = wheel/distance
error = lastError
""" TODO: Incorprate move block into correction to allow this to run while moving forward.
Add to Griffy Class."""
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