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Last active October 20, 2022 17:56
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highlightKeywords - highlight Specific word in Sentence / String
* @author Gideon
* @see ""
* @see ""
* @see SpanType -> enum type of Span
* @param highlightColor -> TIDAK WAJIB, keyword akan di rubah ke warna ini
* @param message - > WAJIB Di ISI, merupakan kalimat yang akan di tampilkan di text
* @param keywords -> WAJIB Di ISI, keyword (kata / karakter) yang akan di ubah
* @param proportion -> TIDAK WAJIB, mengganti Ukuran Keyword
* @param type -> TIDAK WAJIB, default mengubah keyword menjadi BOLD
fun TextView.highlightKeywords(
highlightColor: Int = ContextCompat.getColor(
message: String,
keywords: List<String>,
proportion: Float = 1f,
spanType: SpanType = SpanType.BOLD
val spannableString = SpannableString(message)
keywords.forEach { keyword ->
if (keyword.isNotBlank()) {
var startIndex = message.lowercase().indexOf(keyword.lowercase())
while (startIndex >= 0) {
when (spanType) {
SpanType.FOREGROUND -> ForegroundColorSpan(highlightColor)
SpanType.RELATIVE -> RelativeSizeSpan(proportion)
SpanType.QUOTE -> QuoteSpan(highlightColor)
SpanType.BOLD -> StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD)
startIndex + keyword.length,
startIndex = message.lowercase().indexOf(keyword.lowercase(), startIndex + keyword.length)
text = spannableString
* Example Usage
* binding?.apply {
with(tvTitle) {
message = "Hello World, and Hello to all my Hello Friends.",
keywords = listOf("l"),
highlightColor = Color.RED,
spanType = SpanType.FOREGROUND
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