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Created March 31, 2020 19:25
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A handful of FZF Git aliases
# Navigate to branches using FZF
cof = "!checkout_fzf() { git branch | fzf | xargs git checkout; }; checkout_fzf"
# Add files using FZF
af = "!add_fzf() { git status -s | awk '{print $2}' | fzf -m | xargs git add; }; add_fzf"
# Add files using FZF and immediately commit them
afmend = "!add_fzf_amend() { git status -s | awk '{print $2}' | fzf -m | xargs git add && git amend; }; add_fzf_amend"
# Restore files (like removing multiple files from the staging area)
ref = "!restore_fzf() { git status -s | awk '{print $2}' | fzf -m | xargs git restore; }; restore_fzf"
# Delete untracked files using FZF
rmf = "!delete_untracked() { git ls-files --exclude-standard --other | fzf -m | xargs rm; }; delete_untracked"
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