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Last active March 31, 2020 12:54
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#!/usr/bin/env sh
#title :
#description : For npm/yarn projects! Convenience script to build, check and pack (fat) artifacts. For personal and experimental use only!
#author : Christian-André Giehl <>
#date : 20200324
#version : 1.5
#usage : sh ./ <project-name> <target-zip-name>
PROJECT_NAME=${1:-$(basename "$PWD")}
#WITH_MODULES=true # TODO: improve selection; via args, etc.
# Exits in case the supplied state is != 0. State is typically supplied via $?
exitOnError() {
if [ $state -ne 0 ]; then
echo "!!! ${msg}"
echo "### Exiting."
exit $state
printUsage() {
echo " Usage: sh ./ <project-name> <target-zip-name>"
echo " with:"
echo " <project-name> project name, important for naming the artifact"
echo " <target-zip-name> optional; if set, the artifact gets renamed to this value"
echo " <with-modules> optional; if set, the node_modules folder is added to the artifact"
# Zips the project and adds node_modules to the artifact. Uses npm pack.
# Should be used for Lambda-deployments
pack_withModules() {
rm *.zip
rm *.tgz
rm -rf node_modules
rm -rf package
yarn install --production
npm pack
FILE=$(find ./ -type f -iname "${PROJECT_NAME}*.tgz" -print|head -n 1)
echo "File found is '${FILE}'"
tar -xf ${FILE}
cd package && zip -r ../${FILE}.zip ./ && cd ..
rm *.tgz
rm -rf package
exitOnError $? "Unable to zip!"
FILE=$(find ./ -type f -iname "${PROJECT_NAME}*.zip" -print|head -n 1)
echo "File found is '${FILE}'"
echo "##### Adding node_modules..."
zip -ur $FILE node_modules
exitOnError $? "Unable to add node_modules to zip!"
# Zips the project using npm-pack-zip. Note: you need to add a "pack": "npm-pack-zip" command to your package.json.
# Should be used for Elastic-Beanstalk-deployments
pack_withoutModules() {
rm *.zip
rm *.tgz
# rm -rf node_modules
rm -rf package
# yarn install --production
npm run pack # creates zip
PACKAGE_VERSION=$(cat package.json \
| grep version \
| head -1 \
| awk -F: '{ print $2 }' \
| sed 's/[",]//g' \
| tr -d '[[:space:]]')
echo "Extracted version: ${PACKAGE_VERSION}"
ARTIFACT=$(find ./ -iname "${PROJECT_NAME}*.zip" -print)
echo "---> ${ARTIFACT}"
W_VERSION=$(basename ${ARTIFACT} .zip)-${PACKAGE_VERSION}.zip
echo "### Packaging..."
rm -rf artifacts
# set +x
if [ ! -z "${WITH_MODULES}" ] ; then
pack_withModules ${PROJECT_NAME}
pack_withoutModules ${PROJECT_NAME}
# set -x
exitOnError $? "Unable to package!"
ARTIFACT=$(find ./ -iname "${PROJECT_NAME}*.zip" -print)
echo "Built artifact in '${ARTIFACT}'"
echo "### Moving artifact to subfolder..."
mkdir -p artifacts
mv ${ARTIFACT} ./artifacts/$(basename ${ARTIFACT})
cd ./artifacts
if [ ! -z "${TARGET_NAME}" ] ; then
set -x
mv $(basename ${ARTIFACT}) ${TARGET_NAME}
set +x
ls -lat
exit $?
# Optional: Check size
minsize=1024000 # 1MB
case $OSTYPE in
darwin*) filesize=$(stat -f%z ${TARGET_NAME}) ;;
*) filesize=$(stat -c%s ${TARGET_NAME}) ;;
exitOnError $? "Unable to determine package size!"
echo "Size of ${TARGET_NAME} = ${filesize} bytes."
if [ ${filesize} -lt ${minsize} ]; then
exitOnError 1 "### Filesize too low! Please check!"
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