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Created August 2, 2017 11:49
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namespace SwaggerService\RestService\MyService1\v1;
use Silex\Application;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* @SWG\Swagger(
* @SWG\Info(
* version="1.0.0",
* title="My service",
* description="A service",
* )
* )
class MyService1
* @SWG\Get(
* path="/find-employees",
* description="Returns all employees",
* operationId="findEmployees",
* produces={"application/json"},
* x={"swaql-table":"employees"},
* @SWG\Parameter(
* name="position",
* in="query",
* description="position",
* required=false,
* type="array",
* @SWG\Items(type="string"),
* collectionFormat="csv"
* ),
* @SWG\Response(
* response=200,
* description="list of employees",
* )
* )
public function findEmployees(Application $app, Request $request)
$employees = $this->_employee();
$position = $request->get('position') ? explode(',', $request->get('position')) : null;
$employees = !empty($position) ? array_filter($employees, function ($value) use ($position) {
return in_array($value['position'], $position);
}) : $employees;
return $app->json(array_values($employees));
* @SWG\Get(
* path="/employee/{id}",
* description="Return an employee",
* operationId="findEmployee",
* produces={"application/json"},
* x={"swaql-table":"employee"},
* @SWG\Parameter(
* description="ID of employee to return",
* in="path",
* name="id",
* required=true,
* type="integer",
* format="int64"
* ),
* @SWG\Response(
* response=200,
* description="found employee",
* ),
* @SWG\Response(
* response=404,
* description="employee not found",
* )
* )
public function findEmployee(Application $app, Request $request, $id)
$employees = $this->_employee();
return !empty($employees[$id]) ? $app->json($employees[$id]) : $app->abort(404, sprintf('Employee %d not found', $id));
* @SWG\Get(
* path="/find-companies",
* description="Returns all companies",
* operationId="findCompanies",
* produces={"application/json"},
* x={"swaql-table":"companies"},
* @SWG\Response(
* response=200,
* description="list of employees",
* )
* )
public function findCompanies(Application $app, Request $request)
$companies = $this->_company();
return $app->json(array_values($companies));
* @SWG\Get(
* path="/company/{id}",
* description="Return a company",
* operationId="findCompany",
* produces={"application/json"},
* x={"swaql-table":"company"},
* @SWG\Parameter(
* description="ID of company to return",
* in="path",
* name="id",
* required=true,
* type="integer",
* format="int64"
* ),
* @SWG\Response(
* response=200,
* description="found company",
* ),
* @SWG\Response(
* response=404,
* description="company not found",
* )
* )
public function findCompany(Application $app, Request $request, $id)
$companies = $this->_company();
return !empty($companies[$id]) ? $app->json($companies[$id]) : $app->abort(404, sprintf('Employee %d not found', $id));
protected function _employee()
return [
1 => [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'John',
'position' => 'Receptionist',
'salary' => 100,
'company' => 1,
2 => [
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'Jane',
'position' => 'CEO',
'salary' => 200,
'company' => 2,
3 => [
'id' => 3,
'name' => 'Jack',
'position' => 'Developer',
'salary' => 150,
'company' => 2,
4 => [
'id' => 4,
'name' => 'Jill',
'position' => 'Manager',
'salary' => 170,
'company' => 1,
5 => [
'id' => 5,
'name' => 'Doe',
'position' => 'Mailboy',
'salary' => 20,
'company' => 0,
protected function _company()
return [
1 => [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Shell',
2 => [
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'Texaco',
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