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Created January 22, 2021 15:12
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TOPAZ-PARSE compiled rules
make object! [
collection: #[none]
_result: #[none]
_stack: []
_push-state: func [][
append/only _stack collection
_pop-state: func [][
collection: take/last _stack
_set: func [word][either map? collection [
put collection word :_result
] [
set word :_result
_get-collection: func [/local coll][
coll: either map? collection [
unless find collection 'children [
collection/children: make block! 0
] [
unless block? :coll [
cause-error 'script 'parse-rule ["KEEP outside of COLLECT or OBJECT"]
_keep: func [][append _get-collection :_result]
_keep-only: func [][append/only _get-collection :_result]
_apply: func [word args /local rule-func rule-arg value][rule-func: select _functions word
append/only rule-func/stack values-of rule-func/context
set rule-func/context args
foreach rule-arg rule-func/parsed-spec [
value: select rule-func/context rule-arg/word
switch type?/word :value [
word! [put rule-func/context rule-arg/word value: get value] paren! [put rule-func/context rule-arg/word value: do value]
] if rule-arg/type [
unless find rule-arg/type type? :value [
cause-error 'script 'expect-arg [
type? :value
_return: func [word /local rule-func][rule-func: select _functions word
set rule-func/context take/last rule-func/stack
_reset: func [/local rule-func][collection: _result: none
clear _stack
if value? '_functions [
foreach rule-func values-of _functions [
set rule-func/context none
clear rule-func/stack
alternatives: [[(
collection: make map! []
) [[[(_result: ('alternatives))] (_set 'name) [[(_push-state) sequence (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep) any [[[set _result [ahead word! '|] [[(_push-state) sequence (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep)]] | (_result: none) fail] end (_result: none)]] (
_result: collection
) | (_pop-state) fail]]
sequence: [[(
collection: make map! []
) [[[(_result: ('sequence))] (_set 'name) any [[[not [[ahead word! '|]] [[(_push-state) top-level (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep)]] | (_result: none) fail]]] (
_result: collection
) | (_pop-state) fail]]
top-level: [[(
collection: make map! []
) [[[[set _result [ahead word! 'collect] | set _result [ahead word! 'copy] | set _result [ahead word! 'object]]] (_set 'name) [[(_push-state) element (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep) | [[set _result [ahead word! 'keep]] (_set 'name) [(_result: (false))] (_set 'only?) | set _result keep/only [(_result: ('keep))] (_set 'name) [(_result: (true))] (_set 'only?)] [[(_push-state) top-level (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep) | [set _result [ahead word! 'if]] (_set 'name) [set _result paren!] (_keep-only) | [set _result set-word!] (_keep) [(_result: ('set))] (_set 'name) [[(_push-state) top-level (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep) | [set _result [ahead word! 'also]] (_set 'name) [[(_push-state) top-level (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep) [[(_push-state) top-level (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep)]] (
_result: collection
) | (_pop-state) fail] | [(_push-state)
element (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail
element: [ahead block! into [[(_push-state) alternatives (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] | [(
collection: make map! []
) [[[[set _result [ahead word! 'opt] | set _result [ahead word! 'any] | set _result [ahead word! 'some] | set _result [ahead word! 'not] | set _result [ahead word! 'to] | set _result [ahead word! 'thru]]] (_set 'name) [[(_push-state) element (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep) | [[set _result integer! | set _result word! if (integer! = type? get/any _result)]] (_keep) [(_result: ('loop))] (_set 'name) [[(_push-state) element (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep) | [set _result [ahead word! 'literal] | set _result [ahead word! 'quote]] [(_result: ('literal))] (_set 'name) [set _result skip] (_keep) | [set _result [ahead word! 'skip] | set _result [ahead word! '*]] [(_result: ('skip))] (_set 'name) | [[set _result [ahead word! 'end] | set _result [ahead word! 'here]]] (_set 'name) | [set _result [ahead word! 'into]] (_set 'name) [[[[set _result datatype|typeset | set _result word! if (find datatype|typeset type? get/any _result)]] | (_result: none)]] (_set 'type) [[(_push-state) top-level (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep) | [set _result [ahead word! 'get]] (_set 'name) [[set _result datatype|typeset | set _result word! if (find datatype|typeset type? get/any _result)]] (_keep) | [[set _result datatype|typeset | set _result word! if (find datatype|typeset type? get/any _result)]] (_keep) [(_result: ('match-type))] (_set 'name) | [[set _result block! | set _result word! if (block! = type? get/any _result)]] (_keep) [(_result: ('rule))] (_set 'name) | [[set _result map! | set _result word! if (map! = type? get/any _result)]] (_keep) (_result: (handle-map collection)) [if (collection/name = 'rule-function) (_result: (nargs: collection/nargs)) nargs [[set _result skip] (_keep-only)] | if (collection/name = 'rule-function-argument) [if (collection/mode = 'loop) [[(_push-state) element (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep) | if (collection/mode = 'match-value)] | if (collection/name = 'match-value)] | [set _result paren!] (_keep-only) [(_result: ('paren))] (_set 'name) | [[set _result any-function! | set _result word! if (find any-function! type? get/any _result)]] (_keep) [(_result: ('filter))] (_set 'name) [[(_push-state) top-level (_pop-state) | (_pop-state) fail]] (_keep)]] (
_result: collection
) | (_pop-state) fail] | [(
collection: make map! []
) [[[(_result: ('match-value))] (_set 'name) [set _result skip] (_keep-only)]] (
_result: collection
) | (_pop-state) fail]]
datatype|typeset: make typeset! [datatype! typeset!]
nargs: 0
any-function!: make typeset! [native! action! op! function! routine!]
handle-map: func [node [map!] /local rule-func][rule-func: node/children/1
if word? rule-func [rule-func: get rule-func] switch/default rule-func/name [
rule-function [
node/name: 'rule-function
node/nargs: length? rule-func/parsed-spec
rule-function-argument [
node/name: 'rule-function-argument
node/mode: either rule-func/type = make typeset! [integer!] ['loop] ['match-value]
] [node/name: 'match-value]
_parse: func [input][_reset
if parse input [alternatives to end] [:_result]
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