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Created March 13, 2016 00:56
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  • Save gigafide/0dd43be65a62a9b39da0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gigafide/0dd43be65a62a9b39da0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
It is part of a tutorial series that you can find here:
Running this program requires installing SimpleCV as well as
a few other prerequisits on your pi. You can find detailed
instructions for how to do that here:
#import the SimpleCV, shutil and the custom py_gmailer libraries
from SimpleCV import *
import py_gmailer
import shutil
#initialize the camer
cam = Camera()
#set the max display size
display = Display((800,600))
#create a threshold variable to change motion sensitivity
threshold = 5.0
#set timer variables for email loop
start_time = time.time()
wait_time = 60 #in seconds
#set a streaming variable to stream webcam online
streaming = JpegStreamer("")
#create destination & backup directories for the pictures
dst = "pic" #destination directory for images
bkp = "pic_bkp" #backup directory for images
#if the picture directories don't exist, create them
if not os.path.exists("pic"):
if not os.path.exists("pic_bkp"):
#create a loop that constantly grabs new images from the webcam
while True:
#set a time variable that updates with the loop
current_time = time.time()
#grab an image still from the camera and convert it to grayscale
img01 = cam.getImage().toGray()
#wait half a second
#grab an unedited still to use as our original image
original = cam.getImage()
#grab another image still from the camera and conver it to grayscale
img02 = cam.getImage().toGray()
#subract the images from each other, binarize and inver the colors
diff = (img01 - img02).binarize(50).invert()
#dump all the values into a Numpy matrix and extract the mean avg
matrix = diff.getNumpy()
mean = matrix.mean()
#find and highlight the objects within the image
blobs = diff.findBlobs()
#check to see if the wait time has been passed
if current_time >= (start_time + wait_time):
#if it has, reset the start time
start_time = time.time()
#scan the picture directory for files
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dst):
dst_root = root.replace(dst, bkp)
#if a file is found in the picture directory, send it to email
if files:
firstfile = sorted(files)[0]
img_mailer = os.path.join(root, firstfile)
#move any files in the pic directory to the backup directory
for file_ in files:
src_file = os.path.join(root, file_)
dst_file = os.path.join(dst_root, file_)
shutil.move(src_file, dst_root)
#if the mean is greater than our threshold variable, then look for objects
if mean >= threshold:
#check to see if any objects were detected
if blobs:
#find the central point of each object
#and draw a red circle around it
for b in blobs:
loc = (b.x,b.y) #locates center of object
e = sys.exc_info()[0]
#use the current date to create a unique file name
timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
#initialize the counter variable
i = 1
#check to see if the filename already exists
while os.path.exists("pic/motion%s-%s.png" % (timestr, i)):
#if it does, add one to the filename and try again
i += 1
#once a unique filename has been found, save the image"pic/motion%s-%s.png" % (timestr, i))
#print results to terminal
print("Motion Detected")
#send the current image to the webcam stream
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