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Created June 2, 2011 21:25
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My solution to @bramcohen's coding puzzle from a week or two ago
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Two solutions to
from itertools import combinations
bowls = 40
oranges = 9
def brute_force():
'''A brute force method. There are only about a quarter billion
possibilities to examine so this is not completely untenable. Runs
in a bit over half an hour on my machine.'''
return sum(all(b - a != c - b for a,b,c in combinations(p, 3))
for p in combinations(range(bowls), oranges))
def less_dumb():
'''A slightly less dumb version that builds up legal positionings
by figuring out all the places the next orange can go given a list
of already-positioned oranges. Also we only generate positionings
with the first orange in the first bowl and then know that each
such positioning can be shifted into N different actual positions
where N is one plus the number of empty bowls after the last
orange. Runs in about a minute on my machine.'''
def nexts(placed):
'''Return legal positions the next orange can go.'''
def ok(next):
'''Check one possible position for the next orange.'''
for i in reversed(range(len(placed))):
previous = placed[i]
distance = next - previous
possible_problem = previous - distance
if possible_problem < 0:
return True
for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1):
other = placed[j]
if other == possible_problem: return False
elif other < possible_problem: break;
return True
return filter(ok, range(placed[-1] + 1, bowls))
def count(placed):
'''Recursively count the number of solutions.'''
if len(placed) < oranges:
return sum(count(placed + [n]) for n in nexts(placed))
return bowls - placed[-1]
return count([0])
if __name__ == '__main__':
from timeit import timeit
print('Brute force: {}'.format(timeit(lambda: print(brute_force()), number=1)))
print('Less dumb: {}'.format(timeit(lambda: print(less_dumb()), number=1)))
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