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Created June 18, 2024 21:31
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PugSQL inspired JS library.
import Database from 'better-sqlite3';
import { argv } from 'process';
import fs from 'fs';
* The kind of queries we support.
const kinds = {
// Execute SQL, returns { changes, lastInsertRowId } object.
run: () => (stmt) => (...args) =>,
// Execute SQL and return just the number of rows changed
changes: () => (stmt) => (...args) =>,
// Execute SQL and return just the lastInsertRowId value
lastRowID: () => (stmt) => (...args) =>,
// Get one row of the results as an object if no column is specified,
// otherwise the value of the named column in the first row returned
get: (column) => {
if (column) {
return (stmt) =>
(...args) =>
} else {
return (stmt) =>
(...args) =>
// Get all the results as an array of objects if no column is specified,
// otherwise a list of the vaues in the named colunmn.
all: (column) => {
if (column) {
return (stmt) =>
(...args) =>
stmt.all(...args).map((r) => r[column]);
} else {
return (stmt) =>
(...args) =>
// Get a single value from the first column of the first row
one: () => (stmt) => (...args) => stmt.pluck(true).get(...args),
// Get an array of the values from the first column
list: () => (stmt) => (...args) => stmt.pluck(true).all(...args),
class DB {
constructor(filename, schema = null, verbose = false) {
const opts = verbose ? { verbose: console.log } : undefined;
this.db = new Database(filename, opts);
this.db.pragma('journal_mode = WAL');
this.db.pragma('foreign_keys = ON');
if (schema) {
this.db.exec(fs.readFileSync(schema, 'utf8'));
this.modules = {};
* Add a function that can be used in SQL, e.g. this.dbFunction('now', () =>
dbFunction(name, fn) {
this.db.function(name, fn);
* Parse specifications of SQL functions from text file.
module(filename) {
if (!(filename in this.modules)) {
this.modules[filename] = this.#loadModule(filename);
return this.modules[filename];
#loadModule(filename) {
return Object.fromEntries(
this.#specs(filename).map((spec) => {
if (!(spec.kind in kinds)) {
throw new Error(`Unknown kind of query: ${spec.kind}`);
return [, kinds[spec.kind](spec.arg)(this.db.prepare(spec.sql))];
* Parse the specs for the query functions in a module
#specs(filename) {
const r = [];
const lines = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8').split(/\r?\n/);
let current = null;
lines.forEach((line) => {
const m = line.match(/^--\s+:name\s+(\w+)\s+:(\w+)(?:\s+(.*?))?\s*$/);
if (m) {
if (current != null) r.push(current);
const [name, kind, arg] = m.slice(1);
current = { name, kind, arg, sql: '' };
} else if (!line.match(/^\s*$/)) {
current.sql += `${line}\n`;
if (current != null) r.push(current);
return r;
const db = new DB('db.db', 'schema.sql');
db.dbFunction('now', () =>;
const m = db.module('foo.sql');
// foo.sql looks like:
// -- :name insertStandard :run
// insert into standards (standard, number) values ($standard, $number)
// -- :name increaseNumbers :changes
// update standards set number = number * 10
// -- :name standardNamed :get
// select * from standards where standard = $standard
// -- :name standards :all
// select * from standards order by number
// -- :name standardNames :all standard
// select standard, number from standards order by number
// -- :name standardsNames2 :list
// select standard from standards order by number
// -- :name insertCategory :run
// insert into categories (category, standard) values ($category, $standard)
// -- :name now :one
// select now()
console.log(m.insertStandard({ standard: 'Expressions', number: 1 }));
console.log(m.insertStandard({ standard: 'Variables', number: 2 }));
console.log(m.standardNamed({ standard: 'Variables' }));
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