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Last active June 9, 2024 18:48
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Find multiple times to hold a meeting to maximize number of possible attendees.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Find times to hold the CSA Zoom meeting based on when people said they could do it.
Given a number N, find the N times that maximize the number of people who can come.
from datetime import datetime
from functools import reduce
import json
import re
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
def times_for_person(times, datum):
"Generate the times a given person can make it based on their datum."
for col, hour in times.items():
for date in datum[col].split(", "):
if date:
if m :="(\w+) (\d+)/(\d+)", date):
year = 2024
month = int(
day = int(
yield datetime(year, month, day, hour).strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M (%I:%M %p)"
raise f"Bad date: {date}"
def extract_times(header):
"Extract the times values from the spreadsheet header columns."
times = {}
for h in header:
if m :="(\d+)(am|pm)", h):
hour = int( + (0 if == "am" else 12)
# kludge to deal with noon, okay since there are no 12am options
times[h] = hour if hour != 24 else 12
return times
def get_data(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
rows = [line[:-1].split("\t") for line in f]
header = rows[0]
data = [dict(zip(header, row)) for row in rows[1:]]
return parse_spreadsheet(header, data)
def parse_spreadsheet(header, data):
"Turn the spreadsheet into two dicts, one mapping times to people and the other people to times."
times = extract_times(header)
times_to_people = defaultdict(set)
people_to_times = defaultdict(set)
for datum in data:
email = datum["Email Address"]
for t in times_for_person(times, datum):
return times_to_people, people_to_times
def best(n, times_to_people, scheduled=None):
"Find the best n times so the most people can attend at least one session."
if scheduled is None:
scheduled = []
people = reduce(lambda acc, ps: acc | ps, times_to_people.values(), set())
memo = {}
def best_helper(times, solution):
key = (frozenset(times), frozenset(solution[1]))
if key in memo:
return memo[key]
ts, covered = solution
if covered == people or not times or len(solution[0]) == n:
memo[key] = solution
return memo[key]
t, *rest = times
a = best_helper(
(ts | {t}, covered | times_to_people[t]),
b = best_helper(rest, (ts, covered))
memo[key] = a if len(a[1]) >= len(b[1]) else b
return memo[key]
starting = (
reduce(lambda acc, t: acc | times_to_people[t], scheduled, set()),
times, covered = best_helper(times_to_people.keys(), starting)
return times, people - covered
def show_times(times, times_to_people, people_to_times):
"Show the times in chronological order plus the people who can't come."
for t in sorted(times):
print(f"\n{t}: {len(times_to_people[t])}")
for p in sorted(times_to_people[t]):
print(f" {p}")
def show_uncovered(uncovered):
print(f"\nUncovered: {len(uncovered)}")
for p in sorted(uncovered):
print(f" {p} {len(people_to_times[p])}")
filename = sys.argv[1]
n = int(sys.argv[2])
# Time strings of any already scheduled meetings
scheduled = ["2024-06-10 16:00 (04:00 PM)"]
times_to_people, people_to_times = get_data(filename)
times, uncovered = best(n, times_to_people, scheduled)
show_times(times, times_to_people, people_to_times)
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