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Last active July 25, 2019 12:59
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Bernie Cosell on BBN design reviews from Coders at Work

From Bernie Cosell interview in Coders at Work

Another thing that Frank did, on other projects, was design reviews. He had the most scary design reviews and I actually carried that idea forward. People would quake in their boots at his design reviews. This was sort of like taking your orals for your dissertation. He would have a hand-picked collection of people in the audience and you would have to present your design. The people he picked were always good. The thing that made his design reviews so scary is he knew when you were bluffing.

I’m sure you’ve done design reviews where you didn’t work on some part of it real well and so you kind of slide past that part. You think you got this right but you didn’t really do the analysis so you don’t know quite what’s going on. He had an instinct, and it was abetted by having a good crew in there, of catching you when you were bluffing, catching you when you hadn’t thought it through.

The parts that you did absolutely fine hardly got a mention. We all said, “Oh.” But the part that you were most uncomfortable with, we would focus in on. I know some people were terrified of it. The trouble is if you were an insecure programmer you assumed that this was an attack and that you have now been shown up as being incompetent, and life sucks for you.

The reality—I got to be on the good side of the table occasionally—was it wasn’t. The design review was to help you get your program right. There’s nothing we can do to help you for the parts that you got right and now what you’ve got is four of the brightest people at BBN helping you fix this part that you hadn’t thought through. Tell us why you didn’t think it through. Tell us what you were thinking. What did you get wrong? We have 15 minutes and we can help you.

That takes enough confidence in your skill as an engineer, to say, “Well that’s wonderful. Here’s my problem. I couldn’t figure out how to do this and I was hoping you guys wouldn’t notice so you’d give me an OK on the design review.” The implicit answer was, “Of course you’re going to get an OK on the design review because it looks OK. Let’s fix that problem while we’ve got all the good guys here so you don’t flounder with it for another week or two.”

What you wanted to do with a design review was double-check that the parts that he thought he had right he did have right and potentially give him some insight on the parts that he didn’t. Once I apprehended that—I was only like 20 or 21—that seemed so obviously right, such an obvious good use of the senior talent doing the review.

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