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Created January 10, 2020 21:45
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GPT2 with libpython-clj
(ns gigasquid.gpt2
(:require [libpython-clj.require :refer [require-python]]
[libpython-clj.python :as py]))
; - OpenAI GPT-2
(require-python '(transformers))
(require-python '(torch))
;;; Load pre-trained model tokenizer (vocabulary)
(def tokenizer (py/$a transformers/GPT2Tokenizer from_pretrained "gpt2"))
(def text "Who was Jim Henson ? Jim Henson was a")
;; encode text input
(def indexed-tokens (py/$a tokenizer encode text))
indexed-tokens ;=>[8241, 373, 5395, 367, 19069, 5633, 5395, 367, 19069, 373, 257]
;; convert indexed tokens to pytorch tensor
(def tokens-tensor (torch/tensor [indexed-tokens]))
;; ([[ 8241, 373, 5395, 367, 19069, 5633, 5395, 367, 19069, 373,
;; 257]])
;;; Load pre-trained model (weights)
(def model (py/$a transformers/GPT2LMHeadModel from_pretrained "gpt2"))
;;; Set the model in evaluation mode to deactivate the DropOut modules
;;; This is IMPORTANT to have reproducible results during evaluation!
(py/$a model eval)
;;; Predict all tokens
(def predictions (py/with [r (torch/no_grad)]
(first (model tokens-tensor))))
;;; get the predicted next sub-word"
(def predicted-index (let [last-word-predictions (-> predictions first last)
arg-max (torch/argmax last-word-predictions)]
(py/$a arg-max item)))
predicted-index ;=>582
(py/$a tokenizer decode (-> (into [] indexed-tokens)
(conj predicted-index)))
;=> "Who was Jim Henson? Jim Henson was a man"
;=> "Who was Jim Henson? Jim Henson was a great"
;; GPT-2 as well as some other models (GPT, XLNet, Transfo-XL, CTRL) make use of a past or mems attribute which can be used to prevent re-computing the key/value pairs when using sequential decoding. It is useful when generating sequences as a big part of the attention mechanism benefits from previous computations.
;; Here is a fully-working example using the past with GPT2LMHeadModel and argmax decoding (which should only be used as an example, as argmax decoding introduces a lot of repetition):
(def tokenizer (py/$a transformers/GPT2Tokenizer from_pretrained "gpt2"))
(def model (py/$a transformers/GPT2LMHeadModel from_pretrained "gpt2"))
(def generated (into [] (py/$a tokenizer encode "The Manhattan bridge")))
(def context (torch/tensor [generated]))
(defn generate-sequence-step [{:keys [generated-tokens context past]}]
(let [[output past] (model context :past past)
token (-> (torch/argmax (first output)))
new-generated (conj generated-tokens (py/$a token tolist))]
{:generated-tokens new-generated
:context (py/$a token unsqueeze 0)
:past past
:token token}))
(defn decode-sequence [{:keys [generated-tokens]}]
(py/$a tokenizer decode generated-tokens))
(loop [step {:generated-tokens generated
:context context
:past nil}
i 10]
(if (pos? i)
(recur (generate-sequence-step step) (dec i))
(decode-sequence step)))
;=> "The Manhattan bridge\n\nThe Manhattan bridge is a major artery for"
;;; Let's make a nice function to generate text
(defn generate-text [starting-text num-of-words-to-predict]
(let [tokens (into [] (py/$a tokenizer encode starting-text))
context (torch/tensor [tokens])
result (reduce
(fn [r i]
(println i)
(generate-sequence-step r))
{:generated-tokens tokens
:context context
:past nil}
(range num-of-words-to-predict))]
(decode-sequence result)))
(generate-text "Last week I went to the library" 20)
;=> "Last week I went to the library, and I found a book called \"The Art of the Stealer.\" It's a book about"
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