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Last active January 25, 2016 22:55
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First simple type computation
object console extends App {
trait Nat {
type Plus[That <: Nat] <: Nat
trait _0 extends Nat {
type Plus[That <: Nat] = That
trait Succ[N <: Nat] extends Nat {
type Plus[That <: Nat] = Succ[N#Plus[That]]
type _1 = Succ[_0]
type _2 = Succ[_1]
type _3 = Succ[_2]
implicitly[_1#Plus[_2] =:= _3]
// implicitly[_1#Plus[_1] =:= _3]
object phantom {
//trait SList[Size <: Nat] {
// def ::(t: Int): SList[Nat]
//object SNil extends SList[_0] {
// def ::(t: Int): SList[_1] = SCons[_1](t, SNil)
//case class SCons[TailSize <: Nat](head: Int, tail: SList[TailSize]) extends SList[TailSize] {
// def ::(t: Int): SList[Succ[TailSize]] = SCons(t, head :: tail)
object implicits {
trait Size[T] {
type V <: Nat
trait Size0 {
object Size extends Size0 {
implicit def nil[T] = new Size[T] {
type V = _0
implicit def cont[F[_], T](implicit s: Size[T]) = new Size[F[T]] {
type V = Succ[s.V]
def foo[T](t: T)(implicit S: Size[T]): S.V = ???
val count2: _2 = foo(List(Option(3)))
val count1: _1 = foo(Option(3))
val count0: _0 = foo(3)
// val wrongCount1: _1 = foo(List(Option(3)))
object Print {
trait Print[T] {
type R
def print: R
object Print {
implicit def printT[T] = new Print[T] {
type R = String
def print = s"T"
implicit def printF[F[_], T](implicit p: Print[T]) = new Print[F[T]] {
type R = String
def print = s"F[T]: ${p.print}"
def print[T](t: T)(implicit p: Print[T]): p.R = ??? // p.print
val res = print(List(Option(2)))
println(s"res: ${res}")
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