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Gijs Nijholt gijs

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gijs / encoded_fonts.edn
Created January 18, 2022 15:48 — forked from kouphax/encoded_fonts.edn
font awesome fonts -> base64 encoded data uri -> edn/sql
{"fa-adjust" "
gijs /
Last active September 21, 2015 07:58 — forked from sgillies/
GeoJSON: json vs msgpack vs shapely.wkb vs geobuf
# Comparing serialization of complex GeoJSON geometries using:
# - standard lib json, marshal, pickle, cPickle
# - umsgpack
# - shapely.wkb
# - geobuf (protobuf)
# The test case is a nearly circular polygon with 128 vertices.
# Python 2.7 because geobuf isn't possible on Python 3 (because
# Some things taken from here
# Set the colours you can use
def WorldFileParameters(self, tx, ty, zoom):
"Returns world file (affine transofrmation) parameters of the given tile"
bounds = self.TileBounds( tx, ty, zoom)
moriginx = bounds[1] + (self.Resolution(zoom) / 2)
moriginy = bounds[2] - (self.Resolution(zoom) / 2)
return (self.Resolution(zoom), 0.0, 0.0, self.Resolution(zoom) * -1, moriginx, moriginy)
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gijs / gist:7673137
Created November 27, 2013 09:44 — forked from aflaxman/gist:287370
Read graphs in Open Street Maps osm format
Based on from brianw's osmgeocode, which is based on from
comes from Graphserver: and is copyright (c)
2007, Brandon Martin-Anderson under the BSD License
gijs /
Created November 14, 2013 15:21 — forked from tmcw/

Whole Earth Guide

I'm not sure about this; GIS really got burned from being both a 'science' and a 'product' from the beginning, and there are blurry lines between what I think is essential and what I don't know because I never do it and am not a GIS person. Anyway.

  • A No-Bullshit Intro to Maps and GIS
  1. What Maps Are
  2. Data
  3. Information
  4. Transformation

Moving from jQuery


// jQuery
$(document).ready(function() {
  // code