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Last active July 13, 2017 09:35
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  1. Clojure is homophonic language, it means the program structure is similar to its syntax

  2. Every statement evaluate to one value ex (+ 1 2) => 3

  3. ( ) is a list

  4. Lists are call, first element is operator the rest is arguments

  5. No call expression use infix or postfix position

  6. Clojure Scalar Literals: String, Boolean, NIL, Char, Keyword, Symbol, Number, Regex

  7. Keyword always prefixed with colon (:), keyword also can contain namespace :namespace/name

  8. Symbol evaluate to value in runtime, value include those held by vars (like global registry), Java class, local ref, etc

  9. Symbol must begin with non numeric

  10. Collection Literals

  11. List -> (1 2 3), Vector -> [ 1 2 3 ], Map -> {:key “value”}, Set -> #{ 1 2 3 }

  12. Evaluation can be suppressed with ‘

  13. Vars can be referred to by prefixing a symbol with #’

14.Dereference (yielding value) from reference with @

user=> (def nama "Gilang")
user=> 'nama
user=> #'nama
user=> @#'nama
user=> nama
  1. Symbol evaluation are tied up with namespaces

  2. Namespace is Clojure's funamental unit of code modularity

  3. Vars are defined by def (def x 1), equivalent to var x = 1 in javascript

  4. Dont use var to hold mutable value

  5. Symbol in function can evaluate 2 things: the value of named var, clojure special form

  6. Clojure Special Form

  • Quote '

    Surpress evaluation of clojure expression. List are usually evaluated as calls, quoting a list suppressed that evaluation, yielding list it self

  • do

    Evaluates all expressions, yields the last value. example

     (println "hi")
     (apply * [4 5 6]))
    ;= hi
    ;= 120
  • Defining Vars: def

    (def x 1)

  • Local Bindings: let

    Allow to define named references that lexically scoped to the extend of the let expression (let defines local). Let are imutable, you can't change the value later.

    (defn hypot
     [x y]
     (let [x2 (* x x)
           y2 (* y y)]
       (Math/sqrt (+ x2 y2))))
  1. Destructuring

Clojure destructuring provides a concise syntax for declaratively pulling apart collections and binding values contained therein as named locals within a let form. And, because destructuring is a facility provided by let, it can be used in any expression that implicitly uses let (like fn, defn, loop, and so on).

Sequential destructuring: clojure list, vector, seqs, Any class implementing java.util.List, java arrays, String


(def v [42 "foo" 99.2 [5 12]])
;= #'user/v
(let [[x y z] v]
  (+ x z))
;= 141.2

Retaining original value

(let [[x _ z :as original-vector] v]
  (conj original-vector (+ x z)))
;= [42 "foo" 99.2 [5 12] 141.2]

Map destructuring: clojure hash-map, array-map, record, any cmass implement java.util.Map, a value that has get method, vector, string, array


(def m {:a 5 :b 6
        :c [7 8 9]
        :d {:e 10 :f 11}
        "foo" 88
        42 false})
;= #'user/m
(let [{a :a b :b} m]
  (+ a b))
;= 11

Having let key same as map key

(def chas {:name "Chas" :age 31 :location "Massachusetts"})
;= #'user/chas
(let [{:keys [name age location]} chas]
  (format "%s is %s years old and lives in %s." name age location))
;= "Chas is 31 years old and lives in Massachusetts."

More complex example

(let [{[x _ y] :c} m]
  (+ x y))
;= 16
(def map-in-vector ["James" {:birthday (java.util.Date. 73 1 6)}])
;= #'user/map-in-vector
(let [[name {bd :birthday}] map-in-vector]
  (str name " was born on " bd))
;= "James was born on Thu Feb 06 00:00:00 EST 1973"
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