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Created November 7, 2010 18:01
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Save gildotdev/666284 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bash script to add new domain to slicehost and create nginx config file for it
#Setup a new domain on slicehost using layout outlined here:
#and creating an nginx config file based on this article:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
#check to see if arguments are set
if [ ! -n "$1" ]
echo "Usage: `basename $0`"
while true; do
read -p "Are you sure you want to add $1 as a domain on this host? Y or N" yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* ) break;;
[Nn]* ) exit;;
* ) echo "Please answer Y or N.";;
#move to proper directory and create directory structure
cd ~
# check to see if public_html directory exists and create it if it doesn't
if [ ! -e $userhome/public_html ]
echo "$userhome/public_html directory does not exist, creating it"
mkdir $userhome/public_html
continue # On to next.
#creating {public,private,log,backup} directories
mkdir -p $userhome/public_html/$1/public
mkdir -p $userhome/public_html/$1/private
mkdir -p $userhome/public_html/$1/log
mkdir -p $userhome/public_html/$1/backup
#create dummy index.php
echo "<html>" > $userhome/public_html/$1/public/index.php
echo " <head>" >> $userhome/public_html/$1/public/index.php
echo " <title>$1</title>" >> $userhome/public_html/$1/public/index.php
echo " </head>" >> $userhome/public_html/$1/public/index.php
echo " <body>" >> $userhome/public_html/$1/public/index.php
echo " <h1>$1</h1>" >> $userhome/public_html/$1/public/index.php
echo " </body>" >> $userhome/public_html/$1/public/index.php
echo "</html>" >> $userhome/public_html/$1/public/index.php
#check nginx install type
if [ -d "/usr/local/nginx" ]
then # installed from source
elif [ -d "/etc/nginx" ]
then # installed from package manager
echo "Cannot determine where nginx is installed"
exit #stopping nginx setup
#create nginx config file
touch $userhome/$1
echo "server {" >> $userhome/$1
echo " listen 80 default;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " server_name $1;\n" >> $userhome/$1
echo " access_log /home/fw/public_html/$1/log/access.log;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " error_log /home/fw/public_html/$1/log/error.log;\n\n" >> $userhome/$1
echo " root /home/fw/public_html/$1/public/;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " index index.php;\n" >> $userhome/$1
echo " if (!-e \$request_filename) {" >> $userhome/$1
echo " rewrite ^/(.*)\$ /index.php?q=\$1 last;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " }\n" >> $userhome/$1
echo " error_page 404 index.php;\n" >> $userhome/$1
echo " # hide protected files" >> $userhome/$1
echo " location ~* \.(engine|inc|info|install|module|profile|po|sh|.*sql|theme|tpl(\.php)?|xtmpl)\$|^(code-style\.pl|Entries.*|Repository|Root|Tag|Template)\$ {" >> $userhome/$1
echo " deny all;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " }\n" >> $userhome/$1
echo " # hide backup_migrate files" >> $userhome/$1
echo " location ~* ^/files/backup_migrate {" >> $userhome/$1
echo " deny all;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " }\n" >> $userhome/$1
echo " # serve static files directly" >> $userhome/$1
echo " location ~* ^.+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|png|js|ico)\$ {" >> $userhome/$1
echo " access_log off;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " expires 30d;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " }\n" >> $userhome/$1
echo " location ~ \.php\$ {" >> $userhome/$1
echo " fastcgi_pass;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " fastcgi_index index.php;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME \$document_root\$fastcgi_script_name;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING \$query_string;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD \$request_method;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE \$content_type;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH \$content_length;" >> $userhome/$1
echo " }" >> $userhome/$1
echo "}" >> $userhome/$1
sudo chown root:root $userhome/$1
sudo mv $userhome/$1 $nginxbase/sites-available/$1
#enable site by creating symbolic link
sudo ln -s $nginxbase/sites-available/$1 $nginxbase/sites-enabled/$1
#restart nginx
while true; do
read -p "Is nginx able to be restarted at this time? Y or N" yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* ) sudo /etc/init.d/nginx stop; sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start; exit;;
[Nn]* ) exit;;
* ) echo "Please answer Y or N.";;
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