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Last active June 21, 2018 00:51
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Getting started with Kafka Lab

Let's do a simple lab showing how to use Python with Kafka. We work with create-topic, list-topic, producers and consumers from the Python with Kafka.

These files should be setup on your virtual box image. You do the work for this lab in the directory ~/kafka-training/lab1. You can find the latest versions of the instructions for Lab1 here.

If you prefer to run the examples on another OS, e.g., OSX, please refer to the Kafka course notes for instructions on how to download labs and run them on OSX.

Note: later versions will likely work, but this was example was done with The Kafka just came out in November 2017. The course was recently upgraded to 1.1.0.

If you are using the Virtual Box image of Linux, we unzipped the Kafka download and put it in ~/kafka-training/, and then renamed the Kafka install folder to kafka. Please do the same if you decide to install Kafka yourself.

You should be using the VirtualBox image.

For our examples we'll use Confluent Open Source . Please follow this steps to install properly:
Install Confluent, see here the instructions.
Install Librdkafka, see here the instructions.
Install Python, I used Python 2.7.14.

Next, we are going to run ZooKeeper and then run Kafka Server/Broker. We will use Python to create Kafka topic, to list Kafka topics, to start Kafka consumer and to start Kafka producer. We will use some Kafka command line utilities, to send messages via a producer and see this messages via Python Kafka consumer.

You do the work for this lab in the directory ~/kafka-training/lab1.

Run ZooKeeper for Kafka

Kafka relies on ZooKeeper. To keep things simple, we will use a single ZooKeeper node.

Kafka provides a startup script for ZooKeeper called which is located at ~/kafka-training/kafka/bin/

The Kafka distribution also provide a ZooKeeper config file which is setup to run single node.

To run ZooKeeper, we create this script in kafka-training and run it.


#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd ~/kafka-training

kafka/bin/ \


$ ./

Wait about 30 seconds or so for ZooKeeper to startup.

Run Kafka Server

Kafka also provides a startup script for the Kafka server called which is located at ~/kafka-training/kafka/bin/

The Kafka distribution also provides a Kafka config file which is setup to run Kafka single node, and points to ZooKeeper running on localhost:2181.

To run Kafka, we created the script in kafka-training. Please review it and then run it in another terminal window.


#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd ~/kafka-training

kafka/bin/ \

  • ACTION Run the script.


$ ./

Wait about 30 seconds or so for Kafka to startup.

Now let's create the topic that we will send records on.

Create Kafka Topic with Python

You will create a Python code to create a topic called my-topic with a replication factor of 1 since we only have one server. We will use thirteen partitions for my-topic, which means we could have up to 13 Kafka consumers.

To run the code, finish creating this script in kafka-training\lab1\python, and run it in another terminal window.



import os
from subprocess import call

os.chdir(os.getenv('HOME') + '/kafka-training/kafka/bin/')

# Create a topic
call(["./", "--create", "--zookeeper", "localhost:2181", "--replication-factor", 
"1", "--partitions", "13", "--topic", "my-topic-python"])

  • ACTION Edit the file ~/kafka-training/lab1/python/ so that it creates a topic called my-topic-python.
  • ACTION Run from a new terminal window.

Run from ~/kafka-training/lab1/python


$ ./

Created topic "my-topic-python".

Notice we created a topic called my-topic-python.

List Topics with Python

You can see which topics that Kafka is managing using as follows.

Finish creating the code in ~/kafka-training/lab1/python/ and run it.



import os
from subprocess import call

os.chdir(os.getenv('HOME') + '/kafka-training/kafka/bin/')

# List existing topics
call(["./", "--list", "--zookeeper", "localhost:2181"])

Notice that we have to specify the location of the ZooKeeper cluster node which is running on localhost port 2181.

  • ACTION Edit the file ~/kafka-training/lab1/python/ so that it lists all of the topics in Kafka.
  • ACTION Run from a new terminal window.

Run run from ~/kafka-training/lab1/python

$ ./


You can see the topic my-topic-python in the list of topics.

Run Kafka Producer Console with Python

You will create a Python code that calls the Kafka utility which is located at ~/kafka-training/kafka/bin/ to send messages to a topic on the command line.

The Kafka distribution provides a command utility to send messages from the command line. It start up a terminal window where everything you type is sent to the Kafka topic.

Create the script in ~/kafka-training/lab1/python/ and run it.



import os
from subprocess import call

os.chdir(os.getenv('HOME') + '/kafka-training/kafka/bin/')

# Create a topic
call(["./", "--broker-list", "localhost:9092", "--topic", "my-topic-python"])

Notice that we specify the Kafka node which is running at localhost:9092.

  • ACTION Edit the file ~/kafka-training/lab1//python/ so that it starts the Kafka producer.
  • ACTION Run from a new terminal window.

Run and send at least four messages

$ ./
This is message 1 with python
This is message 2 with python
This is message 3 with python
Message 4
Message 5

In order to see these messages, we will need to run the consumer console.

Run Kafka Consumer Console with Python

You will create a Python code that calls the Kafka utility which is located at ~/kafka-training/kafka/bin/ to receive messages from a topic on the command line.

The Kafka distribution provides a command utility to see messages from the command line. It displays the messages in various modes.

Finish creating the script in ~/kafka-training/lab1/python/ and run it.



import os
from subprocess import call

os.chdir(os.getenv('HOME') + '/kafka-training/kafka/bin/')

# Create a topic
call(["./", "--bootstrap-server", "localhost:9092", "--topic", 
"my-topic-python", "--from-beginning"])

Notice that we specify the Kafka node which is running at localhost:9092 like we did before, but we also specify to read all of the messages from my-topic from the beginning --from-beginning.

  • ACTION Edit the file ~/kafka-training/lab1/python/ so that it starts the Kafka console consumer.
  • ACTION Run from a new terminal window.

Run in another terminal

$ ./
Message 5
This is message 3 with Python
This is message 2 with Python
This is message 1 with Python
Message 4

Notice that the messages are not coming in order. This is because we only have one consumer so it is reading the messages from all 13 partitions. Order is only guaranteed within a partition.

More about Kafka

To learn about Kafka see Kafka architecture, Kafka topic architecture and Kafka producer architecture.

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About Cloudurable

We hope you enjoyed this article. Please provide feedback. Cloudurable provides Kafka training, Kafka consulting, Kafka support and helps setting up Kafka clusters in AWS.

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