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Created May 28, 2011 03:50
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Script que prepara o ambiente e executa os testes unitários no projeto
# coding: utf8
import unittest
class ContatosModel(unittest.TestCase):
def test_teste(self):
contatos = db( > 0).count()
self.assertEquals(contatos, 0)
Runs all tests that exist in the tests directories.
File test: ModuleModel
For example: ContactModel
File test: ModuleController
For example: ContactController
Execute with:
> python -S appname
Gilson Filho
Based on code from Jon Vlachoyiannis
Font Slice:
import unittest
import glob
import sys
import os
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
from copy import copy
from gluon import shell
# Ambiente
def new_env(app='init', controller=None):
Prepara o ambiente usando o env do shell
do web2py para importar os modelos do sistema,
alem do controlador usado nos testes na camada
de controle
WEB2PY = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
dir = os.path.join(WEB2PY, 'applications', sys.argv[2])
_env = shell.env(sys.argv[2],c=None,import_models=True,dir=dir)
if controller:
execfile(os.path.join(dir, 'controllers', controller + '.py'), _env)
return _env
# Copiando banco
def copy_db(env, db_name='db', db_link='sqlite:memory:'):
Copia o banco de dados usado para o desenvolvimento
para iniciar os testes.
from gluon.sql import DAL
test_db = DAL(db_link)
for tablename in env[db_name].tables:
table_copy = [copy(f) for f in env[db_name][tablename]]
test_db.define_table(tablename, *table_copy, migrate=True)
return test_db
def execute_tests():
# get all files with tests
test_files = glob.glob('applications/'+sys.argv[2]+'/tests/*/*.py')
if not test_files:
raise Exception("No files found for app: " + sys.argv[2])
# Bring all unit tests in and their controllers/models/whatever
for test_file in test_files:
g = copy(globals())
execfile(test_file, g)
# Create the appropriate class name based on filename and path
# TODO: use regex
filename = str.capitalize(test_file.split("/")[-1][:-3])
directory = str.capitalize(test_file.split("/")[-2][:-1])
return db
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Preparando o ambiente
env = new_env(sys.argv[2])
db = copy_db(env)
# Executando os testes
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