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Created January 30, 2017 23:33
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* ================================
* ================================
"assessments" : { // node name - "assessments"
"-Kbk4EwvWLSebx50PvRe" : { // program id
"-KbfHhPkrIWyX5DnZG8U" : { // assessment id
"description" : "Complete...", // description of assessment
"exerciseId" : "-KbfHhPkrIWyX58U", // exercise id
"isMobility" : true, // is mobility or not
"levels" : {
"level1" : true, // level id
"level2" : true, // "
"level3" : true // "
"mobilityData" : { // mobility data(if isMobility == true)
"-RGxhs234DFFD" : {
"text" : "text for the mobile levels...",
"url" : ""
"name" : "Push-up", // name of assesment
"order": 4 // order
"exercises" : { // node name - "exercises"
"-XFpQ2k2PfccPjKxxYkutHtyKn0F3" : { // exercise id
"title" : "Muscle-up", // title of exercise
"video" : "" // video url, (based on external data)
"levels" : {
"program-1" : {
"daysPerWeek" : {
"workout-1" : true,
"workout-2" : true
"programs" : {
"-Kbk4EwvWLSebx50PvRe" : { // node name - "programs"
"assessments" : { // assessments under the programs
"-KbfHhPkrIWyX5DnZG8U" : true, // assessment id
"-KbjyH9VMm8opHjidlb_" : true // "
"billingPrice" : 24, // billing price
"billingType" : "monthly", // billing plan (monthly or bundle)
"createdOn" : 1485791625320, // created date (firebase server time)
"daysPerWeek" : { // workouts
"-KbkFtNCz_ciLzjlMWDW" : true, // id of workouts
"-KbkFtmpWk0MBHwcoMXX" : true // "
"description" : "Increase...", // description of program
"levels" : { // levels under the program
"-Kbk6bBmY9vcmTlJ2C3o" : true, // level id
"-MMk234bBmTTsafC3o" : true
"name" : "Gymnastics",
"photo" : "https://firebasestora...", // downloadUrl of photo
"video" : "https://firebasestor..." // downloadUrl of video
"sequences" : { // node name - "sequences"
"program-1" : { // program id
"level-1" : { // level id
"id-1" : { // sequence id
"description" : "description o", // description of sequence
"exercises" : { // exercises under the sequence
"sequence-exercise-1" : true, // sequence exercise id
"sequence-exercise-2" : true // "
"order" : 14, // order
"time" : 142312311, // time
"title" : "Sequence- 1" // title of sequence
"sequenceExercises" : { // node name - "sequenceExercises"
"sequence-exercise-1": { // id
"exerciseId" :"exercise -1", // exercise id
"note" : "this is note...", // note
"reps" : 21, // reps
"rest" : "rest", // rest
"sets" : 11, // sets
"variations" : { // variations of sequences
"variation-exercise-1" : true, // variation exercise id
"variation-exercise-2" : true // "
"subscriptions" : { // node name - "subscriptions"
"VY5StD7xAnZnl8RL1swqsopv5K12" : { // user id
"createdOn" : 12331532, // created time
"programId" : "program-1" // program id
"userHistory" : { // node name - "userHistory"
"user-1" : { // user id
"id-1" : { // history id
"title" : "logged in" // title of history
"id-2" : { // user id
"title" : "logged out" // title of history
"userStatus" : { // node name - "userStatus"
"VY5StD7xAnZnl8RL1swqsopv5K12" : { // user id
"levelId" : "level-1", // program id
"programId" : "program-1"
"users" : { // node name - "users"
"VY5StD7xAnZnl8RL1swqsopv5K12" : { // user id
"createdOn" : 124452323, // created time
"email" : "", // email
"name" : "XXXX XXXXX", // name
"settings" : { // settings
"theme" : "theme-1",
"timezone" : "GMT +8"
"variationExercises" : { // node name - "variationExercises"
"variations-1" : { //id
"exerciseId" : "exercise-1", // exercise id
"deficientExerciseId" : "def-id-1", // deficient Exercise Id (?)
"note" : "note", // note
"reps" : 22, // reps
"rest" : "rest", // rest
"sets" : 22 // sets
"workouts" : { // node name - "workouts"
"program-1" : { // program id
"level-1" : { // level id
"day" : 2, // day
"order" : 2, // order
"sequences" : { // sequences under the workouts
"sequence-1" : true, // sequence id
"sequence-2" : true // "
"title" : "Week 1, Day 1", // title of workout
"week" : 1 // week
* ======================================
* ======================================
class UserModel {
id : string;
name : string;
email : string;
createdOn : any;
settings : Array<any>; //or Object
class UserHistoryModel {
id : string;
userId : string;
title : string;
class UserStatusModel {
userId : string;
programId : string;
levelId : string;
class SubscriptionModel {
userId : string;
programId : string;
createdOn : any;
class ProgramModel {
id : string;
name : string;
description : string;
billingType : string;
billingPrice : number;
photo : any;
video : any;
createdOn : any;
daysPerWeek : Array<string>; //['Monday', 'Tuesday', ...'Sunday']
assessments : Array<AssessmentModel>;
levels : Array<LevelModel>;
class AssessmentModel {
id : string;
programId : string;
exerciseId : string;
name : string;
description : string;
order : number;
isMobility : boolean;
mobileData : Array<MobileDataModel>;
levels : Array<LevelModel>;
class MobileDataModel {
id : string;
text : string;
url : string; //image url
class LevelModel {
id : string;
programId : string;
description : string;
min : string;
max : string;
workouts : Array<WorkoutModel>;
class WorkoutModel {
id : string;
programId : string;
levelId : string;
day : string;
week : string;
title : string;
order : string;
sequences : Array<SequenceModel>;
class ExerciseModel {
id : string;
title : string;
video : string;
class SequenceModel {
id : string;
programId : string;
levelId : string;
workoutId : string;
title : string;
description : string;
order : number;
time : string;
exercises : Array<SequenceExerciseModel>;
class SequenceExerciseModel {
id : string;
exerciseId : string;
note : string;
reps : number;
rest : string;
sets : number;
variations : Array<VariationExerciseModel>;
class VariationExerciseModel {
id : string;
deficientExerciseId : string;
exerciseId : string;
note : string;
reps : number;
rest : string;
sets : number;
/* SequenceExerciseModel and VariationExerciseModel can be merged in to one model */
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