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Last active August 11, 2021 18:30
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Save gimbo/f1cc9f5c7a9b5e13dbb007acb0a993d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - summarise git repos in some folder
# git-summary - summarise git repos at some path
# Adapted from
# Andy Gimblett, March 2017
usage() {
sed 's/^ //' <<EOF
git-summary - summarise git repos at some path
Usage: git-summary [-h] [-l] [path]
Given a path to a folder containing one or more git repos,
print a status summary table showing, for each repo:
- the folder name
- the currently checked out branch
- a short status string showing whether there are:
- untracked files
- uncommitted new files
- uncommitted changes
- unpulled commits for the current branch
- unpushed commits for the current branch
-h Print this message
-l Local operation only. Without this the script runs
"git fetch" in each repo before checking for unpushed/
unpulled commits. As this can be time consuming, this
flag lets you skip that.
path Path to folder containing git repos; if omitted, the
current working directory is used.
git_summary() {
local local_only=0
local opt
while getopts "hl" opt; do
case "${opt}" in
h) usage ; exit 1 ;;
l) local_only=1 ;; # Will skip "git fetch"
shift $((OPTIND-1))
# Use provided path, or default to pwd
local target=$(readlink -f ${1:-`pwd`})
local repos=$(list_repos $target)
# We compute the repo names and branch names here so we can
# compute their maximum lengths and lay things out nicely. This
# can all be done much more easily via the column(1) utility, but
# that has to consume all its input before it can write anything
# out, which isn't great when you're running "git fetch" on a
# whole bunch of repos. Doing it like this allows us to write the
# output to stdout incrementally.
local branches=$(repo_branches $target)
local max_repo_len=$(max_len "$repos")
local max_branch_len=$(max_len "$branches")
local template=$(printf "%%-%ds %%-%ds %%-s\\n" $max_repo_len $max_branch_len)
print_header "$template" $max_repo_len $max_branch_len
local f
local here=`pwd`
for f in $repos ; do
cd $target/$f
summarise_one_git_repo "$template" "$local_only" >&1
cd $here
print_header () {
local template="$1"
local max_repo_len=$2
local max_branch_len=$3
printf "$template\n" repo branch state
print_divider () {
printf '=%.0s' $(seq 1 $max_repo_len)
printf ' '
printf '=%.0s' $(seq 1 $max_branch_len)
printf ' '
printf '=%.0s' $(seq 1 5)
printf '\n'
} ; print_divider
summarise_one_git_repo () {
local template=$1
local local_only=$2
local app_name=`basename $(pwd)`
local branch_name=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
printf "$template" $app_name $branch_name >&1
local state=""
local untracked=`git status | grep Untracked -c`
local new_files=`git status | grep "new file" -c`
local modified=`git status | grep modified -c`
state+=$([ $untracked -ne 0 ] && echo "?" || echo " ")
state+=$([ $new_files -ne 0 ] && echo "+" || echo " ")
state+=$([ $modified -ne 0 ] && echo "M" || echo " ")
echo -n "$state" >&1
local rstate=""
local has_upstream=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref @{u} 2> /dev/null | wc -l`
if [ $has_upstream -ne 0 ] ; then
if [ $local_only -eq 0 ] ; then
git fetch -q &> /dev/null
# Unpulled and unpushed on *current* branch
local unpulled=`git log --pretty=format:'%h' ..@{u} | wc -c`
local unpushed=`git log --pretty=format:'%h' @{u}.. | wc -c`
rstate+=$([ $unpulled -ne 0 ] && echo "v" || echo " ")
rstate+=$([ $unpushed -ne 0 ] && echo "^" || echo " ")
echo "$rstate" >&1
# Given the path to a git repo, compute its current branch name.
repo_branch () {
git --git-dir=$1/.git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
# Given a path to a folder containing some git repos, compute the
# names of the folders which actually do contain git repos.
list_repos () {
find $1 -maxdepth 2 -type 'd' -name ".git" -print0 | xargs -0 -L1 dirname -z | xargs -0 -L1 basename
# Given the path to a folder containing git some repos, compute the
# names of the current branches in the repos.
repo_branches () {
local root=$1
local repo
for repo in $(list_repos $root) ; do
echo $(repo_branch $root/$repo)
max_len () {
echo "$1" | gawk '{ print length }' | sort -rn | head -1
git_summary $@
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zartc commented Aug 14, 2017

Love your extended version of this script.
Here is a patch that will prevent git to emit error message when encountering new repositories with no HEAD yet.

diff -r Clipboard at 15:08:10 Clipboard at 15:10:57
<     local branch_name=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
>     local branch_name=`git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e "s/^refs\/heads\///"`
<     git --git-dir=$1/.git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
>     git --git-dir=$1/.git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e "s/^refs\/heads\///"

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ghost commented Sep 13, 2017

Thank you guys for the amazing script. I'm gonna heavily utilize it.
I'm kind of extending on it and so far I made it so that if it was run in a directory with no git repos it would not produce any errors

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gimbo commented Feb 16, 2019

I've replaced this now with a python version which does more, faster, and prettier:

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very helpful!
small and powerful !

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@gimbo commented on Feb 16, 2019, 3:16 AM MST:

I've replaced this now with a python version which does more, faster, and prettier:

Thanks for this! However, your python version doesn't work on Windows 10.

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