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Last active August 26, 2023 21:58
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Typescript definitions for @octokit/rest.js with response types
* This declaration file requires TypeScript 2.1 or above.
import * as http from "http";
declare namespace Github {
type json = any;
type date = string;
export interface Response<T> {
/** This is the data you would see in */
data: T;
/** Response status number */
status: number;
/** Response headers */
headers: {
"x-ratelimit-limit": string;
"x-ratelimit-remaining": string;
"x-ratelimit-reset": string;
"x-github-request-id": string;
"x-github-media-type": string;
link: string;
"last-modified": string;
etag: string;
status: string;
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<any>;
export type AnyResponse = Response<any>;
export interface EmptyParams {}
export interface Options {
baseUrl?: string;
timeout?: number;
headers?: { [header: string]: any };
agent?: http.Agent;
* @deprecated in version 15.0.0
proxy?: string;
* @deprecated in version 15.0.0
ca?: string;
* @deprecated in version 15.0.0
rejectUnauthorized?: boolean;
* @deprecated in version 15.0.0
family?: number;
* @deprecated in version 15.2.0
host?: string;
* @deprecated in version 15.2.0
pathPrefix?: string;
* @deprecated in version 15.2.0
protocol?: string;
* @deprecated in version 15.2.0
port?: number;
export interface AuthBasic {
type: "basic";
username: string;
password: string;
export interface AuthOAuthToken {
type: "oauth";
token: string;
export interface AuthOAuthSecret {
type: "oauth";
key: string;
secret: string;
export interface AuthUserToken {
type: "token";
token: string;
/* @deprecated Use "app" instead of "integration" */
export interface DeprecatedAuthJWT {
type: "integration";
token: string;
export interface AuthJWT {
type: "app";
token: string;
export type Auth =
| AuthBasic
| AuthOAuthToken
| AuthOAuthSecret
| AuthUserToken
| AuthJWT
| DeprecatedAuthJWT;
export type Link = { link: string } | { meta: { link: string } } | string;
export interface Callback {
(error: Error | null, result: any): any;
type UnfollowUserResponse = {};
type TogglePrimaryEmailVisibilityResponseItem = {
email: string;
primary: boolean;
verified: boolean;
visibility: string;
type GetTeamsResponseItemOrganization = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
hooks_url: string;
issues_url: string;
members_url: string;
public_members_url: string;
avatar_url: string;
description: string;
type GetRepoInvitesResponseItem = {
id: number;
repository: Repository;
invitee: User;
inviter: User;
permissions: string;
created_at: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
type GetPublicEmailsResponseItem = {
email: string;
verified: boolean;
primary: boolean;
visibility: string;
type GetOrgMembershipResponse = {
url: string;
state: string;
role: string;
organization_url: string;
organization: Organization;
user: User;
type Plan = {
url: string;
accounts_url: string;
id: number;
name: string;
description: string;
monthly_price_in_cents: number;
yearly_price_in_cents: number;
price_model: string;
has_free_trial: boolean;
unit_name: null;
bullets: Array<string>;
type Account = {
login: string;
id: number;
url: string;
email: null;
organization_billing_email: string;
type: string;
type Purchase = {
billing_cycle: string;
next_billing_date: string;
unit_count: null;
on_free_trial: boolean;
free_trial_ends_on: string;
updated_at: string;
account: Account;
plan: Plan;
type GetKeysForUserResponseItem = {
id: number;
key: string;
type GetKeysResponseItem = {
id: number;
key: string;
url: string;
title: string;
verified: boolean;
created_at: string;
read_only: boolean;
type GetKeyResponse = {
id: number;
key: string;
url: string;
title: string;
verified: boolean;
created_at: string;
read_only: boolean;
type GetInstallationsResponseInstallationsItemPermissions = {
metadata: string;
contents: string;
issues: string;
single_file: string;
type GetInstallationsResponseInstallationsItem = {
id: number;
account: User;
access_tokens_url: string;
repositories_url: string;
html_url: string;
app_id: number;
target_id: number;
target_type: string;
permissions: GetInstallationsResponseInstallationsItemPermissions;
events: Array<string>;
single_file_name: string;
type GetInstallationReposResponse = {
total_count: number;
repositories: Array<Repository>;
type GpgKeySubkeysItem = {
id: number;
primary_key_id: number;
key_id: string;
public_key: string;
emails: Array<any>;
subkeys: Array<any>;
can_sign: boolean;
can_encrypt_comms: boolean;
can_encrypt_storage: boolean;
can_certify: boolean;
created_at: string;
expires_at: null;
type GpgKeyEmailsItem = {
email: string;
verified: boolean;
type GetEmailsResponseItem = {
email: string;
verified: boolean;
primary: boolean;
visibility: string;
type FollowUserResponse = {};
type Organization = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
hooks_url: string;
issues_url: string;
members_url: string;
public_members_url: string;
avatar_url: string;
description: string;
type EditOrgMembershipResponse = {
url: string;
state: string;
role: string;
organization_url: string;
organization: Organization;
user: User;
type DeleteKeyResponse = {};
type DeleteGpgKeyResponse = {};
type DeleteEmailsResponse = {};
type DeclineRepoInviteResponse = {};
type CreateKeyResponse = {
id: number;
key: string;
url: string;
title: string;
verified: boolean;
created_at: string;
read_only: boolean;
type GpgKey = {
id: number;
primary_key_id: number | null;
key_id: string;
public_key: string;
emails: Array<GpgKeyEmailsItem>;
subkeys: Array<GpgKeySubkeysItem>;
can_sign: boolean;
can_encrypt_comms: boolean;
can_encrypt_storage: boolean;
can_certify: boolean;
created_at: string;
expires_at: null;
type CreateGpgKeyResponseEmailsItem = {
email: string;
verified: boolean;
type CreateGpgKeyResponse = {
id: number;
primary_key_id: null;
key_id: string;
public_key: string;
emails: Array<CreateGpgKeyResponseEmailsItem>;
subkeys: Array<GpgKey>;
can_sign: boolean;
can_encrypt_comms: boolean;
can_encrypt_storage: boolean;
can_certify: boolean;
created_at: string;
expires_at: null;
type AddEmailsResponseItem = {
email: string;
primary: boolean;
verified: boolean;
type AcceptRepoInviteResponse = {};
type UpdateProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksResponse = {
url: string;
strict: boolean;
contexts: Array<string>;
contexts_url: string;
type Team = {
id: number;
node_id: string;
url: string;
name: string;
slug: string;
description: string;
privacy: string;
permission: string;
members_url: string;
repositories_url: string;
parent: null;
type UpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementResponseDismissalRestrictions = {
url: string;
users_url: string;
teams_url: string;
users: Array<User>;
teams: Array<Team>;
type UpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementResponse = {
url: string;
dismissal_restrictions: UpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementResponseDismissalRestrictions;
dismiss_stale_reviews: boolean;
require_code_owner_reviews: boolean;
required_approving_review_count: number;
type UpdateInviteResponse = {
id: number;
repository: Repository;
invitee: User;
inviter: User;
permissions: string;
created_at: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
type CommitParentsItem = {
url: string;
html_url: string;
sha: string;
type UpdateFileResponseContentLinks = {
self: string;
git: string;
html: string;
type UpdateFileResponseContent = {
name: string;
path: string;
sha: string;
size: number;
url: string;
html_url: string;
git_url: string;
download_url: string;
type: string;
_links: UpdateFileResponseContentLinks;
type UpdateFileResponse = {
content: UpdateFileResponseContent;
commit: Commit;
type UpdateCommitCommentResponse = {
html_url: string;
url: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
body: string;
path: string;
position: number;
line: number;
commit_id: string;
user: User;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
type UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRestrictionsTeamsItem = {
id: number;
node_id: string;
url: string;
name: string;
slug: string;
description: string;
privacy: string;
permission: string;
members_url: string;
repositories_url: string;
parent: null;
type UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRestrictionsUsersItem = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRestrictions = {
url: string;
users_url: string;
teams_url: string;
users: Array<UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRestrictionsUsersItem>;
teams: Array<UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRestrictionsTeamsItem>;
type UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictionsTeamsItem = {
id: number;
node_id: string;
url: string;
name: string;
slug: string;
description: string;
privacy: string;
permission: string;
members_url: string;
repositories_url: string;
parent: null;
type UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictionsUsersItem = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictions = {
url: string;
users_url: string;
teams_url: string;
users: Array<
teams: Array<
type UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviews = {
url: string;
dismissal_restrictions: UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviewsDismissalRestrictions;
dismiss_stale_reviews: boolean;
require_code_owner_reviews: boolean;
required_approving_review_count: number;
type UpdateBranchProtectionResponseEnforceAdmins = {
url: string;
enabled: boolean;
type UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredStatusChecks = {
url: string;
strict: boolean;
contexts: Array<string>;
contexts_url: string;
type UpdateBranchProtectionResponse = {
url: string;
required_status_checks: UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredStatusChecks;
enforce_admins: UpdateBranchProtectionResponseEnforceAdmins;
required_pull_request_reviews: UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRequiredPullRequestReviews;
restrictions: UpdateBranchProtectionResponseRestrictions;
type TestHookResponse = {};
type RequestPageBuildResponse = {
url: string;
status: string;
type ReplaceTopicsResponse = { names: Array<string> };
type ReplaceProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsResponseItem = {
id: number;
node_id: string;
url: string;
name: string;
slug: string;
description: string;
privacy: string;
permission: string;
members_url: string;
repositories_url: string;
parent: null;
type RemoveProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsResponseItem = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type RemoveProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsResponseItem = {
id: number;
node_id: string;
url: string;
name: string;
slug: string;
description: string;
privacy: string;
permission: string;
members_url: string;
repositories_url: string;
parent: null;
type RemoveBranchProtectionResponse = {};
type GetViewsResponseViewsItem = {
timestamp: string;
count: number;
uniques: number;
type GetViewsResponse = {
count: number;
uniques: number;
views: Array<GetViewsResponseViewsItem>;
type GetTopicsResponse = { names: Array<string> };
type GetTagsResponseItemCommit = {
sha: string;
url: string;
type GetTagsResponseItem = {
name: string;
commit: GetTagsResponseItemCommit;
zipball_url: string;
tarball_url: string;
type GetStatusesResponseItem = {
url: string;
avatar_url: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
state: string;
description: string;
target_url: string;
context: string;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
creator: User;
type GetStatsParticipationResponse = {
all: Array<number>;
owner: Array<number>;
type GetStatsContributorsResponseItemWeeksItem = {
w: string;
a: number;
d: number;
c: number;
type GetStatsContributorsResponseItemAuthor = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type GetStatsContributorsResponseItem = {
author: GetStatsContributorsResponseItemAuthor;
total: number;
weeks: Array<GetStatsContributorsResponseItemWeeksItem>;
type GetStatsCommitActivityResponseItem = {
days: Array<number>;
total: number;
week: number;
type GetShaOfCommitRefResponse = {};
type GetReleaseByTagResponseAssetsItemUploader = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type GetReleaseByTagResponseAssetsItem = {
url: string;
browser_download_url: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
name: string;
label: string;
state: string;
content_type: string;
size: number;
download_count: number;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
uploader: GetReleaseByTagResponseAssetsItemUploader;
type GetReleaseByTagResponseAuthor = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type GetReleaseByTagResponse = {
url: string;
html_url: string;
assets_url: string;
upload_url: string;
tarball_url: string;
zipball_url: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
tag_name: string;
target_commitish: string;
name: string;
body: string;
draft: boolean;
prerelease: boolean;
created_at: string;
published_at: string;
author: GetReleaseByTagResponseAuthor;
assets: Array<GetReleaseByTagResponseAssetsItem>;
type GetReferrersResponseItem = {
referrer: string;
count: number;
uniques: number;
type GetReadmeResponseLinks = {
git: string;
self: string;
html: string;
type GetReadmeResponse = {
type: string;
encoding: string;
size: number;
name: string;
path: string;
content: string;
sha: string;
url: string;
git_url: string;
html_url: string;
download_url: string;
_links: GetReadmeResponseLinks;
type GetProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksResponse = {
url: string;
strict: boolean;
contexts: Array<string>;
contexts_url: string;
type GetProtectedBranchRequiredSignaturesResponse = {
url: string;
enabled: boolean;
type GetPathsResponseItem = {
path: string;
title: string;
count: number;
uniques: number;
type GetPagesResponseSource = {
branch: string;
directory: string;
type GetPagesResponse = {
url: string;
status: string;
cname: string;
custom_404: boolean;
html_url: string;
source: GetPagesResponseSource;
type ReleaseResponseAssetsItemUploader = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type ReleaseResponseAssetsItem = {
url: string;
browser_download_url: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
name: string;
label: string;
state: string;
content_type: string;
size: number;
download_count: number;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
uploader: ReleaseResponseAssetsItemUploader;
type ReleaseResponse = {
url: string;
html_url: string;
assets_url: string;
upload_url: string;
tarball_url: string;
zipball_url: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
tag_name: string;
target_commitish: string;
name: string;
body: string;
draft: boolean;
prerelease: boolean;
created_at: string;
published_at: string;
author: User;
assets: Array<ReleaseResponseAssetsItem>;
type GetLanguagesResponse = {
C: number;
Python: number;
type GetInvitesResponseItem = {
id: number;
repository: Repository;
invitee: User;
inviter: User;
permissions: string;
created_at: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
type GetForksResponseItemLicense = {
key: string;
name: string;
spdx_id: string;
url: string;
node_id: string;
type GetForksResponseItemPermissions = {
admin: boolean;
push: boolean;
pull: boolean;
type GetForksResponseItemOwner = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type GetForOrgResponseItemLicense = {
key: string;
name: string;
spdx_id: string;
url: string;
node_id: string;
type GetForOrgResponseItemPermissions = {
admin: boolean;
push: boolean;
pull: boolean;
type GetForOrgResponseItemOwner = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type GetDownloadsResponseItem = {
url: string;
html_url: string;
id: number;
name: string;
description: string;
size: number;
download_count: number;
content_type: string;
type GetDownloadResponse = {
url: string;
html_url: string;
id: number;
name: string;
description: string;
size: number;
download_count: number;
content_type: string;
type GetDeploymentsResponseItemCreator = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type GetDeploymentsResponseItemPayload = { task: string };
type GetDeploymentsResponseItem = {
url: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
sha: string;
ref: string;
task: string;
payload: GetDeploymentsResponseItemPayload;
environment: string;
description: string;
creator: GetDeploymentsResponseItemCreator;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
statuses_url: string;
repository_url: string;
type GetDeploymentStatusesResponseItemCreator = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type GetDeploymentStatusesResponseItem = {
url: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
state: string;
creator: GetDeploymentStatusesResponseItemCreator;
description: string;
target_url: string;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
deployment_url: string;
repository_url: string;
type GetDeploymentStatusResponseCreator = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type GetDeploymentStatusResponse = {
url: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
state: string;
creator: GetDeploymentStatusResponseCreator;
description: string;
target_url: string;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
deployment_url: string;
repository_url: string;
type GetDeploymentResponseCreator = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type GetDeploymentResponsePayload = { task: string };
type GetDeploymentResponse = {
url: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
sha: string;
ref: string;
task: string;
payload: GetDeploymentResponsePayload;
environment: string;
description: string;
creator: GetDeploymentResponseCreator;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
statuses_url: string;
repository_url: string;
type GetDeployKeysResponseItem = {
id: number;
key: string;
url: string;
title: string;
verified: boolean;
created_at: string;
read_only: boolean;
type GetDeployKeyResponse = {
id: number;
key: string;
url: string;
title: string;
verified: boolean;
created_at: string;
read_only: boolean;
type GetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesReadme = {
url: string;
html_url: string;
type GetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesLicense = {
name: string;
key: string;
spdx_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
type GetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesPullRequestTemplate = {
url: string;
html_url: string;
type GetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesIssueTemplate = {
url: string;
html_url: string;
type GetCommunityProfileMetricsResponseFilesContributing = {
url: string;
html_url: string;
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type DeleteTeamResponse = {};
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type RenderMarkdownRawResponse = {};
type RenderMarkdownResponse = {};
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type RevokeResponse = {};
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user: CheckResponseUser;
type RemoveRepoFromInstallationResponse = {};
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owner?: GetResponseOwner;
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type CheckMarketplaceListingAccountResponseMarketplacePurchase = {
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type StarRepoResponse = {};
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type GetNotificationThreadResponseSubject = {
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type CheckNotificationThreadSubscriptionResponse = {
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type GetNotificationsForUserResponse = Array<
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type GetStarredReposForUserResponse = Array<Repository>;
type GetWatchedReposResponse = Array<Repository>;
type GetWatchedReposForUserResponse = Array<
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type GetInstallationsResponse =
| Array<GetInstallationsResponseItem>
| {
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installations: Array<GetInstallationsResponseInstallationsItem>;
type GetMarketplaceListingPlanAccountsResponse = Array<
type GetMarketplaceListingPlansResponse = Array<
type GetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlanAccountsResponse = Array<
type GetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlansResponse = Array<
type CreateResponse = any;
type GetAllResponse = Array<Response>;
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type ListAnnotationsResponse = Array<ListAnnotationsResponseItem>;
type GetCommentsResponse = Array<GetCommentsResponseItem>;
type GetCommitsResponse = Array<GetCommitsResponseItem>;
type GetForUserResponse =
| Array<GetForUserResponseItem>
| {
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created_at: string;
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type GetPublicResponse = Array<GetPublicResponseItem>;
type GetStarredResponse = Array<GetStarredResponseItem>;
type AddLabelsResponse = Array<AddLabelsResponseItem>;
type GetAssigneesResponse = Array<GetAssigneesResponseItem>;
type GetCommentsForRepoResponse = Array<GetCommentsForRepoResponseItem>;
type GetEventsResponse = Array<GetEventsResponseItem>;
type GetEventsForRepoResponse = Array<GetEventsForRepoResponseItem>;
type GetEventsTimelineResponse = Array<GetEventsTimelineResponseItem>;
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type GetForRepoResponse = Array<GetForRepoResponseItem>;
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type GetLabelsResponse = Array<GetLabelsResponseItem>;
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type GetMilestonesResponse = Array<GetMilestonesResponseItem>;
type ReplaceAllLabelsResponse = Array<ReplaceAllLabelsResponseItem>;
type GetImportCommitAuthorsResponse = Array<
type GetLargeImportFilesResponse = Array<GetLargeImportFilesResponseItem>;
type GetMigrationsResponse = Array<GetMigrationsResponseItem>;
type ListForAuthenticatedUserResponse = Array<
type GetCodesOfConductResponse = Array<GetCodesOfConductResponseItem>;
type GetGitignoreTemplatesResponse = Array<string>;
type GetLicensesResponse = Array<GetLicensesResponseItem>;
type GetBlockedUsersResponse = Array<GetBlockedUsersResponseItem>;
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type GetMembersResponse = Array<GetMembersResponseItem>;
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type GetPendingTeamInvitesResponse = Array<GetPendingTeamInvitesResponseItem>;
type GetPublicMembersResponse = Array<GetPublicMembersResponseItem>;
type GetTeamMembersResponse = Array<GetTeamMembersResponseItem>;
type GetTeamReposResponse = Array<GetTeamReposResponseItem>;
type GetTeamsResponse = Array<GetTeamsResponseItem>;
type GetCollaboratorsResponse = Array<GetCollaboratorsResponseItem>;
type GetOrgProjectsResponse = Array<GetOrgProjectsResponseItem>;
type GetProjectCardsResponse = Array<GetProjectCardsResponseItem>;
type GetProjectColumnsResponse = Array<GetProjectColumnsResponseItem>;
type GetRepoProjectsResponse = Array<GetRepoProjectsResponseItem>;
type GetFilesResponse = Array<GetFilesResponseItem>;
type GetReviewCommentsResponse = Array<GetReviewCommentsResponseItem>;
type GetReviewsResponse = Array<GetReviewsResponseItem>;
type GetForCommitCommentResponse = Array<GetForCommitCommentResponseItem>;
type GetForIssueResponse = Array<GetForIssueResponseItem>;
type GetForIssueCommentResponse = Array<GetForIssueCommentResponseItem>;
type GetForPullRequestReviewCommentResponse = Array<
type GetForTeamDiscussionResponse = Array<GetForTeamDiscussionResponseItem>;
type GetForTeamDiscussionCommentResponse = Array<
type AddProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsResponse = Array<string>;
type AddProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsResponse = Array<
type AddProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsResponse = Array<
type CompareCommitsResponse = any;
type CreateForOrgResponse = any;
type GetAllCommitCommentsResponse = Array<Comment>;
type GetAssetsResponse = any;
type GetBranchesResponse = Array<GetBranchesResponseItem>;
type GetCommitCommentsResponse = Array<GetCommitCommentsResponseItem>;
type GetDeployKeysResponse = Array<GetDeployKeysResponseItem>;
type GetDeploymentStatusesResponse = Array<GetDeploymentStatusesResponseItem>;
type GetDeploymentsResponse = Array<GetDeploymentsResponseItem>;
type GetDownloadsResponse = Array<GetDownloadsResponseItem>;
type GetInvitesResponse = Array<GetInvitesResponseItem>;
type GetLatestReleaseResponse = any;
type GetPathsResponse = Array<GetPathsResponseItem>;
type GetProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsResponse = any;
type GetReferrersResponse = Array<GetReferrersResponseItem>;
type GetReleaseResponse = any;
type GetReleasesResponse = Array<ReleaseResponse>;
type GetStatsCodeFrequencyResponse = Array<Array<number>>;
type GetStatsCommitActivityResponse = Array<
type GetStatsContributorsResponse = Array<GetStatsContributorsResponseItem>;
type GetStatsPunchCardResponse = Array<Array<number>>;
type GetStatusesResponse = Array<GetStatusesResponseItem>;
type GetTagsResponse = Array<GetTagsResponseItem>;
type RemoveProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsResponse = Array<
type RemoveProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsResponse = Array<
type RemoveProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsResponse = Array<
type ReplaceProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsResponse = Array<
type ReplaceProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsResponse = Array<
type ReplaceProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsResponse = Array<User>;
type TransferResponse = any;
type AddEmailsResponse = Array<AddEmailsResponseItem>;
type GetContextForUserResponse = any;
type GetEmailsResponse = Array<GetEmailsResponseItem>;
type GetFollowersResponse = Array<User>;
type GetFollowersForUserResponse = Array<User>;
type GetFollowingResponse = Array<User>;
type GetFollowingForUserResponse = Array<User>;
type GetGpgKeyResponse = any;
type GetGpgKeysResponse = Array<GpgKey>;
type GetGpgKeysForUserResponse = Array<GpgKey>;
type GetKeysResponse = Array<GetKeysResponseItem>;
type GetKeysForUserResponse = Array<GetKeysForUserResponseItem>;
type GetMarketplacePurchasesResponse = Array<Purchase>;
type GetMarketplaceStubbedPurchasesResponse = Array<Purchase>;
type GetOrgMembershipsResponse = Array<GetOrgMembershipResponse>;
type GetOrgsResponse = Array<Organization>;
type GetPublicEmailsResponse = Array<GetPublicEmailsResponseItem>;
type GetRepoInvitesResponse = Array<GetRepoInvitesResponseItem>;
type TogglePrimaryEmailVisibilityResponse = Array<
export type ActivityCheckNotificationThreadSubscriptionParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
thread_id: string;
export type ActivityCheckStarringRepoParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ActivityDeleteNotificationThreadSubscriptionParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
thread_id: string;
export type ActivityGetEventsParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type ActivityGetEventsForOrgParams = {
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type ActivityGetEventsForRepoParams = {
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type ActivityGetEventsForRepoNetworkParams = {
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type ActivityGetEventsForUserParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
username: string;
export type ActivityGetEventsForUserOrgParams = {
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
username: string;
export type ActivityGetEventsForUserPublicParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
username: string;
export type ActivityGetEventsReceivedParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
username: string;
export type ActivityGetEventsReceivedPublicParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
username: string;
export type ActivityGetNotificationThreadParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
thread_id: string;
export type ActivityGetNotificationsParams = {
all?: boolean;
before?: string;
page?: number;
participating?: boolean;
per_page?: number;
since?: string;
export type ActivityGetNotificationsForUserParams = {
all?: boolean;
before?: string;
owner: string;
page?: number;
participating?: boolean;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
since?: string;
export type ActivityGetRepoSubscriptionParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ActivityGetStargazersForRepoParams = {
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type ActivityGetStarredReposParams = {
direction?: "asc" | "desc";
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
sort?: "created" | "updated";
export type ActivityGetStarredReposForUserParams = {
direction?: "asc" | "desc";
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
sort?: "created" | "updated";
username: string;
export type ActivityGetWatchedReposParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type ActivityGetWatchedReposForUserParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
username: string;
export type ActivityGetWatchersForRepoParams = {
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type ActivityMarkNotificationThreadAsReadParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
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thread_id: string;
export type ActivityMarkNotificationsAsReadParams = {
last_read_at?: string;
export type ActivityMarkNotificationsAsReadForRepoParams = {
last_read_at?: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ActivitySetNotificationThreadSubscriptionParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
ignored?: boolean;
thread_id: string;
export type ActivitySetRepoSubscriptionParams = {
ignored?: boolean;
owner: string;
repo: string;
subscribed?: boolean;
export type ActivityStarRepoParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ActivityUnstarRepoParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ActivityUnwatchRepoParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type AppsAddRepoToInstallationParams = {
installation_id: string;
repository_id: string;
export type AppsCheckMarketplaceListingAccountParams = {
account_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type AppsCheckMarketplaceListingStubbedAccountParams = {
account_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type AppsCreateInstallationTokenParams = {
installation_id: string;
export type AppsFindOrgInstallationParams = {
org: string;
export type AppsFindRepoInstallationParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type AppsFindUserInstallationParams = {
username: string;
export type AppsGetForSlugParams = {
app_slug: string;
export type AppsGetInstallationParams = {
installation_id: string;
export type AppsGetInstallationRepositoriesParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type AppsGetInstallationsParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type AppsGetMarketplaceListingPlanAccountsParams = {
direction?: "asc" | "desc";
* @deprecated [object Object]
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per_page?: number;
plan_id: string;
sort?: "created" | "updated";
export type AppsGetMarketplaceListingPlansParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlanAccountsParams = {
direction?: "asc" | "desc";
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
plan_id: string;
sort?: "created" | "updated";
export type AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlansParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type AppsRemoveRepoFromInstallationParams = {
installation_id: string;
repository_id: string;
export type AuthorizationCheckParams = {
access_token: string;
client_id: string;
export type AuthorizationCreateParams = {
client_id?: string;
client_secret?: string;
fingerprint?: string;
note: string;
note_url?: string;
scopes?: string[];
export type AuthorizationDeleteParams = {
authorization_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type AuthorizationDeleteGrantParams = {
grant_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type AuthorizationGetParams = {
authorization_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type AuthorizationGetAllParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type AuthorizationGetGrantParams = {
grant_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type AuthorizationGetGrantsParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type AuthorizationGetOrCreateAuthorizationForAppParams = {
client_id: string;
client_secret: string;
fingerprint?: string;
note?: string;
note_url?: string;
scopes?: string[];
export type AuthorizationGetOrCreateAuthorizationForAppAndFingerprintParams = {
client_id: string;
client_secret: string;
fingerprint: string;
note?: string;
note_url?: string;
scopes?: string[];
export type AuthorizationResetParams = {
access_token: string;
client_id: string;
export type AuthorizationRevokeParams = {
access_token: string;
client_id: string;
export type AuthorizationRevokeGrantParams = {
access_token: string;
client_id: string;
export type AuthorizationUpdateParams = {
add_scopes?: string[];
authorization_id: string;
fingerprint?: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
note?: string;
note_url?: string;
remove_scopes?: string[];
scopes?: string[];
export type ChecksCreateParams = {
actions?: ChecksCreateParamsActions[];
completed_at?: string;
| "success"
| "failure"
| "neutral"
| "cancelled"
| "timed_out"
| "action_required"
| "details_url"
| "conclusion"
| "status"
| "completed";
details_url?: string;
external_id?: string;
head_sha: string;
name: string;
output?: ChecksCreateParamsOutput;
owner: string;
repo: string;
started_at?: string;
status?: "queued" | "in_progress" | "completed";
export type ChecksCreateSuiteParams = {
head_sha: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ChecksGetParams = {
check_run_id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ChecksGetSuiteParams = {
check_suite_id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ChecksListAnnotationsParams = {
check_run_id: string;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type ChecksListForRefParams = {
check_name?: string;
filter?: "latest" | "all";
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
ref: string;
repo: string;
status?: "queued" | "in_progress" | "completed";
export type ChecksListForSuiteParams = {
check_name?: string;
check_suite_id: string;
filter?: "latest" | "all";
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
status?: "queued" | "in_progress" | "completed";
export type ChecksListSuitesForRefParams = {
app_id?: number;
check_name?: string;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
ref: string;
repo: string;
export type ChecksRequestSuitesParams = {
head_sha?: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ChecksSetSuitesPreferencesParams = {
auto_trigger_checks?: ChecksSetSuitesPreferencesParamsAutoTriggerChecks[];
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ChecksUpdateParams = {
actions?: ChecksUpdateParamsActions[];
check_run_id: string;
completed_at?: string;
| "success"
| "failure"
| "neutral"
| "cancelled"
| "timed_out"
| "action_required"
| "conclusion"
| "status"
| "completed";
details_url?: string;
external_id?: string;
name: string;
output?: ChecksUpdateParamsOutput;
owner: string;
repo: string;
started_at?: string;
status?: "queued" | "in_progress" | "completed";
export type EnterpriseCreateOrgParams = {
admin: string;
login: string;
profile_name?: string;
export type EnterpriseCreatePreReceiveEnvironmentParams = {
image_url: string;
name: string;
export type EnterpriseCreatePreReceiveHookParams = {
allow_downstream_configuration?: boolean;
enforcement?: string;
environment: EnterpriseCreatePreReceiveHookParamsEnvironment;
name: string;
script: string;
script_repository: EnterpriseCreatePreReceiveHookParamsScriptRepository;
export type EnterpriseDeletePreReceiveEnvironmentParams = {
id: string;
export type EnterpriseDeletePreReceiveHookParams = {
id: string;
export type EnterpriseEditPreReceiveEnvironmentParams = {
id: string;
image_url: string;
name: string;
export type EnterpriseEditPreReceiveHookParams = {
hook: EnterpriseEditPreReceiveHookParamsHook;
id: string;
export type EnterpriseGetPreReceiveEnvironmentParams = {
id: string;
export type EnterpriseGetPreReceiveEnvironmentDownloadStatusParams = {
id: string;
export type EnterpriseGetPreReceiveHookParams = {
id: string;
export type EnterpriseQueueIndexingJobParams = {
target: string;
export type EnterpriseStatsParams = {
| "issues"
| "hooks"
| "milestones"
| "orgs"
| "comments"
| "pages"
| "users"
| "gists"
| "pulls"
| "repos"
| "all";
export type EnterpriseSyncLdapForTeamParams = {
team_id: number;
export type EnterpriseSyncLdapForUserParams = {
username: string;
export type EnterpriseTriggerPreReceiveEnvironmentDownloadParams = {
id: string;
export type EnterpriseUpdateLdapForTeamParams = {
ldap_dn: string;
team_id: number;
export type EnterpriseUpdateLdapForUserParams = {
ldap_dn: string;
username: string;
export type GistsCheckStarParams = {
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type GistsCreateParams = {
description?: string;
files: GistsCreateParamsFiles;
public?: boolean;
export type GistsCreateCommentParams = {
body: string;
gist_id: string;
export type GistsDeleteParams = {
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type GistsDeleteCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type GistsEditParams = {
content?: string;
description?: string;
filename?: string;
files?: GistsEditParamsFiles;
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type GistsEditCommentParams = {
body: string;
comment_id: string;
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type GistsForkParams = {
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type GistsGetParams = {
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type GistsGetAllParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
since?: string;
export type GistsGetCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type GistsGetCommentsParams = {
gist_id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type GistsGetCommitsParams = {
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type GistsGetForUserParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
since?: string;
username: string;
export type GistsGetForksParams = {
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type GistsGetPublicParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
since?: string;
export type GistsGetRevisionParams = {
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
sha: string;
export type GistsGetStarredParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
since?: string;
export type GistsStarParams = {
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type GistsUnstarParams = {
gist_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
export type GitdataCreateBlobParams = {
content: string;
encoding?: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type GitdataCreateCommitParams = {
author?: GitdataCreateCommitParamsAuthor;
committer?: GitdataCreateCommitParamsCommitter;
message: string;
owner: string;
parents: string[];
repo: string;
tree: string;
export type GitdataCreateReferenceParams = {
owner: string;
ref: string;
repo: string;
sha: string;
export type GitdataCreateTagParams = {
message: string;
object: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
tag: string;
tagger?: GitdataCreateTagParamsTagger;
type: "commit" | "tree" | "blob";
export type GitdataCreateTreeParams = {
base_tree?: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
tree: GitdataCreateTreeParamsTree[];
export type GitdataDeleteReferenceParams = {
owner: string;
ref: string;
repo: string;
export type GitdataGetBlobParams = {
file_sha: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
sha: string;
export type GitdataGetCommitParams = {
commit_sha: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
sha: string;
export type GitdataGetCommitSignatureVerificationParams = {
commit_sha: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
sha: string;
export type GitdataGetReferenceParams = {
owner: string;
ref: string;
repo: string;
export type GitdataGetReferencesParams = {
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type GitdataGetTagParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
sha: string;
tag_sha: string;
export type GitdataGetTagSignatureVerificationParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
sha: string;
tag_sha: string;
export type GitdataGetTagsParams = {
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type GitdataGetTreeParams = {
owner: string;
recursive?: 1;
repo: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
sha: string;
tree_sha: string;
export type GitdataUpdateReferenceParams = {
force?: boolean;
owner: string;
ref: string;
repo: string;
sha: string;
export type IntegrationsAddRepoToInstallationParams = {
installation_id: string;
repository_id: string;
export type IntegrationsCreateInstallationTokenParams = {
installation_id: string;
export type IntegrationsGetInstallationsParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type IntegrationsRemoveRepoFromInstallationParams = {
installation_id: string;
repository_id: string;
export type IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueParams = {
assignees?: string[];
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesAddLabelsParams = {
labels: string[];
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesCheckAssigneeParams = {
assignee: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesCreateParams = {
assignee?: string;
assignees?: string[];
body?: string;
labels?: string[];
milestone?: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
title: string;
export type IssuesCreateCommentParams = {
body: string;
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesCreateLabelParams = {
color: string;
description?: string;
name: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesCreateMilestoneParams = {
description?: string;
due_on?: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
state?: "open" | "closed";
title: string;
export type IssuesDeleteCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesDeleteLabelParams = {
name: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesDeleteMilestoneParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesEditParams = {
assignee?: string;
assignees?: string[];
body?: string;
labels?: string[];
milestone?: number;
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
state?: "open" | "closed";
title?: string;
export type IssuesEditCommentParams = {
body: string;
comment_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesGetParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesGetAllParams = {
direction?: "asc" | "desc";
filter?: "assigned" | "created" | "mentioned" | "subscribed" | "all";
labels?: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
since?: string;
sort?: "created" | "updated" | "comments";
state?: "open" | "closed" | "all";
export type IssuesGetAssigneesParams = {
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type IssuesGetCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type IssuesGetCommentsParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
since?: string;
export type IssuesGetCommentsForRepoParams = {
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repo: string;
since?: string;
sort?: "created" | "updated";
export type IssuesGetEventParams = {
event_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesGetEventsParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
issue_number: number;
number: number;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type IssuesGetEventsForRepoParams = {
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type IssuesGetEventsTimelineParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
issue_number: number;
number: number;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type IssuesGetForOrgParams = {
direction?: "asc" | "desc";
filter?: "assigned" | "created" | "mentioned" | "subscribed" | "all";
labels?: string;
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
since?: string;
sort?: "created" | "updated" | "comments";
state?: "open" | "closed" | "all";
export type IssuesGetForRepoParams = {
assignee?: string;
creator?: string;
direction?: "asc" | "desc";
labels?: string;
mentioned?: string;
milestone?: string;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
since?: string;
sort?: "created" | "updated" | "comments";
state?: "open" | "closed" | "all";
export type IssuesGetForUserParams = {
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filter?: "assigned" | "created" | "mentioned" | "subscribed" | "all";
labels?: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
since?: string;
sort?: "created" | "updated" | "comments";
state?: "open" | "closed" | "all";
export type IssuesGetIssueLabelsParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type IssuesGetLabelParams = {
name: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesGetLabelsParams = {
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type IssuesGetMilestoneParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesGetMilestoneLabelsParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
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direction?: "asc" | "desc";
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
sort?: "due_on" | "completeness";
state?: "open" | "closed" | "all";
export type IssuesLockParams = {
lock_reason?: "off-topic" | "too heated" | "resolved" | "spam";
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesRemoveAllLabelsParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueParams = {
assignees?: string[];
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesRemoveLabelParams = {
name: string;
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesReplaceAllLabelsParams = {
labels: string[];
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesUnlockParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesUpdateLabelParams = {
color?: string;
current_name: string;
description?: string;
name?: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
oldname: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type IssuesUpdateMilestoneParams = {
description?: string;
due_on?: string;
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
state?: "open" | "closed";
title?: string;
export type MigrationsCancelImportParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type MigrationsDeleteArchiveForAuthenticatedUserParams = {
migration_id: string;
export type MigrationsDeleteMigrationArchiveParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
migration_id: string;
org: string;
export type MigrationsGetArchiveForAuthenticatedUserParams = {
migration_id: string;
export type MigrationsGetImportCommitAuthorsParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
since?: string;
export type MigrationsGetImportProgressParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type MigrationsGetLargeImportFilesParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
name: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type MigrationsGetMigrationArchiveLinkParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
migration_id: string;
org: string;
export type MigrationsGetMigrationStatusParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
migration_id: string;
org: string;
export type MigrationsGetMigrationsParams = {
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type MigrationsGetStatusForAuthenticatedUserParams = {
migration_id: string;
export type MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type MigrationsMapImportCommitAuthorParams = {
author_id: string;
email?: string;
name?: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type MigrationsSetImportLfsPreferenceParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
name: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
use_lfs: "opt_in" | "opt_out";
export type MigrationsStartForAuthenticatedUserParams = {
exclude_attachments?: boolean;
lock_repositories?: boolean;
repositories: string[];
export type MigrationsStartImportParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
tfvc_project?: string;
vcs?: "subversion" | "git" | "mercurial" | "tfvc";
vcs_password?: string;
vcs_url: string;
vcs_username?: string;
export type MigrationsStartMigrationParams = {
exclude_attachments?: boolean;
lock_repositories?: boolean;
org: string;
repositories: string[];
export type MigrationsUnlockRepoForAuthenticatedUserParams = {
migration_id: string;
repo_name: string;
export type MigrationsUnlockRepoLockedForMigrationParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
migration_id: string;
org: string;
repo_name: string;
export type MigrationsUpdateImportParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
vcs_password?: string;
vcs_username?: string;
export type MiscGetCodeOfConductParams = {
key: string;
export type MiscGetGitignoreTemplateParams = {
name: string;
export type MiscGetLicenseParams = {
license: string;
export type MiscGetRepoCodeOfConductParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type MiscGetRepoLicenseParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type MiscRenderMarkdownParams = {
context?: string;
mode?: "markdown" | "gfm";
text: string;
export type MiscRenderMarkdownRawParams = {
data: string;
export type OrgsAddOrgMembershipParams = {
org: string;
role?: "admin" | "member";
username: string;
export type OrgsAddTeamMembershipParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
role?: "member" | "maintainer";
team_id: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsAddTeamRepoParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
org: string;
owner: string;
permission?: "pull" | "push" | "admin";
repo: string;
team_id: string;
export type OrgsBlockUserParams = {
org: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsCheckBlockedUserParams = {
org: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsCheckMembershipParams = {
org: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsCheckPublicMembershipParams = {
org: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsCheckTeamRepoParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
team_id: string;
export type OrgsConcealMembershipParams = {
org: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsConvertMemberToOutsideCollaboratorParams = {
org: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsCreateHookParams = {
active?: boolean;
config: OrgsCreateHookParamsConfig;
events?: string[];
name: string;
org: string;
export type OrgsCreateInvitationParams = {
email?: string;
invitee_id?: number;
org: string;
role?: "admin" | "direct_member" | "billing_manager";
team_ids?: number[];
export type OrgsCreateTeamParams = {
description?: string;
maintainers?: string[];
name: string;
org: string;
parent_team_id?: number;
permission?: "pull" | "push" | "admin";
privacy?: "secret" | "closed";
repo_names?: string[];
export type OrgsDeleteHookParams = {
hook_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
org: string;
export type OrgsDeleteTeamParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
team_id: string;
export type OrgsDeleteTeamRepoParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
team_id: string;
export type OrgsEditHookParams = {
active?: boolean;
config?: OrgsEditHookParamsConfig;
events?: string[];
hook_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
org: string;
export type OrgsEditTeamParams = {
description?: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
name: string;
parent_team_id?: number;
permission?: "pull" | "push" | "admin";
privacy?: string;
team_id: string;
export type OrgsGetParams = {
org: string;
export type OrgsGetAllParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
since?: string;
export type OrgsGetBlockedUsersParams = {
org: string;
export type OrgsGetChildTeamsParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
team_id: string;
export type OrgsGetForUserParams = {
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
username: string;
export type OrgsGetHookParams = {
hook_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
org: string;
export type OrgsGetHooksParams = {
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type OrgsGetInvitationTeamsParams = {
invitation_id: string;
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type OrgsGetMembersParams = {
filter?: "2fa_disabled" | "all";
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
role?: "all" | "admin" | "member";
export type OrgsGetOrgMembershipParams = {
org: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsGetOutsideCollaboratorsParams = {
filter?: "2fa_disabled" | "all";
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type OrgsGetPendingOrgInvitesParams = {
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type OrgsGetPendingTeamInvitesParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
team_id: string;
export type OrgsGetPublicMembersParams = {
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type OrgsGetTeamParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
team_id: string;
export type OrgsGetTeamMembersParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
role?: "member" | "maintainer" | "all";
team_id: string;
export type OrgsGetTeamMembershipParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
team_id: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsGetTeamReposParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
team_id: string;
export type OrgsGetTeamsParams = {
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type OrgsPingHookParams = {
hook_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
org: string;
export type OrgsPublicizeMembershipParams = {
org: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsRemoveMemberParams = {
org: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsRemoveOrgMembershipParams = {
org: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsRemoveOutsideCollaboratorParams = {
org: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsRemoveTeamMembershipParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
team_id: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsUnblockUserParams = {
org: string;
username: string;
export type OrgsUpdateParams = {
billing_email?: string;
company?: string;
default_repository_permission?: "read" | "write" | "admin" | "none";
description?: string;
email?: string;
has_organization_projects?: boolean;
has_repository_projects?: boolean;
location?: string;
members_can_create_repositories?: boolean;
name?: string;
org: string;
export type ProjectsAddCollaboratorParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
permission?: "read" | "write" | "admin";
project_id: string;
username: string;
export type ProjectsCreateOrgProjectParams = {
body?: string;
name: string;
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type ProjectsCreateProjectCardParams = {
column_id: string;
content_id?: number;
content_type?: string;
note?: string;
export type ProjectsCreateProjectColumnParams = {
id: string;
name: string;
project_id: string;
export type ProjectsCreateRepoProjectParams = {
body?: string;
name: string;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type ProjectsDeleteProjectParams = {
id: string;
project_id: string;
export type ProjectsDeleteProjectCardParams = {
card_id: string;
id: string;
export type ProjectsDeleteProjectColumnParams = {
column_id: string;
id: string;
export type ProjectsGetCollaboratorsParams = {
affiliation?: "outside" | "direct" | "all";
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
project_id: string;
export type ProjectsGetOrgProjectsParams = {
org: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
state?: "open" | "closed" | "all";
export type ProjectsGetProjectParams = {
id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
project_id: string;
export type ProjectsGetProjectCardParams = {
card_id: string;
id: string;
export type ProjectsGetProjectCardsParams = {
archived_state?: string;
column_id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
export type ProjectsGetProjectColumnParams = {
column_id: string;
id: string;
export type ProjectsGetProjectColumnsParams = {
id: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
project_id: string;
export type ProjectsGetRepoProjectsParams = {
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
state?: "open" | "closed" | "all";
export type ProjectsGetUserPermissionLevelParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
project_id: string;
username: string;
export type ProjectsMoveProjectCardParams = {
card_id: string;
column_id?: number;
id: string;
position: string;
export type ProjectsMoveProjectColumnParams = {
column_id: string;
id: string;
position: string;
export type ProjectsRemoveCollaboratorParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
project_id: string;
username: string;
export type ProjectsUpdateProjectParams = {
body?: string;
id: string;
name?: string;
organization_permission?: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
project_id: string;
public?: boolean;
state?: "open" | "closed";
export type ProjectsUpdateProjectCardParams = {
archived?: boolean;
card_id: string;
id: string;
note?: string;
export type ProjectsUpdateProjectColumnParams = {
column_id: string;
id: string;
name: string;
export type PullRequestsCheckMergedParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type PullRequestsCreateParams = {
base: string;
body?: string;
head: string;
maintainer_can_modify?: boolean;
owner: string;
repo: string;
title: string;
export type PullRequestsCreateCommentParams = {
body: string;
commit_id: string;
number: number;
owner: string;
path: string;
position: number;
repo: string;
export type PullRequestsCreateCommentReplyParams = {
body: string;
in_reply_to: number;
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type PullRequestsCreateFromIssueParams = {
base: string;
body?: string;
head: string;
maintainer_can_modify?: boolean;
owner: string;
repo: string;
title: string;
export type PullRequestsCreateReviewParams = {
body?: string;
comments?: PullRequestsCreateReviewParamsComments[];
commit_id?: string;
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type PullRequestsCreateReviewRequestParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
reviewers?: string[];
team_reviewers?: string[];
export type PullRequestsDeleteCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type PullRequestsDeletePendingReviewParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
review_id: string;
export type PullRequestsDeleteReviewRequestParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
reviewers?: string[];
team_reviewers?: string[];
export type PullRequestsDismissReviewParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
message?: string;
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
review_id: string;
export type PullRequestsEditCommentParams = {
body: string;
comment_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type PullRequestsGetParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type PullRequestsGetAllParams = {
base?: string;
direction?: "asc" | "desc";
head?: string;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
sort?: "created" | "updated" | "popularity" | "long-running";
state?: "open" | "closed" | "all";
export type PullRequestsGetCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type PullRequestsGetCommentsParams = {
direction?: "asc" | "desc";
number: number;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
since?: string;
sort?: "created" | "updated";
export type PullRequestsGetCommentsForRepoParams = {
direction?: "asc" | "desc";
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
since?: string;
sort?: "created" | "updated";
export type PullRequestsGetCommitsParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type PullRequestsGetFilesParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type PullRequestsGetReviewParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
review_id: string;
export type PullRequestsGetReviewCommentsParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
number: number;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
review_id: string;
export type PullRequestsGetReviewRequestsParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type PullRequestsGetReviewsParams = {
number: number;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type PullRequestsMergeParams = {
commit_message?: string;
commit_title?: string;
merge_method?: "merge" | "squash" | "rebase";
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
sha?: string;
export type PullRequestsSubmitReviewParams = {
body?: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
review_id: string;
export type PullRequestsUpdateParams = {
base?: string;
body?: string;
maintainer_can_modify?: boolean;
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
state?: "open" | "closed";
title?: string;
export type ReactionsCreateForCommitCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
content: "+1" | "-1" | "laugh" | "confused" | "heart" | "hooray";
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReactionsCreateForIssueParams = {
content: "+1" | "-1" | "laugh" | "confused" | "heart" | "hooray";
number: number;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReactionsCreateForIssueCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
content: "+1" | "-1" | "laugh" | "confused" | "heart" | "hooray";
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReactionsCreateForPullRequestReviewCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
content: "+1" | "-1" | "laugh" | "confused" | "heart" | "hooray";
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReactionsCreateForTeamDiscussionParams = {
content: "+1" | "-1" | "laugh" | "confused" | "heart" | "hooray";
discussion_number: number;
team_id: string;
export type ReactionsCreateForTeamDiscussionCommentParams = {
comment_number: number;
content: "+1" | "-1" | "laugh" | "confused" | "heart" | "hooray";
discussion_number: number;
team_id: string;
export type ReactionsDeleteParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
reaction_id: string;
export type ReactionsGetForCommitCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
content?: "+1" | "-1" | "laugh" | "confused" | "heart" | "hooray";
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type ReactionsGetForIssueParams = {
content?: "+1" | "-1" | "laugh" | "confused" | "heart" | "hooray";
number: number;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type ReactionsGetForIssueCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
content?: "+1" | "-1" | "laugh" | "confused" | "heart" | "hooray";
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type ReactionsGetForPullRequestReviewCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
content?: "+1" | "-1" | "laugh" | "confused" | "heart" | "hooray";
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type ReactionsGetForTeamDiscussionParams = {
content?: "+1" | "-1" | "laugh" | "confused" | "heart" | "hooray";
discussion_number: number;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
team_id: string;
export type ReactionsGetForTeamDiscussionCommentParams = {
comment_number: number;
content?: "+1" | "-1" | "laugh" | "confused" | "heart" | "hooray";
discussion_number: number;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
team_id: string;
export type ReposAddCollaboratorParams = {
owner: string;
permission?: "pull" | "push" | "admin";
repo: string;
username: string;
export type ReposAddDeployKeyParams = {
key: string;
owner: string;
read_only?: boolean;
repo: string;
title?: string;
export type ReposAddProtectedBranchAdminEnforcementParams = {
branch: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposAddProtectedBranchRequiredSignaturesParams = {
branch: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposAddProtectedBranchRequiredStatusChecksContextsParams = {
branch: string;
contexts: string[];
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposAddProtectedBranchTeamRestrictionsParams = {
branch: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
teams: string[];
export type ReposAddProtectedBranchUserRestrictionsParams = {
branch: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
users: string[];
export type ReposCheckCollaboratorParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
username: string;
export type ReposCompareCommitsParams = {
base: string;
head: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposCreateParams = {
allow_merge_commit?: boolean;
allow_rebase_merge?: boolean;
allow_squash_merge?: boolean;
auto_init?: boolean;
description?: string;
gitignore_template?: string;
has_issues?: boolean;
has_projects?: boolean;
has_wiki?: boolean;
homepage?: string;
license_template?: string;
name: string;
private?: boolean;
team_id?: number;
export type ReposCreateCommitCommentParams = {
body: string;
line?: number;
owner: string;
path?: string;
position?: number;
repo: string;
sha: string;
export type ReposCreateDeploymentParams = {
auto_merge?: boolean;
description?: string;
environment?: string;
owner: string;
payload?: string;
production_environment?: boolean;
ref: string;
repo: string;
required_contexts?: string[];
task?: string;
transient_environment?: boolean;
export type ReposCreateDeploymentStatusParams = {
auto_inactive?: boolean;
deployment_id: string;
description?: string;
environment_url?: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
log_url?: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
state: "error" | "failure" | "inactive" | "pending" | "success";
target_url?: string;
export type ReposCreateFileParams = {
author?: ReposCreateFileParamsAuthor;
branch?: string;
committer?: ReposCreateFileParamsCommitter;
content: string;
message: string;
owner: string;
path: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposCreateForOrgParams = {
allow_merge_commit?: boolean;
allow_rebase_merge?: boolean;
allow_squash_merge?: boolean;
auto_init?: boolean;
description?: string;
gitignore_template?: string;
has_issues?: boolean;
has_projects?: boolean;
has_wiki?: boolean;
homepage?: string;
license_template?: string;
name: string;
org: string;
private?: boolean;
team_id?: number;
export type ReposCreateHookParams = {
active?: boolean;
config: ReposCreateHookParamsConfig;
events?: string[];
name: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposCreateReleaseParams = {
body?: string;
draft?: boolean;
name?: string;
owner: string;
prerelease?: boolean;
repo: string;
tag_name: string;
target_commitish?: string;
export type ReposCreateStatusParams = {
context?: string;
description?: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
sha: string;
state: "error" | "failure" | "pending" | "success";
target_url?: string;
export type ReposDeleteParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposDeleteAssetParams = {
asset_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposDeleteCommitCommentParams = {
comment_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposDeleteDeployKeyParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
key_id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposDeleteDownloadParams = {
download_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposDeleteFileParams = {
author?: ReposDeleteFileParamsAuthor;
branch?: string;
committer?: ReposDeleteFileParamsCommitter;
message: string;
owner: string;
path: string;
repo: string;
sha: string;
export type ReposDeleteHookParams = {
hook_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposDeleteInviteParams = {
invitation_id: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposDeleteReleaseParams = {
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
release_id: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposEditParams = {
allow_merge_commit?: boolean;
allow_rebase_merge?: boolean;
allow_squash_merge?: boolean;
archived?: boolean;
default_branch?: string;
description?: string;
has_issues?: boolean;
has_projects?: boolean;
has_wiki?: boolean;
homepage?: string;
name: string;
owner: string;
private?: boolean;
repo: string;
export type ReposEditAssetParams = {
asset_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
label?: string;
name?: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposEditHookParams = {
active?: boolean;
add_events?: string[];
config?: ReposEditHookParamsConfig;
events?: string[];
hook_id: string;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
owner: string;
remove_events?: string[];
repo: string;
export type ReposEditReleaseParams = {
body?: string;
draft?: boolean;
* @deprecated [object Object]
id: string;
name?: string;
owner: string;
prerelease?: boolean;
release_id: string;
repo: string;
tag_name?: string;
target_commitish?: string;
export type ReposForkParams = {
organization?: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposGetParams = {
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposGetAllParams = {
affiliation?: "owner" | "collaborator" | "organization_member";
direction?: "asc" | "desc";
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
sort?: "created" | "updated" | "pushed" | "full_name";
type?: "all" | "owner" | "public" | "private" | "member";
visibility?: "all" | "public" | "private";
export type ReposGetAllCommitCommentsParams = {
owner: string;
page?: number;
per_page?: number;
repo: string;
export type ReposGetArchiveLinkParams = {
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* @deprecated [object Object]
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* @deprecated [object Object]
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* @deprecated [object Object]
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export type ReposGetStatsCommitActivityParams = {
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commit_message?: string;
head: string;
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* @deprecated [object Object]
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repo: string;
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username: string;
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branch: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
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branch: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
export type ReposRemoveProtectedBranchRequiredSignaturesParams = {
branch: string;
owner: string;
repo: string;
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teams: string[];
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repo: string;
users: string[];
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owner: string;
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branch: string;
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teams: string[];
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* @deprecated [object Object]
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* @deprecated [object Object]
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team_ids?: number[];
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branch: string;
enforce_admins: boolean;
owner: string;
repo: string;
required_pull_request_reviews: ReposUpdateBranchProtectionParamsRequiredPullRequestReviews;
required_status_checks: ReposUpdateBranchProtectionParamsRequiredStatusChecks;
restrictions: ReposUpdateBranchProtectionParamsRestrictions;
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* @deprecated [object Object]
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owner: string;
repo: string;
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branch?: string;
committer?: ReposUpdateFileParamsCommitter;
content: string;
message: string;
owner: string;
path: string;
repo: string;
sha: string;
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dismissal_restrictions?: ReposUpdateProtectedBranchPullRequestReviewEnforcementParamsDismissalRestrictions;
owner: string;
repo: string;
require_code_owner_reviews?: boolean;
required_approving_review_count?: number;
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owner: string;
repo: string;
strict?: boolean;
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export type UsersAddRepoToInstallationParams = {
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repository_id: string;
export type UsersBlockUserParams = {
username: string;
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username: string;
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export type UsersCheckIfOneFollowersOtherParams = {
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* @deprecated [object Object]
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* @deprecated [object Object]
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* @deprecated [object Object]
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* @deprecated [object Object]
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export type EnterpriseCreatePreReceiveHookParamsEnvironment = {};
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export type GistsEditParamsFiles = {};
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required_approving_review_count?: number;
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export type ReposUpdateBranchProtectionParamsRequiredStatusChecks = {
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export type ReposUpdateFileParamsAuthor = {};
export type ReposUpdateFileParamsCommitter = {};
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hasLastPage(link: Github.Link): string | undefined;
hasFirstPage(link: Github.Link): string | undefined;
link: Github.Link,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<Github.AnyResponse>;
link: Github.Link,
headers?: { [header: string]: any },
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<Github.AnyResponse>;
link: Github.Link,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<Github.AnyResponse>;
link: Github.Link,
headers?: { [header: string]: any },
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<Github.AnyResponse>;
link: Github.Link,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<Github.AnyResponse>;
link: Github.Link,
headers?: { [header: string]: any },
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<Github.AnyResponse>;
link: Github.Link,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<Github.AnyResponse>;
link: Github.Link,
headers?: { [header: string]: any },
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<Github.AnyResponse>;
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callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CheckNotificationThreadSubscriptionResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityCheckStarringRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.ActivityDeleteNotificationThreadSubscriptionParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteNotificationThreadSubscriptionResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityGetEventsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.ActivityGetEventsForOrgParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.ActivityGetEventsForRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.ActivityGetEventsForRepoNetworkParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.ActivityGetEventsForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.ActivityGetEventsForUserOrgParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.ActivityGetEventsForUserPublicParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.ActivityGetEventsReceivedParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.ActivityGetEventsReceivedPublicParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetFeedsResponse>>;
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callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetNotificationThreadResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityGetNotificationsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetNotificationsResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityGetNotificationsForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetNotificationsForUserResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityGetRepoSubscriptionParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.ActivityGetStargazersForRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetStargazersForRepoResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityGetStarredReposParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetStarredReposResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityGetStarredReposForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetStarredReposForUserResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityGetWatchedReposParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetWatchedReposResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityGetWatchedReposForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetWatchedReposForUserResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityGetWatchersForRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetWatchersForRepoResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityMarkNotificationThreadAsReadParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<MarkNotificationThreadAsReadResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityMarkNotificationsAsReadParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<MarkNotificationsAsReadResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityMarkNotificationsAsReadForRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<MarkNotificationsAsReadForRepoResponse>>;
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callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<SetNotificationThreadSubscriptionResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivitySetRepoSubscriptionParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<SetRepoSubscriptionResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityStarRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<StarRepoResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityUnstarRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UnstarRepoResponse>>;
params: Github.ActivityUnwatchRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UnwatchRepoResponse>>;
apps: {
params: Github.AppsAddRepoToInstallationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<AddRepoToInstallationResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsCheckMarketplaceListingAccountParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CheckMarketplaceListingAccountResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsCheckMarketplaceListingStubbedAccountParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CheckMarketplaceListingStubbedAccountResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsCreateInstallationTokenParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateInstallationTokenResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsFindOrgInstallationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<FindOrgInstallationResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsFindRepoInstallationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<FindRepoInstallationResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsFindUserInstallationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<FindUserInstallationResponse>>;
params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsGetForSlugParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetForSlugResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsGetInstallationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetInstallationResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsGetInstallationRepositoriesParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetInstallationRepositoriesResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsGetInstallationsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetInstallationsResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsGetMarketplaceListingPlanAccountsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetMarketplaceListingPlanAccountsResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsGetMarketplaceListingPlansParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetMarketplaceListingPlansResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlanAccountsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<
params: Github.AppsGetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlansParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetMarketplaceListingStubbedPlansResponse>>;
params: Github.AppsRemoveRepoFromInstallationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<RemoveRepoFromInstallationResponse>>;
authorization: {
params: Github.AuthorizationCheckParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CheckResponse>>;
params: Github.AuthorizationCreateParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateResponse>>;
params: Github.AuthorizationDeleteParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteResponse>>;
params: Github.AuthorizationDeleteGrantParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteGrantResponse>>;
params: Github.AuthorizationGetParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetResponse>>;
params: Github.AuthorizationGetAllParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetAllResponse>>;
params: Github.AuthorizationGetGrantParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetGrantResponse>>;
params: Github.AuthorizationGetGrantsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetGrantsResponse>>;
params: Github.AuthorizationGetOrCreateAuthorizationForAppParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.AuthorizationGetOrCreateAuthorizationForAppAndFingerprintParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.AuthorizationResetParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<ResetResponse>>;
params: Github.AuthorizationRevokeParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<RevokeResponse>>;
params: Github.AuthorizationRevokeGrantParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<RevokeGrantResponse>>;
params: Github.AuthorizationUpdateParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UpdateResponse>>;
checks: {
params: Github.ChecksCreateParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateResponse>>;
params: Github.ChecksCreateSuiteParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateSuiteResponse>>;
params: Github.ChecksGetParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetResponse>>;
params: Github.ChecksGetSuiteParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetSuiteResponse>>;
params: Github.ChecksListAnnotationsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<ListAnnotationsResponse>>;
params: Github.ChecksListForRefParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<ListForRefResponse>>;
params: Github.ChecksListForSuiteParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<ListForSuiteResponse>>;
params: Github.ChecksListSuitesForRefParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<ListSuitesForRefResponse>>;
params: Github.ChecksRequestSuitesParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<RequestSuitesResponse>>;
params: Github.ChecksSetSuitesPreferencesParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<SetSuitesPreferencesResponse>>;
params: Github.ChecksUpdateParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UpdateResponse>>;
enterprise: {
params: Github.EnterpriseCreateOrgParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseCreatePreReceiveEnvironmentParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseCreatePreReceiveHookParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseDeletePreReceiveEnvironmentParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseDeletePreReceiveHookParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseEditPreReceiveEnvironmentParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseEditPreReceiveHookParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseGetPreReceiveEnvironmentParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseGetPreReceiveEnvironmentDownloadStatusParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseGetPreReceiveHookParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseQueueIndexingJobParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseStatsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseSyncLdapForTeamParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseSyncLdapForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseTriggerPreReceiveEnvironmentDownloadParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseUpdateLdapForTeamParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EnterpriseUpdateLdapForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
gists: {
params: Github.GistsCheckStarParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.GistsCreateParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsCreateCommentParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateCommentResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsDeleteParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsDeleteCommentParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteCommentResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsEditParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<EditResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsEditCommentParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<EditCommentResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsForkParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<ForkResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsGetParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsGetAllParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetAllResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsGetCommentParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetCommentResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsGetCommentsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetCommentsResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsGetCommitsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetCommitsResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsGetForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetForUserResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsGetForksParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetForksResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsGetPublicParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetPublicResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsGetRevisionParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetRevisionResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsGetStarredParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetStarredResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsStarParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<StarResponse>>;
params: Github.GistsUnstarParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UnstarResponse>>;
gitdata: {
params: Github.GitdataCreateBlobParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateBlobResponse>>;
params: Github.GitdataCreateCommitParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateCommitResponse>>;
params: Github.GitdataCreateReferenceParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateReferenceResponse>>;
params: Github.GitdataCreateTagParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateTagResponse>>;
params: Github.GitdataCreateTreeParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateTreeResponse>>;
params: Github.GitdataDeleteReferenceParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteReferenceResponse>>;
params: Github.GitdataGetBlobParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetBlobResponse>>;
params: Github.GitdataGetCommitParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetCommitResponse>>;
params: Github.GitdataGetCommitSignatureVerificationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetCommitSignatureVerificationResponse>>;
params: Github.GitdataGetReferenceParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.GitdataGetReferencesParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.GitdataGetTagParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetTagResponse>>;
params: Github.GitdataGetTagSignatureVerificationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetTagSignatureVerificationResponse>>;
params: Github.GitdataGetTagsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.GitdataGetTreeParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.GitdataUpdateReferenceParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UpdateReferenceResponse>>;
integrations: {
params: Github.IntegrationsAddRepoToInstallationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.IntegrationsCreateInstallationTokenParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.IntegrationsGetInstallationsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.IntegrationsRemoveRepoFromInstallationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
issues: {
params: Github.IssuesAddAssigneesToIssueParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<AddAssigneesToIssueResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesAddLabelsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<AddLabelsResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesCheckAssigneeParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CheckAssigneeResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesCreateParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesCreateCommentParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateCommentResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesCreateLabelParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateLabelResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesCreateMilestoneParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateMilestoneResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesDeleteCommentParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteCommentResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesDeleteLabelParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteLabelResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesDeleteMilestoneParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteMilestoneResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesEditParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<EditResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesEditCommentParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<EditCommentResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetAllParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetAllResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetAssigneesParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetAssigneesResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetCommentParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetCommentResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetCommentsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetCommentsResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetCommentsForRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetCommentsForRepoResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetEventParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetEventResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetEventsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetEventsResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetEventsForRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetEventsForRepoResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetEventsTimelineParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetEventsTimelineResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetForOrgParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetForOrgResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetForRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetForRepoResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetForUserResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetIssueLabelsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetIssueLabelsResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetLabelParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetLabelResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetLabelsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetLabelsResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetMilestoneParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetMilestoneResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetMilestoneLabelsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetMilestoneLabelsResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesGetMilestonesParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetMilestonesResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesLockParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<LockResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesRemoveAllLabelsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<RemoveAllLabelsResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesRemoveAssigneesFromIssueParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<RemoveAssigneesFromIssueResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesRemoveLabelParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.IssuesReplaceAllLabelsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<ReplaceAllLabelsResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesUnlockParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UnlockResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesUpdateLabelParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UpdateLabelResponse>>;
params: Github.IssuesUpdateMilestoneParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UpdateMilestoneResponse>>;
migrations: {
params: Github.MigrationsCancelImportParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CancelImportResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsDeleteArchiveForAuthenticatedUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteArchiveForAuthenticatedUserResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsDeleteMigrationArchiveParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteMigrationArchiveResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsGetArchiveForAuthenticatedUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetArchiveForAuthenticatedUserResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsGetImportCommitAuthorsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetImportCommitAuthorsResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsGetImportProgressParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetImportProgressResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsGetLargeImportFilesParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetLargeImportFilesResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsGetMigrationArchiveLinkParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetMigrationArchiveLinkResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsGetMigrationStatusParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetMigrationStatusResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsGetMigrationsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetMigrationsResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsGetStatusForAuthenticatedUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetStatusForAuthenticatedUserResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<ListForAuthenticatedUserResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsMapImportCommitAuthorParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<MapImportCommitAuthorResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsSetImportLfsPreferenceParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<SetImportLfsPreferenceResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsStartForAuthenticatedUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<StartForAuthenticatedUserResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsStartImportParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<StartImportResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsStartMigrationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<StartMigrationResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsUnlockRepoForAuthenticatedUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UnlockRepoForAuthenticatedUserResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsUnlockRepoLockedForMigrationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UnlockRepoLockedForMigrationResponse>>;
params: Github.MigrationsUpdateImportParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UpdateImportResponse>>;
misc: {
params: Github.MiscGetCodeOfConductParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetCodeOfConductResponse>>;
params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetCodesOfConductResponse>>;
params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.MiscGetGitignoreTemplateParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetGitignoreTemplateResponse>>;
params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetGitignoreTemplatesResponse>>;
params: Github.MiscGetLicenseParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
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params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetLicensesResponse>>;
params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetRateLimitResponse>>;
params: Github.MiscGetRepoCodeOfConductParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetRepoCodeOfConductResponse>>;
params: Github.MiscGetRepoLicenseParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetRepoLicenseResponse>>;
params: Github.MiscRenderMarkdownParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<RenderMarkdownResponse>>;
params: Github.MiscRenderMarkdownRawParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<RenderMarkdownRawResponse>>;
orgs: {
params: Github.OrgsAddOrgMembershipParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.OrgsAddTeamMembershipParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.OrgsAddTeamRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<AddTeamRepoResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsBlockUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<BlockUserResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsCheckBlockedUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CheckBlockedUserResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsCheckMembershipParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.OrgsCheckPublicMembershipParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.OrgsCheckTeamRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.OrgsConcealMembershipParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<ConcealMembershipResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsConvertMemberToOutsideCollaboratorParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<ConvertMemberToOutsideCollaboratorResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsCreateHookParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateHookResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsCreateInvitationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateInvitationResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsCreateTeamParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<CreateTeamResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsDeleteHookParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteHookResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsDeleteTeamParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteTeamResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsDeleteTeamRepoParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<DeleteTeamRepoResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsEditHookParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<EditHookResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsEditTeamParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<EditTeamResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetAllParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetAllResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetBlockedUsersParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetBlockedUsersResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetChildTeamsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.OrgsGetForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetForUserResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetHookParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetHookResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetHooksParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetHooksResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetInvitationTeamsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetInvitationTeamsResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetMembersParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetMembersResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetOrgMembershipParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.OrgsGetOutsideCollaboratorsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetOutsideCollaboratorsResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetPendingOrgInvitesParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetPendingOrgInvitesResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetPendingTeamInvitesParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetPendingTeamInvitesResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetPublicMembersParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetPublicMembersResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetTeamParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetTeamResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetTeamMembersParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetTeamMembersResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetTeamMembershipParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.OrgsGetTeamReposParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetTeamReposResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsGetTeamsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetTeamsResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsPingHookParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<PingHookResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsPublicizeMembershipParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<PublicizeMembershipResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsRemoveMemberParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<RemoveMemberResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsRemoveOrgMembershipParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<RemoveOrgMembershipResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsRemoveOutsideCollaboratorParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<RemoveOutsideCollaboratorResponse>>;
params: Github.OrgsRemoveTeamMembershipParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
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callback?: Github.Callback
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callback?: Github.Callback
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params: Github.EmptyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetBlockedUsersResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetByIdParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.UsersGetContextForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetContextForUserResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetEmailsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetEmailsResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetFollowersParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetFollowersResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetFollowersForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetFollowersForUserResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetFollowingParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetFollowingResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetFollowingForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetFollowingForUserResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetForUserResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetGpgKeyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetGpgKeyResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetGpgKeysParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetGpgKeysResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetGpgKeysForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetGpgKeysForUserResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetInstallationReposParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetInstallationReposResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetInstallationsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetInstallationsResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetKeyParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetKeyResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetKeysParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetKeysResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetKeysForUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetKeysForUserResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetMarketplacePurchasesParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetMarketplacePurchasesResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetMarketplaceStubbedPurchasesParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetMarketplaceStubbedPurchasesResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetOrgMembershipParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetOrgMembershipResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetOrgMembershipsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetOrgMembershipsResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetOrgsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetOrgsResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetPublicEmailsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetPublicEmailsResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetRepoInvitesParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetRepoInvitesResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersGetTeamsParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<GetTeamsResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersPromoteParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.UsersRemoveRepoFromInstallationParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<RemoveRepoFromInstallationResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersSuspendParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.UsersTogglePrimaryEmailVisibilityParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<TogglePrimaryEmailVisibilityResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersUnblockUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UnblockUserResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersUnfollowUserParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UnfollowUserResponse>>;
params: Github.UsersUnsuspendParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.AnyResponse>;
params: Github.UsersUpdateParams,
callback?: Github.Callback
): Promise<GitHub.Response<UpdateResponse>>;
export = Github;
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You are a hero sir

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Hey @patrickelectric , this was generated in 2018 using this library I made

However now octokit already ships its own types. There's a dedicated package for that. Check it out:

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