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Print pdf with headless chrome
* chrome-remote-interface: JavaScript API, обеспечивающее простую абстракцию для команд и уведомлений
* chrome-launcher: позволяет нам запускать Chrome из Node.js кроссплаторменно
const chromeLauncher = require('chrome-launcher');
const CDP = require('chrome-remote-interface');
const file = require('fs');
(async function() {
async function launchChrome() {
return await chromeLauncher.launch({
chromeFlags: [
const chrome = await launchChrome();
const protocol = await CDP({
port: chrome.port
const { DOM, Page, Emulation, Runtime } = protocol;
await Promise.all([
// const { frameId } = await Page.navigate({ url: 'about:blank' });
const { frameId } = await Page.navigate({ url: '' });
console.log(`id: ${frameId}`);
await Page.loadEventFired();
// const script1 = "document.querySelector('p').textContent";
// const result = await Runtime.evaluate({
// expression: script1
// });
// console.log(result.result.value);
// const ss = await Page.captureScreenshot({
// format: 'png',
// fromSurface: true
// });
// file.writeFile('screenshot.png',, 'base64', function(err) {
// if (err) {
// console.log(err);
// }
// });
// const { frameId } = await Page.navigate({ url: 'about:blank' });
const html = `
(function(global) {
var modules = {};
global.require = function(name) {
return modules[name];
global.define = function(name, definition) {
if (!(name in modules)) {
modules[name] = typeof definition === 'function' ? : definition;
// await Page.setDocumentContent({ frameId, html });
let { data } = await Page.printToPDF({
landscape: true,
printBackground: true,
marginTop: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
marginRight: 0
file.writeFile('print.pdf', Buffer.from(data, 'base64'), 'base64', function(err) {
if (err) {
// protocol.close();
// chrome.kill();
// ========
* chrome-remote-interface: JavaScript API, обеспечивающее простую абстракцию для команд и уведомлений
* chrome-launcher: позволяет нам запускать Chrome из Node.js кроссплаторменно
const chromeLauncher = require('chrome-launcher');
const CDP = require('chrome-remote-interface');
const file = require('fs');
let chrome;
let protocol;
// let DOM, Page, Emulation, Runtime;
let frameId;
let pdfData;
const html = `
(function(global) {
var modules = {};
global.require = function(name) {
return modules[name];
global.define = function(name, definition) {
if (!(name in modules)) {
modules[name] = typeof definition === 'function' ? : definition;
function launchChrome() {
return chromeLauncher.launch({
chromeFlags: ['--disable-gpu', '--headless']
function end() {
.then(chr => {
chrome = chr;
return chrome;
.then((chrome) => {
return CDP({
port: chrome.port
.then(prtcl => {
protocol = prtcl;
DOM = protocol.DOM;
Page = protocol.Page;
Emulation = protocol.Emulation;
Runtime = protocol.Runtime;
return protocol;
.then(() => {
return Promise.all([
.then(() => Page.navigate({ url: 'about:blank' }))
.then( ({ frameId }) => {
frameId = frameId;
return frameId;
.then((frameId) => Page.setDocumentContent({ frameId, html }))
.then(() => Page.printToPDF({
landscape: true,
printBackground: true,
marginTop: 0,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
marginRight: 0
.then(({ data }) => {
pdfData = data;
return pdfData;
.then((pdfData) => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
file.writeFile('print.pdf', Buffer.from(pdfData, 'base64'), 'base64', function(err) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
return resolve();
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const html = ``;
(async() => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
// await page.setContent(html);
await page.goto(`data:text/html,${html}`, {
waitNetworkIdle: true,
waitLoad: true,
waitUntil: 'networkidle2'
await page.emulateMedia('screen');
await page.pdf({
path: 'print.pdf',
printBackground: true,
format: 'A4',
await browser.close();
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