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Created November 4, 2022 20:39
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Sai testnet send aggregate v2 sample
# This is slightly altered sample for SAI testnet (sainet)
import requests
import time
from binascii import hexlify
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from symbolchain.CryptoTypes import Hash256, PrivateKey
from symbolchain.facade.SymbolFacade import SymbolFacade
from import Amount, Timestamp
from symbolchain.symbol.IdGenerator import generate_mosaic_alias_id
from symbolchain.symbol.Network import Network
facade = SymbolFacade('testnet')
signer_key_pair = facade.KeyPair(PrivateKey('<SUPER-SECRET-PRIVATE-KEY>'))
# create inner transaction
amount = 1
descriptor = {
'type': 'transfer_transaction_v1',
'signer_public_key': str(signer_key_pair.public_key),
'recipient_address': recipient,
'mosaics': [
'mosaic_id': generate_mosaic_alias_id('symbol.xym'),
'amount': int(amount * 1_000_000)
embedded = facade.transaction_factory.create_embedded(descriptor)
# create an aggregate
transaction = facade.transaction_factory.create({
'type': 'aggregate_complete_transaction_v2',
'signer_public_key': str(signer_key_pair.public_key),
'transactions_hash': facade.hash_embedded_transactions([embedded]).bytes,
'transactions': [embedded]
HOST = ''
# get SAI network settings
properties = requests.get(f'{HOST}/network/properties').json()
assert properties['network']['epochAdjustment'][-1] == 's', 'epoch adjustment is not expressed in seconds'
# re-create facade to use proper generation hash
# This is imporant part, proper generation hash needs to be passed down to facade,
# otherwise generated signature will be invalid
sai_testnet = Network(
'sai testnet',
datetime.fromtimestamp(int(properties['network']['epochAdjustment'][:-1]), tz=timezone.utc),
facade = SymbolFacade(sai_testnet)
# get latest block timestamp
chain_info_results = requests.get(f'{HOST}/chain/info').json()
height = int(chain_info_results['height'])
top_block = requests.get(f'{HOST}/blocks/{height}').json()
top_block_timestamp = int(top_block['block']['timestamp'])
current_block_timestamp =
# set deadline 1h ahead
# set fee to something sensible
transaction.deadline = Timestamp(current_block_timestamp.add_hours(1).timestamp)
transaction.fee = Amount(100 * transaction.size)
signature = facade.sign_transaction(signer_key_pair, transaction)
facade.transaction_factory.attach_signature(transaction, signature)
transaction_hash = facade.hash_transaction(transaction)
print(f'transaction hash: {transaction_hash}\n')
# optionally POST the transaction
json_data = {'payload': hexlify(transaction.serialize()).decode('utf8')}
response = requests.put(f'{HOST}/transactions', json=json_data)
# check status in loop
print(f'checking tx status via: {HOST}/transactionStatus/{transaction_hash}')
response = None
for i in range(10):
response = requests.get(f'{HOST}/transactionStatus/{transaction_hash}')
if 404 == response.status_code:
elif 200 == response.status_code:
print('unhandled response', response, response.text)
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